• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 9,459 Views, 123 Comments

His Black Heart’s Inquiry - -Brutus

King Sombra, a former tyrant and conqueror of Crystal Kingdom, the wielder of dark magic, servants and slaves that he had at his mere call. One thousand years ago; he lost himself after the banishment by Celestia and Luna, set out to reclaim it but..

  • ...

Embodying His Black Heart

After what had transpired recently, Twilight quickly ushered Cadance and Shining out of Sombra’s so-called chambers before things could escalate between the current rulers and ex-ruler of Crystal Kingdom. Cadance is at the lowest point of her life, her questions about her parents have been suddenly answered; Shining was in no different mood—he who hurts his wife will not live to see the sun. Twilight’s emotions were at all over place; it would be enough to make a changeling confused! Immediately after ushering her brother and sister-in-law to Celestia’s chambers, Twilight quickly trotted up to her surprised former mentor.

“Princess Celestia, we all need to talk.”

Shortly after the trio went up to Luna to rouse her from her sleep, the group marched on through the castle’s hallways, normally they would be smiling and laughing but not today. Celestia and Luna dismissed their respective personal guards; before entering a so-called war room. A large hexagon table sat at center of the room with map of Equestria and various paper pinned up, Celestia gave a nod to the group to take their seats. Twilight quickly took her spot next to Celestia, to the right of her there was Luna whilst at opposite of the table sat Cadance and Shining Armor.

It was quick to notice that each had differing opinions, one took side of another while some went against one another whilst some remained neutral. Not only they had to deal with their own feelings, they had to deal with political nightmare especially when Canterlot was impressed upon on everyone the symbol of friendship, peace, respect for one another and Crystal Kingdom is supposed to symbolize love for one another, family and country. Sombra was the wildcard where he could prove one or another opinion right or wrong.

The Princess's responsibility was also to ensure that their country symbolized those virtues; ensuring that they took care of their subjects ; however one Princess of Love decided to go against her nature.

At the start it was a civil discussion, headed by Princess Twilight; everypony at the table wanted to bring up their points with being for or against reforming the Tyrant of the Frozen North. Celestia couldn’t help but glance upwards in the direction where Sombra was imprisoned. All of their attention snapped toward a shriek.

“He should be dealt with!” the Princess of Love shouted at top of her lungs upon remembering hearing the ending of Sombra’s tale. Cadance looked at other three alicorns with frenzy in her eyes, her body shaking with unbridled rage. Twilight and Shining flinched every time Cadence slammed her hoof on the table.

“He is a practitioner of dark magic.” The pink alicorn started counting off least worst to worst of what Sombra has done during his tenure as king. “That alone would have got him executed in long time past! Chained up and forcibly put thousands into crystal mines!” Another slam. “Do you have any idea how much of resources that we are using to help those ponies recover?!” The table began to crack under power of Princess of Love. “Tortured hundreds! I wonder how many of them gave into insanity or did something unthinkable?! Murdered thousands!” Cadence panted heavily. “The citizens of my kingdom is screaming for his blood. A monster!”

Cadance promptly collapsed into a sobbing wreck; Shining Armor immediately rushed over to his wife, wrapping his arms around her.

“M-m-m-y parents.”

“This may be wrong, but I support my wife on this,” The former Captain of the Royal Guard started, squeezing his wife tightly whilst petting her hair at same time; comforting her to best of his ability.

“You don’t have any idea of what we went through when he sieged the Crystal Kingdom. Every second was miserable. Near the end, I believed my love would die, and that monster rendered me incapable of doing anything to help her. Even today, I shudder to even comprehend what I would do if she did actually die then...” Shining sighed, rubbing Cadance’s back gently. “I shudder to think of what came after for Crystal Kingdom then Equestria itself if he “reclaimed” what he sought after.”

An uncomfortable silence persisted throughout the room. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight kept their thoughts to themselves; they were not sure of what to do or say about this situation, but Twilight knew that she had to hold on her promise to both her mentor and the former king.. Twilight was mental health was deteriorating; she didn’t even have time to prepare herself! She is the Princess of the Friendship for Faust’s sake!

