• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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π - Kwakerjak

Trixie returns to Ponyville to challenge Twilight Sparkle. ("Magic Duel" as it occurs in the Petriculture AU.)

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Chapter 1: Circumference

“... So, after several in-depth discussions with Zecora, I’ve formed a hypothesis that zebra magic is a sort of hybrid of unicorn and earth pony magics, at least in terms of how it actually functions. Of course, that wouldn’t necessarily mean that zebras are descended from unicorn-earth pony hybrids, but it seems to me that the matter is worth further study.”

“Fascinating,” Penumbra responded, though she didn’t bother to shift her concentration to what Twilight was saying. Indeed, in most other contexts, the dark blue pegasus probably would have found the topic to be intellectually stimulating, but at the moment she preferred to keep her focus squarely on her work. After a few weeks of stagnation, the clientele of Cloud Nineteen had suddenly begun growing much faster than she’d anticipated. Apparently, it took the average pony some time to realize that the services of an artisan cloudsmith were worth paying for—particularly earth ponies and unicorns—but once they warmed up to the idea, they were more than happy to share this insight with their friends.

But whatever the reason, Penumbra was not about to complain about the fact that the volume of her work had forced her to move her workshop out of Sugarcube Corner to the outskirts of Ponyville. After all, now she had much more space to work with, and there were no complaints that her creations were blocking anypony’s sunlight. It had been less than a month since construction work had ended on the open air pavilion where she could conduct business in inclement weather, and it seemed that her enterprise’s reputation was growing by the day, and if her current creation was well-received, it could skyrocket.

The pegasus hovered over the pavilion’s roof, evaluating the work she’d done so far. She’d tied up her black mane in a tight ponytail to keep it out of her eyes, of course, but given the scale of her current project, taking time to back up and survey it as a whole was absolutely necessary. Apparently, there was to be some sort of reception for diplomats for Saddle Arabia in the near future, and Princess Celestia had, on her Sister’s recommendation, commissioned Penumbra to create a cloud sculpture that could serve as a centerpiece. The pegasus had therefore designed an abstract piece consisting of a quadruple helix of cirrus clouds, all surrounding a pillar of cumulus clouds which she’d tinted red—Twilight Sparkle had asked her multiple times whether this had been done using magic or a more natural method, but thus far Penumbra had refused to answer such questions on the grounds that the process was a “company secret.”

That, however, was not the reason Twilight was here today. Rather, she was here to help Penumbra determine whether to use a light breeze to get the helices to rotate around the column or to have a unicorn use magic to move them, though today, she seemed far more interested in the magical theory of zebras.

This came as no surprise, particularly since Twilight had been especially interested in hybrid magic ever since the fallout of her ill-fated attempt to seize the Equestrian crown had transformed her into an alicorn, albeit a wingless one who wasn’t particularly good at farming. A similar fate had befallen Pinkie Pie (who still looked like an earth pony), though in her case, it wasn’t any more unusual than her previous state as “Twilight’s imaginary friend come to life.” Penumbra, likewise, was also technically an alicorn and a former imaginary friend, assuming one used the loosest definition of “friend” imaginable: as the Nightmare, she’d driven her creator mad with power, and had almost managed to do the same to Twilight. The librarian had been researching the implications of being a magically-unbalanced alicorn since that incident, though without much fanfare; she’d even had Penumbra and Pinkie Pie promise not to reveal their actual status to anyone, even their closest friends, until she was certain about what was going on.

“I think zebras channel magic through their hooves the way unicorns channel it through their horns, but I can’t detect any magical aura when Zecora casts a spell. Do you suppose—”

The bookish unicorn never got the chance to finish that particular musing, as she was suddenly bowled over by a familiar blue blur with a rainbow trail. It took a few seconds before Twilight Sparkle rose to her feet again. “Ugh... Rainbow Dash, I thought you were going to be more careful when you were flying at high speeds.”

“Sorry, Twilight, but I don’t have time to be careful,” the blue pegasus replied earnestly. “You need to get to town. Like, right now.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Trixie’s back.”

Twilight immediately lost all her interest in discussing arcane hypotheses upon hearing that name. “C’mon, Penumbra, we need to get going.”

Penumbra, having never heard of this “Trixie” character before, raised an eyebrow skeptically, but before she could answer, Twilight had already started galloping towards Ponyville.

“Well?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You coming or not?”

Penumbra sighed as she loosened her ponytail and let her mane drape over her right eye. “I suppose I might as well.” After all, Twilight Sparkle was her friend.


As soon as the red light from the spell had faded, Rarity looked down in horror at what had been done to her. Her voice was quavering as she shouted, “You... you monster! I’m hideous!”

“Actually, I don’t think the dress looks all that bad.”

