• Published 14th Jul 2013
  • 1,490 Views, 20 Comments

The Adventure of Flynn Rider - Chadbane

Flynn Rider is the most daring dolt to ever dare to do the most dulling dare that no body would ever do. This isn't, of course, the smartest thing to do!

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Part II - "With Love, from Equestria" (Repaving)

"With Love, from Equestria"

Let me just start off by saying that falling through a magic portal isn't the most comfortable form of transportation. You can only imagine my growing distrust in the usage of such a device when I was pulled though one and tossed to the ground in the middle of a forest. The portal that sent me there was hovering a few feet above the ground, when I was thrown through it, I happened to face plant into the soil. Not a bad landing yet? Wait until you see what came next through the portal. So, as I began to pick myself up from the ground, a clock landed next to my skull. It was one of those same clocks that I had seen hanging in the palace hallway. It took me a few moment to realize this, but when I did, I quickly looked upwards. Granted, that wasn't the best idea.

There, hovering a few feet above me, was the other side of the black hole. I could see the palace hallway there, and the suction from the black hole was tossing things through it. You can already guess where the things were landing, right? Bingo! Right on top of me. Naturally, I began to run from all those deadly projectiles, and I remember being close to an impending doom quite a few times on that occasion. So anyway, as objects began to crash all around me, I spent my time dodging and leaping out of the their flight paths. Although it was quite exciting to almost die again(Not!), the objects eventually stopped falling. I looked up quickly to make sure that there wasn't anything else to look out for, but that stupid portal immediately closed up. Still don't think this was a bad predicament, yet? Well, then get ready for the ridiculous part. So after all that garbage crashed everywhere and that black hole/portal thing slammed shut, my cube simply dropped into the palms of my hands.

For a moment, I just stood there and stared at the evil thing, and not a second went by when I didn't ask myself why I was so down right stupid to have brought that cube along with me in the palace. After all, I had had no idea where I was, and I couldn't grasp the realization that I was no longer in the palace and on my way home. Now to think about it, I remember being tired from my hard days work, and now I knew that I wouldn't be able to get home at all. After snapping myself out of my state of bewilderment, I began to fiddle with the box. "Open portal, sasame!" I ordered with a wave of my fingers. After a few failed attempts, I began the second phase of insanity. And that, my friends, would be the phase of denial. I began to explain to myself that hope was just around the corner, and that I could cope with the possibility that I had been teleported into a uncharted dimension where vicious creatures could eat me. Besides, I was Flynn Rider wasn't I? And doesn't Fylnn Rider always keep cool even under the heat of pressure?


If someone hasn't already told you that life is difficult, I'm living proof that it is. The only problem though Is the fact that I handle life so well, that I make it look way too easy for some people. So, you can imagine the glorious manner I tugged along through that damp, and muddied forest. I remember that despite of the gloomy outcome of my stupid decision, I was already planning on how I was going to make the best of things. First of all, I was planning to find civilization. Then secondly, I was going prove to every civilized person that I was a prince with a wave of my sword and with the ring upon my finger. (You'll remember I was still well dressed.)

I remember that I wore a long sleeved white tunic with a string of golden buttons running down its middle. I recall it nearly being impossible to keep clean in that dense forest scenery I was trekking through. Moss and the dew was everywhere, and after awhile, I remember finding myself next to a small pond in the middle of a thick gathering of trees. For the sake of my quenching thirst, I dropped my head inro the spring and began to gulp in large quantities of water. Around this point is where the story gets a little embarrassing for me. The spring of water was cool and fresh, and lets just say that Flynn Rider needs to keep cool to 'keep cool', if you know what I'm saying.

Anyway, I removed my clothing and took a dive into the delicious water. It was a refreshing dip, and that's an understatement. As I found myself relaxing in the water, I took my first real look around myself in the forest. The place was green, which is also an understatement, and there happened to be a lot of trees and bushes. Trees and bushes... yeah, that was about it. Trees, flowers, and bushes. Yep, nothing to be completely worried about. So anyway, as I refreshed myself in that cool spring of water, I began to wonder if I had anything useful in my satchel bag. And so, I quickly pulled my self out of that cool spring and walked over to my satchel bag.

