• Published 9th Mar 2013
  • 9,881 Views, 1,634 Comments

Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me - Wrabbit

Twilight's herd tries to get by without major destruction.

Comments ( 145 )

Dear Cadence how many foals did that herd have!?

wait.....it's over? but....it's to good to be over.... oh wait, it still says incomplete. holy fuck that scared me so bad!

:raritydespair: at least she went out happy :raritycry:

Damn you. I didn't wanna cry into my dinner while I was reading this. i loved it all though. Excellent story and I look forward to more of you stories in the future.:heart::twilightsmile:

You didn't close the italic tag after "Juno 23, 1081" properly.

Beautiful, also I agree the Library scene had me close to tears
wouldn't have been so bad if i wasn't listening to his at the time

Well.....I'm just gonna go to the corner and think about what I'm going to do with my life now. :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

So... if it's over, why hasn't it gone to "complete"?

Or is it going to switch to little snapshots of life from here on out?

my god this series was beautiful :fluttercry::pinkiesad2:

I would loved to know the answer for my self.

Just how mean did the twilight herd have???

Love the store and can't wait for more. Have 5 hearts on me!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Can't wait to see what else will be coming.:twilightsmile:

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Thank you kindly. Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:
Sorta. She has some of Celestia's essence (not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter!) in her. Happened in the last chapter of the last story, and is mentioned again around chapter 4 or so in this one. :scootangel:
No problemo. :twilightsheepish:
Then you may want to avoid the last chapter. It's a tear-jerker. :pinkiesad2:
That book title sounds like a Luna clopfic... :twilightoops:
It's cool. :pinkiesmile:
Yeah, he's pretty much all gone, now. :unsuresweetie:
Wow. You're a stronger reader than I am. I salute you. :rainbowdetermined2:
A lot's happened since then. :twilightblush:
More than a few, less than too many. :rainbowwild:
Thanks for reminding me. I forgot to change the status. Sorry, but it's true. Read my last blog post for more info. :ajsleepy:
It's more than some of us can say. :fluttercry:
Hope you enjoyed it. :scootangel:
Thanks, I'll get on that now. :facehoof:
It was very... cathartic... :applecry:
You could always wait for my next story. But in all seriousness, we all need to make some self-assessments now and then. :eeyup:
Sorry, forgot to change it. It's fixed now. :twilightsheepish:
So glad you liked it, and so glad you stuck with me from the beginning. :raritywink:
Ooo! Hearts!

It may be a while. Still gotta plan it out first. :rainbowwild:

Its.... over? :fluttercry:

Well, you went out on a strong point. I just didn't expect it to so soon... :raritycry:

I can't really bring myself to feel sorrow for the death of someone who managed their nineties. I tend to find that to be cause for applause, really.

Oh, and you dropped an italic tag, mate.

You certainly did not disappoint. I'll be eagerly awaiting whatever new brilliance you come up with in the future. :raritywink:


I think you people on FiMfic are trying to get me to kill myself.
I had a feeling this was coming but.

Fuck it, I'm gonna go bawl my eyes out now.

You've got some glitched formatting in a few places:

* this[ mare's

* Juno 23, 1081[/i

* The entire second half of the chapter being italicized.

[heavy breathing]

im gonNA CRY WAHAHAHA ;_; :raritycry::raritydespair::applecry:

This made me cry a bit and it definitely made me feel dem feels. :fluttercry:

I really liked this story, though I had to read through this chapter twice because the first time it didn't really sink in but the second time really had a much greater effect on me. Overall I really liked this. Most of my thoughts on it I've already expressed in my first comment on this story. At first I was confused with all the time skips, but when I got it everything made sense. The thing that got me the most was when Twilight was old and her wives passed on and she had forgotten that they had gone before her.

p.s. HOW MANY FOALS DID THOSE MARES HAVE!!?? And I'm not just talking about twilight, but AppleJack and Rarity too!

p.p.s. One thing that's bothering me though is that what happened to PS?

I'd like to thank you, I have been writing a feels fic and have had a bad case of writers block. Your ending to this story has touched me so deeply that it as destroyed my block and returned me to my former glory. Thank you. :eeyup:

Sad/happy endings! Don't know whether to cry or smile. But what happened to Plain Sight and Limnear? Did they go on to have a family of their own? You must release another chapter to reveal their fates, since Plain Sight could have also been considered a major character and deserves an ending of her own.