The white unicorn glowered briefly at her friend, annoyed at the discourteous interruption of her melodrama. “That, my dear Applejack, is why your cutie mark has absolutely nothing to do with fashion. A red this bold should simply not be paired with pastels! Now, where was I?”

“Uh, I think ya were about ta faint.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you.” Rarity brought a hoof to her forehead before collapsing on the earth pony’s back. As Applejack left the unicorn in Spike’s able claws so she could regain her dignity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Penumbra arrived in Ponyville’s town square.

Twilight looked around for Trixie’s cart, but couldn’t see it anywhere. She did, however, see a large crowd in front of the town hall. “What’s going on?” she asked as she pushed her way through the mass of ponies.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Twilight Sparkle,” said a voice oozing with smug superiority.

Twilight would never mistake that voice. The librarian turned and saw an azure unicorn mare wearing a black cape and a somewhat gaudy ruby necklace staring at her with a cruel sneer on her face. “Trixie,” Twilight said, her eyelids lowering into an irritated squint. “What are you doing here?”

Before Trixie could answer, however, Pinkie Pie interjected. “She’s been casting spells left and right and up and down and back and front and in and out trying to get your attention, and she wouldn’t believe us when we said you were on the outskirts of town.”

“Oh, I believed you,” Trixie replied. “I just wanted Twilight to come to me.”

“And that justifies turning Fluttershy’s mane into cake frosting?” the pink earth pony retorted. “That’s royal icing you used, and you didn’t even have the decency to use any glycerine at all! Now her mane is hard as a rock!”

“Um... it’s alright, Pinkie,” the pale yellow pegasus said softly. “I... I think I can live with it....” Apparently, she’d been cringing when she’d been hit by Trixie’s spell, as her neck and shoulders were oddly contorted.

Twilight let out a soft sigh and cast a counterspell on Fluttershy, giving her the chance to stretch her neck again. “You haven’t answered my question yet, Trixie.”

“Hmph. Isn’t it obvious? I’m here to prove once and for all that I’m the better magician. My skills have improved exponentially since we last met, and I intend to demonstrate it by challenging you to a magic duel!”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Rainbow Dash said. “I thought ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’ was allergic to pronouns.”

Trixie glared at the pegasus. “I’m not here on business. This is personal!” For emphasis, she shot a spell at Rainbow Dash’s hooves, covering them with slimy goo.

“Ack! Get it off get it off get it off get it off!” Rainbow Dash took to the air, waving her legs in a frantic attempt to fling off the gunk.

“Hmm... that went even better than expected,” Trixie mused. “She was only supposed to be rendered unable to stand on the ground. But enough diversions. I have yet to hear your reply.”

“What terms?”

The blue unicorn grinned, and it seemed for a brief moment that her purple eyes flashed red. “Oh, the traditional ones. Winner stays, loser leaves town. Forever.”

Twilight Sparkle didn’t seem to find the idea nearly as entertaining. “Exile? Seriously? This is the fourteenth century, Trixie. I’m not nearly gullible enough to fight a duel under those terms.”

“Well, then I suppose that means there’s no way you’re going to get rid of me, so I might as well keep practicing my spellcasting.”

Another spell shot into the crowd, this one hitting Granny Smith in the face. “Ack! Mah teef!” the old mare shouted as her dentures jumped out of her mouth and started bouncing around like an overactive novelty toy. “Git back heah!”

Twilight’s patience was starting to run thin. “Why are you even doing this?”

“Why? Because you humiliated me!” Trixie shouted. “After you showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughingstock. My credibility was left in tatters. Everywhere I went, I was laughed at and called a fraud! Why, to make ends meet, I even had to take a job serving overpriced coffee to snooty hipsters at Starbuck’s! Starbuck’s!

“Well, no wonder she wants revenge,” Penumbra said to nopony in particular. She seemed oddly unconcerned by Trixie’s threatening tone.

“You ruined my life, and now, I’m finally going to make you pay for what you did to me.”

“Wait!” Pinkie shouted. “That Ursa Minor didn’t seem like it was just waiting around for you to handle it. It was being all cranky and destruction-y and scary. Are you saying Twilight should have let it destroy Ponyville?” It didn’t sound like a rhetorical question, which, naturally, put a lot of pressure on the showmare to actually respond.

Rather than acknowledge that she hadn’t actually thought her motivations through, Trixie exploded with rage, her eyes flaring red. “Shut up!” She let loose another blast of magic that seemed to cause Pinkie’s entire muzzle to disappear.

“Mmm! Mmmm mm mm mmmmm mmmm!”

“Well?” Trixie asked Twilight with a smirk. “What’ll it be?”

