• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 6,263 Views, 378 Comments

Crisis of Infinite Offspring - dramatic_spoon

Big Macintosh must deal with his various alternate universe offspring

  • ...

All together now

Big Macintosh trotted down the road again, his cart behind him. Sparkling Cider and Apple Cinnamon sat on his back, looking around for their siblings.

“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” Big Macintosh grumbled.

“’Cause we couldn’t wake Granny up, an’ we had to go all over the farm looking for you.” Sparkling Cider responded.

Big Macintosh sighed, “Alright girls, let’s just find them before they cause any trouble.”

“Eyup.” Both fillies bobbed their heads up and down in agreement. The group passed a building. Several seconds later, Sweet Wheat and Dinky trotted out from the side of the building and caught up with Big Macintosh.

“Mr. Macintosh?” Dinky caught the stallion’s attention, “Carson’s been following us.”

“He’s nearby-”

Something crashed into Sparkling Cider, knocking her off Big Macintosh’s back. With a thud, two ponies landed on the ground in a tangle of limbs. Apple Cinnamon leapt off Big Macintosh’s back and trotted over to Sparkling Cider.

“Are you alright?”

“I think so.” Sparkling Cider rubbed her head, “What about Ca-”

The two fillies stared at the pony, before exchanging glances.

“…Um, Dad…” Apple Cinnamon motioned for Big Macintosh to come over, “We have a problem.”

“What?” Big Macintosh trotted over, getting a good view of the pony: a blue coated pegasus colt with a spiky, sandy blonde mane. The pegasus got to his feet and shook his head. He looked at Sparkling Cider and Apple Cinnamon before looking at Big Macintosh.

“…Dad?” the colt blinked, “Who’re they?”

“…You gotta be kiddin’ me…” Big Macintosh groaned.

Sugarcube corner

“Oh, I know!” Apple Pie beamed, “What if we put gummy worms and we grounded up the peppermints for the inside of the hushpuppy?”

“That sounds disgusting.” Center Stage made a horrified face and a retching noise.

“I think it sounds good.” Apple Pie countered.

“No, I tried that.” Pinkie shook her head, didn’t work out.

“Ha!” Center Stage stuck his tongue out at Apple Pie.

“So we’ll use it to make crepes!” Pinkie Pie beamed.

Apple Pie returned the gesture at Center Stage, while Center Stage groaned in horror.


“So your mom’s Cloudchaser?” Apple Cinnamon eyed the other filly.

“Uh-huh. My name’s Stratos.” The colt nodded.

“How come your mane sticks up like that?” Sparkling Cider looked at the colt’s mane.

“I dunno. Mom’s sticks up like that too.” Stratos shrugged.

“…Get in th’ cart.” Big Macintosh sighed, “We’re lookin’ for your brothers an’ sisters.”

“…I have siblings?” Stratos blinked.

“Well, half-siblings, I think.” Big Macintosh pondered over something.

“Dad?” Sparkling Cider interrupted Big Macintosh’s thoughts.


“What does that make Golden Gem and Apple Jam?” Sparkling Cider inquired, “Because Aunty Sweetie Belle and Aunty Rarity are sisters. So does that make them cousins and sisters?”

“…I think so,” the stallion shrugged.


Rainbow Dash yawned and stretched. The mare sat up on the sofa and glanced at the sleeping filly and Tank.

“Hey kid, wake up.” Dash nudged the filly awake.

“Mrah?” Scarlet Tornado groggily woke up.

“I gotta go to work.” Dash paused, “We better find Big Mac.”

“Can’t I just stay here?” the filly pleaded.

“No.” Dash shook her head, “Mac said he’ll take care of you and… I’m not really the best pony to be taking care of kids right now.”

“But you’re my mom.”

“I know. But…” Dash sighed, “Listen, your mom’s older than me right?”


“I’m still young. And I’m not quite ready to take care of a kid on my own. Heck, I hardly have enough food in my house to feed me for a week.” Dash shook her head, “Besides, you get along with all the others, right?”

Scarlet Tornado pondered for a little while, “Cider and Apple Cinnamon are okay. I don’t like Center Stage though, he’s kinda a jerk.”

“Heh.” Dash chuckled, “Wouldn’t you rather stay with them?”

“…I guess.” Scarlet shrugged, “But can I come and hang out with you tomorrow?”

“Sure thing, kid.” Dash grinned at the filly, “Now let’s go find Big Mac.”


“So you’re saying I got eleven other siblings?” Stratos’s mouth hung open in shock, “But Mom’s still pregnant!”

“My mom’s not your mom.” Apple Cinnamon pointed out, “We all have the same dad, but our moms are different.”

Stratos blinked, “huh?”

“My Mom’s Spitfire. Her mom’s Twilight Sparkle.” Apple Cinnamon pointed to herself and Sparkling Cider.

“…I think I get it.” Stratos nodded, “Does this mean Dad had a kid with Aunty Flitter too?”

