• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 25,284 Views, 1,980 Comments

An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid - Anonymous Pegasus

The first hybrid child ever, Swarm, child of Warden and Kuno, grows up in a strange and sometimes unaccepting world.

  • ...


Warden stared, without actually seeing.

A dull, ringing cadence was creating a cacophony in his ears, drowning out any noise that tried to register on his senses. He felt like someone had punched him in the face.

“Warden?” Green Hoof asked gently, waving a hoof in front of his face, biting her bottom lip. “Warden? You’re starting to scare me.”

“H-he’s mine?” Warden asked hoarsely.

“I would assume so,” Green Hoof said, frowning slightly as she sat down in front of him, watching him carefully. “Unless...”

“Unless?” Warden asked in a daze.

“We only did things together twice, right?” Green Hoof asked delicately.

Warden spluttered faintly, “T-twice?!”

Green Hoof’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth with a hoof. “It was Kuno?”

“M-my w-wife got you pregnant?!” Warden asked, aghast.

Green Hoof gave a slight laugh at that, nudging him with a hoof. “Lighten up, Warden. I was joking. It was from the night we spent together. I wasn’t with anyone else.”

Warden frowned deeply, rubbing a hoof against his temple. “This is hardly the time for joking...”

Green Hoof deflated at that, kicking at the ground with a forehoof. “I need this to be okay, Warden.”

“W-why did you wait so long to tell me?” Warden asked suddenly. “W-why now? I have a daughter! I have a wife!”

“I know,” Green Hoof said with a deep frown. “But... you deserve to know.”

“I... I do...” Warden said, staring down at his forehooves, blinking slowly. With a shaky hoof, he placed the lantern aside, taking a deep, steadying inhale. “I just... it’s... he... but...”

Green Hoof frowned deeply, rising to her hooves and then stroking soothingly at his shoulder. “I just... wanted you to know. I didn’t tell you for so long because... well...”

Warden looked up at that, his ears splaying back. “Because why?”

“Because...” Green Hoof trailed off, giving a faint sigh and shaking her head. “Because I liked you, Warden, you dense fool!”

“You... liked me?” Warden asked, blinking once in surprise.

Green Hoof looked away, biting her bottom lip. “I did sleep with you,” she said candidly.

“There is that, but what you said, you made it seem...”

Green Hoof gave a slow nod. “I was sweet on you, Warden... I was... kind of hoping that you’d... you know, stick around...”

Warden stared at her, bewildered, his ears splaying back. “But... I...”

“I knew I was pregnant, Warden... I wasn’t really showing signs, but I knew it... but then Kuno came back for you. I... I thought that she’d just used you and moved on,” Green Hoof said with a sad smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” Warden asked, staring at her and shaking his head slowly.

“As I said... I didn’t want to come between you two. I saw the way you looked at her... I wished that you’d look at me that way...” Green Hoof gave a faint sigh, and then shook her head slowly. “But the past is the past. I didn’t tell you because you would have felt pressured to give up Kuno for me and Mint Green. That was unfair to you.”

“But... I...” Warden trailed off, his wings drooping. “I’m so confused... I never even considered that... that you felt that way about me...”

A slow, sad smile spread across Green Hoof’s face, and she gave the softest of sighs. “I figured. You never even looked at me that way.”

“I’m... sorry?” Warden offered awkwardly, his ears splayed back against his skull. “I don’t know what to say...”

Green Hoof gave a wan smile. “Maybe if our lives had been different, we would have stood a Windigo’s chance in Tartarus.”

Warden frowned faintly, staring down at his hooves, “Maybe...”

Green Hoof just just gave him a sad, wistful smile. “But I’m happy now, with Stunning Facet.”

“Yeah, him,” Warden said distractedly, pawing at one of his ears with a hoof. “This is so... awkward... and I have a son...”

Green Hoof nodded once. “You do, Warden. But don’t let it go to your head... He’s more Stunning Facet’s son, than your own. And he doesn’t know. Don’t do anything to make Mint Green’s life miserable. We’re happy. We don’t need charity, and as far as he knows, he already has a father.”

Warden nodded jerkily. “I... I guess so.”

“Warden...?” Green Hoof asked, tilting her head slightly to the left. “Are you... okay?”

Warden shook his head. “No... I’m really not...”

Warden stumbled in the front door listlessly, and then sat down heavily on his rump, staring at the wall and the painting of a mountainside that Kuno had put up there.

It was several long minutes before Kuno came wandering in from the kitchen, frowning to herself.

