• Published 29th Mar 2013
  • 372 Views, 4 Comments

No Salvation - DashyJ

Canterlot is in ruins, Twilight has dissapeared and Discord is the only one who can stop all of this. But what of the chaos masters ancient and malicious past? The stakes are high, and the cards aren't exactly in the elements favor.

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To break the unbreakable. Is it truly possible to do such a thing? Perhaps we think too highly of ourselves and of one another. Our arrogance gets in the way of the truth, and blinds us by our own narcissism. Or maybe we are already broken, and those of us who are said to be unbreakable just don't show it.

Twilight pondered this as she lay in an ashen field that had been created simply because of her destructive mood. What was once a beautiful, green and lively field was now scarred beyond reckoning, its limitless colors and life replaced by death.

No matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, Twilight knew what had happened, what she had done, and what had become of it. The little sane part of her mind had retreated long ago into the secure depths of her cerebrum. What was left behind was an empty shell of her former self. Bi-polar, unstable, empty and broken.

With only her baser instincts, Twilight was more than dangerous. She was feral. The trials that she had gone through during the past 2 days had left her destroyed. Broken.

Placing her head down, Twilight rested, hoping that her mind would escape its seemingly eternal torment. Closing her eyes and breathing in the black ash she had created, her mind spoke again. If only there was a way to find peace...

"It isn't your fault Twilight"

Twilight snapped her head up and looked around for the phantom voice that had spoken to her. Only to lay her eyes upon nothing but ash and the glass ground.

Her logical part of her brain starting to kick in once again Twilight thought about the voice. It came from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. The voice was eerily familiar. But the ghostly distortion of it made it too vague to tell.

Twilight had no recollection of studying anything like she was experiencing. The only case is that she had heard about this was either in the loony-bin or... "No" she said to herself. "No that CANNOT be right. It ISN'T RIGHT!" She said stamping her hoof, smashing the glass ground below her.

Bringing her horn to life Twilight was back on her hooves. This wasn't happening. That phantom voice was all too far familiar, and now she knew why.

This imposter was bastardizing everything she knew and loved. To toy with her like that was uncalled for. Element found or not.

"Ohhhh c'mon Twilight don't be like that" The voice chided, chilling her to her very bones. “I just wanna talk is all.”

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP! YOU AREN'T WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE! DON'T YOU LIE TO ME" Twilight yelled in a fit of rage. Her words dripping poison every word she spat.

After an uncomfortable silence, the voice spoke again.

"Faust I di-" the voice was interrupted by a deafening boom and a mushroom cloud. Twilight had magically nuked herself and area... Again.

After the initial storm had cleared and the area was visible once more Twilight gave herself a once-over. Surprised that she found herself unscathed considering the area was now pure glass.

"You done?" the voice asked rather impatiently. "This is really difficult to do for a long time so just listen. Things are changing. For better or worse I cannot say but do know this. Where you would once go for allies you shall no longer find them. But fret not, some enemies have changed their tune"

And with that the voice left. Breaking Twilights temporary will to act and think coherently with it.

"WHAAAT?!?" Pinkie screamed.

"Well it's just as it sounds Pinkie my dear!" Discord exclaimed. "Celestia and Luna are my widdle angels."

"What the hay is this garbage!" Rainbow yelled, pushing herself in Discords face. "You wanna explain this load of bull-shit!?"

"Now, now there's no need for that" Discord said chuckling. "You will have plenty of time for profanities later." The 5 elements looked at each other in confusion but let him carry on.

"My , my it seems like just yesterday that you had me encased in stone Celestia! You know I missed you two when I was away... Too bad that these ponies were far too short sited to see I was merely dispersing my energy that had been building for thousands of years." Looking toward them in a dark and contempt filled glare, Discord continued.

"All I wanted to do was relax! Have some fun for the millennia I was encased in stone. It's not like I don’t have feelings too!"

As Discord continued to rant, each of the ponies were starting to get more questions than answers, confusing them even more. The revelation that Celestia and Luna were spawns of the chaos king himself was enough for one day.

Soon enough Fluttershy took her turn to speak. "Umm… Discord?" She said looking at him in the eyes. "If it's alright with you, I think we would like some answers, not just you blathering. Perhaps you could start with our call of aid?"

Discord stopped his rant to look at the butter Pegasus. His befuddled expression didn't really tell what he was thinking but the silence was to be filled by him soon enough.

"I, Discord, accept your call of valor." He said bringing his lion paw to his chest. "And will assist you in any way I can, but ask you one small favor in return." He said winking.

"An act of equality if you will. I will do for you what you will do for me. But you might find it will be in three. If my offer you do accept, you will find many tears will be wept." Stomping up to the 5 he continued.

