• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 3,224 Views, 336 Comments

The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee - FlanChan

Twilight and her friends live in a dystopian society and try to revolt.

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Chapter 25: Water of the Womb

The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee
Chapter 25: Water of the Womb

Everything was black

Twilight found herself in a featureless room, devoid of all feeling. She couldn’t tell how long she had been there. She tried to move, but the effort proved to be too much for her. She gave up trying.

Everything flashed white a few times. Was this what death felt like? It was surprisingly lonely. Not sad, just lonely. And empty.

She tried to look around, but stopped soon after. Even moving her eyes was hard. From what she could gather, though, she was just in a black void, with no definite start or end. She was too tired to have any opinion about it, though. She was just so tired…

There was a flash of white again, and a loud pounding noise. It was slow and steady, and it bothered her. No, she didn’t feel anything towards it. It was just there, just like everything else.

It soon morphed into a sort of pulsing noise, keeping the same steady beat. She would’ve wondered what it was, but she didn’t care much for that right then.

She realized she was floating. She was in a dark sea of water. But at the same time she was sitting in a room. Both places were dark, and there wasn’t anything to see. It didn’t matter, and she didn’t care either way.

Suddenly, the room or sea or wherever she was shook violently. The strain from trying to float or sit upright became too much and she decided it would be a good time to fall asleep. The pulsing grew slower, but louder.

She opened her eyes, her mind already half asleep. Suddenly there was a bright light shining through the water or through the ceiling. The top of the void broke open, shattering suddenly like a thousand mirrors. She was too numb to shield herself from the debris. Sleep tightened its grip further, but something else tightened its grip as well. A hand was coming through the bright gap, but she was too tired to grab on. The hand took her by the head and pulled her out of the sea and off of the floor.

With an alarmed jolt, Twilight found herself back in the throne room. She felt alive again, but still a bit weary. Had it all been a dream? But she looked up, the feeling of a hand grabbing her head still there.

It took her mind a moment, but she most definitely remembered the mare standing above her from somewhere, although nothing came to mind. Her pinkish-purple hair seemed so familiar, from somewhere…

“S-Satori?” she asked weakly, her voice muffled by the blood that she forgot was still in her throat, though there wasn’t nearly as much as before. The pony turned, surprised to hear her speak.

“Are you really conscious already?” she asked incredulously. “Your mind was shutting down, and even if it had come back so fast, I figured your physical state would slow you down for at least an hour longer.” She looked down at the wounds on Twilight’s body, and Twilight followed her gaze. A pink colored magic—which was no doubt Satori’s—seemed to be slowly patching them up, though judging by their size it would take a while before she was fully healed.

“What… happened? Why are you here?” Twilight asked, attempting to sit up but immediately cringing. Satori hurriedly stopped her, then helped her back down. Suddenly Twilight’s eyes widened. “Where’s Ondine?”

“She…” Satori trailed off, looking at the ground. “Well, I came in a few moments before you went unconscious. I managed to stop her from killing you, but the moment she got a good look at who I was, she apparated away.” She lifted her head, surveying the room. “That only strengthens my suspicions further…”

“So, you mean…” Twilight started, pausing a moment to wince in pain. “Do you mean she just up and ran away?” She shot upwards angrily, but Satori caught her and gently laid her back down again.

“If you fear that she’s gone for good, believe me, she’ll be back,” she reassured.

“But what even is she?” Twilight shouted. “Ondine should have died after Emerald did! Why is she still alive, and more powerful than ever?” Satori looked down solemnly.

“Perhaps I’m not the best one to ask about that,” she admitted. “Don’t worry, the answers to all of those thoughts floating in your head will be answered soon, if I know her correctly. Now come on. Now that you’re awake, we have to connect you to The Elements of Harmony while there’s still time.” Satori lifted Twilight up in her cloud of magic, taking special care not to rock her around too much on the journey. Twilight’s limbs hung limply in the air, offering no resistance to being suspended, as Satori walked carefully yet briskly towards the wall with The Elements embedded inside of it.

The way Satori was acting now gave a totally different impression than the Satori Twilight knew before. Usually the mind reader was as cold and distant as her power would suggest, but she supposed that, once things got drastic, Satori really was the caring type.

They reached the wall in a short time, and Twilight was gently placed back on the ground. With physical contact necessary to activate them properly, Twilight could do nothing but stare longingly at The Element of Magic from her position on the ground.

“Don’t worry, I can help,” Satori said, noticing Twilight’s forlorn expression. The yellow cords that ended on the ends of her legs, the ones that were tied to her third eye, came undone. They uncoiled on either end, one reaching out and hooking onto The Element of Magic, and the other coming down and planting itself on Twilight’s horn. After a few moments, the cords started to glow white, as did The Elements of Harmony. At first Twilight didn't feel any different, but then she watched as the color of the light the cords emanated changed from white to the multiple colors of the rainbow.