Summoning her courage to speak against her brother and sister-in-law. Twilight pushed herself out of the chair. Luna looked up, suddenly interested in what she had to say. The Regent of the Moon felt that she didn’t have any right to decide because what she had became in her past.

“I am interested in what thou hast to say.” Celestia widened her eyes then quickly regained her neutral but supportive stance on this delicate situation. Twilight gave a nod to Luna before hesitating briefly before pushing into the heart of the issue, looking directly at Cadance; taking a deep breath.

“Before you came in and found out what happened to your parents and your Crystal Kingdom” Twilight paused to make sure everypony began paying full attention to her “I’ve seen things in that crystal that Sombra showed me; things that changed my perspective on crystal ponies, and of how they treated outsiders or ponies of mixed race. I won’t mince words but your parents took part of transforming him into what he is now.”

Twilight tensed when Cadance shot her a glare. “What! If! SOMBRA WAS LYING?! What if whatever he showed you was made up?!” Cadance suddenly jolted out of the arms of her husband, slamming both of her hoof on the table.

“What would he gain from lying if he wants to die in the first place?” the immortal, white mare stepped in, despite remaining silent throughout the meeting. She had supported Twilight’s decision in her recent court when she boldly announced that she thinks Sombra had chance.

“My sister and I have already agreed that we will give Twilight our fullest support; if she believes that there is chance for Sombra, then there is nothing for us to do except allow Twilight to show Sombra the Magic of Friendship.” Celestia gestured, activating her magic to take off her crown as the mood became more unbearable; Twilight and Luna quickly followed her gesture.

Twilight smiled at the support of Celestia and Luna. “If Luna received her second chance after what she may knowingly or unknowingly have done when she became what I have faced years ago.” The purple alicorn met the opposers' gaze, her own boring into them relentless like a true budding leader's would.

“ouldn’t Sombra deserve a chance?” Twilight pushed herself out of the chair, pacing around the room. “After what I have learnt about him, even after what he have done, I cannot help but feel sorry for him. We, as ponies, are supposed to embody the virtues that my friends represent! I have once seen Celestia as flawless ruler; Luna was once Nightmare Moon! I have learnt that everypony has their flaws. Some worse than others but I firmly believe as Princess of Friendship that everypony deserves a chance.”

Twilight turned back and paced to where she started.

“I learnt that lesson after what have happened with Discord; Fluttershy showed him something that he hasn’t gotten in a long time: friendship. Sombra could be the same case.”

“Discord was different! He is not Sombra.” Shining argued back. “I don’t consider him an pony anymore; he is danger to anypony who happens to across his path!”

“Sis, I am worried about you. I know you can take care of yourself after what you have done for Equestria, but I still can’t help but worry about you.” Shining let go of his wife, walking around the tabled with a concerned look on his face.

Shining reached over to Twilight who just stopped pacing herself around the meeting room. “I was surprised when Princess Celestia told me what happened in the court few days ago.” Everypony in the room gave their warmest smile as he released her.“I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything ever happened to you, and I wasn’t there to protect you
“Thank you BB-”

It was at that moment where everything went Tartarus for them all, the fireplace that was brimming with warmth and energy of a fire suddenly got snuffed out of it’s brief life; cold air crept up to everypony instantly- fear crawling over their hearts and mind. They gave their best effort at being quiet, turning their ears toward the sounds and echos from beyond that grew more clear with every passing moment. There was an quick shuffle of guards that posted themselves at the door shouting “Halt! On the order of Princ-”

Before they could finish their sentence, there was a quick scream of terror that rendered every pony silent,

Celestia and Luna stood up slowly, pushing the table and chair quietly with their magic. Shining and Twilight just stared at the door; Cadance whimpered and slunk farther into the room.

