• Member Since 5th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


it's been a decade


With Twilight Sparkle's ascension to Princesshood, little fillies across the world dream away with the knowledge that any one of them could become a Princess themselves, somehow, some day. Unicorns dream of sprouting wings and tasting the clouds, Pegasi imagine what it might be like to conjure from thin air, and the Earth Ponies...

Well, they've always been a practical people. "Keep your hooves on the ground and your head with your hooves," as they say.

But one little Earth Pony wonders how different her kind is from the fiery Pegasi and crafty Unicorns - What does an Earth Pony have to offer that they don't?

So, she does some light research on the inherent magics of ponykind, and how they tie together into the apex form known as an Alicorn.

She is less than pleased with her results.

--Rated Teen for some dark, dangerous, and mature situations which may not be appropriate for all audiences--

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 185 )

well this looks promising. if the next chapter's as good as the first you'll definitely have my thumbs up:raritywink:

I've always felt that earth ponies kind of got the raw end of the deal.

well this is looking to be quite the fun little fic. best advise I could offer is don't lose sight of your scope. as you mentions you know what direction you want to take the story just make sure you don't drag it there kicking and screaming. but judging from your work so far you don't appear to have any trouble with this.

I like this idea. The show doesn’t really give Earth Ponies enough credit.

2216200 I hope there's no kicking and screaming involved. Well, maybe a character or two, but...You get what I mean. The biggest part for me right now, story wise, is just making sure all the little pieces fit together right.

good chapter, and now I'm really curious as to who these spirits could be, or more important what's become of them.

Nice story, I'm really interested in seeing where this goes. I've always had a bit of trouble trying to figure out a way to see Earth Ponies as equally as different and unique as the others without resorting to practicality or some other mental trait that raises a whole host of unfortunate implications. Not to mention the fact that the vast majority of the nobility seem to be unicorns. I probably spend to much time thinking about these sorts of things but good luck with the rest of the chapters!

Very interesting, though it seems weird to me that the fillies didn’t really pay attention to the cutie mark bit of that story.

If that easth spirit is going to be a major character, you should probably put the OC tag on anyway.

I honestly can't get enough of this story!
Earth Ponies forever!

Why doesn't this story have more views/upvotes/et cetera?
The spelling is good, the grammar is good, the concept is interesting, and the story flows well enough.
Well, here's a :moustache: for your efforts.


Well, I imagine it's a combination of my habit of submitting in the dead hours of night and the lack of main character tags--people seem to prefer fics with characters they are familiar with.

Not to mention "I'druther" is a colloquialism, in this useage. While the story's grammar should be (and is) correct (I didn't proofread it, but didnt notice anything out of place), a character's speech need not be grammatically correct. And spelling can even be changed to provide a sense of 'accent', as long as it isn't overdone. Were you really expecting someone to give you grief over "I'druther"?

Me gusta. I'm very interested to see where you go with the 'four spirits' thing. Very interested, indeed :moustache:


Your avatar just made my night. I can finally go to sleep, the internet has brought me something truly wonderful. Thank you.

I watched that Drum Circle video... he [the player] was seriously into that; he was lost in it. Awesome. Such a shame that 'white man' had to come along and f*ck everything up so long ago... :(

Virility, Hah!

Really enjoying this so far.

Incredible story, glad I stumbled on it. Can't wait to see where this goes! :ajsmug:

buried in Muffins or Cupcakes

buried in Muffins or Cupcakes

I'd rather not be cut up and consumed, thanks.

This is really intriguing. I like the mystery surrounding the spirits and their names, and what they have to do with Earth Ponies.

Looking forward to seeing what kind of gift or knowledge (or both) Zephyr passes on.


I keep reading the shaman's name as Mountain Dew.


...I wanna change it to that now. It would still make sense!


And I'm not just saying that because it means the story is about to continue again. :trollestia:

Glad to hear you're over your writer's block. I know I've got a writer's brick wall in my way. =P
Also nice to hear you're coping well with depression. It's... It's really hard to deal with. I know that too.

So, I guess the fillies are catching a train to the Crystal Empire! Except they still don't have money. And there are 'missing' posters everywhere.
At least they won't need winter coats!

A most excellent story. I got here from a recommendation in the comments on the latest chapter of Georg's Letters from a Little Princess Monster

Comment posted by j-grizz deleted Feb 16th, 2014

Excellent. This story needs more readers. Keep up the good work!


Wait, are these buffalo or bison?

EDIT: After further internet searching, it seems that MLP's so-called buffalo are based on the american bison, but are consistently referred to as buffalo in the episode in which they star.

Hah that's a great metaphor. I always felt it like you're hanging from a cliff and the drugs are like a rope around your waist. Also good story :ajsmug:

Superb tale so far. You paint in colors more vivid than most stories. The imagery is so far out and spooky that the words don't describe what's actually happening, but their effect on me somehow does, regardless of what the words say? Like metaphors like the pot calling the kettle black. It's words about a pot and a kettle, but what it means is not just that hypocrisy is dumb, but also a hint of the culture it emerged from, where pots and kettles were found in solid black cast iron. I like it when you do those, like you make me imagine the thunder and wind of a buffalo stampede when you actually said something like "pounding the Earth" and only through imagination does that become wind and thunder. A pony sitting there pounding on the dirt while buffalo ran by would be pretty silly, come to think on it!

Oh also bison are totally the real buffalo. The ones in Africa are just hyped up cows. :raritywink:

Yeah, that's about how I figured it. They are technically bison, but everyone calls them buffalo everywhere. I kind of use them interchangeably here and in real life.
That's exactly what I try for, and an excellent compliment. I prefer to try to make people feel rather than see what's going on because, in my opinion, that's usually more important. I'm also a sucker for metaphors and similes, I use them waaaay too much.

Chapter 327.

"I'm not really the one you should be asking. Why don't you try my second cousin's aunt's niece's neighbor's-"
"No! No more!"
"I'm afraid so. But I'll give you my boon-"
"NO MORE BOONS. Why can't you just tell us?! Can an earth pony be an alicorn or not?!!"
"Well, uh, you're already double princesses with four horns and two sets of wings..."
<seinfeld music>

Sorry, this just occured to me

Just read through this, and am really enjoying it. Wonderful timing, your publishing a chapter just now. :pinkiehappy: Have a fav and a like.

BTW, I found this story via the comments on one of Georg's stories - he happened to use Firelock in "Letters froma Little Princess Monster".

Oh snappity snap. You know, I wonder how Half Note will try to spin that in Earth Ponies have no cool magic whatsoever, even in the face of a pony whose magic was drained from his body and can barely move anymore.

This is quite good. Super mystical and whatnot. I demand MOAR :flutterrage:

Introducing Tirek in the middle of a story about supercharging ponies with magic... I can see no way this could possibly go wrong.

Fun story - my browser crashed just as I was finishing this chapter, so I had to re-write it all over again.

May I recommend giving GDocs a try? Personally I haven't lost a chapter in years since I switched to that, from writing on my computer proper.

Since it is cloud-based, it might not work very well for you if you're on a limited data-plan or similar, though.

Who gets annoyed by typing? Anyway, this just keeps getting better and better. Keep it up! :pinkiesmile:

Oh, and in the paragraph where they lift cheese, the 'of' should be an 'off'.

Thanks for pointing that out.
As for who gets annoyed by typing, her exact words were "it's giving my really bad anxiety". She seems like a bit of a drama queen, and I think she's confusing anxiety for annoyance considering my own experience (there were distinctly more tears, fetal positions, and hyperventilation) but I don't want to have that argument at work.

But yeah, for serious, she's bothered by typing.


Eh. I know some weird people too. This one chick I met apparently burned two children alive in front of their parents. Admittedly, it was in D&D, but still.

Twilight's gonna be like "Wait, but the box..." while these three fillies are curb stomping Tirek.

Comment posted by Thought Prism deleted Aug 2nd, 2015

Er, uh, yeah. That's a full chapter. Totally.

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