• Published 7th Mar 2013
  • 6,384 Views, 221 Comments

The Secret Story of Big Mac - Kaidan

When Dash discovers her feelings for Big Mac, she realizes that no pony knows why he is so quiet. She sets out to learn where he is from and why he doesn't talk. Will the answers give her the courage to ask him to Hearts and Hooves day?

  • ...

6. Dash-Mac Smash-Attack


February 14th. 20:59.57. . . 20:59.58. . . 20:59.59. . . 21:00.00

A large, angry crowd had gathered. They had poured out of the nearby houses and left the festivities. The owner of the inn, the cakes, and Mayor Mare lead the crowd. Dash and Mac had ruined Hearts and Hooves day for those ponies by destroying their homes and places of business. Their houses had been turned to splinters. The reasonable explanation was parasprites, but the obvious explanation were the stallion and mare.

Several ponies had pitchforks and shovels. They were waving them around to excite the crowd. They had all been asleep, or out enjoying the company of a special pony. The addition of several torches to help the ponies see, made for quite the scene.

The crowd closed in around the mare and stallion, shouting at them and waving. Several still had on their slippers or pajamas. If only some level headed ponies were here to help them. Surely having a little fun and accidentally blowing a couple buildings up wasn’t that bad. The rest of the elements would find this hilarious, they’d understand, but they were all otherwise occupied.

"You destroyed my home!" shouted one pony.

"You destroyed the inn!" said another.

"Dash, that was so awesome!" Scootaloo yelled from somewhere in the crowd.

"You destroyed my cabbage cart, again!"

"You'll repay every bit to repair the Town Hall!" Mayor Mare shouted.

"Yay! We get to remodel Sugarcube Corner! This is going to be the best 'Somepony help me remodel my house because Dash and Big Mac flattened it on Hearts and Hooves Day' party EVER!" Pinkie screamed in an explosion of confetti.

"Big mac," Dash whispered to her accomplice.


"I regret nothing."


February 13th. 20:59.57 . . . 20:59.58 . . . 20:59.59 . . . 21:00.00

Dash flew over to the farm through the rain that was slowing down. Several members of the weather team had begun to disperse the clouds. When Dash reached the farm house, she knocked on the door.

"Ah'm comin' "Applejack replied. "Oh Dash, come on in and have some hot cocoa. That was a mighty downpour we just had."

"Thanks. Is Big Mac here?" Dash walked over and sat down across from her on the couch.

"Yeah, he's getting' dried up. Somepony let a giant storm system pass over Ponyville and he got drenched to the bone."

"Oh." Dash laughed. "I'll uh. . . find out who on the weather team did it and have a talk with them." Dash hid her guilt behind the rim of her mug of hot cocoa. It tasted wonderful.

"Sure ya will. And ah just wanted to say sorry if ah spooked ya earlier. After you two were runnin' over town lookin' for each other ah knew you must really like him. Ah'd be proud to have ya as a sister-in-law."

Applejack gave Dash a wide, friendly smile. When the last phrase, 'sister-in-law', reached Dash's brain, she sprayed the hot cocoa all over Applejack's face.

"What!?" Dash coughed.

“What in Sam Hill? Ah was kiddin’, why’s everypony spittin’ on each other today?” Applejack complained.

"Sorry, I uh. . . might be a tad nervous.” Dash fidgeted and glanced around the room. “That I'm too awesome for him, of course. I never get nervous about asking somepony out!"

"Y'all never were good at fibbin'. Just admit it, ya brain turns ta mush around a handsome stallion, happens to the best o' us."

"Pfft." Dash turned and sipped her remaining hot cocoa. “It’s the other way around, I bet Mac can hardly speak around me.”

The two heard someone heading down the stairs and walk into the room. They turned to see Big Mac enter the room. Everypony was silent, smiling casually, as they looked around the room at each other.

Applejack burst out laughing at the two speechless ponies . After a little nervous laughter from all of them, she spoke up. "Well now, Macky, Dash here stopped by ta ask ya somethin'."

“Nope, ma chores?” Mac asked.

“Me and Applebloom finished up ‘round the farm. You and Dash can take all the time ya want,” Applejack replied.

"Um, hi Mac," Dash said. Her wings were twitching slightly as the played with the mug of cocoa in her hooves.


"Wha? Do we have guests?" Granny inched around the corner with her walker and headed for her favorite recliner. "Dash! Wonderful ta see ya honey. Did ya come by for some more of my home-made anti-fungal cream?"

Dash hid her face in her hooves, groaning. She had gotten athlete’s hooves from all the exertion at the iron pony competition and running of the leaves. Granny seemed unaware that was now over a year ago.

"Wha was that? Speak up," She also noticed her grandson blushing in a way he hadn't since grade school. "Oh I see what's goin' on, don't mind me. You two just keep it down while we're sleepin'. I can still remember your pappy’s favorite position, he’d bend me ove—”

"Granny!" AJ quipped.

"I dun get it, why would they hafta keep quiet?" Applebloom asked.

