• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 1st, 2014


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Comments ( 4 )

I fucking love you right now. Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite authors ever.

I was actually working on A Cask of Amontillado fic. Coincidence? I think not.



A Cask of Amontillado

I remember that story..

Insanity is a wonderful thing, You think it's just a mental problem, But in reality, it is freedom. Freedom to do what you want, no fear, no anxiety, no moral. Is the Insane really insane? Or enlightened, each action, each word spoken would make you closer to true insanity, each piece of fabric in this fake world will be torn from each other and the only thing that ever remained is Insanity, ever being has a piece of Insanity, chained waiting to be free, Let the Insanity go, let it free.

I love Edgar Allen Poe, one of my favorite authors.

2253333 Edgar Allan Poe is incredible; his stories have a taste of beauty in insanity, and he is kind of like the father of modern horror, but instead, it's not about trying to rip your mind out by making you mentally distressed from any kind of realistic parts of it (which I commonly see in creepypastas, which the ones of this kind are great), but instead, he just makes you think. He makes you think, about what happens after. His endings are my favorite kind, where you don't actually know what happens after. It's just an abrupt stop before a real resolution, which I adore. It makes the readers think, which is always what you want when making a horror story.

Also, your post is #2253333. Nice quads.

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