It was thing defending a kingdom behind a shield, but facing down this beast face to face proved too risky. If one focused just right, they could hear a single march of metal boots, clinking of armor, the wrinkling of the cape followed with the deep growl of a predator. There was also sound of somepony thrashing, expanding their greatest effort but failing so. Cadance backed away from the huge wooden door, if the Crystal Heart that was powered by her own magic and everypony that was citizen of her current kingdom didn’t work on Sombra; what hope do they have now against him beside the sun and moon sister’s experiences against the stallion who personified the very essence of evil itself? Getting more panicked with passing moment, the young pink alicorn shrieked and tried to get a head start on running. Before she was able to set her hoof forward to exit; the door instantly splintered with raw power. Half of the door came crashing into the floor; the other half flew off of the hinge! Celestia barely had enough time to duck her head as the floor flew over her head and Luna barely had time to blink from existence then back in as it passed by.

With a great thud, it shattered into million pieces in the background of the room. Celestia and Luna quickly noticed that their day and night guards was unconscious just beyond of the door; others waited patiently, though shakily, beyond the door's frame, waiting for the order to charge in. In the now dark room, there was sickly green eyes staring down the leaders of their respective nations with scowl on his face. Twilight noticed that his horn was powered by normal magic rather than dark magic that bubbled with black and green. There was four great stomps that radiated from his armored hoof, he looked them with cold eyes that could pull them to darkness and never to leave if they allowed it.

“If you were insistent with…reforming,” the gritty voice broke out. ------ we stopped here

King Sombra calmly flicked his horn to reveal a vegetate crystal pony. He was a personal guard of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, being dragged in the air looking so broken with hazy eyes staring into nothing.

“Then I wonder why I had to greet guards who broke in my front door of my room with weapons ready and aimed at me, this one was particularly successful.” The Dark King moved his eyes to the broken guard before slamming him into the ground and jolting him awake with a single practiced motion. With a quick shudder, the guard woke from his stasis, suddenly aware of everything that was going on.

He opened his mouth to vociferate.

“MY LIEGE, THIS MONS-” Sombra head slammed the guard into the ground, nearly knocking him out, causing a crack on a marble floor. The blood began to trail out of his helmet, staining wherever it dripped on.

Shining clenched his jaw tightly, Celestia and Luna started to narrow their eyes, ready for action while the last two alicorns stared in fear. Sombra’s hardened look began to soften. “I may need you to direct your attention on this contemptible guard’s attire.” Sombra flicked his magic to lift the guard and turned his body where they witnessed a custom fitted two-forked claw that was made of crystal; tied on his right hoof, dripping with red blood.

“Beautiful design is it? I remember those being used in the war. The glorious war of blood and death.” Sombra began to smirk at the memories of fighting and killing. “An king needs to punish commoners that decides to trespass against royalty.” The grey stallion began to whistle as he began to multitask with his magic, floating the stallion in the air as he began to undo the leather hatches that held the weapon on his hoof. “Normally, I would be already rid of this deplorable sack of meat but since one of you are so insistent with helping me; then aid is what I shall ask for!” Sombra’s red eyes slowly made contact with certain purple eyes; as he jolted the stallion awake again.

With the best smile that he could offer, Sobra closed his eyes while tilting his head and opened his mouth. Shining finally had enough of this and roared.

“Where are the REST of the my guards?!” Shining took a step forward with anger. “Where are they? Answer me!”

Sombra just simply smiled.

“Let’s see, there were eight: two are currently a blood stain on my door; three are now nothing but ashes; I believe one of them is pinned into ceiling, possibly dead; one fell hundred feet out of the window of his own accord; as for eighth...he is being held prisoner by yours truly,” Sombra answered with slight droll voice, “You will be wise to shut your yapping mouth when I am speaking with a beautiful mare over there.” Twilight suddenly didn’t feel comfortable with Sombra any more.

As if one of veins had broken in his head, Shining lunged forward whilst activating his magic. He was able to hear loud, “no!” but didn’t have time to determine whose voice that was from before getting instantly shoved into the ground head first.