"It's not too late, Luna, you can still strike me down and end this torture," Dash whispered. "Then again, at least Pinkie isn—"

"SURPRISE!" Pinkie shouted as she leapt out of the fireplace.

"How in tarnati—" Applejack started.

"Luna!" Dash screamed.

"Nope," Mac replied.

"I still dun get what's goin' on!" Applebloom protested.

"I brought 'Happy Hearts and Hooves day' cupcakes for the special someponies!" Pinkie exclaimed, placing dozens of cupcakes on the coffee table.

"Pinki—" Dash began.

"Oh, I'm just so excited! I was so worried after I covered you in gloppy gloop—"


Dash was ignored.

"With the party cannon that you were gonna hold a grudge or be too embarrassed to ask Big Mac to be your spec—"

"Pinkie!" everypony yelled.

"Is there something in my teeth?" Pinkie asked.

As Dash was about to speak, a loud melody began playing and everypony turned to see Pinkie playing ten instruments at once. Dash fell back onto the couch and pulled a pillow over her face.

"Pinkie, ah reckon we should take a little walk," Applejack ordered.

"But that party is just getting started!" she protested.

"Pinkie. Walk. Now." Applejack pulled her outside by the tuba. "Just a little friendly walk to check on the cows."

"Oh, I love the cows! They're so friendly and I absolutely have to have some milk when I eat chocolate cupcakes!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Dash waited for Pinkie and AJ to leave, then cleared her throat. “Mac, I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a couple days. . .” Dash tried to make eye contact a couple times with Mac before succeeding. “I’d uh. . . I think we should, you know—since it’s Hearts and Hooves day. . .”

As Dash mumbled, she could feel panic coming over her. He’s going to say no she thought. Nopony would want to be her friend when they found out. . .

Dash remembered when the first serious thought of asking him out first occurred to her. She recalled seeing Mac plowing the fields. He was busy pulling a large plow attached to a rope on his hip. Only able to scoot it along inch by inch, he repeatedly thrust with all his might over and over again. Rainbow Dash had watched the movement and seen something else entirely.

Will you be my special somepony?” Dash blurted out.

"Eeyup." Mac walked over and took a seat, across the table from Dash.

"I—uh—thank you," Dash stuttered. She started blushing a lovely magenta shade that matched her eyes. "We—I should—"

"Ah get it now, you two are gonna be special someponies! This is wonderful, Mac, this'll make up for the time ah love poisoned ya!" Applebloom jubilantly added. Dash had forgot she was still in the room.

"Wait, love poison?" Dash was sitting back up now, and saw Mac eating one of the cupcakes.


"Do I want to know? Dash asked.


"Applebloom, why don't ya head on up ta your room and get some rest," Granny told her.

"Yes Granny." Applebloom trotted up the stairs singing. "Dash and Macky sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"Thanks Luna that's over with. So, uh Big Mac. When should I drop by tomorrow?" Dash asked.

"Hmm, two."

"You uh, mind if I stop by and help earlier? I always kinda liked watching you work," Dash admitted.

"Sure, ah thought ya were watchin’ me plow," Mac laughed.


February 14th 08:34.57 . . . 08:34.58 . . . 08:34.59 . . . 08:35.00

"Are you sure, Luna?" Celestia asked.

"We are most certain, sister. The stars and moon shall align tonight, in my most magnificent display ever. Meteors will shower the sky, and Cadance shall cast a spell upon my moon. Her love will radiate on everypony. This will be the best Hearts and Hooves day ever," Luna exclaimed.

"And you agree to handle the consequences, should you and Cadance mess up and cause a little too much love? I still remember the last time you got lonely on Hearts and Hooves day, and decided to put on a 'grand show' with your moon. Every noble pony in Canterlot ended up out in the streets ‘enjoying’ each other’s company."

"Fear not, my sister, for we are not so young and naïve anymore. And, if by some chance, a gentle stallion does not whisk me off my feet when he sees my beauty tonight, we shall not burn down the romance section of the Royal Library again."

"I still think you’ve got the wrong idea about this holiday. Just don’t make me regret you and Cadance casting love spells again. . .I suppose that's all I can ask for."

"Now, we are off to have pleasant dreams!"


February 14th. 11:59.57 . . . 11:59.58 . . . 11:59.59 . . . 12:00.00

It had been a long night. For some reason Dash had been unable to sleep, and wondered if Mac felt the same. She had a nervous energy, constantly tossing and turning in bed. Dating a pony was uncharted territory, she couldn’t stop wondering if she would mess it up. She'd never opened up to a stallion, and the idea that her feelings would be reciprocated filled her with a new emotion.

She grabbed her box of treats off the counter. Today was Hearts and Hooves day, and it was customary to exchange gifts. It was a last minute attempt, so she had attempted to melt chocolate protein bars and shape them into little hearts. The result was balls of peanut-butter chocolate with bits of oat and protein powder shaped like small moose droppings.

Still, Dash had tried a few and was quite proud of the effort. She had never cooked for anypony, nor would she ever admit to making Mac homemade chocolates. She wasn't the uncool, stay-at-home type of pony. Mac and Dash were athletic, and they would be doing cool things tonight. They wouldn't be sitting on a park bench talking about their feelings.