It wasn't long before I had flipped it open, and when I had, I viciously began to search through it. I was surprised to find so little, for all that I had in there happened to be a bottle of some sort of liquid, and that cube I had come to hate so much. Besides those things, there was only a single change of clothes in there. I quickly threw on the change of clothes, and found that clothing was the very same clothes I had used to wear back in my old thieving days. I guess it was one of those things I just happened to subconsciously place in my satchel bag while I was keeping it with me. Anyway, I dried up and threw on my boots. Yeah, now I even looked like Flynn Rider again. And if you're me, that's pretty important.

Anyway, that about sums up my first day in Equestria. Yeah, Equestria. That's what they call the place. That's what who calls the place, you ask me? Well, lets just say you'll find out. Believe me, you'll find out...

Moving on, the next morning was terrible. I awoke from a horrible nightmare, and then I found out that my nightmare had been real. I had actually been transported to an uncharted parallel dimension. I muttered to myself a couple of expletives, and then I began another long trek throughout that long and boring forest. For a long time I just tugged along. I tried humming a few tunes and singing a couple of songs, but none of it really happened to make a difference. My pace was still slow, and to top off my stupidity, I had forgotten my sword near that old spring I had used the previous day.

Nothing too bad yet? Well, you're probably right; but it's gonna get a lot worse! So anyway way, as I'm walking along, I happen to hear a beautiful voice echoing throughout the forest. It was a soft and beautiful voice, but nothing pleased me more than to know that civilization wasn't far. And so, I quickly took off in the direction of that voice. 'Freedom, freedom, freedom!' I remember thinking. I don't recall it being much more exciting than that, however. Anyway, as I neared the mysterious feminine voice, I stopped cold in my tracks to consider a plan. You see, I didn't have my sword, and I wasn't wearing my royal clothing. How was I supposed to prove to anyone that I was a prince?

Bingo! I wouldn't. I would just pretend like I was a handsome traveler, and if anyone got suspicious, I'd just whip out my ring and flash it in their faces. It was a plan that most certainly couldn't go wrong. It was an epic plan, and only a plan someone like Flynn Rider could think of! I remember smiling upon the tone of my own genius. Oh yeah, I was completely awesome. Anyway, I took the time to hide myself in some bushes and move myself closer towards the voice. It wasn't like I wanted to frighten anyone, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to leap into trouble just because I heard singing. So moving on, I made my way through the bushes, and just as I heard the voice on the other side of my bush, I quickly leaped out of it with a large smile upon my face.

That was a terrible mistake. When I leaped out of my bush, I happened to land right into the middle of a dozen creatures or more, and each of the creatures looked capable of tearing me to pieces. There were bears, foxes, racoons, deers, and you name it. They were all there, and gathered around one single pony. Yeah, that's right. You head me. A pony. A pony with pink mane. Did I mention she was a bright yellow color? Yeah, it was weird, and I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into. But yes, oh yes, I was just about to find out! Wait, pause! Let me just add that that pony was adorable. On her rear end was a pretty little tattoo of butterflies, and upon her face she had two large and adorable eyes. But, that's enough of her, so lets get back to me! Anyway, as I stood there, I smiled nervously as every creature somehow withheld an expression of shock upon their faces. I know, right? How is that even possible? But, Flynn Rider isn't lying when he says he isn't lying; and that there wasn't a lie.

Those animals were, in fact, shocked. I still don't even know how it was possible, but it was. I remember that I wore a stupid mixture of expressions on my face just like they were, except I found myself beholding a mixture of different ones. My mixture happened to consist of expressions like, fear, worry, sorrow, and surprise all at the same time. I remember only being able to stutter a single word as I met this troubling sight.

"H-hi?" I stuttered nervously.

That pony went wild. She began to scream and cry all at the exact same time, and I don't remember that helping my awkward position in the slightest. The animals, as a result of her crying, turned to me with expressions of furry upon their faces. I won't lie, I ran, and I ran fast. Luckily, as I ran, I saw a cottage in the distance, and there happened to be an open window that lead into it. That window was my salvation, and I knew that If I didn't make it into it, I'd probably be mauled by a horde of angry animals that were behind me. So, did I make it, you ask? Yes! And now you think I'd be safe, right? Wrong! It turns out that when I leaped into the cottage through window, the interior of the cottage faired no better the the exterior.