Well, you ended on your best. All that needs to be said. :fluttercry:

............man now I really just want to see more of the Twi Harem/Apple Family/ Whatever we're calling Dash's Group Harem foals' story. They all seem so awesome, and yay! for Hocus and Pocus.

Well we all knew this was coming, and it is indeed sad, but it was bound to happen. We'll always have the memories of this story and all the fun times and the sexy times, but mostly the wonderful times where Twi found love.......in three different mares.

I don't even know, I feel like I'm going to be missing something, when Wrabbit doesn't update something... I can say that its been great. Ever since "The Teacher, the Sorceress, and the Wonderbolt", I've been immensely pleased with how you write herds. I hope you'll still write more, even if it's just a little bit.

Amazing job!

But the thunder rolls?
I duunnno, Vodka and Rum told me to say it and I was out voted... NOW TO READ!

“Prithee, possess thyself with a modicum of patience, my Little Pony. The answer to thy conundrum lieth around the corner.”

Nope nope nopey nope. Either ditch the 'with' or replace the 'possess' with something to match the context of the with... I'm right, even if I can't express it coherently right now. You have Luna saying "Have with a little patience, my Little Pony."
Conundrum is also brought into question by the fact that Spitfire asked a question(query) indicating her confusion(befuddlement) as to the reasoning behind the gift's location as opposed to stating a problem as is implied by the usage of 'conundrum'. Technically conundrum can mean a question it would imply a more difficult and 'advanced' question that is being asked bring to the reader's mind the implication of a problem.

(am posting as I read because... I'm drunk and have no impulse control or patience... ironic considering I'm commenting on Luna's rebuke towards Spitfire for that vary thing aaaaaand, I'm rambling aren't I?)


Hashslinger smirked at her daughter and snapped her gum, but remained otherwise silent.



The rest of the group pulled, pushed, and prodded the four mare to the building

mareS, one two three four is more than one and thusly pluralz.

Celesta came forward and waved a wing


Neither did I. My muse was getting quite insistent on moving on, however. :derpytongue2:
Indeed, it is an achievement. :ajsmug:
I hope I won't disappoint. :twilightblush:
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Don't hold it in, man. It turns to poison if you do. :eeyup:
Thanks. I fixed them (I hope). :unsuresweetie:
That part really got to me, too. As to how many fillies were had, you'll have to wait for their story. :trollestia:
Aw. I'm glad I was able to help. :twilightsmile:
PS is likely going to have a story all her own. Whether it's a one-shot, or a small series remains to be seen. :trixieshiftright:
And that's the best that any of us can do, isn't it? :scootangel:
Sorry I had to change Hocus, but when I saw that name, I knew I had to make some twins, and Trixie was too perfect as their mother/father. Guess what their special talent is! :rainbowwild:
I really have spoiled you all, haven't I? :twilightblush:
I think the song in the link says it all about this chapter. Every lyric matches it entirely. :pinkiesad2:
I play on four servers, because I only have a trial account, so I tend to reach level 20 fairly quickly. Also, trial accounts are so gimped, it's almost not even worth it. The only thing that keeps me coming back are the worgen. I love my worgen. And to a slightly lesser extent, the draenei. As to your last question, I've tried all races, but find Alliance to be most to my liking. Not only in the lore, but also aesthetically. :raritywink:
Ah. Thanks for catching those. I'll fix them on the morrow. Also, it's probably best you're drunk once you get to the library part. :trollestia:

How many foals total did the Twilight herd have?

Saw the first time skip, thought it was a cheap cop out.
Finished the chapter, thought it was a cheap cop out that ruined the story.
Hated it, didn't dislike it, actively hated it. Complete emotional disconnect from the previous chapters and previous stories caused by the time skip followed by a cheapening of the entire plot.


Also, it's probably best you're drunk once you get to the library part.

Nope because now I have no filters to prevent me from saying exactly what I think of it. Drunk= No output filters and no emotional defenses. Straight, from the heart, honesty.

I was kinda hoping (and a couple hints were leading towards) all of the different element bearers merging back into Twilight at the time of their deaths making the Twilight we know and love as the alicorn of the stars but this is still a good ending...
Celestia and Luna get back the sister they knew and loved (she was similar to Twilight but a different pony)
Twilight did not have to live forever without her friends (who all died with her) or her herd (who probably died years earlier) or have to watch all of her children die as she lived on ..etc ..etc...
She essentially reincarnated as her true self ... I wonder ... Does the reincarnated Twilight remember all of her past lives? or did she reboot to the time of her original death as an alicorn?