Dash flew down towards the farm with the box of chocolate balls strapped to her back. They were a bit salty, but very high in protein, and that was a good thing. A great thing in fact. They would need lots of energy for tonight, at least Dash hopped so. It did not take her long to find Mac, heading back for lunch. After that she would help him wrap up his chores so they had the whole evening to enjoy.

She met him at the family picnic table. Luckily, it was just her, Mac, and AJ. He was covered in sweat from head to hoof and had the matching, overwhelming body order. It was just the kind of thing to set Dash's heart racing.

"Hey, I uh, brought you a gift," Dash said, smiling.

"Thanks," Mac said.

"Ah bet she'll love what you got her," Applejack added.

"But ah did—" Big mac was interrupted by Applejack’s hoof in his side.

"Don’t ruin the surprise, Mac. So what'd you bring my clumsy brother?" Applejack added before Mac recovered.

"I uh. . . well they were going to be chocolate protein bar candies, but I'm not that good at the whole candy thing. Or chocolate. Or cooking in general."

"Thanks, Dash, that's mighty kind," Mac replied.

"Hold on a second, did ya just say you cooked something Dash?" Applejack chuckled.

"Ah think ah hear Granny callin' ya," Mac said.

"Ah didn't he—" Applejack was interrupted by her brother’s hoof in the side. "Ow! Ya'll are right, better go see what she wants. Then I'll be back for you, Mac."

"If I didn't know better I'd say your sibling rivalry is almost as big as AJ's and mine," Dash laughed.

"You ain't seen half of it. Remember when ah missed applebuck season?" Mac asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"She got this notion she could hogtie me. Said she was a better rodeo pony, somethin’ bout being quicker. Didn’t take much before ah had her trussed up ‘n hangin’ from a tree. She was so furious. Tried ta jump me in the house ‘n get her revenge. Ah quickly had her trussed up again, laughed so hard ah fell right down the stairs. Got knocked out cold, and she had to wait for Granny to wake up to help her out."

"That's awsome!" Dash said. “I didn’t know you could hogtie somepony so easily.” Dash imagined what it’d feel like to have Mac hog tying her to a tree.

"Eeyup. She still thinks ah cheated. Ah mean, look at us, who'd ya think is stronger?"

"I'm going to go with. . . me." Dash flew into the air and showed off her muscles. She intended to show Mac she was just as strong.

Mac's jaw dropped, as it was her curves and not her muscles that got his attention. He followed her sides down to her flank arriving at her plot. His tongue rolled out of his mouth before he realized she was staring straight at him, following the line of his gaze.

After a few seconds Dash realized she was exposing herself to her new special somepony, and dropped back to the ground.


"Heh, sorry I get a little carried away."


February 14th 13:36.57 . . . 13:36.58 . . . 13:36.59 . . . 13:37.00

"We have done as you requested," Luna stated.

"Good, and she doesn't suspect anything," Cadance asked?

"This is Celestia, of course she suspects something. We do not think she will interfere. We shall amplify your power of love using the moon. This shall be your best Hearts and Hooves day ever."

"Thanks, Luna. I still have to wonder, why don't I just cast the love spell on you instead of everypony?"

"We shall not have ponies know that we needed love spells to find a stallion on Hearts and Hooves day! Everypony shall feel your magic and love spread throughout the kingdom, and have the most wonderful night ever."

"Fine, fine. But don't forget your promise. When my term is up in the Crystal Kingdom, you'll transfer me somewhere warmer. It’s bucking cold up there, and Shining can’t keep me warm when you keep sending him out to train the guard."

"We shall keep our word, if, and only if, this night ends in a most excellent rutting."


February 14th 13:49.27 . . . 13:49.28 . . . 13:49.29 . . . 13:49.30

Dash flew against her yoke, dragging the plow behind her. To the side of the field, Applejack and Big Mac watched in amazement.

"Ah can barely pull that thing, it must weigh three hundred pounds," Applejack remarked in amazement.

"Eeyup, them plows ain't built for mares. Ah don't understand how those wings can be so powerful."

"Ah don't understand how she ain't broke 'em yet pullin’ somethin’ that heavy."

"You still think she cheated on the iron pony competition?" Mac quipped.

"Of course she did! She may be strong, but she's a no good cheatin' stallion stealin' mare."

"What? She ain't never stole a stallion."

"Of course she did, haven't you heard?"

In 1972, hot shot stunt pony, Dash, was sent to prison by a military court for a crime she and her marefriends didn't commit. These mares promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Stalliones underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as stunt fliers of fortune. If you have a problem . . . if no one else can help . . . and if you can find them . . . then maybe you can hire. . . the L-Team.

I was a young mare back then, Mac, when Dash stole the stallion of my dre—


"Hobble your lip, that's bull-hickey. Ah don't wanna hear no more tangents 'bout Dash's secret lives leadin' up ta this moment. I just wanna fight like Kilkenny cats in the sack," Mac stated.

"Sweet Celestia, when'd you turn into a Colt Eastwood? Ah think the blood must be abandonin' ship from your brain," Applejack snapped.

