• Published 24th Sep 2011
  • 2,947 Views, 28 Comments

The Sounds of Silence - Asterilos the Star Watcher

A certain yellow pegasus is making it hard for Allegretto to live the simple life he wanted to lead.

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Chapter 2

Twilight laid back on the couch, in a total daze as Allegretto tried to catch his breath. Attempting to wrap her mind around what had happened, her body still tingled in pure ecstasy as he cleaned up, gathering scattered music sheets and wiping up puddles of spilled ink. She tried to rise, but her muscles refused to respond as she tried to talk. “That… That was incredible!” she finally got out, causing him to blush again. “I mean… can you do that every time?”

He nodded and went to the kitchen to see if it was stocked with something to quench his still raging thirst. Performances like that always left him drained, and he was sure Twilight would need the time to recover as well..

He was right. That explosion of cosmos in her mind left spots on her vision, and she still felt as if she were floating along a stream of something so beautiful to name it would somehow lessen it. “That… You were… You were the famous pony, weren’t you?” Her head throbbed with the effort strenuous thought brought. “There’s no way you weren’t if you can do that…” She stared at his flute as if it were a holy object, then gazed at him the same way when he set a glass of water in front of her. The utter amazement in her eyes made him blush even more, the heat rising as if he were staring at Fluttershy again.

He nodded again, sipping on his straw as his lungs pulsed dully. “Was afraid you’d treat me differently if you knew I was famous. I get pestered enough to play as it is.” He took another long drink before getting the things for the party together. He had played longer than he thought, and they were both surprised to see that the sun had almost set. “I’d appreciate if you didn’t let it slip. I’m trying to get away from that life, and Fluh… Flutter…” He sighed and inhaled. “Fluttershy doesn’t seem like the kind of pony who’d enjoy being in the limelight.”

She smiled and forced her right fore hoof up before her. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she recited, accidentally jabbing herself in the face at the end. Rubbing her eyelid, she watched as he picked up his flute. “You know, Pinkie has a piano, if you want to try your piece on there, instead. It might be a bit more poetic.” She tried to imagine what his piece would sound like on the ivory, and almost fell into the majesty of it all over again. It was just something about the passion he poured into it was like a spell, a story unfolding through her ears rather than eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that he would get Fluttershy’s attention at the very least, but one thing bothered her. “Why’d you want to run from something like this?”

He sighed and packed his saddlebags, motioning for her to follow him. Even as new as he was to town there was no way he was going to miss Pinkie’s house, lit up enough to dull the stars, so he could focus more on talking than navigating. “Ponies stopped caring for me and only wanted my music. That feeling that you got, they all got it, and they became addicted. So I ran from that, that pressure of always needing to play with that intensity, to a town where I was sure nopony knew me. I’ll risk it to get… her to talk to me, but I’m also scared, Twilight. I don’t want her to talk to me just because of my music.”

Twilight laughed and nudged him gently. “Pinkie was right, you are a dolty colty. I know my friends, and they’ll appreciate you for you. You know, I was afraid they only like me for my magic,” she confessed, and his raised eyebrow signaled for her to go on. “Oh yes, I was very afraid of that. I thought they’d always want me doing some crazy magic trick for them, like invisibility or something silly like that. But they like me for me. That’s what friendship is all about. I’m not just this horn.”

Her words, while they didn’t erase all his fear, did wonders for reducing them, and the added spring in his step helped keep him positive as Sugar Cube Corner loomed ahead, all his current tension and excitement focused in this one place. He swallowed and steeled himself for his performance, Twilight right beside him as they pushed through the doors to a raucous greeting from almost every pony in Ponyville. All of a sudden the stage life flashed before him, the chorus of greetings and laughter from his old friends and fellow musicians, and his spirits rose even higher. He cantered to the middle of the room where his new friends were, Twilight leaving his side for theirs. “Wow, Pinkie, when you said you throw great parties, you weren’t kidding!” he laughed, trying to take it in all at once. There were pastries and drinks all down the far wall, and a white pony in sunglasses spun records for everypony to dance to. It was all so fun and vibrant he couldn’t help but smile and laugh.

Pinkie beamed at his praise. “I’m super happy you like it, Gretto! You coming here was a great reason to throw a party, I was running out of ideas to throw one! Maybe next I can throw a ‘I don’t have any more reasons to throw a party’ party!” She laughed and hopped once, a limitless fountain of energy and goodwill. “I was going to set up a stage, but Rarity said that putting you on the spot like that was rude, and then Applejack agreed, and then Rainbow Dash said she could play faster than you, and then Fluttershy was all mumbly and we couldn’t understand her over all the thinking going on!”