“…We dunno.” The two fillies shrugged.

“…I said I’m sorry dad.” Carson pouted from inside of the cart, “I just wanted to look for ma.”

“I told you all t’ wait at th’ farm.” Big Macintosh scolded, “She’s got her own work ta’ do, and I don’t want you ta’ cause any trouble for her.”

“…An’ Dinky was ignorin’ me the entire time.” Carson pouted.

“Well, she ain’t use to havin’ a brother.”

The group continued through town, passing other ponies.

“There he is!” Cheerilee trotted over with Acey Mac. The filly bounded over and beamed at Big Macintosh.

“Hi pa!”

“…What did I tell you all before I left?”

“…Uh…It was Apple Pie’s idea.” Acey Mac’s smiled turned into one of embarrassment.

“I don’t care, you followed her.” Big Macintosh jerked his head back towards the cart, “I’ll figure out how ta’ punish you later.”

“…Fine.” Acey pouted and trotted over to the cart. Big Macintosh turned his attention to Cheerilee.

“I’m terribly sorry, Cheerilee.” The stallion apologized.

“Oh, not, It's alright.” Cheerilee waved the thought away, “For the most part I was able to get all my work done.”


“Hey, who’s that?” Acey Mac pointed at Stratos.

“I’m Stratos.”

“Another one?” Cheerilee chuckled, “Big Macintosh this is starting to get rid-”

“There he is!”

Rainbow Dash and Scarlet touched down next to the two earth ponies. Scarlet trotted over to the cart and fluttered into it, next to the other ponies.

“Who’s that?” Scarlet poked Stratos’s head.

“He’s our brother.” Apple Cinnamon and Sparkling Cider informed her.

“Another one?” Rainbow Dash grinned in amusement, “Damn, you’re a regular baby makin’ machine, Big Guy.”

“Miz Dash….”

“Heh, sorry, sorry.” Dash’s smile vanished, “Sorry about that. The kid came over to my place and we… well, we took a nap.”

Big Macintosh sighed, “Well, she wasn’t suppose to leave the farm when I was working. I left them with Granny.”

“Mac, your granny always nods off at the weirdest times.” Dash shrugged, “It wasn’t gonna work, who else is missing?”

“Just Apple Pie, Center Stage, Nova an’ Bellona.”

“Who’s Bellona?”

Big Macintosh paused, uncertain of continuing. He sighed in embarrassment and continued “…Discord’s daughter with me.”

The two ponies stared back at him in utter shock and silence. Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash exchange a quick, worried glance before the two of them burst out into rambunctious laughter. Both mares quickly collapsed onto the ground; Cheerilee rolled on to her back, unable to control her laughter as Rainbow Dash pounded the ground and buried her face in her forelegs. Big Macintosh turned an even brighter shade of red and sighed in embarrassment.

“Dad? Why are they laughing?” Sparkling Cider asked.

“…Don’t worry about it.” Big Macintosh sighed, “Let’s just find the others and head home.”

The mares finally got themselves under control and got back onto their feet.

“I’m so sorry, Big Macintosh.” Cheerilee wiped away her tears, “But Discord? Really?”


Big Macintosh was interrupted by Bellona, as she touched down in front of the stallion.

“Dad, I’m sorry for whatever I did, Just please make them go away.” Bellona pleaded.

Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee exchanged startled glances with one another.

“…Oh my.” Cheerilee took a step backwards.

“…Holy Shit.” Rainbow Dash blinked in shock as her mouth hung open, “I thought you were kidding. How does that even work?”

“I don’t know.” Big Macintosh shrugged, “Bellona, what do you mea-”

Big Macintosh was interrupted as Nova and another alicorn touched down. The new alicorn looked nearly identically to Nova, save it’s gender: female.

“That’s what I’m sorry about Dad.” Bellona groaned, “One Nova was bad enough.”

“…Wait, One?”

“…Mother?” the alicorn blinked.

“…Oh boy…”

Sugarcube corner

“But you can’t put that in the King Cake!” Center Stage shouted.

“Don’t be silly, of course we can.” Pinkie smiled, “that’s the entire point of the cake!”

“…You put one plastic Alicorn inside the cake.” Center Stage countered.

“But we have three alicorn Princesses. Unless we count the changeling queen, but she was all like insecty and didn’t really look like a pony.” Pinkie paused in thought, “But what if we melted a fourth alicorn a little so it looked like her?”

“I wanna do it!” Apple Pie grinned.

“Alright! Let’s get to it!”

Center Stage responded by smashing his face into the table.


“So lemme see if I get this straight.” Big Macintosh paused, “You’re Midnight Bliss. Your mother is Big Paula Red, who owns Sweet Apple Acres, an’ lives there with her brothers Applejack and Applebud, and her grandpa, George Cave.”

“Yes.” The Alicorn filly, Midnight Bliss, nodded.