“Let him go!” Twilight demanded while getting prepared for a possible fight over her brother’s life, but Sombra surprised her by quickly letting him go. Twilight set down her brother next to Cadance who was quick on her hoof to hug her husband while chastising him for his anger and disregard for his own safety. Cadance owed Twilight a big deal of thanks for saving her soul mate.

“Now shall we?” Sombra was dusting himself off, trying to pushing things along but there was yet another interruption, this time it was Celestia; her horn blazing with golden aura and her wings open ready for combat if seems it necessary. “Why are you here? We enchanted that room and door to our best of abilities, outfitted so you can-” Sombra tried so hard to hold his rage back, his vision began to blot out in spades of black, clenching his teeth together so tightly that it felt it would crack at anytime.

Sombra had enough! Enough of ponies undermining his authority! Sombra, the Tyrant of the Frozen North let out an animalistic growl. It was very predatory, instantly instilling fear into everypony expect for two when they all took a step back. The guard being held by his magic began to be handled roughly, awakening him and the stallion looked at the tyrant with dread; knowing exactly what came next from his memories of him ruling. Sombra quickly composed himself like a King should be, his motions suddenly became more graceful than any warmorging armored stallion could pull off, his voice was wrathful but yet demanding.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle. There are only two fates for this deplorable guard who dared to touch a royalty...with this” Sombra displayed the weapon that he took off the guard earlier and manipulated the weapon fluidly to aim at his neck; suddenly short of breath and peed himself when the claw began to draw a droplet of blood. Sombra’s heart soared with glee at the sight of blood, his brain began to release norepinephrine- rewarding him for his very nature. “Or...I tweak my magic a little bit, a snap there and there and he will not be able to hold a spear for life. Not even…” Sombra looked into eyes of guard “a quill. Or unable to walk, really.” Sombra smiled “The pain itself will be so indescribable and it will never, ever go away.”

“What will it be Princess?”

“A crippling pain or death.” Sombra gave a dark smirk; his heart leaping for what she would choose.

Everypony suddenly paid attention to the Princess of Friendship, possibly making a choice that will affect everypony in the room but the dark king for most of their life, most being Twilight and the guard. Twilight looked down on the ground, momently doubting herself before steeling herself up; clenching her jaws and looked straight into ex-dictator’s red eyes.

“Third option”

Sombra raised a brow at this third option; manipulating his magic subtly to start squeezing his victim’s throat. “Third option?... you say?” Twilight stepped forward, fighting her fight or flight reaction; her body tensed and screamed to escape from potential danger or death. Twilight had to push forward or she will regret it for her eternal life. Each step she took, her budding bravery grew and grew with each gait she took toward where the dark-hearted stallion stood with predatory fang showing as he smiled. Celestia thought it was akin of what once was a cowardly animal transforming into something equal or above to meet equal force; she is even more proud of her prestigious student than always because she finally took charge for herself.

Twilight finally met Sombra’s face mere foot from each other- her purple unflinchingly gazed into his red irises, poking his hoof into his chest “Third option is if you even harm his hair any further than what you have done, I will personally devise a spell that will banish you for eternity, keeping in the darkness where you will be unable to interact with any living beings ever again and I will not research of what you have asked from me! You know what it means, Sombra?” Twilight moved even closer.

“I personally have support of everypony in this room regarding with my decision!

“You. Will. Let. Him. GO!”

In display of power to show , she released her magic power- her eyes glowing white as electricity cracked and jumped around through the air as her hair waved around- Sombra decided to do just do just same. The Tyrant of Crystal Kingdom’s eyes glowed lime green and his crimson irises disappeared from existence as his shadow form took ahold, pushing against the Element of Magic’s power. Sombra’s grip grew stronger and stronger on the guard’s throat; he began to toss and turn in the air, desperately trying anything he could to stop the choke. Slowly he began to react less, his eyes began to glaze over and foam began to form on edge of his maw.

Everypony quickly noticed of what Sombra was doing, tried to step forward to help the dying guard but not Twilight she never wavered her gaze upon his eyes. It have turned from battle of power into will; both powerful stallion and mare pushing back and forth with just that.