"Ow!" Dash shouted.

The two siblings stopped bickering to see Dash at the end of the field, trying her best to get a good look at her wing. They quickly ran over to see what was wrong.

"Y’all okay?" Mac asked.

"Yeah, just pulled a muscle. I think I hit a rock," Dash stated.

"Rock? Hah! Ah knew the plow was too heavy for ya, after all that braggin'," Applejack quipped.

"She's just tired out from all the hard work. You can't even get a plow movin' AJ, she got it clear across the field!" Mac laughed.

"What? AJ can't even get it started?" Dash rolled over and started clutching her sides as she laughed. “Ah knew I was stronger than you!”

"That ain't true!" AJ tried to lie. "Ugh, insufferable! Have a good hearts and hooves day you two, ah got some chores to do since nopony asked me out, again."

After Applejack was gone, Dash got up. "You know, Mac, Rarity may have accidently told me once, she's always wanted to go on a date with Applejack. You think we should help them hook up?"

Big Mac was aroused as his mind immediately imagined the two mares in bed together. Rarity, whining that Applejack was getting her dirty in their embrace. Applejack, sweating as—

"Nope," he replied. Best not get to thinking about two mares in one bed, especially when one was his sister. Though, come to think of it, he realized Rarity would be pretty hot covered in mud.

"Fair enough," Dash added. "Now, let's get into town and get this party started!"

"Yay! Party!" Pinkie yelled as she jumped out from behind the plow.

"Ugh. . . how long have you been hiding in the plow, Pinkie?" Dash asked.

"Since you started plowing, silly!"


February 14th 15:59.57 . . . 15:59.58 . . . 15:59.59 . . . 16:00.00

"So you see, as the wave form collapses, it enables the flux capacitor to release more energy. The perpetual motion energy begins an inverse cycle, causing it to use even less energy. As the output approaches 1.21 gigawatts of power the reactor starts to self-sustain. At that point, it becomes a true perpetual motion engine, and is able to supply an infinite amount of power. The rest is just a simple matter of quantum physics and string theory," Doctor Whooves said.

"Wow, I'd never imagined it like that," Twilight replied. Her face was flush and so were her lips. She could feel the warmth spreading as the Doctor spoke science to her. Already, she was making a mental checklist on the best way to ask him back to the library after Hearts and Hooves day was over. Twilight would mention her collection of books on quantum wave forms, then invite him back for hot coffee. She knew he was an immortal, super-intelligent time-traveler so she had bought a net in case things didn’t go her way. A really big net.

"Yes, well did you want to hear more? You seem to be uh. . . enjoying yourself?"

Twilight uncrossed her eyes and put her tongue back in her mouth before turning back to face him. "Oh, it's just quite fascinating. So, if that provides power for this 'theoretical' wormhole you were studying, how would this 'theoretical' box travel through two points of space, instead of time?"

"Well that's a whole other field of study. You see, the first thing to realize is that it is not the box that's moving. It is, in fact, space that is moving. While the speed of light is the most valuable constant in interstellar travel, one cannot assume speeds surpassing it are impossi—" The Doctor stopped as Twilight moaned loudly.

Twilight focused and realized he'd stopped talking. "Go on, speed of light, penetrating wormholes. . ."

". . . Um, yes. So, once you've successfully breached the speed of light, you break the old Hoofstein theories of relativity. You are no longer bound to a fixed point in space. In fact, you can know both the speed and location of every atom at the same time. This allows you to know where every atom will be at every point in the past, or future. It is simply a matter of having a micro-processing computer and a suitable particle accelerator. With a sufficient number of Higgs-Bos—" The Doctor stopped and looked behind him.

Twilight had stopped to sit on a bench, stifling her moans as she quivered. The bench was shaking as she steadied herself against it, imagining the Higgs-Boson particles bombarding the nucleus of plutonium atoms in the flux capacitor. The way the atoms just exploded, releasing all that pent up energy.

"Oh my, Twilight, you look like you have quite a fever, are you alright?" the Doctor asked.

"Oh—Oh—Yes—I’m fine. Let's—Just talk about—something else—for a while," Twilight gasped.


February 14th 16:59.57 . . . 16:59.58 . . . 16:59.59 . . . 17:00.00

"See Pinkie, ya'll don't have to try too hard to make it up to your friends. Mac and Dash are having a swell time," Braeburn exclaimed.

"I guess so, but you're one hundred percent absolutely posilutly sure that they don't want a 'sorry I broke the pinkie promise and yay! You're dating now' party?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes, Pinkie. Now, tell me, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Well gee, Braeburn. Where are we going to get leather restraints, ball gags, whips, and chains at this time of night?" Pinkie responded.

"No Pink—oh wait, you’re actually right for once. Come on, I have a surprise for you. It involves frosting, cupcakes, and your cellar.”


February 14th 17:29.57 . . . 17:29.58 . . . 17:29.59 . . . 17:30.00

Dash yawned loudly as Mac and her sat watching the fireworks.

"Am ah that boring?" Mac asked.

"No, I Just didn't get much sleep last night. It's hard to stay awake sitting still," Dash added.

