• Published 13th Mar 2013
  • 3,390 Views, 146 Comments

Half-Life X MLP: The Lost Timeline - GordonFreebrony

Gordon Freeman finds himself trapped in Equestria after a teleporter accident in the Black Mesa Lambda Core.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Insanity?

Gordon woke suddenly, jerking awake in a huge, gasping breath.

“Not another bat! I hate bats. I’m going to—“ Gordon began, ranting at the air around him. “—Oh.”

“Well, looks like I don’t have to wake everyone up now. Anyway, the last watch just finished. Hope you had a nice nap, Gordon.” Shephard said from his position behind Gordon.

“Yeah. Ugh, my head.” Gordon replied, shaking the aforementioned anatomical structure. “How’s Rainbow?”

“She’s awake, and actually wants a word with you.” Shephard stated, a peculiar tone just at the fringes of his voice. Gordon would have sworn it was amusement, but he pushed the thought to the side, instead getting up and looking about the room.

The room had changed drastically since Gordon had fallen asleep. A few small tents had popped up in the relatively tiny room, taking up most of the floor. Each one reminded Gordon of Rarity’s humungous tent, but in décor only. Upon a closer inspection, it was discovered that it was Rarity’s same tent, just cut into four smaller ones. Signs by entrances told Gordon who slept where. Rarity was with Applejack, Twilight with Fluttershy, Pinkie with Rainbow, and Barney with Shephard.

“How come I was forced to sleep in the cold, eh Shephard?” Gordon mocked, walking towards Rainbow and Pinkie’s tent.

“Only because we couldn’t move your fat ass, Gordon.” Shephard parried.

“Touché.” Gordon said, ending the verbal sparring. He ‘knocked’ on the tent ‘door,’ a motion that consisted of a few slams of his gloved hand against his leg. “Hey, you guys awake?”

“Of course we are, Silly!” a certain fuchsia mare said, bounding out of a small bucket behind Gordon.

“GAAH. Don’t do that. Why don’t you go comfort the laws of physics, crying in the corner? I mean seriously, you’ve broken them so many times, it’s a wonder they haven’t fallen to pieces yet.” Gordon shrieked, before calming down.

“Oh, I hurt somepony? Where are they? Did you guys see them?” Pinkie said, looking at an empty wall of the room.

“Who are you talking too?” Gordon asked, confused.

“You wouldn’t understand. Just go talk to Rainbow.” Pinkie replied.

“No. I want to kn—“ Gordon started, only to be interrupted by a loud chorus of ‘GET ON WITH ITs’ echoing from the gaping maw of Pinkie. Gordon shut up, turned around, and decided to get on with it.

He walked into the surprisingly large tent-space, noticing that this was the ‘room’ he had used when they first slept in the tent. As he looked at the semi-familiar furnishings, he noticed a lump on one of the small couches. Gordon moved closer, having seen the shock of rainbow-colored hair that adorned the right of the blanketed lump.

“How are we feeling this morning?” Gordon asked, trying to adopt the best doctor-y tone he could.

“Like someone shoved a red-hot crowbar into my back!” replied a disgruntled Rainbow Dash.

“Would you rather have bled to death?” Gordon quipped.

“It would have been less painful.”

“If this is the thanks I get for saving your life, I’ll leave you behind, and let whatever alien creatures that comes by take care of you.”

“Whatever. If I didn’t have this wound, I’d totally take on all of those baddies.”

“…” Gordon stopped for a moment, holding back his laughter. “Right.” He said in his best Doctor Evil impersonation.

A pause followed, lengthening into an uncomfortably awkward silence. Finally, Rainbow broke the silence.

“Look, thank you. I still don’t like your methods, but I’m still here. I’m just so frustrated that I’m the weak link here. I’m slowing all of you down. You don’t know how it feels to go from the fast lane to this.” She said, pointing her right fore-hoof at the bandages on her back.

“You’d be surprised.” Gordon replied. The conversation lapsed again, the previous awkwardness disappearing in a puff of good intentions.

Finally, Gordon broke the quiet lull that had crept up on them. “Are you feeling up to moving? We shouldn’t stay in one place for too long.”


Gordon exited the tent, soon followed by a slowly limping Rainbow. Her face was screwed up in an expression of pain, although the fiery determination outshone her grimace.