Then she felt herself go under the effects of the vast magical reserves. It was a bit strange, though, since this time she wasn’t trying to attack anything with their power. She just floated through the endless multi colored ocean that that plane seemed to be. It was so soothing that she wished she could just stay there forever.

Amazing, isn’t it? she heard Satori’s voice say, echoing out of nowhere. She shot upright almost immediately.

How are you here? Twilight asked, although she only had to think to hear the words come out of her mouth.

Sorry, I shouldn’t have taken you by surprise like that. Hold on. Out of the sea of colors, Satori’s image shimmered into view next to her, a serene look on her face. Twilight moved backwards in surprise, but soon remembered she had nothing to be defensive about, and relaxed again. Normally another pony wouldn’t be able to do something like this, but being a mind reader has its perks. It was weird, since her mouth never moved when she spoke. Twilight assumed that she was able to talk by thinking as well.

What do you mean? Twilight wondered.

Well, when you allow this much magic to come into your body, your mind starts to float between the conscious and the subconscious, though usually it doesn’t last for very long, since you’re just trying to attack and then be done, Satori explained. You’re in a sort of limbo phase right now while you’re healing up, and I just decided to join you a bit. It helps that I’m linking you to The Element of Magic, anyway. Twilight nodded, smiling a little, and then the two were quiet again, neither wanting to break the calm silence for too long. Even though the experience wasn’t as powerful as the previous few times, the cleansing feel of the magic was still powerfully rejuvenating.

Hey, hey! Can I join, too? a sudden voice asked, cutting through the tranquility like a dagger. The plane was affected by the sudden tenseness and unease, and the calming colors started to sour just a bit.

You better not be here already, Satori replied. Twilight had no recollection of ever hearing the voice before, so she wasn’t sure why she was so upset about it.

Aw, but I wanna play, too! the voice insisted. It was high pitched and childish, but carried a sinister undertone that Twilight couldn’t shake.

Twilight, don’t let her get in here, Satori warned, her tone grave.

Oh c’mon, I don’t need something silly like permission! I can go wherever I want, whenever I want! The air rippled on Twilight’s other side, and she backed away instinctively. A few moments later, another pony shimmered into view. She greatly resembled Satori in that she also had a third eye, although this one was closed, and instead of Satori’s, this mare was entirely a light green.

Hello, hello! And because it’ll get annoying not knowing names later, I’m Koishi! she announced happily, her pale green—almost grey—hair bouncing under her black hat tied with a yellow ribbon as she turned to greet Twilight and Satori. Satori drew back in revulsion almost instantly.

Koishi, what are you trying to pull? she asked, her tone indicating that this wasn’t the first time they had met.

What do you mean? I just wanted to relax a bit… Koishi pouted. From where she sat, the rainbow colors darkened into sinister shades of green and purple. The world around them seemed to flicker a bit.

What’s going on?! Twilight finally brought herself to ask. Who are you? How are you here? Why are you here?

I just told you that, didn’t I? Koishi responded, muddying the colors more as she swept her hooves across the floor. I’m Koishi! And I got here the same way that Satori did! She’s not the only satori in the world, after all, even if she’s too lazy to be bothered to have a creative name.

I’m sorry, but I don’t think Twilight is to be concerned in this, Satori said as she stood up, her image faltering. May we please take this somewhere else? I’m the one that you’re upset with, aren’t I?

Actually, with all the meddling she’s been doing, I would say that she definitely is to be concerned with this. But fine, we can leave, but only because I’m starting to not like this place so much. Koishi glanced around as she finished talking, observing the now quite corrupted landscape. She stood up, and with a flash she left along with Satori.

Twilight sat, completely baffled at the scene that just took place. She needed to take a moment to figure out everything. This Koishi girl just showed up, whom just so happened to also have the power to read minds, and just decided to break in for no reason? Not only that, but Satori seemed to know her, but it would make sense for others of her kind to associate with one another. However, the confrontational attitude she had towards her was quite concerning. What did this Koishi do that was so terrible? And why would she be after Satori?

Another thing that worried her was how the magic reacted to her presence. Was it just because it didn’t want a stranger in Twilight’s mind, or was it something worse than that? The more Twilight fretted, the more her little place of calm in her mind started to crack and shatter.

Why are you doing this, Koishi? Twilight tensed as she suddenly heard Satori’s muffled voice. Maybe since her limbo state was breaking, she was able to hear their conversation?