“You have newfound indomitable will. I loathe you but I respect you for that.” Sombra grunted, his magic that held the guard disappeared quickly. Twilight yielded as she heard a thud in the background; dissipating her magic- the tense between quickly died.

Sombra turned around with dignity; his crimson cape trailing behind him.

“I shall return to my prison.” Sombra sarcastically said as he stepped over the passed out stallion. Sombra marched through the shattered door with grace of an King, his metal boots’s clanking grew quieter before it finally died off.

Everypony released their breath in relief that things have turned out the best it possibly could, although Shining Armor have to give an funreal to seven fine guards who died in their service and one would have to be hospitalized for long while. Shining screamed out “AND THAT’S WHY! WHY WE MUST GET RID OF HIM.” Cadance nodded her head with frenzy in agreement, Luna became depressed after what she have witnessed because she was once like that. Celestia was lost of what to do but quickly decided to trust Twilight of what she would possibly have planned or is planning for Sombra.

Twilight exhaled, too much things echoed inside her scholar mind until it latched on something important... her eyes widened and quickly turned around. “That was an enchanted door that can be only dispelled or opened from outside! We even made sure that his magic wouldn’t be able to affect it. How did Sombra even came out at first place?”

Celestia’s reaction matched Twilight; slowly sighing “This situation just got much worse.” her light purple eye laid upon the battered guard. The Crystal Kingdom’s rulers visibly grimed upon Twilight’s deduction.

The sapphire blue alicorn slowly trotted up to the knocked out guard, giving out a hefty breath as she looked over .

“...Thee guard hast so much to answer for.” The moon monarch added.

Author's Note:

Whew, done! I'm going to work on next chapter soon! Sorry that I haven't released this earlier; my editor has became more busy with his life and college, myself as well.

I'm going to try to find a main editor or try to edit my chapter after writing until he is more free.

Anyhow, enjoy the glory of the King Sombra! Bow to his grace!

Comments ( 20 )

I'm already bowing

This is how happy I feel right now...

The citizens of my kingdom is screaming for his blood

are screaming

what I have faced years ago.

had faced

ouldn’t Sombra deserve a chance?

Wouldn't or something

hasn't gotten

hadn't gotten or consider rewording it

guards was unconscious

were unconscious

there was sickly green eyes

were sickly

There was four great stomps

were four

I am speaking with a beautiful mare over there.

"that" instead of "a" or reword

Celestia was lost of what to do but quickly decided

could reword to "at a loss or what to do" but that, like everything else here is just a suggestion

too much things echoed

"many" instead of "much"

How did Sombra even came out at first place

"get" instead of "came"

Thee guard hast so much to answer for.

"Thine" might work better than "thee"

I look forward to seeing what becomes of this.


Very sharp I say.:moustache:

Love the story hope you write more soon


If you don't mind.

Eventually it will be but it will be gradual thing. I haven't sat down and written anything in long time though but I will sometimes soon after everything settles down.

What'd ja mean by everything settles down?

My life in general, it's chaotic. Alot of bases that I need to cover before I can use free time for myself

you definitly have my interest in this i'll keep watch on it for it eventual continuation.

...this story looks good but it seems dead.

This story looked really promising 😔

This is undergoing a re-write as of current. Just need to iron out other things in my life first.

Woo sounds really good and promising :)

Hopes the ironing goes okay, and good luck with it 😉 :)

In display of power to show , she released her magic power- her eyes glowing white as electricity cracked and jumped around through the air as her hair waved around- Sombra decided to do just do just same. The Tyrant of Crystal Kingdom’s eyes glowed lime green and his crimson irises disappeared from existence as his shadow form took ahold, pushing against the Element of Magic’s power. Sombra’s grip grew stronger and stronger on the guard’s throat; he began to toss and turn in the air, desperately trying anything he could to stop the choke. Slowly he began to react less, his eyes began to glaze over and foam began to form on edge of his maw.

Such a perfect match...don't you think? Also this is a very VERY interesting story!

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