"Well, ah reckon we could talk. Been mighty quiet, maybe uh. . . ah could tell ya how beautiful your magenta eyes were?" Mac asked.

Dash was caught off guard. Had he just asked if her eyes were beautiful, or did he state it? She turned to look at him and saw him smiling, he was lost in her eyes. Nopony had ever complimented her like that. She'd been with a few stallions, but her beautiful features were the last thing on their minds.

"I uh. . . I'd like that," Dash replied.

"Ya have the most beautiful magenta eyes."

"And your eyes are. . . really green," Dash cooed.

Mac chuckled softly. "Thanks, ah hear they match my cutie mark. Kinda like yours match the lovely strands in your mane, here." Mac reached over and brushed some of the hairs that matched her eye off her shoulder.

Dash felt a surge of warmth and smiled, suddenly taking in the scent of apples. "You, actually smell like apples. It's cool."

"Ah had to look my best for ya."

"So, how about we do something a little cooler? Not that I don't like the compliments. . . I'm just horrible at it."

"You were doin' just fine, but what do ya have in mind?

"I was thinking we'd race to the bonfires."

"Sure, when do we start?"

"We just did," Dash shouted as she shot off, sprinting down the road.


February 14th 17:44.57 . . . 17:44.58 . . . 17:44.59 . . . 17:45.00

"This is lovely, darling, thanks," Ms. Cake cooed.

"Thanks, honey, I'd do anything for you. Even leave Pinkie alone in the bakery so I could take you out for a wonderful night," Mr. Cake said.

"You truly are fearless," she chuckled.

"What's the worst that can happen? It's not like she'll demolish Sugarcube Corner. I'm just glad the twins are sleeping."

"Well, after Pinkie introduced them to sugar, I don't think she'll be babysitting again for a while."

"That was a long night," he replied. He looked over to the sleeping twins. The family was sitting near a fountain, enjoying the beginning of a beautiful meteor shower overhead.

"Kiss me, and feel free to let your hooves wander," Ms. Cake begged.

"Sure thing." Mr. Cake planted a kiss on his wife and went to work. Seconds later the twins woke up screaming. Apparently it was time to be fed.

“Sorry, honey” Mr. Cake began.

“It’s okay, it’s turning me on,” Ms. Cake panted. “Keep going.”

Mr. Cake obliged, he wasn’t going to turn this opportunity down. He sped up his tempo to match the screaming babies in their carriage.


February 14th 17:58.57 . . . 17:58.58 . . . 17:58.59 . . . 17:58.00

"You can do this, Rarity. Every year, you find a reason not to," Rarity quipped into the mirror. "Just walk over to Sweet Apple Acres. Tell AJ you don't want to be alone again on Hearts and Hooves day. She's your friend!”

"Then, she'll agree, because she's lonely too. We'll head to the spa, where Aloe and Lotus will have my present ready. She'll relax with me, be pampered, and then, when the moment is perfect, I'll let her know my true feelings.”

"I'll gaze deep into her eyes, and admit my undying love for that stubborn, brash, filthy mare. Oh yes, she is so dirty. . ." Rarity was finding herself quite turned on at the thought of being dirty. It was her biggest secret that, her, the prim and proper, ever clean mare loved to get dirty.


February 14th 18:54.57 . . . 18:54.58 . . . 18:54.59 . . . 18:55.00

"We will not settle for such a rude stallion!" Luna commanded in her royal Canterlot voice.

A blue stallion sprinted away in terror. Moments later Cadance flew down to join Luna. "Come on, Luna, you can't be so picky. Everypony is feeling my love tonight, just relax and have a good time with one of them."

"We shall not settle, we are royalty! We deserve only the best stallion in Canterlot."

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe your standard is set too high?" Luna glared at Cadance. "Hear me out, Luna. You are nearly ageless; you've been alone for a thousand years. I can feel it in you and it pains me greatly. So many stallions would be glad to spend a night with you, to attempt to win your favor. You just need to let somepony in, be it a friend or a stranger."

"You would suggest we go search for love from any source possible? Does that not reek of desperation?"

"No, it is the sign of a pony who wants to be loved. I have always said that love can heal any wound, and yes, it can also be painful. However, if you don't open yourself up to a friend, you'll never find a special somepony."

"Hmm, open myself up to a friend. . . we approve of your plan." Luna leapt into the air, flying towards her bedchambers.

"Dear Celestia, what did I just do?"


February 14th 19:19.57 . . . 19:19.58 . . . 19:19.59 . . . 19:20.00

Rarity knocked on the front door to the Apple household. Most of the lights were out and it took a while before Applejack came and opened the door.

"Oh hey, Rare, what can ah do ya fer?" Applejack asked.

"Good evening, Applejack. I suspected that you and I might be in the same boat. We are woefully alone on Hearts and Hooves day. It would be my honor to escort you to the spa, to relax," Rarity recited.

"Ah shucks, ah would be ah think ah'd rather just stay home."