The librarian looked around at her friends. All of them seemed to be counting on her to set things right... except for Penumbra, who had a look of bored impatience. “For Luna’s sake, what are you still waiting for?” she asked, as if she was surprised that Twilight was even hesitating in the first place.

Trixie’s aura, meanwhile, had surrounded Spike and lifted him into the air. “Whoah! Help!”

That did it—there was no way Twilight was going to let her assistant come to harm. “Alright, Trixie. I accept your terms. Let’s duel.”

The blue unicorn obligingly set Spike down near the rest of Twilight’s friends. The dragon looked over at Penumbra, whose grin radiated nearly as much smugness as Trixie’s. “You look confident,” he noted.

The pegasus’ smile intensified as she answered, “That’s because I am. This loudmouthed upstart doesn’t stand a chance. Watching her get knocked down a few pegs should prove most gratifying.”

As the two unicorns stared each other down, Twilight contemplated her first move; she had to make the opening salvo, or else Trixie might control the flow of the entire duel. As her eyes glanced skyward, she noticed six puffy clouds hanging over the town hall. Yes, those should do...

“Draw!” Trixie shouted as a red aura surrounded her horn, but before she could reel off whatever spell she’d been preparing, Twilight had acted. The six clouds arranged themselves in a hexagon over her opponent, and, with a little jolt of magic, all of them simultaneously fired lightning bolts where she was standing, though Trixie managed to jump out of the way before she got hurt. Twilight was quite proud of this; while unicorn weather magic may not have been the most difficult, the fact that pegasi made it largely redundant meant that it was one of the least studied branches of magical theory, so there was a good chance she’d caught Trixie by surprise.

The blue unicorn sneered. “Congratulations, Sparkle. You’re qualified to be a substitute pegasus. But this is about who’s the better unicorn.” Trixie punctuated her insult by hefting a cart full of apples into the air and flinging it at the crowd of spectators.

Twilight barely had time to react, but she was able to catch it before it squished a blue earth pony underneath its bulk. The librarian was about to toss it back, when she heard a voice call out: “Twilight! What in the hay do ya think yer doin’?!”

It was only now that Twilight Sparkle put two and two together and realized that the cart she was preparing to lob belonged to the Apple family. “Sorry!” she called back as she neatly returned the would-be projectile to the ground.

Unfortunately, this delay gave Trixie an opening to begin an exchange of her own. No sooner had Twilight turned her face back towards her opponent than she found herself neck deep in garbage, which her opponent had apparently materialized over her head.

Fortunately, living in Ponyville had given Twilight plenty of practice at rapidly cleaning up spontaneous messes. Without pausing for a single dry heave, she teleported the waste to the compost pile at Sweet Apple Acres. This, however, did nothing to remove the aromatic bouquet of rotten food and bacteria-infested filth from the town square, as the strained gagging noises from the crowd demonstrated.

Thinking quickly, Twilight teleported several dozen scented candles into the town square and spread them around the crowd, and it was no trouble for her to light all the wicks at once. As the assembled ponies stopped holding their breaths, the librarian made a mental note to compensate Aloe and Lotus Blossom for clearing out their spa’s stockpile of aromatherapy candles. She didn’t much like the idea of having earthworms surreptitiously added to her next mud bath.

What next? Twilight Sparkle glanced around the town square for some inspiration. Presumably, the only reason Trixie hadn’t yet followed up her garbage attack was shock from Twilight having found a solution so quickly, but that wouldn’t last forever. Soon, she found what she was looking for: the stone fountain featuring a statue of Ringaling, a famed acrobat who was arguably Ponyville’s most well-known resident until very recently. The stone earth pony was smiling broadly as she balanced on her ball. How about one more performance?

Twilight’s horn glowed again, and the statue sprang to life, rolling off of its fountain and flipping on its ball for the extremely impressed audience—though it was difficult to tell what Trixie thought of Ringaling’s performance, as her face was contorted into a glower. Looking over at a nearby construction site, she placed her own come-to-life spell on a jackhammer. The acrobat managed to escape its destructive power by throwing her ball at it, which crushed the tool under its weight. Unfortunately, the ball was as much a part of the statue as the pony, and as it had been destroyed, too, Ringaling went rigid once again, though she now had all four hooves on the ground and a victorious smirk on her face.

The monument wasn’t the only pony grinning. “Is that all you’ve got, Trixie?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

Trixie glared back at her nemesis. “Hardly.” She scanned the crowd and spotted the two colts who had tried to form a makeshift entourage the last time she’d been in Ponyville. “You there! Snaps and Snuff!”

“Um... it’s actually Snips and Snails, Your Powerfulness,” said the chubbier of the two.