I really liked this from start till the chapter before this. This end felt really rushed and cheap after all the effort that had put into everything else leading up to it. Grats have a house, grats you banged like rabbits as usual and had more kids, sadness everyone passed on, grats the sister is back. That's what this felt like with all the jumps and it saddens me, but this is your fic and if you felt this was how it should end then there isn't much that can be done unfortunately.

The end was sweet, and I hope we are able to see more about the sister after her return, as well as maybe a peek into he lives of the kids.

Oh god, that library scene with old Twilight :fluttercry:

I know you mentioned in your blog that you would do some spin-offs, but this chapter felt sort of rushed. It's still great though, but something just seemed off.

Oh well, probably just me that's sad/upset that it's over :(

Well, that was out of nowhere.

I have been hit really hard by stories lately. Pony Play in particular had me staring at the ceiling for some time.
And I don't handle pony death (especially Twilight death) well, and I don't like it.
Please know this is not a criticism of your story at all, in any way. It just hits really hard. I am not exaggerating when I say I am breaking down here.

Loved the entire trilogy! Such a sad ending. :pinkiesad2:

The description mentions a one shot prequel. Is that coming in the future, or is it already out and I missed it?

Beautiful ending, two thumbs up, round of applause, the whole shebang. :twilightsmile:

As sad as this is I cannot tears of sadness, but instead I cry tears of joy. As it was once said, "Till all are one...!"


~102 years old. Not bad. It sad that her herd died off before she was reborn and the element bearers are denied immortality. But all in all, this was an amazing fic, and one hell of a journey. Who were Howling Thunder's mothers? And when in this fic did Rares end up shacking with AJ?

Other than that, I can't wait to see the continuation of this series. A part of me wants to see Twilight's new herd, and a part of me is eager to see how she adjusts to life as an immortal now that she's been on the other side. Will we learn if she talked to the bearers? Or her herd? How will this effect her children who just got finished seeing her death? There are so many questions, but I'll be so excited to see how this unfolds.

Damn... this has been a hell of a ride... but I didn't want it to end. Why do stories have to end :fluttercry:
I'm not sure what to do know. I have 377 favourited stories, but yours was one of my true, true favourites. Please tell me that there is a sequel or prequel bubbling away in that brain of yours. :fluttershysad:

Congratulations on the story though. I've loved it so much. :twilightsmile:

That was a awesome story why must it be over :raritycry: The ending was beautiful and will the Alicorn Twilight remember all when she was just Twilight. :rainbowderp: What about all the children how many did she eventually have and what about Plain Sight and Limner. :twilightsmile: so many questions I do hope you have future works in mind :twilightblush: I look forward to all of them all. :twilightsmile: I do hope for MOAR from you :flutterrage: if that is alright with you :fluttershyouch:

As Mako said at the end of Conan the Barbarian, "That is a story for another time." :ajsmug:
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I'm sorry. I just... I dunno. Maybe I'll redo this ending someday when I've gained some distance and experience. Right now, this is the best that I can do. Sorry. :ajsleepy:
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Thank you kindly. :pinkiesmile:
Twilicorn does remember all of her past lives, for good or ill. :eeyup:
The foals at least, will have their childhoods explored. :pinkiesmile:
I'm sorry. Maybe a happy song will cheer you up?

The prequel isn't really a one-shot, so much as a multi-chapter telling of past Element-bearers. :derpytongue2:
I knew there was a line I forgot to include. :rainbowwild:
98, actually. Howling Thunder's mothers were Rainbow Dash (mother) and Fluttershy (father). :rainbowkiss:
Sunny's aging will likely be touched upon in the vignette series. :twilightsheepish:
Thank you. I hope you'll like my future stories. :twilightsmile:
Some, if not all those questions will get answered eventually. :raritywink:


So there's going to be no more stories past this? If so the ending feels hollow, so many questions pop up from this ending.

And FlutterDash ^_^. I hope that some of the spin offs have the relationships of the Mane 6, and maybe the CMC? Truthfully though. Good triliogy. Feels like it needs one last story to close it all up. Thanks for the journey though it was quite a ride.

You killed it! Aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaa:raritycry:nooooooooooooooooooooooo......

Story's over but it was one heck of a ride. Well done.

that was beutiful:pinkiesad2::raritycry:

That was a wonderful story and tale you weaved, I feel a little sad that it has come to a close, but as with all good things it must end

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