There were still dozens of animals all around me, and I didn't suspect they liked me so much. And so, I knew that I needed a distraction to get away from them. Without a second thought in mind, I quickly dashed passed them, and headed up some stairs that led to a second floor. I was probably in the cottage attic, but It didn't matter to me very much at the moment. I quickly shut myself inside that attic and locked the entrance to it. Now to think of it, I even locked the windows in case some angry birds tried to break in. And after all that hard work, I merely collapsed in a bed that happened to be lying right there in the middle of the second floor. That also reminds me of something else. That second floor, or attic if you will, was only one room large, and there wasn't anything too alarming about it. Or so I thought.

As I lay there catching my breath, I found myself observing a pair of two large white ears peaking over the side of the bed. "Huh?" I found myself saying as I picked myself up from the bed. As I leaned over to the other side, I found a small little white rabbit staring up at me. I don't mind if you think that I'm crazy, but I'm telling you, that little rabbit was angry. Or, at least he looked angry, if you will. Angry like a little devil. "Oh, it's just a little bunny!" I laughed. "Would you like a little carrot or something, my little rab--Ow!"

I still don't believe it, and you probably won't either. Never for a second did I even think that a rabbit could slap a full grown man across the face. Let me just say that It was unexpected and that it hurt. "What the?! Was that your paw?" I queried aloud. The little rabbit only tapped his foot angrily. I had no idea what he was scheming, but I had no time to stick around and find out. "Well, what ever you think you are, It has been a pleasure." I said as I walked passed him. I was making my way to the exit, but that little devil made his way in front of me and leaped upon the door handle. When he was there, he crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue.

I'll have you know that it was creepy. Have you ever been intimidated by something so cute and yet so evil? That was the case in this scenario. Still, at that time, I wasn't very bright. I mean, Flynn Rider wasn't just about to let a rabbit, or bunny, if you prefer, keep me from my freedom. "Look, little guy. I don't know if you think you're the captain of the guard or something, but would you be so kind to move aside for me?" I asked politely. You would think that little bunny rabbit would have courteously stepped aside, but no! He just HAD to play jail guard. "Okay," I shrugged. "You asked for it!"
I reached for the door handle and attempted to push him off, but that little devil was keen, and he leaped up onto my face and began thumping upon it with his little ol' hind legs.

I tried to get him off my face, but that little guy was just was too tricky. As soon as I tried to whack him off myself, he leaped off my face which resulted with an error of mine. I accidentally smacked myself in the face. It didn't leave a mark or anything, but you can still be sure it just down right hurt. In only a few minutes, I found myself toppling onto the floor, and in as much pain as I thought a human being could possibly endure. But it wasn't over. Not yet. That little devil wasn't satisfied with my defeat... oh, no! He wanted my death! It actually sounds pretty dramatic, doesn't it? Anyway, he somehow was able to get a hold of some sort of wire, and when he had gotten a hold of it, he quickly began to choke me with it. That's right, I said CHOKE!

He was on the back of my neck, and I just couldn't get him off me. But still, there was no way I was gonna die to a stupid rabbit. And so, I leaped upon the bed and bounced him off easily. As I began to catch my breath, I reached for the door handle to the exit of the room, and just as I began to open it, that little devil attacked once again. But this time, I was prepared. I quickly opened the door and he flew out. As soon as this was done, I rapidly proceeded to close the door. After I had done this, and I was perfectly safe, I chuckled to myself for being awfully clever. "Ha! Enjoy the Foxes, little rabbit! I hope they don't leave anything left of you!" I laughed grimly. I admit, that sounded harsh, but I probably was on edge. Don't you think?

Anyway, seeing that I was safe and all, I just decided to take a nap in that bed set in the middle of the room. Sure I had worries, but I was confident that no animals could break in and devour me while I slept. I personally believed that I deserved a good nap, and if anyone who owned this cottage returned, it'd be the least they could do for almost killing me with their pets. Besides, perhaps the animals were wild, and they'd be killed on the way home. Either way, Flynn Rider was safe for now, and he would have his reward. A nice long nap, and little worries. But that's not the end of this adventure, because It only gets crazier from here!

Author's Note:

If you're enjoying this book so far, please feel free to leave a thumbs up. If you think it's a flop by this point, then by all means feel free to thumbs it down. I'm in no hurry for likes or dislikes, but your comments and feedback would be appreciated. And if you do happen to leave a comment, please inform me of any spelling errors or mistakes. Thank you!