“Given that you two are largely responsible for destroying my caravan, you should be grateful I’m speaking to you at all! Now, step forward.” The two young ponies nervously complied. Another blast of red light came from Trixie’s horn, surrounding Snips and Snails and lifting the fidgeting colts up into the air as the light grew brighter. When the light finally faded, Snips had reverted to an infant, while Snails had the body of an elderly stallion. “Ha! Beat that, if you can,” Trixie told Twilight.

“Hmmm,” Penumbra said as she thoughtfully held a hoof to her chin. “An aging spell. Very tricky... but still, it’s nothing Twilight can’t handle.”

Indeed, Twilight’s counterspell had lifted the two affected ponies back into the air... but for some reason, that was all it was doing. The librarian’s face looked strained, and as the intensity of her magical aura grew, beads of sweat began trickling down her face.

“What’s going on?” Penumbra asked nopony in particular. “Why isn’t she finishing the job?”

No answer was forthcoming, as the question was soon rendered irrelevant. Twilight’s aura flickered briefly before suddenly becoming noticably more intense. This was it. This was where Twilight Sparkle would unquestionably establish the superiority of her skills. As the aura’s hue began an ever-so-subtle shift from pink to violet, Penumbra grinned broadly. The duel would be over soon; she was certain of it.

As Twilight set Snips and Snails back down on the ground, Penumbra leaned forward, eager to revel in her friend’s success. However, as the light faded away, Snips was still an infant, while Snails was still wizened. Shocked, the pegasus looked towards Twilight, hoping to get some hint at the clever gambit she had to be playing... but the unicorn looked downcast. Twilight bowed solemnly to her opponent, and said something about an honorable fight, but Penumbra wasn’t paying attention. It had to be a feint—a trick—anything other than what it looked like, because it looked like Twilight Sparkle was conceding.

But no, Trixie was cackling evilly (if rather amateurishly, in Penumbra’s opinion) and boasting about her superiority. The other Elements of Harmony galloped to Twilight’s defense, but to no avail: Trixie lifted Twilight Sparkle up in the air and tossed her out of Ponyville like an overinflated dodgeball, and still the librarian did not retaliate! It made no sense! Penumbra joined her friends in chasing after the unicorn, but were stopped short when Trixie suddenly created a massive force-field shaped like an inverted fishbowl and sealed Ponyville off from the rest of Equestria.

Penumbra was still only half-listening as Twilight returned to the force-field’s edge. “Take care of each other, okay? And keep an eye on Trixie. There’s something strange about her.”

“What about you, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I... I need to think about this. Every problem has a solution, and this one’s no different. I just need to figure out what it is.”

Penumbra’s mood suddenly darkened. “You need to figure out a solution? What about the one that’s staring you right in the face?!”

“Penumbra... what do you mean?” Twilight asked, albeit with a rather guilty look on her face.

“You know exactly what I mean!”

“Um... I... look, just sit tight, okay? I’ll be back, I promise.” Having thus sidestepped the cloudsmith’s comment with her non-answer, Twilight Sparkle turned around and galloped away.

As the librarian grew smaller in the distance, Penumbra fell back on the oldest method of persuasion she knew: the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Twilight Sparkle, get back here! Don’t you dare ignore me!” Yet this had no effect. As Twilight vanished into a grove of trees, the cloudsmith slammed a hoof against the force field, causing it to resonate like a gigantic wine glass. “Well, that rather definitively demonstrates why she isn’t the Element of Loyalty.”

“Come on,” Rainbow Dash said. “Don’t you think you’re being a little too hard on her? I mean, she’s as upset as we are—I’m sure she’ll be back once she figures out what to do next.”

“You’re right. I don’t think I’m being too hard on her.”

“Penumbra,” Rarity said as delicately as she could, “I realize that you don’t have much experience with friendship, but one of its most fundamental principles is trust.”

The moody pegasus initially responded to this with a slack-jawed stare, and when she finally got around to making a response, her tone hadn’t improved. “Trust? Trust?! Oh, that’s just rich.” Penumbra rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. “Fine! If you need me, I shall be busy ‘trusting’ her in Pinkie Pie’s head, and I’ll ‘trust’ you to let me know if and when Twilight Sparkle has decided to stop running away from reality.”

Before the other ponies could ask Penumbra to clarify this statement, she’d already dissipated into mist. Applejack turned to Pinkie Pie. “You got any idea what’s goin’ on here?”

The pink earth pony nodded. “Mmm! Mmm mmmmmm Mmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmm mmmm. Mmmm mmmm M mmmm?”

The farmpony sighed. “Nevermind. Looks like we’re gonna be in for a tough slog, gals. I just hope Twi can figure out what ta do, or what Penny wants her ta do, or... or whatever. And soon.” On that, at least, there was unanimous agreement.