"I insist! You must be tired from a long hard day working the fields, covered in sweat and mud. . ." Rarity nearly drifted off into a daydream before recovering. "And, a little trip to the spa will have us both feeling better! It'll also help me take my mind off the soul-crushing sorrow of being alone again. This is the. Worst. Thing. Possible!" Rarity exclaimed, falling back onto the fainting couch she had prepared earlier.

"Rare, no need ta get dramatic. Ah would have come if ya'd just insisted." Applejack grabbed her cowmare hat and put it on.

The two began walking towards the spa when a loud noise shook the air. They saw the characteristic rainbow circle spread over town, as a brilliant rainbow streaked overhead.

The ground glowed with the reflected lights. Rarity placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Look, it's already going to be a magical night," Rarity exclaimed.


February 14th 19:24.57 . . . 19:24.58 . . . 19:24.59 . . . 19:25.00

Dash and Mac lay side by side in the tall grass. They were both panting and exhausted, covered in sweat. They occasionally looked at one another and laughed in joy.

The two had just spent the past hour in a contest of stamina. Dash had taken an early lead, but Mac never tired out. By the end, Dash could barely stand and Mac was still barreling ahead.

It had started with the race to the bonfire. Dash had won, and Mac suggested a rematch. Several rematches followed as they raced around town.

As they lay in the grass, Dash noticed how big he was, no wonder he was called Big Mac. His legs were thick as a four by four, huge muscles covered the shoulder joints. His sturdy neck and frame supported the large extremities, including one she looked forward to meeting later.

Mac inhaled Dash’s scent, sweat that smelled like a fresh rain near the ocean. He enjoyed a good, hard day’s work and imagined seeing her sweating more often. It only served to highlight how lithe and limber her smaller frame was. It inevitably always drew his eyes south.


February 14th 19:34.57 . . . 19:34.58 . . . 19:34.59 . . . 19:35.00

Rarity had completed her master plan. She had lured Applejack into the hot tub with her, alone, in the Day Spa. The two ponies relaxed in the hot water as they were massaged by the water jets beneath.

Both of them were sighing and groaning as muscles they didn't even know were sore got massaged.

"Rare, this feels amazin'. Ah actually wish you and ah could spend more time together like this. Just two mares havin' a good time, not worryin' about stallions," Applejack said smoothly.

"Actually, darling, that's why I brought you here." Rarity leaned over to Applejack who was now looking at her. Rarity used her hoof to guide a water jet just-so onto Applejack. AJ was shocked, surprised, and then smiled. "I'd like to make you feel even more amazing, and show you why we'll never need stallions again."


February 14th 19:44.57 . . . 19:44.58 . . . 19:44.59 . . . 19:045.00

“Shining, you can come in now,” Cadance called out seductively.

Shining armor walked into the bed chambers to begin tonight’s roleplaying. On his bed lay his wife, dressed in the finest gold silk. Her hooves had brilliant, polished gold slippers. Her necklace and crown were studded with jewels. She looked absolutely stunning.

“We love thou regalia, Princess Celestia.” Shining muttered. His wife made a lovely Celestia, her fur was a much better color to compliment the golden accoutrements.

Cadance took in her husband. The black crown sparkled in the light, the deep blue hoof-guards rattled as he walked. His white fur accentuated each piece of Luna’s regalia.

“Do not be shy, sister, tis been a thousand years. Come, and let me show you what you’ve been missing. . . the power of love.

“We accept thou fine offer,” Shining said proudly. “Let the sexual escapades be doubled!”


February 14th 19:59.57 . . . 19:59.58 . . . 19:59.59 . . . 20:00.00

Fluttershy lay in bed, alone. It wasn't because nopony had asked her out, quite the contrary. Every year she would receive dozens of letters from stallions professing their undying love for the yellow pegasus. That didn't make it any less scary.

It was one thing to overcome shyness with her friends. To have every stallion in town, which she rarely saw and never spoke too, suddenly send her roses, chocolates, and letters every year was intimidating.

Sure, she wanted to have a good time like all the other ponies. Year after year, the constant invitations had actually made her shyness worse. Now, she laid in bed wishing she could fall asleep and go back to having a normal day.

Dash would visit, they would have just as much fun as a special somepony. Her spa date with Rarity was always so much better than eating lunch with a stallion. Twilight. . . she was such a sweet pony, who was quiet though not as shy as Fluttershy. She often wondered if Twilight might like to spend some more time with her.

Fluttershy yawned. A second ago she had been wide away, and now she was fast asleep.


February 14th 20:00.57 . . . 20:00.58 . . . 20:00.59 . . . 20:01.00

Luna finished her spell and stepped into Fluttershy's dream. She found the mare standing in front of her cottage, looking slightly confused.

"We are most pleased to see you, Fluttershy," Luna exclaimed.

"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked. She quickly dove into a rabbit's burrow and tried to wiggle inside. Luna plucked her out with her magic.

"There is no need to fear, sweet Fluttershy. We are in your dream because we are lonely. We wished to spend our Hearts and Hooves day with the most beautiful and kind mare in Equestria."

"Twilight?" Fluttershy responded.

Luna chuckled. "No, you. We are both lonely, I from a thousand years on the moon, and you from the shyness that is so . . . adorable. I have come to ask you, to let me be your special somepony for the night."

