• Published 9th Jun 2013
  • 1,936 Views, 155 Comments

Nomad's Requiem - Shadowflash

Nomad needs to deal with the fact that he lost a battle and he's now in a new plain of existence. Only option is to obtain more power, right?

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Chapter 5 - Finally Alone

Nomad’s Requiem
Chapter 5 - Finally Alone
Written by Shadowflash
Edited by:
Narlepoax III
Pre-read by:

I followed Pinkie through the entrance of the Hay ‘n’ Stay motel to be greeted by bright, pink, colours. Damn, if my eyes weren’t hardened by the power of gods, I’d probably have had them burnt out of my sockets for how bright the room was. Multiple shades of pink, yellow, and green were plastered around the room as if someone grabbed a brush and swung it wildly at the walls.

Other than the awful colours, the room was filled with a few chairs, a couch, a table with a few books and newspapers on it, and a counter where a cash register sat. No one was behind the cash register, though. Bad customer service.

“Do ponies have problems with interior decorating, or something?” I asked Pinkie quietly to have her giggle in response.

“Some ponies just enjoy a whacky style! I like this style! Anyways, let me get you a room!” I watched her bounce up to the counter and ring a small bell. Almost immediately, a pony sat down in the chair with a big smile on his face. He had a brown mane and a caramel-yellow colour. At least it looked that way, anyways.

“Heh, sorry if you were waiting here! My name is Caramel, how may I help you?” Holy deities be damned, another male pony.

“Hey Caramel! I’m just here to rent out a room for my friend No-Mo!” Pinkie’s hoof waved me closer.

I walked towards the counter, making sure I appeared annoyed by what she called me for the eight-hundredth time.

“Whoa... You’re quite... U-uhm...” His lack of courage just made me sigh.

“Tall, big, whatever. I’m just here for a few nights. I won’t be a bother as long as I get food like the sign promises,” I tried to calm this guy down. Seriously, why is Pinkie not scared of me? Does she giggle at poltergeists or something?

“Oh, well, in that case I can help you out! How many nights will you be staying with us?” I look down to Pinkie, who just shrugged.

“A week sounds good. I assume that’ll be the time I depart.” I watched as Caramel pick up a pen with his mouth and began writing on a notepad.

“How the hell are you doing that?” I raised a brow.

“Doing what?” He looked up at me with confusion.

“Writing with your mouth. The fact that you’re holding a pen with your mouth and writing is just... beyond me,” He only laughed softly at my question.

“You must be new here. Let’s just go with magic, how’s that sound?” I shrugged and then nodded. Best not worry about too many minor details.

After a few more minutes of him writing stuff down, probably his schedule for “battling the purple-headed yogurt slinger”, he finally looked up with a cheerful smile. Ain’t he a peach?

“Well, everything is ready! I just require a payment of two hundred bits!” Caramel held out his hoof to me and I pointed to Pinkie.

“Here ya go!” Pinkie tossed a large coin-purse into his hoof, and he withdrew with a cheerful little laugh.

He tossed me a set of keys in which I caught in an instant. “Room is just outside, three doors to the left of the exit.”

“Thanks, chap!” I replied with feigned happiness, turning around and making sure I made the most annoyed look.

I exited the building and felt an odd presence bouncing furiously next to me. I tried to ignore it, but for an unknown reason, I continued to hear a spring-like noise. interesting how this place works.

“What?” I looked down to Pinkie Pie, finally giving her acknowledgement.

“Just want to make sure you get to your room safely!” What am I, four?

“I can get to it by myself, thanks. I have things to do, so, may I be left alone?” I walked away from her in hope she wouldn’t follow, looking for the door that my keys belonged to.

Counting the doors, I found my room. Room 007. Putting my key in the lock, I unlocked it with ease... Sadly, that pink girl was still here.

“Yes, Pinkie?” I asked with an annoyed sigh.

“Just making sure you’re safe!” She gave me a bright smile and I nodded.

“Yes, well, I am perfectly safe. Thanks to your superior defensive skills and the art of protection, I have arrived at my destination safely,” I let her believe that she actually did something to help. I hoped she wouldn’t catch it.

“Well, I’m glad you think so!” she said and I patted her head like I would to a child who did well.

“Good, Pinkie. Now, run along. I have things to attend to.” She finally bounced away and I entered the motel room as quick as possible, instantly locking the door.

“Thank the gods, I am free! Free from the clutches of oppression and annoyance!” I yelled to the high well, low ceiling in excitement and exhilaration. Honestly, the burden of a thousand suns was far more enjoyable than Pinkie.

Well, seeing as I was finally alone, I took it upon myself to compose notes of some sort. Looking around the room, there was a large bed to my right, a desk to my left along with a mini-fridge odd to see that there and a bathroom at the end of the room. Nothing special, which was fine for me.

I went over to the desk, pulled the chair out and sat down. As I did, the chair broke and I fell onto my arse. Lovely. “Uhg... Can I seriously get a break?”

This is angering me to no end. But, whatever. I stood back up and searched the desk for writing utensils and a piece of paper. I found a quill and ink with some parchment in one of the drawers and began to write out my “to-do” list. Seemed appropriate and I needed to write out my plans for escape and such.

So, after a little bit of scribing my plans out, I reviewed my work, looking it over thoroughly and giving an approving nod to it. “Perfect.”

To-Do List
1 - Avi Avoid Pinkie Pie
2 - Learn Aber About Equistria Equestria (History, Local landmarks, More about its leaders, etc)
3 - Avoid Pinkie Pie
4 - Obtain a meeting with Celas Celestia and/or Luna. Ask to get the hell out of here.
5 - Avoid Pinkie Pie
6 - Relax a bit. Honestly, I need to regain my energy.
7 - Avoid Pinkie Pie
8 - Add more to this list when things arise.
10 - Get some ice cream. Sweet tooth is acting up again.

“Alright, that should do it,” I said to myself, looking over it once more. After a moment, I decided to check what time it was.

My eyes scanned around the room looking for some sort of timepiece. I checked above the desk, above the doors and above the bed. Nada. Well, that’s just not nice. So, seeing as I couldn't keep track of time, currently, I looked out the window and saw the sun was finally setting.

“Bedtime, then. Not going to stay up any longer,” I decided to just wear my usual brown robes, rather than my armour. I’m not one to sleep naked, and I don’t like blankets.

I also decided to keep my scarf on. Keeps me warm and makes a better cushion for my old neck. Anyways, after all that garbage, I moved onto the bed and found it amazingly comfortable. Its plush, foam-like, structure adjusted well to my body shape and I found my back relaxing from all its tension from today’s “work”.

So, clearly, I had no trouble falling asleep. Now, time to stop my thoughts from running rampant and actually sleep.

Yes, I’m sleeping. Shut up.

Author's Note:

Sorry about giving you more filler, guys. I'm going to have my editors look over the next few chapters to see if I can combine any. I feel bad for just giving you no plot what-so-ever.

I promise, things will pick up once Nomad get's out of bed. I have him interacting with a few others of the mane six, but at the same time, I'm trying to avoid exposition.

Also, the humour will die down later in the fic and become a tad more graphic. So, be ready for when it happens.

EDIT: Crap, forgot to give you guys this video: