• Published 4th Mar 2013
  • 488 Views, 17 Comments

A Family Matter - Bardsworth Brony

Ponyville is in danger - or is it? Sketch worries about his new home once his parents roll into town with big plans.

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It was a perfect day for a wedding… except for the rain. The whole town was packed into the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, and Sketch gazed from the open doors at the outdoor decorations, drenched with water. Rainbow Dash had offered to organize the pegasi for a weather clean-up, but Applejack had adamantly refused, explaining that the orchards desperately needed the water.

"Can ya believe it?" the orange pony said, sidling up to her new husband. "Of all the days fer it to rain, it waited until today."

"Kind of appropriate if you think about it," Sketch said, mesmerized by the sound of the falling water. He leaned against his bride, feeling the tickle of the lace on her wedding gown.

"How's that?"

"It was the rain that sort of brought us together in the first place. If it hadn't rained while I had been sleeping in that shack in the woods, I wouldn't have gotten as sick as I did, and you wouldn't have forced me to move in at the farm."

Applejack shook her head, causing the flowers that were tied into her headdress to bob. "Leave it to an artist t' think like that."

"It's easy when I have my muse nearby," he responded and kissed his wife.

They turned back to the reception and made their way through the tables, talking to everypony, smiling for pictures, eating when they could take a moment to. Despite the rain stalling the ceremony, it had been a beautiful event. Twilight Sparkle, who had been Sketch's best mare, had gotten Princess Celestia to officiate the ceremony. The rest of their friends were Applejack's bridal maids. Everypony looked amazing, thanks to Rarity's generosity with the dresses and tuxedos. A three piece band played beautiful classical music in the background, and the smells of food and hot cider danced around the room. As usual, Pinkie Pie outdid herself on the decorations; there was barely an inch of the barn that wasn't covered with white streamers or paper lanterns or cut-outs in the shape of a bride and groom.

The sound of laughter caught the newlyweds' attentions, and they turned to see Granny Smith howling in mirth. The old pony's health had picked up incredibly with the news of the wedding, and it was almost impossible to get her to sit still for more than a moment. She had as much energy as Apple Bloom and her friends, who were laughing along with the elder.

"Ah'm gonna go see what's so funny," Applejack said. She reached out a hoof and straightened her husband's boutonnière, then motioned across the room. "Why don't you go see how yer parents'r doin'?" Sketch turned and saw his father and mother sitting alone, but happy in each other's company. It was almost surreal, seeing them smiling at each other.

"All right, but only if you share the joke with me later," Sketch said with a parting kiss. As he made his way over to his parents, he was pulled aside by Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara's father.

"Waldorf, I… er, Sketch, sorry," the stallion corrected himself with an embarrassed grin. "Sketch, I just wanted to, uh… well, about that painting… the one of Ponyville?"


"Well, I…" he cleared his throat. "I don't typically partake in the purchases of artwork, but my, uh… you see…" He glanced around nervously and then lowered his voice. "My daughter wants it, but she doesn't want anyone to know about it. Not even you. She's rather insistent on owning it."

"Oh. Well, uh, sure, I'd be happy to sell it to you."

"We'll make the transaction when things, uh, settle down for you."

"I appreciate that. And don't worry, I won't let on that I know you bought it for her."

"And I'd appreciate if you didn't mention that you sold it to me at all. Reputation to keep and all that."

"Of course," Sketch could barely keep from rolling his eyes. "Enjoy the rest of the reception, Mr. Rich."

The stallion nodded and walked away, obviously relieved that he no longer had to talk about something as opposed to his world view as art. Sketch just shook his head and smirked. He realized, though, that he had been successful in finally reaching out to Diamond Tiara. Somewhat successful, anyway. Still, that little bit of hope made him feel accomplished.

"What was that all about?" Astor asked as Sketch approached his parents.

"Business transaction," Sketch answered with a twitching smirk. "Sorry, can't discuss it." His father looked at him for a moment and then broke out in an amused smile. "Can I join you two for a bit?"

"You don't need to ask," Ginger Snap said, pushing a chair out for her son.

Sketch studied his father for a moment before asking, "How have you been since…? I mean, is everything okay?"

Astor nodded. "My brain feels like it's been… piecing itself back together, I guess. I was seeing things a lot differently through those spectacles. And now I'm seeing things as they are." He paused and looked away for a moment. "There's… something that I need to talk to you about, Waldorf."

"Anything, dad."

"Well… as you know, the enchantment only amplifiedexisting feelings. It didn't create them." He looked back at his son with eyes that asked for forgiveness. "I never understood your obsession… no, your passion for art. I still don't really understand it. But what I do understand is that you are passionate about it, and I can finally accept that. I had always hoped that you'd be the one to take over the family business someday, but if it's not what you want to do… well, I'd rather you be doing what you love."

"That's all I ever wanted to hear from you, dad," Sketch said in a quiet voice, feeling tears in his eyes. "I'd say that's the best wedding gift I could ask for."

"I still wish you would've just let me pay for the wedding as your gift," he said with a shake of his head.

"I think your compromise was just as good," Ginger Snap said firmly, patting her husband's shoulder. Astor has been insistent that he pay for everything in regards to the wedding, but both Sketch and Applejack had politely declined repeatedly, saying that they had wanted to do it themselves. So Ginger Snap had stepped in and proved that she had learned a thing or two about business from her husband. After the discussion was over, Astor had agreed to buy a large amount of apples from that season's harvest, at a higher price due to the limited supply, and to sell them and any products made from them exclusively in his Whinnypeg hotel. When the supply was in greater numbers, he promised, he would buy more and stock his second hotel with them. In return, Sketch and Applejack used the money from the transaction to pay for the wedding, as well as their honeymoon to Neighagra Falls. All in all, things worked out and everypony was happy.

"Sketch," came a familiar voice from behind him, and his parents' eyes went wide. He turned to see Princess Celestia, flanked by two of her guards, smiling down at him. After a quick bow of respect from her subjects, the Princess said, "I'm afraid I must go. It's been a lovely event, though, and I'm so happy for you and for Applejack."

"Thank you, your Highness," Sketch replied. "I'm honored that you were able to perform the ceremony." Then he remembered something. "Oh! Before you go, I need to run upstairs to my studio and get something." The princess was curious, but nodded, and Sketch dashed through tables and the ponies milling about, and up the stairs that led to his studio. When he returned, he was carrying a large, flat package, which he gave to one of the guards for safekeeping. "It's a gift for Princess Luna."

"A painting?" Princess Celestia asked with a crook of her head.

"Yes. Tell her that the idea came to me in a dream." The expression of curiosity on the Princess's face grew stronger, and Sketch grinned. "She'll explain it."

Not too long after the Princess left, one of the band members managed to get everypony's attention and announced that Applejack and Sketch would have their first dance as a married couple. Surprised, Sketch met Applejack on the dance floor. "I thought you couldn't dance," he whispered, remembering the disaster that happened at the Midwinter's Ball months previous.

"Ah got a few moves you don't know about," Applejack returned with a mischievous grin. "Just you wait'n see."

The band members conferred with each other, prepared themselves, and began playing. It was an energetic country tune, and it caught everypony by surprise. Soon, cheerful laughter could be heard from every table, and Sketch himself joined in. "Well played," he said to his wife over the music. She responded with a smile and a gesture to follow her hoofsteps.

Sketch had never square-danced before, but it didn't stop him from having a fantastic time. He watched Applejack and tried to mimic her, but even when he took a wrong step or turned the wrong direction, he just laughed and kept on going. Soon, the dance floor was flooded with ponies who wanted in on the fun. Twilight Sparkle and her friends whirled around each other, smiling and shouting in glee. The Cutie Mark Crusaders went at it as if they expected their cutie marks to be for square dancing. Ditzy Doo had partnered up with a pony who had an hourglass cutie mark on his flank, and she managed to crash into just about everyone around her as she danced. Even Astor and Ginger Snap found their way to the action, smiling and grinning, their eyes never leaving the other's as they attempted to dance.

It was a perfect moment, Sketch realized as he circled around his beautiful wife. Everypony was happy and together, like a family should be. He half expected to look out the barn doors and see a rainbow arching across the sky, but in reality the rain had actually become heavier. That was all right, he thought. Rain was good for washing away the old and ushering in the new. And, as he looked into Applejack's sparkling green eyes, he knew that there was a lot to look forward to once the rain stopped.


Comments ( 5 )

Loved that last bit there with the square dance. I hope this isn't the end of these two, would love to see what their kids will look like.

Sequel... Applejack and Sketch starting a family :ajsmug:

I'm thinking about it, but I need a good story in order to make it work. Someday, though... :ajsmug:

Again, realy good. Needs to get more eyes on it.

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