"Oh, well, if you insist. I wouldn't want to make you be all alone again, and. . . well I always loved how your mane sparkles." Fluttershy blushed and turned her head so her pink hair covered her face.

Luna blushed. "We appreciate your compliments. So tell me, what would you like to do for hearts and hooves day?"

"Well um. . . what can we do?"

"We am the princess of the night, ruler of dreams. You need only speak your deepest fantasies, and we shall grant them."

"Well, I. . ." Fluttershy trailed off and whispered something.

"What was that?"

Fluttershy walked over to Luna and whispered in her ear. She was blushing to the point that her cheeks looked like tomatoes. When she was done, Luna's blue cheeks were turning from purple to pink as she blushed in kind.

"Six hours, with that much whipped cream? Hast thou been told of thy’s deceptive nature? Thou truly art a deviant."

The dream got hazy, and the two mares found themselves in Fluttershy's bedroom.


February 14th 20:05.57 . . . 20:05.58 . . . 20:05.59 . . . 20:06.00

Dash felt so warm and safe in Big Mac's embrace. The two had begun kissing under the glowing, pink moon. She had put on some rainbow socks to impress him before suggesting the make-out session. Once it began, she had melted in his hooves in a way she had never thought possible.

"Mac, there's something I wanted to ask," Dash whispered.

"What?" he replied.

"Well, I've always liked you so I don't want you to think it's too sudden but. . . well I really really like you and I've got this itch I just can't scratch and. . . if it's okay with you. . . I'd really like to head to the inn and rent a room."

Mac opened and closed his mouth silently a few times, and with a shyness to rival Fluttershy's said "Eeyup."

Dash felt something brush her hind leg, before getting up to lead the way to the inn.


February 14th 20:15.57 . . . 20:15.58 . . . 20:15.59 . . . 20:16.00

"Come on Sweetie! If ah help ya kiss Snips, maybe ah'll get my cutie mark!" Applebloom whined.

"It's not going to happen! Colts are disgusting, I don't want anything to do with them until they grow up into handsome, noble princes," Sweetie retorted.

"Ugh will you two quit it? This is so boring. I wish Dash were here, things are always awesome when she is around." Scootaloo stopped walking. "Hey girls, you hear that?"

Everypony stopped and started scanning the street with their ears. They could not see the source of the noise, but they could hear something rattling, or perhaps banging, around nearby.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Detectives?" Scootaloo asked. The girls nodded.

They spread out looking for the sound of the strange noise. It was quickly narrowed down to a building near Sugarcube Corner.

"I've never seen anything like it," Sweetie exclaimed. "It's like an earthquake, but only the one building is shaking!"

"What in tarnation could it be? Should we get Twilight to fix it?" Applebloom inquired.

"I think first we should back up!" Scootaloo complained.

Boards had started falling off the inn as the old oak walls fell apart. The crusaders had barely made it to the cover of a cabbage cart when they heard a loud explosion.

A wall of air rushed past them, flinging all the cabbages out of the cart. They saw an angry merchant screaming at somepony. Then, a circle of colorful rainbow washed just feet over their head.

"A sonic rainboom? This low?" Scootaloo jumped up and looked around.

Dash was nowhere in sight. All Scootaloo could see was a lingering rainbow over the smoldering rubble that had been the Ponyville Inn.


February 14th 20:22.57 . . . 20:22.58 . . . 20:22.59 . . . 20:23.00

"Ah reckon this is a bad idea, Dash," Mac whined. The pair stood in the ruins of the inn they had just leveled.

"Shh! I'm not finished, not by a long shot! Now, Pinkie and Braeburn have Sugarcube Corner all to themselves tonight. We're just going to use their guest room, no sweat" Dash said.

"Eeyup," Mac added suspiciously.

The two crept inside the house, quietly heading for the guest bedroom. They heard muffled sounds and the cracking of a whip from somewhere in the bakery. It wasn't helping Dash concentrate.

"There it is!" Dash exclaimed.


February 14th 20:31.57 . . . 20:31.58 . . . 20:31.59 . . . 20:31.00

"Ah'm tellin' ya Mayor Mare, it's the truth!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"Girls, you want me to believe this house was shaking itself apart, and then Rainbow Dash flew by and performed a sonic rainboom just feet above the street, and that the house just exploded itself apart?" Mayor Mare mocked.

"It's true, Mayor Mare, they destroyed my precious cabbages! I had to bring out my back up cabbages," the foreign cabbage dealer complained. "I expect reimbursement!"

"Of all the nights. . . now I’ll be late for my date with Iron Will. All right, I'll get some police ponies over here at once."

Mayor Mare walked away to get the police. After a few minutes of waiting, the crusaders got bored.

"So what now? Cutie Mark Crusader cabbage recovery specialists?" Scootaloo asked.

"How about Cutie Mark Crusader seismologists?" Sweetie asked.

The trio turned to face Sugarcube Corner. They could feel it rumbling through their hooves from across the street.

"Pinkie Pie! Ah knew it, she's always doing somethin' crazy. AJ says she's nothin' but trouble sometimes," Applebloom shouted.