Geez, why do you keep trying to pin something useless like meaning onto everything I do? Koishi responded, her carefree tone starting to wear on Twilight’s nerves already. Didn’t I tell you before that I only do stuff to have fun? She suddenly stopped, and her voice filled with melancholy. But maybe, perhaps, I did it to draw attention to myself, so someone could stop me from ruining the world with my dark deeds. She paused, and Twilight could definitely hear the faint sound of her sniffing back tears.

I mean, if I said that, I’d at least get a little pity, right? She immediately brightened back up, her cheery—and quite detestable—personality returning.

It’s because your eye is closed, isn’t it? Not only did your emotions close off, but even your conscious mind shut down?

Mmm, maybe. Koishi started sounding a tad upset. But why do you care what I do to them? They’re just ponies, after all. There are enough of them around that surely a few won’t be missed.

But still, to go to such lengths just for the fun of it? Even for you, that seems a bit silly. Do you mean to tell me that you just decided to control that young girl’s mind, then have her do all of this? You helped her devise this whole world just for your own amusement?

I wouldn’t say I controlled her, exactly. I just planted an idea in her subconscious. I didn’t really care about who did it, but I saw she had the potential to do great things! Koishi giggled. That’s my job after all, you know? I rule over the subconscious, and you rule the conscious. I thought that was clear from the start!

Twilight’s blood froze. Surely they couldn’t be talking about herself? Had she been acting against her will to do something horrible? Koishi had said that she was quite involved in the situation after all…

You disgust me. Whatever pity I had for you before has been effectively annihilated with one fell swoop thanks to this scheme of yours, so thank you for letting me stop wasting my time worrying about you. I’ll make sure you’re annihilated as well if you so much as lay another hoof on her.

Gosh, big sis! You’re really scary when you’re serious! Koishi gasped in mock fear. Even still, it’s really sad how soft you’ve gotten since I’ve left. Caring for some silly pony more than your own sister? I’m hurt!

Did that mean that Koishi was the foolish sister Satori had mentioned when they first met? The one who closed off her heart so she would be liked, but in the process closed off her own emotions? It would explain why Satori knew her so well and why she of all people came in to help her. But why would Koishi be in The Committee headquarters?

Don’t pretend to be the innocent one here. You’re the one that made things the way they are. If my estimations are correct, you not only infected the young Emerald Joy’s mind with your ridiculous scheme of happiness, but you then made a puppet for her out of dark magic? I would assume that the reason she was as powerful as she was, being able to essentially win in a battle against the Bearer of The Element of Magic, was because you strengthened Emerald with dark magic as well?

Yup yup! In fact, she started wanting so much dark magic that I wouldn’t be surprised if her body was totally made of it towards the end! It’s no wonder nothing was left of her when she was destroyed!

I didn’t think you would stoop to such a low that you’d use something like that. Then again, considering you practically enslaved humanity, I guess I have to learn not to put things past you anymore.

Twilight’s heart stopped. The one behind The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee, the one who made Emerald Joy the unstoppable tyrant she was, the one who made Ondine, the one who took her friends away from her and locked them in a chamber of eternal slumber…

...it was this pony, Koishi. The satori who closed her heart for fear of hate. The one who lost her vision of the conscious and gained the manipulation of the subconscious. The one unable to feel any sort of regret for her actions.

Twilight’s blood started to boil, her face turning red. The environment around her turned angry shades of scarlet and white to reflect her emotions. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she felt something surging through her. Her eyes began to glow white. Her mind was able to detect her body rising up into the air. Usually she would feel amazing and triumphant, but right now her only thought was how much she wanted Koishi dead. She wanted the life back that she unrightfully stole from her, and by god she was going to get it.

There was a loud crack not unlike that of thunder, and she could feel it. The rainbow erupting out of her, each ribbon of power an extension of her emotions. She could feel it connect, slowly crushing the dark energy that Koishi was no doubt made of.

And that feeling was the most euphoric feeling she had ever had.

A short while later she felt herself touch back down to the ground, and her mind finally snapped back into reality. The light still fading, she felt Satori’s cord still on her forehead and carefully took it off. By the time she did, it was dim enough to see again.

Satori stared at her, her eyes wide. She didn’t move, though it looked like she tried to form words, but she quickly gave up. All that came out was a few choking noises. Twilight sheepishly handed the cord back, which Satori took, still never breaking eye contact.

She moved her head suddenly, as if just remembering something, and looked back to where Koishi had been standing, which was currently still a cloud of dust and rubble. Twilight followed her gaze, waiting tensely for the fog to clear. A few moments later it did just that, but not in the slow fading way that the two were expecting.

“Gosh, that’s no way to make friends!” Koishi exclaimed, whipping her hoof around to try and clear the air. “Unless you were trying to kill me, in which case you’ll have to do better than that!” The dust settled completely to reveal that Koishi’s body was cut into multiple fragments, but were still being kept together somehow. In fact, one gash ran completely down the middle of her face.

