• Published 10th Mar 2013
  • 3,389 Views, 68 Comments

Stranger Things Have Happened - Mulldragon

In which a lich gets stuck in Equestria. (D&D stuff and ponies with possible references to other things)

  • ...

You don't know the half of It

I awoke early the next morning and quickly began packing what few belongings I had taken out of their bags. When these things were back in place I pulled out my boots and gloves then pulled out the robe I had been given in Canterlot. I had decided rather easily to leave my enchanted robe and staff in my bag as to seem less of a potential threat to those that may be able to sense the magic on them. I quickly got dressed and reached into my bag for one last object. After a few seconds of rummaging I pulled out a simple chain bracelet with five small lengths of chain, maybe an inch long each, attached along its circumference. At the end of each of these chains was a small receptacle which was designed to hold some of my more solid spell components, such as the crystal cones I had filled them with today. I also placed a few tiny bags of powdered components into a small pocket on the belt line of the robe, it seems that whoever made this truly duplicated every detail of my robe aside from the rune-work, allowing for easy access as an extra precaution in case some of these ponies take issue with the strange, bipedal creature wandering their streets under armed supervision.

I did a quick double check to make sure that I had everything on and that nothing was left in the tent before I opened the flap and walked out. It seemed to be just after sunrise as I looked out over our tiny, three-tent camp and let out a small chuckle when i saw Brightblade and Nightshade already awake and eating food that they had packed with them, seems they wisely came well prepared.

“Heh, the Sun still rises in the east and guards are still awake to greet it. Good to know some things are the same are the same no matter where you go” My mind flashed back to all of the prosecution I've faced throughout my past and the constant battle for survival. while I turned around to take down my tent I muttered to myself “Let’s just hope not all things.”

“What was that?” I heard from behind me and simply looked over my shoulder with a calm smile.

“Oh, nothing for you to worry about. Just the reflections of a tired old man.” As I said this I sprung up to my feet with my now dismantled tent in hand

The two guards looked suspiciously at me but decided not to press the matter any further. Instead, they simply returned to their breakfast and Brightblade spoke up in between bites.

“So, why are you packing up your tent?”

I shrugged “no real reason I suppose. I’m just in a habit of moving a lot and don’t like to camp in the same place twice.” The memories of my past flash through my mind again “Also, I’m thinking it might be best to have both of you with me if you've had enough sleep.”

The two guards looked at each other with raised eyebrows before Nightshade spoke up.

“And why would that be?”

“Two reasons.” I said, thinking fast. “The first is that if I’m going to move camp then you’ll probably want to pack up as well and know where I’m going. The second is more of... well, let’s call it what it is. Paranoia from a few centuries of being hunted has taught me that when in a new place it is best to be as cautious as possible until you have gotten through everyone’s initial reaction and as small as this town is I still doubt I've met everyone in just that one walk.”

“So, you’re scared.”

“Not scared, no. I just like to be cautious in new situations.”

“Well, we switched shifts in the middle of the night so I won’t have any problem staying up through the day.” Brightblade said as he returned to his food.

“And I suppose having two guards will set the townsponies at ease more than just one.” Nightshade said as he finished his breakfast and turned to pack up.

Within a few minutes the three of us had the camp packed up and set out towards town but not a minute into our walk I stopped as something occurred to me. The guards noticed this and stopped as well.

“Is something wrong?”

“... I have no idea where Twilight lives.”

After the guards faces met their respective hooves Nightshade spoke.

“She lives in the library at the center of town.”

“And how do you know this?”

“Information is kinda a part of my job. Did you really think I wouldn't know how to find the princess’s personal protege and one of the Elements of Harmony?”

“... I suppose you have a point there. Well, lead on then.”

As we walked, Nightshade leading the way, we kept relatively silent. The only sounds were the quiet sounds of nature waking up and the sound of hooves and boots on the ground as we made our way to the town. After a couple of minutes we had reached the first buildings but there were few ponies out at this time and the ones that were kept their distance, still watching me with the same mix of fear, suspicion, and confusion that they had yesterday. After we got to the well worn paths of the town it took us very little time to reach what looked to be a massive tree with... windows?

There was no doubt about it. Somehow this tree had not only windows but a door, a sign out front that had an image of an open book, and even balconies. It seemed that someone had managed to turn the tree into a home but it still looked to be alive and healthy. No discoloration, no dead leaves, no apparent damage aside from the fact that it had been hollowed out to be made into a library.

“Impressive. This must have taken one skilled druid to accomplish. probably wasn't cheap either.”

“I’m not sure what a druid is but you’re right about it being impressive. Nopony really knows how the craftspony did it or why but nopony has ever been able to recreate this kind of thing and the creator isn't around anymore to tell us how.”