"Oh no, my cabbages!" The vendor cried. He went to lift them up and run off, but a wheel fell off. "No, not again!" He began scooping them up as they rolled out.

"It looks worse this time, quick, back behind the cart!" Scootaloo shouted. The fillies dove for cover.

Sure enough there was a loud explosion, followed by a rainboom, followed by two objects landing next to them with a thud.

"Whoa Braeburn! That had to be the best one yet!" Pinkie panted.

"Um. . . Pinkie? Why are you dressed like the Mysterious Mare Do Well? And why is Braeburn all tied up?" Scootaloo asked.

Pinkie jumped five feet in the air gasping. "Quick, Plan B!" She flung several pellets at the ground, creating a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, her and Braeburn had vanished.


February 14th 20:44.57 . . . 20:44.58 . . . 20:44.59 . . . 20:45.00

"Please, Mac, just one more. I need this."

"Well, ah reckon one more can't hurt. Anything for you, Dashie," Mac cooed.

"Let's go to town hall, I don't think we should hang around this rubble anymore."


February 14th 20:50.57 . . . 20:50.58 . . . 20:50.59 . . . 20:51.00

"There she is!" Scootaloo shouted. The trio ran up to Mayor Mare, flanked by a very angry, and cabbageless, market vendor.

"Girls, what happened?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Ah saw another buildin' explode! It was Sugarcube Corner, and Pinkie nearly landed right on us!" Applebloom exclaimed.

"I should have known," Mayor Mare answered. "Police, find Pinkie Pie and take her into custody. We're going to wait here outside town hall and see if any of the other elements come to investigate. Then, we'll find her and see why she is blowing up buildings."

"It was awesome, Mayor!" Scootaloo cheered. "First the building would get all shaky and wobbly, and then stuff would start falling off, and then it's be like BOOM! WOOSH! CRASH! And then WHOOOSH! With a giant rainbow and then KAKAKA as everything landed!"

"Wait, rainbow?" The Mayor asked. "Both buildings exploded in a rainbow?"

"Yeah, and it looked just like that!" Scootaloo cried in happiness. She was bouncing giddily on her hooves. "omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh! It's happening again!"

Scootaloo stood there cheering as everypony else looked on in horror. The building was falling apart, piece by piece, victim to an invisible assailant. There was a bright prismatic light shining out through one of the windows.

"Omigosh!" Scootaloo chanted. "Omigosh. . . omigosh . . .omigosh. . .omigosh—omigosh—omigosh—omigosh. Omigosh. Omigosh. Omigosh. Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh, Omigosh, OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!!"

Everyone present heard a voice issue from inside the building. "Mac...! Smash!"

As Scootaloo finished cheering, a glorious thing happened. The wooden boards in the walls were sent flying in every direction. A beautiful double rainboom shattered every window on the street as roofing shingles exploded into the sky.

Scootaloo's eyes continued to widen as the wave of rainbow color washed over every pony in the street, a giant beacon illuminating the dark town of Ponyville. Papers and parchment from within town hall fluttered to the ground.

As the dust cleared, Scootaloo saw her idol standing proudly in the wreckage. "SO AWESOME!"


February 14th 20:58.57 . . . 20:58.58 . . . 20:58.59 . . . 20:59.00

"This isn't good, what do we do?" Dash asked.

"Well, ah think we'll have to face the music," Mac replied.

“And say what?” Dash inquired. “Sorry, but they call him Big Mac for a reason? We’ll be sure to tidy up the splintered remains of town hall?”

“Eeyup. Ah’d do it again if ah had a choice.”

Ponies were pouring out to see who had caused all the commotion. They could see several familiar faces among the growing crowd. Some came out just to see what the fuss was about. Others, like Mayor Mare and Pinkie Pie, had just had their workplaces destroyed.

Scootaloo was somewhere in the crowd, naively cheering her on for making so many rainbooms.

"Big mac," Dash whispered to her accomplice.


"I regret nothing."


February 14th 21:58.57 . . . 21:58.58 . . . 21:58.59 . . . 22:00.00

Dear Princess Celestia,

Tonight I learned a valuable lesson about friendship and net guns. After completing my. . . studies and extracurricular activities, I returned to the library for a quiet night of study. Imagine my surprise to look at the moon and feel such powerful magic wash over me, stoking my desire for a good rutt. . . a good book to read.

I know what you did, Celestia. You, and probably that deviant Cadance, cast a love spell on the moon. It was quite similiar to the want-it need-it spell. Were I not your pupil, I may have found myself repeatedly being taken by a handsome, intelligent, immortal time-traveling stallion in my loft until my every fantasy was fulfilled.

Luckily for you, I shall let this pass and not tell anypony about you’re little Neighagra spell or the subsequent property damage it caused it caused to the library, and town. However, you must agree to make me a princess. It doesn’t have to be today, or tomorrow, but you owe me one.

Your faithful student, who doesn’t need a love spell to get laid,

Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

-- The author also regrets nothing.
(Not sure if I should do more chapters, or end it here. What do you readers think?)