Outside, the group had packed up the other tents, and were sitting in a circle, chatting. In the center, a small plate of cupcakes sat, with a punchbowl next to it, filled almost to the brim.

Pinkie jumped up from the circle, running over to them. She bucked the tent, causing it to collapse into a small square, and then bounced in front of Rainbow and Gordon.

“Yippee! We can start now. I got a small party together for a ‘Get Well, and Raise our Spirits’ fiesta!” Pinkie said, barely containing her excitement.

Gordon grinned, a bemused glint entering his eyes. Rainbow rolled her eyes, before letting Pinkie gingerly drag her towards the circle. Gordon walked over and sat down next to Shephard and Barney.

The whole group slowly began to eat the cupcakes, some with smiles, others with frowns, and all of them filled with internal worry.

Rainbow ate her cupcake slowly, biting off small pieces before swallowing them painfully. After each bite, she took a drag from her cup of punch.

Gordon cast a worried glance across at her, before shaking his head and looking down at his own punch. He took a sip, before practically chugging the cup. Whatever was in it, it made Gordon feel suddenly awake and energetic.

“What is this stuff?” Gordon asked Pinkie.

“Well, I had originally wanted to get some Jugger-Nog, but the recipe required some things that I didn’t have. So I just made some Invigor-Aid, a concoction I mixed myself.” Pinkie said.

“… Right.” Gordon replied, trying not to think about what may be in the punch.

After the group finally finished the small pile of cupcakes and the newly-dubbed Invigor-Aid, Gordon urged them to their feet, packing up the last of their supplies into the saddlebags of the ponies.

“Right. This is how this will play out.” Shephard said, falling back on his training. “Me, Gordon and Barney will go through that door and clear the area. Then you will follow, with Rainbow in the mid—“

He was interrupted by the creaking of the door, and a mysterious lack of a certain orange-suited man.

“Nothing’s here!” Gordon shouted back, having become impatient with Shephard’s mission plan.

“Damnit Gordon. How did you manage to defeat most of the army when you do stupid things like that?” Shephard complained.

“Luck. And skill. Pure badass skill.” Gordon quipped back.

Shephard rolled his eyes, visible from the green backlight of his newly-donned mask. “Whatever.”

The group continued forward into the next area, reaching a fork in the tunnel. Shephard argued with Gordon about which way to go, until it was decided to take the right fork.

Just as they were about to go forward, however, Rainbow suddenly cried out. They rushed to her side, but were persuaded to go forward while she recovered. Pinkie opted to stay with her while the group scouted ahead.

“Pinkie, you know how to use a knife, right?” Shephard asked her before they set out.

“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?” She replied.

Stepping forward, Shephard slid his knife from its sheath. “It’s dangerous to stay alone. Take this. Use it to defend yourself if anything pops out of the darkness. We will be right back.”

“O-ok. Pinkie replied, eyeing the combat knife with a strange expression.

The group continued forward, searching through the right hallway. However, a huge CRACK split the air, followed by resounding thuds. The ceiling caved in, cutting the group off from Pinkie and Rainbow.

“Omygoshomygoshohmygosh!” Rainbow said, dragging herself to her feet and stumbling over to the freshly created wall. The lights overhead flickered, most of them going out in a flash of sparks.

“It looks like we’re on our own, Rainbow Dasssshhh.” Pinkie said, a weird lilt entering her voice. Rainbow turned around, eyes straining to peer through the darkness.

“Pinkie, are you ok?” She asked, concern in her voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine Dashie,” Pinkie said in that same tone, “I’m just so glad we can play!

“Pinkie, your scaring me,” Rainbow said, backing into the circle cast by the remaining light source in the small T-junction, “It’s, haha, it’s a good prank, you got me.”

“There is no prank,” Pinkie said, stepping into the light, “I just want to play.” Her hair had fallen down straight, instead of its normal poofyness. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot, and a gigantic, creepy smile covered her muzzle. The combat knife was in her hooves.

“Pinkie?” Rainbow said, her voice small with fear.

“Oh, no no no. I’m not Pinkie. Or rather, I am, but She doesn’t know about me. It’s kind of ironic, really. It was you and the rest of my friends who dragged me out. My name’s Pinkemena.” She said, tilting her head to an impossible angle. “I’ve waited so long for this moment.”

She suddenly lunged forward, the knife going from a loose hold to an offensive position. Rainbow dodged to the left, crying out and collapsing when she landed on her injured side. Pinkemena stepped forward, her free hoof seeking out Rainbow’s wing.

She roughly grabbed it, twisting in a painful manner, almost to the breaking point.

“It would be such a shame if some monster came from the depths, killing you before I could react. Your mutilated body will have disappeared, and I will have some more materials for my Invigor-Aid. It’s too bad that Trixie and Derpy didn’t have enough in them to make more than a punchbowl of it.”

“Pinkie, AAHHHH, please. Stop.” Rainbow said, her high-pitched speech interrupted by her sobs and cries of pain. Mercifully, Pinkemena let go, taking a step back from Rainbow. Then, she raised the knife in a high, two-hoof overhanded position.

“It’s going to be such a pleasure to cut you…” Pinkemena began, while Rainbow closed her eyes. She braced for the end, wishing for the pain to stop.

“… a piece of cupcake!” Pinkie said, her voice its normal, bubbly self. Rainbow shot up and backed away quickly, her injured back slamming into the wall behind her. As her eyes watered with pain, she saw that the lights had come back on, and that the rest of the group was coming around the uncollapsed corner. Pinkie sat in the middle of the junction, a confused, hurt expression on her face as she held the combat knife over a cupcake on a plate. Her hair was poofy, and her face lacked any of the crazed, bloodshot look of Pinkemena.

“Am I going insane?” Rainbow asked herself as the group fully entered the area.

“We got the power back on!” Gordon announced, “And I think we found the exit.”

“YAY!” Pinkie shouted, dropping the knife and bouncing over to the group. “I don’t like these dark tunnels full of meanie-pants.”

“Well, he meant the exit of this area. I’m not so sure about the mines themselves,” Twilight said.

“Oh,” Pinkie’s face fell, her hair dropping to its straight position and causing Rainbow to hold her breath, before it popped back into its poofyness once more. “Well, I guess we can hold an extra-special party when we get out of here!”

“Okay, Rainbow, okay. If there is no proof of the hallucination, then that’s all it is. Right? Don’t fool yourself. Shut up. No, you shut up. Wait. Didn’t Twilight say answering yourself is the first step to insanity? Breathe, Rainbow. You’re okay.” Rainbow said, muttering to herself and trying not to hyperventilate.

Gordon, oblivious to Rainbow’s troubles, urged the group forward and into the only open tunnel. It led into a small corridor, with locked doors along each side. Eventually, they passed an open door, which led into an electrical/magical fuse and generator room, although Gordon and Barney only understood the electrical part.

They passed that room, continuing on to the end of the hallway, which opened up into a small area with a red ladder leading upwards.

“This may seem like an obvious question,” Barney said suddenly, “But how the hell are these ponies going to climb up the ladder? Hell, why are there even ladders in a pony-built area?”

“Well,” Twilight said, “We can climb ladders, it’s just not as easy for us. I don’t know about Rainbow, though.”

“Hey, I can climb this. It’s E Z.” Rainbow retorted, and began to climb the ladder. Only to fall back down and into Gordon’s waiting arms.

“Owww….” She moaned into his armored pauldron.

“I’ll carry her.” Gordon said to the group. They nodded, at which point Gordon began to swing up the ladder one-armed. He was followed by Barney, then the ponies, and finally Shephard.

The next area they entered had a long hallway, which led to a closed double door. The group rushed forward, eager to escape the hellhole called Mareia. However, the three humans suddenly stopped, completely and utterly frozen. The ponies turned back in confusion, wondering what was wrong.

Unbeknownst to them, and soon to be forgotten by the humans, a ‘Loading…’ Icon appeared in the center of each of their visions.

“What’s wrong now?” Twilight asked the ether. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t answer back.

Comments ( 46 )

Aah yes, the loading screens...:rainbowkiss:

The one most iconic thing from Half Life: The loading screen. :yay:

Pinkie.exe has stopped responding, activating reserve program: Pinkamena.exe
*warning* Pinkamena.exe file corrupted. Continue anyways? Y/N

Had to stick them in there somehow (giggity)
Also, drweegee, here's the question: Is Rainbow the insane one? Or is it Pinkie/Pinkemena? The mystery continues. (Twilight Zone theme)


I'd say none of them are insane, Pinkamena is the insane one. Pinkie probably suffers from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) which means that she is perfectly healthy (for being Pinkie) and that she, during her childhood probably was exposed to some sort of mental trauma. Her young brain probably created a second "mind" which could come out and be exposed to the trauma instead of Pinkie. This second personality has practically only been exposed to traumas and is therefore twisted and damaged beyond repair.