“I just might have to look into this while I’m stuck here. It could be quite the interesting work and maybe even be a nice gift to get some of the druids back home to stop hating me.” I let out a dry laugh “Well, either that or they’ll think it a perversion of nature and hate me even more. But, enough standing around here. I've got a pony to talk to.”

I walked up to the door of this strange library and knocked. I waited about a minute but got no response so I knocked again, this time a little more loudly. A moment later I heard what sounded like small claws on wood and the grumbling of a childish male voice on the other side.

“Who gets up this early to get a book?” a few seconds later the door began to open. “The library doesn't open ‘till nine. Come back la-” The small creature that opened the door was stopped mid-sentence as he caught sight of me, my height easily towering over him. He appeared to be a small purple and green reptile, possibly a drake though I had never heard of a drake that could talk, only about as tall as a pony’s chin. He had green spines going down his back and was wide-eyed with terror at the large, unknown creature looming over him. I knelt down to appear less intimidating and when I did he seemed to catch sight of the guards behind me. This seemed to calm him slightly but it was obvious he was still scared.

“I’m sorry for arriving so early but I have an arrangement to meet with Twilight Sparkle and was told that this was her home. I am Yetagain, a being currently... displaced from his home and I come from Canterlot to meet her and the other bearers of the Elements.” As I said this I offered the young man a handshake, hoping he would understand the gesture. After a moment he cautiously extended one of his claws and shook my hand.

“I-I’m Spike, Twilight’s assistant.”

“Her assistant? I was told her assistant was a young dragon, have I been misinformed?”

At this question Spike looked at me with confusion. “No” he said, drawing the word out.

“So...” I looked over the relatively tiny creature in front of me again “You’re a dragon?”

“What else would I be?”

“Well, back home you’d be more akin to a drake than a dragon.”

“How so?”

“First off, you are way too small to be any kind of dragon I’ve ever seen.”


“And second, you have no wings.”

“I’ll have wings eventually, they just haven’t grown in yet! And I’m only small right now, when I grow up I’ll be bigger than this tree!” Spike was obviously a little offended by my words. It seemed his size was a touchy subject for him, as it is with most who are young.

“So let me get this straight. The dragons of this world are born wingless and this small?” I put my hand to my chin as I thought. “That’s quite interesting.”

“What’s so interesting about it? It’s just the way it is.”

“Well, back home dragons are born at least twice your size, depending on species, and are able to fly within days. Even wyrmlings are a force to be reckoned with.”

Spike looked like he was about to launch into more questions but was interrupted by the sound of Brightblade clearing his throat. “Perhaps you should continue this conversation inside, you seem to be attracting quite the bit of attention.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw that he was right. While Spike and I had talked more and more ponies began waking up to begin their days and were stopping to stare at me. “It seems I was right about not running into everyone yesterday.” I stood up and dusted off my knees. “Well, perhaps moving inside would be a good idea. I hope our little talk has assuaged any fears my appearance brought on. I assure you, you have nothing to fear from me.”

“Fears? I wasn't afraid” Spike puffed up his chest and made a show of looking brave and I smiled at his antics. Oh, to be young.

“Of course not, dragons aren't afraid of an old man like me.”

“Anyways, come on in. I’ll go wake Twilight up for you.” As he said this, Spike stepped aside and held open the door.

“Oh, no need to wake her. I can wait until she awakes on her own, I wouldn't want to interrupt her sleep.”

Spike waved a claw dismissively. “Nah, I know her, she wouldn't want to waste a second sleeping when she could be leaning whatever it is she want to learn from you.”

“Well, she did strike me as a rather... enthusiastic scholar.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “You don’t know the half of it.”

The two of us shared a small laugh as the guards and I walked in. The room was rather simple. The entire room was made from unpainted wood and, as expected, looked to just be cut from the tree itself. The walls were lined with shelves carved into them and filled with countless books except for where there was an opening for stairs leading up. In the center of the room was a table that held a large carving of a horse’s head and off to the sides of the room were a couple of reading stands tall enough for a pony to read while standing. Aside from this the room lacked furniture entirely, meaning that this was obviously just the library portion and the living area had to be up the stairs at the far end of the room.

“go ahead and make yourselves comfortable, I’ll go get Twilight and be back in a sec.”

With that Spike went off to the other side of the room and climbed the stairs. Nightshade and Brightblade simply went to the front door and stood on either side of it while I decided to walk over to one side of the room and simply lean against the wall since there was nowhere to sit. After a couple of minutes I heard the sound of claws on wood again and Spike came back down the stairs.