“Warden?” She asked, peeking around the corner and raising a brow. “I thought I heard you coming home. What’s wrong? Is Green Hoof okay?”

“She’s fine,” Warden said mechanically, still staring at the wall underneath the painting. “Everything’s fine.”

“Warden?” Kuno asked hesitantly, slinking around the corner and then moving closer to him, touching his shoulder with a hoof.

Warden recoiled, holding his shoulder with his hoof as though he had been hurt. “E-everything’s fine...” he almost whimpered, his ears splaying back as he bit his bottom lip. “...N-nothing’s fine!”

“Warden, what’s the matter?” Kuno asked gently, frowning deeply.

“I... Just... I... Don’t...” Warden frowned, grinding a hoof against his temple, giving a faint whimper. “Green Hoof has a son.”

“Aye?” Kuno said, confused.

“Mint Green... I’ve... never even seen him before...” Warden said hollowly.

Kuno slowly raised a brow. “Yes, ponies have foals. This is natural.”

Warden lowered his head slightly, before saying hoarsely, “He’s... mine.”

“Yours?” Kuno asked, ears pricking upwards. “What do you mean?”

“He’s my son,” Warden said hollowly, staring down at his forehooves.

“I... see...” Kuno said simply, working her jaw slowly and then licking her lips, frowning. “I... I uh... need to take a bath...”

“Yeah,” Warden said blankly, nodding jerkily.

Kuno frowned deeply, turning on her hooves and then bounding away, slamming the bathroom door behind herself.

Warden was laying on his side of the bed, staring at the non-functioning alarm clock that Kuno had broken in her first week in the home.

Kuno was standing in the doorway, watching him. She had been there for a full minute, but Warden hadn’t even noticed.

Quietly, the changeling stepped over to the bed, pulling herself up onto it and gently stretching out the length of Warden’s back. She lightly touched at one of his wings, to urge him to roll over.

Warden quivered slightly in place, before carefully rolling over to face his wife, his ears splaying backwards as he buried his nose against her chest. “I... I don’t know what to do...”

Kuno frowned deeply, taking a deep, deep inhale, and then gently nuzzling into his mane. “It’s... it’s fine. It’s natural. It’s just... a normal thing that happens...” she said, completely unconvincingly.

Warden tilted back to stare up at her, grimacing. “Are you upset?”

Kuno bit her bottom lip, and then shook her head. “No... why would I be upset? That would be crazy. It’s just simple anatomy. I mean, I knew that you slept with her. It would be stupid and... and selfish for me to feel jealous or upset over this...” Kuno bit her bottom lip harder, squeezing Warden almost painfully tight with her hooves, almost as though she was talking to herself.

Warden frowned faintly, staring up at her, before sighing faintly and leaning in to rub his nose against her chest slowly. Her chitin was clean, shiny and smooth, and smelled faintly of soap. “You’re upset with me. It’s understandable.”

“No it’s not!” Kuno responded heatedly, lifting a hoof to bite at it in frustration. “It’s normal. I knew this could have happened. I prepared.”

“I had... it’s just so left-field...” Warden whined, his ears splaying back. “I... I don’t know how to react.”

“There’s a thing out there with your blood in it,” Kuno pointed out.

“I know, and it’s just... he doesn’t even know I’m his father... how is that tolerable?” Warden asked blankly.

“Exactly,” Kuno said bluntly. “It’s just a pony out there, with your blood in it. That’s it. It’s not like you owe him anything.”

Warden stared at his wife for several long, long moments. “You... can’t possibly be serious.”

“Why not?” Kuno challenged, eyes narrowing down at him. “Does he have a father?”

Warden frowned deeply, and then nodded. “Yes, me.”

“No,” Kuno said, placing her hoof over his mouth to silence him. “Does he have a father now?”

“I... I guess Stunning Facet is his ‘father’ inasmuch as he looks after him...” Warden admitted, chewing his bottom lip.

“Then you owe him nothing. It was not your choice to keep him. You didn’t walk out on him, he’s just... there now. And he has his own life to live, as do you.” Kuno said fiercely, glowering down at her husband.

“But... he...”

Kuno sighed, and then slapped Warden. Hard.

Warden recoiled slightly, wincing heavily, lifting a hoof to touch at his face, grimacing. “What was that for?!”

“Because you’re being stupid,” Kuno said, eyes narrowing down at him fiercely. “What do you honestly think you could do for this foal you’ve never even met?”

“I could... I could...” Warden trailed off, looking away, sighing. “I could... make it right somehow...”