Allegretto tried to not visibly stiffen at the mention of her name, fighting the urge to glance over at her and lose his hard fought composure. “Well, I’d love to play tonight, Pinkie, but I’m really tired from all the moving. Big shows take a lot of energy, and that’s something I don’t have right now.” He smiled sympathetically and nodded slightly to Twilight, who nudged Applejack. “So, Rarity, I don’t think I ever heard what exactly it is that you do. What does a pony on the edge of every trend occupy her time with?”

“My my, you’re more polite every second, Mister Allegretto! I run a little fashion shop called Carousel Boutique, and I specialize in only the best and finest for my clients!” As she began talking Applejack and Twilight began to whisper to Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, who both nodded and followed them out back. “You’ll simply have to stop by some time so I can fit you for a nice outfit to play music in! Something sophisticated, yet simple in design. Oh, if only we were at my store right now, I could have it done in a flash!” She faded to a quick fantasy, then came back out as a purple baby dragon came up to her. “Oh, Spike, have you met Allegretto? He’s a new resident, and I hear he’s quite the musical talent!”

Spike visibly bristled with jealousy at her praise for him, then seemed to keep it in check as he turned his back on him. “Rarity, Applejack tore her hat helping Twilight and Pinkie out back. Do you think you can help her fix it?”

Rarity put on an air of supreme confidence, trotting towards the back door. “Think? I know I can fix that old cowpony’s hat in a jiff! I’ll be outside if anyone needs me!” She dashed out, leaving Allegretto alone with Fluttershy and Spike.

Spike glared at Allegretto with a look that could wither plants. “You’re new in town, so I don’t expect you to know, but I like Rarity, and one day she’ll realize how amazing I am. So please, don’t get in the way of that.” With a huff he was outside, leaving Allegretto and Fluttershy amidst the bouncing party atmosphere.

Fluttershy lowered her head and turned to the side, wishing for her friends to come back. “Oh, umm, I… I never welcomed you to Ponyville… I’m sorry, I was just nervous…” She tried her best to meet his gaze and establish some kind of relationship, but something in his eyes made her nervous, but in a new way she’d never felt before.

He took a step closer, and his spirit soared when she didn’t retreat like he feared she would. “It’s fine. I wasn’t exactly… You know, I wasn’t a good new neighbor.” It was a true effort on his behalf to finish his sentences and not break eye contact, and if Twilight hadn’t given him that shot of confidence earlier, he wouldn’t have been able to do it. But some hidden steel deep within him decided to show through, and he pushed ahead. “I just get a little flustered around… pretty fillies such as yourself.”

The compliment gave Fluttershy butterflies, and a blush began to creep up her cheeks as she looked directly at him, a strange new phenomenon that Twilight should have been recording for the history books. “Oh, uh… Th… thank you,” she muttered, taking a step closer herself. She’d forgotten her friends had left and focused on him, some strange feeling passing through them both. “I… I don’t really know how to act around colts. There aren’t very many around…”

Allegretto saw Rainbow Dash over Fluttershy’s shoulder, motioning to him that they were ready. He gave her a very minute nod and walked a little past Fluttershy. “I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you that well in here. Do you mind if we head outside, maybe see what the others are up to?” She nodded and stuck closer to him than necessary, not that he complained at all. Every time they brushed it sent an electric tingle across his coat, and as they walked into the crisp night air he swore he could’ve charged a thundercloud. When he saw what his friends had prepared, though, he felt the shock in tenfold.

Lights were strung all around a small stage, only big enough to accommodate him as he played. There was a blanket laid out before it, with all his friends on there, with room for one Fluttershy at the front. She was twice as shocked as he was, so Rarity and Pinkie guided her over to her spot as Allegretto mounted the stage. “I’m sorry we had to spring this on you, Fluh… Fluttershy.” He swallowed and pulled his flute out of his saddlebag, gripping it in his teeth as he said “I hope what I’m about to do makes up for it.” He positioned his flute correctly, took a deep breath, and began to play.