"Do you accept my offer? You know I could always go back to my stone "imprisonment"" he said using his fingers to emphasize the sarcasm of his imprisonment.

The 5 Elements looks at each other unsure of the consequences that could unravel. "What would we have to do for you?" Rarity asked raising an eyebrow in scepticism.

"That is none of your concern Rarity" Discord said waving his paw.

"We are wasting time" Luna cut in. "Elements of Harmony, do you accept the coalition offered to you?" Luna asked growing impatient. "Answer now for each minute we spend here is another minute Twilight Sparkle is alone, potentially dangerous and possibly causing harm unto others"

Looking to one another, each thought for a moment and came to an unspoken conclusion. "Alright we accept but you owe us a darn good explanation while we look for Twilight" Applejack said.

Throwing his hands up in exclamation, Discord laughed manically. "WONDERFUL! We depart immediately!" With a snap of one of his talons they teleported into the unknown.

Twilight awoke to the darkness. She was no longer outside, so there was no telling what time it was. Gathering herself Twilight got up to her hooves and shook the dust off of her coat. Casting a Mage Light spell, Twilight looked around.

No longer was Twilight in an ashen field surrounded by destruction and death. Now she resided in a small black room with a single hallway in front of her.

The walls consisted of many scratch marks that came into a consistent order. They were a count of some kind. Twilight couldn't tell what they represented. Days, months, years... But whatever they meant somepony, or something was here for WAY too long.

Opting to find a way out, Twilight headed for the hallway. As Twilight moved to the hallway she was greeted by a massive door, made from the bones of many a species. The door seemed to move as if it was alive.

Looking up, Twilight found a title above the wretched door. It read: "Here lies Faust. Creator of pony kind, mother to our rulers :Celestia and Luna."

Looking lower, Twilight had noticed the door had shifted bones were now in separate locations and the door was gathering... 'Is that flesh?' Twilight thought to herself, as she watched the door take a new form.

"Greetings Unicorn" Twilight jumped. Little had she realized a skull was now protruding out of the door and was able to speak to her.

"It has been many a millennia since we have seen another sentient being. To prove yourself you will undergo 3 tasks. And if we deem you fit you will have an audience with Faust the all-powerful.

"Wait! I have so many questions!" Twilight yelled but the skull on the door ignored her.

"Challenge 1: Tardus Ipsmet Necromorphing."



Time seemed to move as molasses as Twilight dragged her tired hooves across the stone floor. Attempting to flee from the challenge the strange door had given her.

Every breath felt like it took an hour as she walked on and on. Even her blinking took forever as her vision would be blocked out for 15 seconds at a time.

The pain did not set in immediately but soon it would.

It started out as a dull throb but soon Twilight felt like every bone in her body was being crushed, melted and ripped from her body at the same time.

Screaming in agony Twilight saw her bones protruding from themselves and poking out of her flesh. Slowly they pulled themselves out of her and placed stood themselves like a mannequin. Yet, she found she was still standing.

Her organs came next as they exploded out of her flesh in slow motion from the time spell she was under, and floating up to the semi completed replica of what she assumed to be herself. Each came out at a separate time starting with her brain and ending with her intestines. Breathing and gasping for air, Twilight awaited the next part of her trial.

Next the very tendons and muscles from her bones felt as if it was being torn apart and slid off while being cut by thousands of tiny spikes. Each more jagged and larger than the last. Crying, Twilight endeavoured, her lungs deprived of air and her throat dry from screaming.

Finally there was her skin. Starting from the base of her hooves, invisible knives ripped at her skin, literally skinning her alive. After the hawks were finished, Twilight's neck was slit just at the surface all the way around, then her back and stomach. With a final slow rip, Twilight felt the replica of her skin slowly rip off of her. Piece by piece. Forehoof, by forehoof.

Finally as the ordeal was done and the necromorph of herself had taken shape Twilight, felt the slow time spell wear off.

Finally being able to move again Twilight collapsed to the floor, in exhaustion. Breathing heavily, happy that the ordeal was over.

How wrong she was.

"Challenge 2: Make us whole again”

Author's Note:

HEY HEY! Midnight Birthday release :yay: :twilightsmile:. It took me a while to get this off the ground but you tell me! Too Gory? Not enough? MOAR? :rainbowderp:

Comments ( 4 )

And so it begins, nice chapter btw and happy birthday

Feliz cumple años amigo. Dude you seriously need a pre-reader.

2339954 Thanks man. I hope it gets the feeling that its going to be big. :twilightsmile:

2340121 Yeah I wish. Any ideas on where to get one? :rainbowderp:

2340808 that group you're a part of would probably be a good place to start

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