“It’s already alright,” Kuno protested, shaking her head with an exasperated sigh.

“But... I...” Warden trailed off, sighing and biting his bottom lip again, hard enough to draw blood. “I feel like I need to make it right, somehow...”

“There’s nothing to make right,” Kuno insisted, setting her jaw. “You’re giving Green Hoof a job, helping her support her foal. That’s enough. So you can either forget about this stupid sense of duty you have to a foal you’ve never even seen, or you can make Green Hoof and her foal your life. Half-assing it will not be acceptable.”

Warden recoiled at that, shaking his head. “I didn’t mean... that...”

Kuno growled faintly in the back of her throat. “Then what do you intend to do? Never see the foal, but still be the perfect father? He’s better off with a father. Not fathers. No plural.”

Warden gave a heavy sigh. “It still feels... wrong...”

“I’m going to hit you again,” Kuno declared, setting her jaw.

Warden stared at his wife for a long moment, pursing his lips. “Why are you being so... physical?”

“I want to hurt you and I don’t know why!” Kuno admitted, deflating instantly, her ears splaying back and bottom lip quivering. “I-it doesn’t make sense. I want to hurt you...”

“That’s understandable,” Warden said with a helpless smile.

“No, it’s not!” Kuno snapped, her wings buzzing faintly in agitation.

“When you told me about all those stallions you were with, I was jealous, and a little angry... but I managed to swallow it down,” Warden pointed out, nudging her chin gently with his nose.

“I... kinda have an admission to make about that,” Kuno said with a nervous laugh.

Warden perked an ear.

“I kinda... never did any of that,” Kuno said, rubbing the front of a foreleg with her other hoof. “I just said I did because... I kinda felt weak...”

“You lied to me?” Warden asked blankly.

“I... did. I didn’t even realise I was doing it until afterwards, and then... it didn’t seem pertinent to bring it up. There was one stallion that got close... but I zapped him because I... I got uncomfortable.” Kuno frowned nervously, her wings buzzing again. “And I didn’t admit it because I felt... I didn’t want you to know that I was weak.”

“You realise, of course, that it would have made more sense to tell your jealous coltfriend that you hadn’t slept around, right?” Warden asked with a slow shake of his head.

Kuno huffed, slapping his shoulder with a hoof. “We don’t think alike!”

“Yes we do,” Warden challenged, leaning in until his nose bumped against her own.

“No, we don’t,” Kuno insisted, her brows furrowing.

“Yes, we do,” Warden reiterated, smiling faintly. “You’re getting jealous that Green Hoof had my foal... that’s not something a changeling would normally feel, right?”

Kuno’s ears splayed back, and she looked away. But her silence was affirmation enough.

“I bet it felt really, really good when you hit me,” Warden added with a wry smile.

Kuno nodded slowly, biting her tongue. “Oh god it felt good... but that’s horrible of me to feel that way...”

“That’s a normal pony thought process,” Warden pointed out with a grin.

“I’m not a normal! And I’m definitely not a pony!” Kuno growled, swatting his chest with a hoof.

“Then why do you want to hurt me?” Warden asked bluntly.

“I... I don’t know why!” Kuno protested, her ears flattening and tears brimming in her eyes. “I’m just so confused and I want to hurt you but I don’t to and and-”

Warden placed a hoof over her mouth, and then shook his head, shushing her gently. “It’s normal, Kuno. You got to smack me around to stop me from worrying about Mint Green, so I get to return the favour. With less hoof, though.”

Kuno scowled faintly at that. “Why am I... thinking like a pony?”

“Because you live with one?” Warden offered with a sly smile.

“It’s still... weird. And irrational,” Kuno pointed out.

“It’s what love does to you,” Warden said, gently kissing her chin.

“Love sucks,” Kuno said with a faint huff.

“And yet you’d be miserable without it,” Warden retorted with a smile.

“I guess so,” Kuno said, squeezing her husband tightly with her forehooves, gently kissing his nose. “But if you wake up with my standing over you with a large knife, you know why.”

“Not a very appealing image,” Warden admitted, pursing his lips, and then staring at his wife. “So you really didn’t... do anything for that entire year?”

“No,” Kuno said, shaking her head slowly. “It just felt... awkward. And... wrong.”

“Awkward and wrong?” Warden asked blankly, giving Kuno his best poker face. “But it’s ‘just two pieces of anatomy rubbing against eachother to create pleasurable friction’.”

“Thank you for repeating my explanation word-for-word,” Kuno said dryly. “It felt... wrong. Just... like... have you ever eaten anything that wasn’t quite ripe or was past the date when you should eat it?”