“An’ your father is Prince Erebus, who was sealed away because he an’ his brother, Prince Solarius turned into Imperator Tartarus an’ Imperator Hyperion.”


“An’ Your… cousin is Prince Tempo, who rules Equestria.”

“Yep.” Midnight Bliss nodded.

“…Except for th’ names that sounds an awful lot like Nova’s story.” Big Macintosh frowned.

“Well Mac, in the infinite multiverse, there should be a universe where it is functionally identical to another, save the genders.” Cheerilee pointed out, “Although…the probability seems mind boggling.”

“…A male version of me sounds like he’d be a jerk.” Rainbow snorted, “Applejack seems like she’d be the same.”

“…Alright. I can believe it.” Big Macintosh shrugged, “Wouldn’t have been the craziest thing to happen t’day.”

“Daaaaad” Bellona groaned, “I don’t wanna get stuck with them…... Nova’s weird and Midnight smells funny.”

“I do not.” Midnight countered.

“Stop arguin’. We still need t’ find Apple Pie an’ Center Stage.” Big Macintosh sighed.

“I’d say find Pinkie and you’ll find one of them. Anyway, I gotta go to work, Catch you all later.” Dash waved goodbye and took off.

“I also have things to take care of.” Cheerilee smiled, “Take care.”

“You too.”

The two ponies trotted off in separate directions. Bellona landed in the cart with the others, while Nova and Midnight Bliss trotted alongside him.

“…How did you get here?” Big Macintosh asked Midnight.

“I am not certain.” The filly shrugged, “I was with Mr. Mandolin, and something went wrong with the spell he caste.”


“Mr. Harpsy Mandolin, the Element of Magic.” Midnight Bliss responded.

“Nova, Didn’t you say Lyra was the Element of Magic from where you’re from?”

“Indeed.” Nova nodded.

“…How am I gonna explain that one th’ her?” Big Macintosh shook his head.

The group continued down the street, catching odd looks from other ponies.

“…Did you go to Canterlot?” Sparkling Cider asked the alicorns and Bellona.

“No. Why would we?” Bellona gave the unicorn a confused look.

“Because Princess Luna’s there.” Sparkling Cider responded.

“If a strange alicorn and Bellona show up in Canterlot with no warning, what do you think is going to happen?” Midnight Bliss pointed out, “Stuck in prison, if we’re lucky, dead if we’re not.”

“…I didn’t think about that.” Sparkling Cider frowned.

“Just what I want.” Bellona groaned, “More alicorns.”

“Oh quiet you.” Nova grumbled.

“You’d be saying the same thing if you were in my shoes.” Bellona argued back.

“That would require more Draconequusi to begin with.” Nova countered.

“…Do I sound like that?” Midnight Bliss asked Apple Cinnamon.

“I dunno.” The pegasus shrugged.

“Who’s this anyway?” Bellona pulled Stratos out of the cart and held him at the others, “And what’s wrong with his mane?”

“My mane is naturally like that.” Stratos grumbled, “Mom’s mane is too.”

“He’s Stratos. And be nice to him.” Big Macintosh informed them.

The Group stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner, as Big Macintosh unhooked himself from the cart.

“Cider, you’re in charge out here. Cinnamon, you’re coming with me.”

“Alright dad.” The unicorn nodded. Apple Cinnamon flittered out of the cart and landed next to Big Macintosh. The ponies entered Sugarcube Corner to see Mrs. Cake managing the counter again.

“Oh, hello Big Macintosh.” Mrs. Cake smiled, “What brings you here toda-”

Center Stage dashed out of the back room, and grabbed hold of Big Macintosh’s left forehoof.

“Dad, I’m sorry, make them stop please.” Center Stage begged, “They’re trying to put chocolate and mints in the crawfish pie.”

“…I didn’t know we had crawfish here.” Big Macintosh frowned.

“Oh, you know how Pinkie is.” Mrs. Cake shrugged, “Always finds it somehow.”

Pinkie, Apple Pie and a third filly trotted out of the kitchen, carrying platters of cupcakes. The new filly was an earth pony with a yellow-white coat and curly pink mane.

“Pinkie, who’s that?” Mrs. Cake pointed at the filly.

“Oh, this is Apple Cake.” Pinkie smiled.

“Hi dad!” the filly beamed at Big Macintosh. Apple Cake turned her attention to Mrs. Cake, “Hi Grandma!”

Mrs. Cake’s eyes widen in shock, “G...Grandma? But that would me…” Mrs. Cake’s eyes rolled back as she collapsed to the floor.
Big Macintosh collapsed onto the floor, causing a loud crash to echo through the house. The collected fillies and colt looked at the unconscious ponies in surprise. Apple Cake glared at Apple Pie.

“I told you Mom and Dad wouldn’t think it was funny.” Apple Cake scolded Apple Pie.

“I thought it would be.” Apple Pie shrugged.