The tune started off soft and slow, the passion he put into it building as the music began to spin its wonders. Each note a clear peal into the night, he began to play louder, and they began to experience what Twilight already had. It was almost indescribable, but his passion spilled over into them, and they felt themselves carried along by the melody as colors blossomed in their heads, a galaxy of swirling lights that suggested the true intent behind his composition. He looked down at Fluttershy, who watched him with growing wonder and adoration. He focused his feeling on her, and the resulting symphony of vibrancy and emotion was powerful enough to make her whole body shiver in delight. His feelings towards her and his gentle kindness were transferred in that fantastic display, and without saying anything in return she reciprocated, placing trust in him with a small smile that filled him with so much elation that he reached a crescendo, the notes spiraling up to the night sky to twinkle with the stars.

He let the song end of its own accord, dying with his own breath as they gaped at him with awe, save Twilight, who had felt it before and was the first to applaud him at the end of the last note. As the others came from their stupors they began to applaud too, replacing the music that had once filled the air. Fluttershy rose and edged up to the stage as he came down, a deep red coloring her face. “That was… very pretty,” she said, and for once she did not mutter or mumble. She took a tentative step towards him, and then rested her head in his neck for a brief moment as the applause continued.

“Yes, yes, very pretty indeed,” a voice called from behind, snapping them out of their precious moment. They all spun to find the perpetrator, a small black pony with a white tuxedo on. They way he held himself suggested an air of egotism, and he stared directly at Fluttershy and Allegretto. “And you know you had shows scheduled all through this season, Allegretto.” He began to trot forward until Applejack and Rainbow Dash cut him off. “Oh, and I see you’ve made some new friends. How quaint. I’m sure they love your music, don’t they?”

Allegretto placed himself protectively in front of Fluttershy, glaring down the new pony. “What are you doing here, Adagio?” he growled, anger flashing black behind his eyes. “I told you in my letter that I was leaving the company and that you should respect my choice. You didn’t have a right looking for me.”

Adagio snickered and shook his head, keeping his cool masterfully. “You had no right to leave. You owe everything to us, Allegretto. Your home, your career, your life. Nopony could rake in the bits like you could, and when you took your leave we saw a sharp decline in the profits.” He tilted his head slightly to the left, thinking deeply. “Of course, demand for you has risen quite a bit. We miss our first chair flute. So, if you return with me now, I suppose we could forget about this little lapse in judgment-”

“He ain’t goin’ nowhere,” Applejack cut in, taking a menacing step towards him. While she was an intimidating sight, he refused to balk, so she pressed on harder. “Allegretto came here ‘cause he wanted to. Ain’t nopony takin’ that away from him, not while Ah’m around, fer sure!” She snorted and began to paw the ground, ready to charge him.

Sticking his nose up at her, he turned and trotted back towards the main road, glancing back to see them all glaring at him. It caused him to smile, and they had to hold Applejack back from charging straight at him for it. “It’s so adorable how you’re all fighting for such a sad little pony. Has he not told you about his old life? That sordid tale of music and entrapment? Oh, it’s quite a story, I’ll say.”

Allegretto snorted and lowered himself closer to the ground, a reserve of patience he had built over the years the only thing keeping his anger in check. “Just leave me alone, Adagio. I’ve made you enough bits to buy a replacement for me, so let me live the rest of my life away from that.”

“You know that isn’t how it works, Allegretto. Once you are a Concerto, there is no other life. You work for us, you owe us everything. And to shirk that is to welcome disaster upon yourself.” Adagio turned again and began to saunter away towards the main street, to whatever had brought him to Ponyville. “Luckily for you, we are so busy repairing our schedule from your departure that we don’t have time to bring you home this season,” he called back, risking another charge with his condescending smile. “So, you have until then to get whatever this is out of your system. If you’re not back by next summer… Well, just be back by next summer.”

He had finally gone, but the anger in the air still hung heavy as fog as all eyes turned to Allegretto. “Allegretto, what are you keeping from us?” Twilight asked, voicing everyone’s thoughts.

With so many eyes on him, and in light of what happened, he knew that trying to play this off as smaller than it was would be futile. He buried his face in his hoof, and a small sniffle escaped him. “That was my brother, Adagio. He’s not exactly a good apple, to say the absolute least, but I’m not one to talk. We’re both part of a group called the Concertos, a musical troupe on the surface with a terrible core.” He sighed and moved towards the blanket to lie down, Fluttershy trying to perk him up with small, reassuring nudges. They all gathered around him as he began to tell his tale. “My brother and I were orphaned at a very young age, left on the streets with only my flute and his brains…”

Author's Note: I apologize that this chapter seems to move so fast, perhaps even too fast, but when I had a definitive past ready for Allegretto and a major conflict cemented, I wanted to get through the rising action into the heart of the story. I'll try my very best to move more slowly in subsequent chapters.