2615209 When it tries to turn Rainbow Dash into cupcakes "for fun" I'd say it's in a worse condition than Twilight Sparkle the day after heat season.
(I'm assuming everypony in Ponyville secretly wants some of her flank)

Actually I was referring to whether or not our whole statement was true. Probably would have been batter to say: Or does she?

Trying to keep the whole thing mysterious I am.

2615325 I hope your mystery didn't forget its lead underwear, because I'm about to make it glow like the sun. MELT, YOUR MYSTERY MUST MELT!!! :pinkiecrazy:
(I have been playing way too much Command & Conquer Generals: Shockwave lately...)

Ha, I used an anti-nuclear defensive structure. Backed up by sheilds, anti-air, and point defense, plus two fully upgraded factories, one a land and the other air, each spewing out fully upgraded troops. There is no way you can get to my mystery, held inside my massive A.C.U.

and I just mixed C&C with Supreme Commander 2... Come at me biotch....

It looks like there's going to be a nuclear winter this year Gordon.

Now you know why they call me Shi Tao "The Nuke"

More gifts, our generosity is limitless.



Eh... Still destroyed 'em.
Have a few of your own


Our missiles will blot out the sun!!!

Here comes my artillery. It's disruptor tech. have fun!

2615581 Rule number one: General Tao will always have at least 20000% more nukes than you. Hell, he even equips his standard rocket infantry with tactical nuke charges. Basically, he turns the entire battlefield into a radiated wasteland, then his tanks rush forward at supersonic speeds thanks to their Fusion Reactors. If that doesn't work he can always call in support from General Leang, whose artillery literally causes earthquakes with a single shell.

My command center is a giant, at least 200 foot tall armored robot, armed with a nuke launcher, personal shield, tactical missile launcher, hand cannon, anti-air, jumpjets, artillery, and a mass and energy transporter. It is capable of building an army one thousand strong of tanks, gunships, fighters, bombers, assault bots, mobile artillery, and even a few mile high robots that are covered with artillery, tank cannons, and a massive plasma beam. Not to mention the shield, point defense, anti-air, tactical missle launcher, short and long range artillery structures, plus a disruptor station capable of sending a hundred-foot-wide ball of plasma anywhere on the battle field, an artillery structure capable of landing a squad of twenty units anywhere on the battle field, nuke and anti-nuke installations, factories, energy and mass collectors, and even a flying factory/fortress that can build and launch a large amount of air forces on its own. And all of this in under an hour. In two hours, I could take over the world, or bathe it in nuclear fire. On top of that I only require one soldier. ME. Where is your god/Tao/Leang now?

2615719 Obviously they are sending about 1000000000000000000000000 Nukes and Earth Shaker shells at you. Since they are allies with USA they also get Plasma Tomahawks and Particle Cannon strikes as fire support.
Oh, and ECA agreed to lend them a Solaris Relay.

Rule number two: Any General will always have unrealistic amounts of Weapons of Mass Destruction at their disposal. The WMDs are:
Nuclear Missile (Standard China, General Tao, Kwai and Fai)
Particle Uplink Cannon (Standard United States of America, General Granger)
Laser Uplink Cannon (General Townes)
Advanced Particle Uplink Cannon (General Alexander)
Cluster Missile (General Ironside)
Scud Storm (Standard Global Liberation Army, Prince Kassad, Dr. Thrax)
Demolition Scud Storm (General Juhziz)
Soyuz Missile (General Deathstrike)
Earth Shaker/Temple of Gaia (General Leang)
Solaris Relay (European Continental Alliance)
Tremor AGAS (Russian Federation)

You don't want to see what would happen if one of each were to fire at the same spot... (imagine energy beams, anthrax loaded scuds, extra explosive scuds, anthrax loaded Soyuz missiles, cluster missiles, nukes, concentrated sunlight bursts and artillery shells (both conventional and earthquake-causing) pounding away at an area the size of Stockholm.