“No, I’ve never done that in my entire life,” Warden said sarcastically.

“Well... It felt like that. The difference between a good meal, and a... well, a crappy one. I let one stallion get close, because I figured it wouldn’t feel so... wrong, once I, you know, got into it...” Kuno trailed off, pursing her lips and then sighing. “But I wussed out and zapped him to sleep.”

“I see,” Warden said, nibbling gently at the side of her neck. “Any idea why?”

“Because it wasn’t you,” Kuno said immediately.

“I know that getting a piece of the Warden Pie is a pretty awesome experience,” Warden said with a kind of fake smugness. “But to turn you off other stallions entirely?”

“It’s like having a really, really, really good meal and then being asked to eat cat food,” Kuno pointed out with a sigh. “You ruined me.”

Warden smiled, leaning in to kiss her nose gently. “So that’s why you came back, huh? Couldn’t get a stallion as good as me, huh?”

Kuno nodded once. “Exactly.”

Warden blinked, his ears splaying back. “I... don’t think you understand how this works. I say something to do with my inflated sense of self-importance and you shoot me down.”

“Well what you said is exactly true,” Kuno said, pulling him into a gentle kiss. “You’re the only stallion that makes me... makes me feel irrational.”

“Well I’m glad I drive you nuts,” Warden said with a smirk.

Kuno pursed her lips, and then licked his nose gently. “So... on the subject of parents. How did your parents die?”

Warden blinked once. “Die?”

“Well, you never mentioned them,” Kuno said, frowning.

“I... uh... don’t like to talk about them. They’re not dead though,” Warden said with a dry, nervous laugh.

“Why? You got married, you have a foal... err, two foals, and I haven’t even met them yet!” Kuno said, frowning deeply. “Why?”

Warden gave a long sigh and looked away. “Well... My father and I don’t get along...”

“So you’re not exactly on speaking terms with your parents?” Kuno asked.

“My mother is fine with me, but I don’t talk with either of them because my father is... well...”

“Is?” Kuno asked.

“My father is a fucking jerk,” Warden said forcefully, setting his jaw.

“Language!” Kuno said, clasping a hoof over his mouth. “You’ll give our daughter bad language!”

Warden stared at Kuno for a long, long moment. “Do you really think any foal over the age of two hasn’t heard bad language before?”

Kuno deflated, frowning. “I guess not.”

“Well, as I was saying, he’s a fu-”

Kuno growled.

“-Bucking jerk.” Warden corrected. “He was part of the Wonderbolts. Pretty sure he’s retired now. He was only in the background, as part of the secondary fliers, but he acted like he ran the entire Wonderbolt Squad by himself. He... well, he didn’t approve of my choice of occupation, and he uhm... said some pretty nasty things to Swarm.”

Kuno frowned at that. “And after Swarm died?”

“After Swarm died, the last thing I wanted to do was reconcile with a complete asshole,” Warden admitted, giving a faint sigh.

“And what about your mother?” Kuno queried.

“My mother is... was, maybe still is the personal tailor for the Wonderbolts. She makes all of their flight suits and the trainee suits, and their fancy uniforms for events and whatnot,” Warden explained. “So both of my parents are really, you know, sporty. Neither of them were really impressed with the fact that I’m such a ‘landlubber’, and my mother sort of... accepted it. But my father didn’t. He was... really disappointed in me.” Warden trailed off with a long sigh, rubbing a hoof through his mane.

Kuno frowned a little bit at that, nudging his chin with her nose. “I would like to meet them. and introduce them to their granddaughter.”

“Why would you want to do that?” Warden asked bluntly.

“Because it’s the right thing to do, I can antagonize them if they’re assholes, and you’re cute when you’re in awkward situations,” Kuno said with a slow smile. “Pick one.”

“I’ll take the ‘cute’ thing,” Warden said with a wave of his hoof.

Kuno grinned, and then pushed him over onto his back, moving to straddle him, resting her forehooves on his chest. A glow of green lit her horn, and the bedroom door closed, plunging them into complete darkness.

Warden felt Kuno’s exhale against his ear.

“Now, I want a piece of my ‘Warden Pie’,” she breathed with a low, surprisingly fierce growl. “And I’m a jealous changeling, so you’re going to tell me exactly how much better than Green Hoof I am and if you lie to me... I’ll know.”

Kuno’s eyes flashed in the darkness, and Warden swallow heavily, before smiling and finding her mouth with his own. “Yes Ma’am!”