“Twilight’s awake now and getting some coffee ready, come on up, she want’s to talk in the kitchen.”

I pushed myself off the wall and strode quickly over to the stairs, the guards following behind, and waited for Spike to lead us up. At the top of the stairs was a much more home-like room that looked like a rather comfortable living room. There was a couch on one side of the room with a few plush cushions scattered nearby and a small table in front of it. there was still a small shelf with a few books, likely a personal collection separate from that of the library, and a couple of windows. There was a set of stairs up to a small loft that held a bed, a basket, and on one side of the room was another desk that held inkwells, quills, parchment, and a couple of books. In front of one of the windows was another reading stand like those downstairs and on one side of the room was a doorway leading into the kitchen and on another side was a closed door.

The four of us walked into the kitchen and were greeted by the sight of Twilight sitting on a cushion at a table in the center of the room that had a few more cushions positioned around it. She was nursing a steaming cup of coffee and looked utterly exhausted to say the least. There was the beginnings of bags under her eyes, her mane was bedraggled, and her greeting smile was weary at best. The guards went to position themselves by the door again but I spoke before they did.

“A conversation like this isn't going to be short by any definition of the word. It will probably be best if you make yourselves comfortable.”

The guards shrugged and the three of us made our way over to sit at the table while Spike prepared cups of coffee for us as well before taking a seat himself. As I sat down I smiled and spoke.

“You look like you had quite the night. What were you up to?”

Before she could respond Spike spoke up with a chuckle.

“She was up almost all night studying everything from history to advanced magical theory while muttering something about an ‘important visitor’. I guess I know who that is now.” He smiled as he finished saying this and Twilight looked a little sheepish.

“I just wanted to be prepared for any questions you asked.”

“Well, It looks like you might have gone slightly overboard. Are you sure you’re awake enough to be answering any questions?”

“Oh, I’ll be fine. This wasn't my first all night study session and probably won’t be my last. Just give me a minute with my cup of coffee and I’ll be fine.”

As she said this I picked up my own mug and looked down at the steaming dark liquid inside.

“Is something wrong?”

“Huh? Oh, no, nothing’s wrong it’s just been a long time since anyone’s offered me a cup of coffee.”

“Why’s that?” Twilight asked, tilting her head curiously.

“Well, people don’t tend to be very hospitable to necromancers and the few friends I've managed to make throughout my years haven’t really been the type to make homes in which to offer it. The closest thing I've had is the suggestion to talk about plans over a meal at the inn, which isn't really much of an offer since we still pay for ourselves and it’s mostly business.”

“That sounds rather lonely.”

“Eh, I suppose it would seem that way to most people but I chose that when I decided to make my company with adventurers. We aren't really the kind of people to settle ourselves anywhere and when we aren't out on some kind of job we’re typically just sleeping in the inn until we find another. It’s a busy life and not one of luxury but there isn't a job more exciting or satisfying than handling the problems that the city guard simply can’t or won’t.” I said this with a grin at Nightshade and Brightblade who simply gave me expressionless stares.

Twilight however, looked completely shocked.

“You do what?! What kind of problems would those be?!”

“Oh, anything really. From simple tasks like running off a group of bandits in the countryside to stopping a legion of devils that plan on ascending their leader to godhood and destroying everything as we know it.”

The jaws of everypony at the table fell open at my casual description of the events I consider to fill a typical day for me. After a minute or so of silence Twilight managed to compose herself enough to speak.

“It looks like we have a lot to talk about.”

I smirked at her and chuckled. “You don’t know the half of it.”

Author's Note:

I have some apologies to make here. First off, sorry about how long it took to post this. I intended to have this done the first week of April at least but I hit a wall known as writer's block and tests kicked my ass. I have more time on my hands now though so I hope to post more often.
Secondly, I'm sorry about how I ended this chapter but I was already kicking myself for not having this ready and didn't want to leave this untouched for any longer so I'm going to release what was planned to be one chapter as two parts.

Well, It'll be two parts if he stops being lazy and actually writes it.

Oh shut up Yeta, I want to actually make this not horrible so I'm not going to rush it too much.

But if you don't rush it then we'll never get to the good part

Trust me, I want to get there just as much as you do. If only just so I can get to the stuff that I already have plans for. But as I said, I'm not gonna rush it in the hopes that I can actually make this an interesting story.

*sigh* Whatever. I suppose it would be best if you don't portray me horribly. Fine, as you were.

Thank you, now get back in the story. Can't exactly write it with the protagonist missing.

Heh, I suppose not. See ya later kids and have fun

I guess I should be saying bye too. see ya next time people, ponies, and beings of unknown kind.