The problem is that everything from Generals is more or less uncomparable from things in SC2, since SC2 is in the far future while Generals is in present time (more or less, teleporting tanks with plasma cannons are pretty futuristic)

Here comes the terraformer biotch. Turns out it had a repair system. Say bye-bye to the planet!

2616074 2617923 I have a Pinkie Pie:pinkiecrazy: and a Fluttercry:fluttercry:; Your arguments are Invalid. :trollestia:

You've never played Supreme Commander 2, have you?

Technically, it doesn't cost anything, the Seraphim Terraformer actuaqlly being a battlefield, and attempted to be used to destroy all life by the 'rogue' cybran commander. It had originally been an automated terraformer finding Goldilocks planets and making them suitable for life. The Cybran commander wanted to use it to literally rip apart planets and make them forever uninhabitable. So therefore, it costs nothing technically.


Comment posted by GordonFreebrony deleted May 24th, 2013

You just expressed an argument that has been hiding in the back of my mind for a while. Thanks!

ehehehe.... They've met a strange creature. I doubt the first thing they would think upon seeing his glasses would be that they are glasses. Especially since they can't tell his armor is armor. It's the fact that the glasses are the same color of the armor is what makes them think that.

I'm starting to think your trying to enact vengeance for filling your story with meaningless comments. But then again, it's awesome music your typing....

Eh, whatever.

As stated there it was an OUTPOST.

And what with some of the trains being pulled BY ponies, I don't doubt that would have invented them a long time ago and that steam engines were the new thing.

Actually, it' about two lines, not one verse at a time...

2713308 Sabaton songs are like four line verses max. But yeah they're half a verse.

So, you enjoying the story so far? Just wait till it gets ridiculous...

2713551 I think it needs a panzer battalion, but other than that yes. (Also quite a bit of grammar oopsies, but I'm too lazy to point them out.)

I didn't get an editor till like the fifth or sixth chapter soo....

2713028 I call you being too lazy to retype that one part. And don't you lie to me, I have Apple Jack here. :ajsmug:

She said, tilting her head to an impossible angle.

I tried doing that and I pulled a muscle in my chest, right in front of the centre ribcage.

Last verse, woot.

Armoured tanks of mass destruction; killers in the east! Rats who dare to stand before us, feel our guns go live!

Panzer battalion!

Insect of terror don't run, face your fate like a man!

Panzer battalion!


This is good so far, now MOAR!

Congratulations! You are the one hundred and eleventh comment on my story. You get exactly one fuck as a gift from me to you. Use it well. :trollestia:

2920884 But I had 110, where's my fuck? :rainbowwild:

Sorry. That number wasn't cool enough. :rainbowwild:




I do not believe I will ever finish this story, but I am not completely giving up on it... For now it is on an indefinite hiatus, and if I were anywhere near a computer I would change the status to reflect that.

I may return to this one day. I apologize for the inconvenience.

And now the story is stuck in a permanent loading screen until the author posts a new chapter:facehoof:

Heh, sorry but this one is a story that I don't know if I will complete. I should put a warning in the description...

I may keep writing it however. We'll see.

I know the names of them, but Gordon doesn't necessarily, especially since I based him off of Freeman's Mind. However, you may be a little disappointed near the end, this story is on an indefinite hiatus, it only remains for posteriors sake. I may return to clean it up later, or not. I haven't decided yet

7139232 if the lab were to teleport to equestria and have radioactivity and have its contents still intact, particles would have to be appearing out of nothing. but as i said, it's a science fiction so i suppose this is excusable

I think I see what you are saying. The accidental teleportation of the lab was due to the overloading Higgs Field prototype, the large one. It caused instabilities in the particles on the edge of the teleported lab, slicing some of the particles in half. Which released a hell of a lot of energy in the form of radiation, heat, and light. Inside the lab, the large version went into complete meltdown, destroying the large prototype and releasing the unstable and exotic particles trapped inside

7143438 I understand. Great story, see ya when i see ya

Oh.His game crashed at a loading screen.

Dont you hate it when that happens?

Honestly I should probably move this to canceled. This was my first story and I'm loathe to do that, but I can't help but cringe when I think about it either. High school me was a very different person to current me.

So putting it if this was someone playing
He ragequit when it crashed and uninstalled.

Look, Gordon, ropes! We can use these t- HELP ME, GORDON!

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