“You’re one to talk!” Twilight shouted. “You’re practically dead as you are!” Koishi looked down to investigate herself.

“Hm, maybe you’re right.” She experimentally tried to summon some magic to fix herself, but her horn did little more than fizzle and throw sparks. She looked at her horn with dismay.

“Poopy, looks like I can’t do anything now,” Koishi whined. Suddenly her eyes brightened. “Oh wait, I have an idea!” With a smile and a wave of her hoof, a black cloud appeared at her side, and out of it materialized Ondine.

“You…!” Twilight shouted, immediately taking a defensive stance.

“Isn’t she cool? Emerald did an okay job controlling her, but I think her creator would do a much nicer job!” Twilight began charging her magic up instantly, but Satori put her foreleg in front of her.

“That won’t be necessary. I can deal with this,” she replied calmly. Twilight eyed her, but dropped her spell. Satori waved her hoof in front of her third eye, and instantly a gust of wind flowed out of it from the sheer amount of power. A pink aura encased Satori’s whole body, and Twilight couldn’t help but watch with awe.

“Actually, that won’t be necessary, either,” Koishi said, detaching one of the purple cords leading to her third eye and throwing it into the magic field, instantly disrupting it and shutting off whatever spell Satori was about to use. “You see, Ondine is perfectly capable of doing things, herself!” She turned to her creation, then forcefully thrusted her hoof onto Ondine’s forehead.

“Satori, we have to get out of here!” Twilight shouted, but Satori’s impression of the situation was much different than the one Twilight was getting.

“Now then,” Koishi said, her voice lowering to a much more sinister tone, “Ondine, sacrifice yourself, please.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. Ondine’s hooves morphed into blades without hesitation, and in one smooth movement she crossed the blades through her neck, cleanly cutting it loose of the rest of her body. She showed no signs of pain, and Koishi giggled as the pure dark magic that Ondine’s body was composed of flowed into the cuts in her body, restoring her to full health in an instant.

“Now I only have one of her, so don’t go doing that again, okay?” Koishi said. She flexed her neck a few times. “Actually, I’m pretty sure if you did actually shoot me again, it wouldn’t do very much.”

“Y-you vile excuse for a little sister,” Satori mumbled darkly. “You’re a disgrace to the satori species, and any and all punishment you’re about to get is going to be completely and utterly deserved.” With a fury on her face that Twilight never knew she could have, Satori detached multiple cords on her third eye. The hovered freely for a few moments, and with a sudden burst they shot out towards Koishi, aiming at her closed third eye.

“Hm, that’s no good!” Koishi announced with a smile. She grabbed the yellow cords in midair and pulled, upsetting Satori’s balance. Satori yelled in pain as Koishi yanked harder, forcing the red eye on Satori’s chest farther and farther away from her body. Eventually the force made her fall, hitting the ground face first with a sickening crack. She shouted on impact, blood flying out of her nose, but still she got back up.

Having been standing around doing nothing for far too long, Twilight aimed her hooffinger at Koishi’s third eye, assuming that there must be some sort of power in it. She shot a beam straight towards it, but the moment the energy left her, Koishi spun her head around to face her. With a wave of her free hoof, the other one still holding tightly onto Satori’s cords, the magic immediately lost all momentum and dissipated. With Twilight busy processing what she saw, Koishi took the opportunity to grab onto her.

“Please don’t interrupt, kay?” she instructed. She placed two tiny clouds of magic on Twilight’s hoof with strength that shouldn’t have been humanly possible. “Hup!”

Twilight felt the pain before she realized what had happened. She felt daggers shoot up her nerves, her legs giving out under her as she fell to the floor. Her brain overloaded with too many sensations for her to scream. Her magic spewed about uselessly, and once she had regained control of herself she grabbed her horn to try and stop the flow.

But even with her horn terribly mangled and her magic totally out of the question, there were more important things going on around her. She turned, struggling to move her eyes, and saw Satori collapsed on the floor with no signs of life. Above her stood Koishi, her bright green eyes staring manically at the red eye in her hoof, yellow cords hanging limply down its sides.

After taking a moment longer to appreciate her prize, Koishi turned back to Twilight, her unsettlingly happy gaze fixating on her. She walked over slowly, then bent down slightly above her.

“You’re really getting on my nerves, you know?” Koishi said, her eyes wide and unblinking. “I suppose getting rid of you now instead of later would be the smart thing to do. So let’s do it, shall we?” She extended her neck, bending over further until the tip of her horn touched Twilight’s forehead. The unicorn crumpled on the floor screamed.

“Send my regards to your friends, would you?”

And then everything went black.

Author's Note:

Koishi may be shamefully ripped off of Koishi Komeiji... (and by that I mean she's basically the same character but with quite a few alterations)