• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 7,953 Views, 115 Comments

Athanasia - LunaUsesCaps

When Celestia's friend nears his time, she and Twilight embark on a journey to find out why.

  • ...


Keep calm, Celestia. You're stronger than this.

The white alicorn paced around her bedroom anxiously, occasionally stomping on the floorboards in frustration. She took in a deep breath, running a hoof through her disheveled mane in a futile attempt at relaxation. With a quick flash of golden light, Celestia focused her magical grip on the offending letter and brought it closer to her, reading it one last time.

Sighing, she dropped the scroll and tried to compose herself. Despite the state that she was in, there was one pony Celestia desperately needed to see right now.


Luna stared down at the table in fear, unable to do so much as blink. She knew what was about to happen, but a part of her still didn't want to believe it. A trickle of sweat ran down her forehead as she considered her situation. She could only blame herself, and now the younger alicorn was going to have to pay for her mistakes.

"Check," Twilight said triumphantly as she levitated a bishop into position, a wild grin spread across her features.

Luna frowned, cursing herself inwardly. Hesitantly, she channeled her magic, and a blue aura enveloped the black king, effortlessly sliding it out of its offending spot on the board.

The lavender unicorn chuckled softly, pushing her knight further into the alicorn's defenses. "Check,"

The night princess growled, shooting Twilight a glance that would make any normal pony shudder in panic. But no, Celestia's faithful student was far from a normal pony. Her chess playing abilities were far beyond that of even the greatest of scholars, and it was arguable that this type of skill was impossible to achieve. Luna made a mental note to ask her sister for permission to magically scan Twilight's brain, but for now, she had a decision to make.

Luna studied the board carefully as a wide smiled appeared on her face. "Ha! I have you now, Twilight Sparkle!" she boasted, once again moving her king out of harm's way. "What do you have to say to that, Twi-"

"Check-mate," the star-flanked mare interrupted, rolling her eyes as she gently nudged her bishop a few spaces over. Laying down Luna's king, Twilight looked up at the alicorn and smiled innocently. "Want to play again?"

The moon goddess was at a complete loss for words. Her mouth hanging wide open, she studied the board carefully, trying to figure out how everything went so catastrophically wrong. Twitching slightly, she forced a diplomatic smile and returned her attention to the much smaller pony in front of her. "I think that's enough for now, thank you."

Oblivious to the elder mare's distress, the lavender unicorn hopped off her pillow and began scanning the nearest bookcase. "Do you like to read?" she asked.

Luna pondered the question for a moment. Celestia hadn't been lying - her faithful student really was obsessed with literature. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well," Twilight began, focusing her magic on a large green novel and bringing it into view. "This is one of my favorites. It's about a spoiled prince who's kidnapped by his own guard, and sent to live in a foreign country as a slave under a crippled war hero. Does that sound interesting?"

The midnight alicorn chuckled to herself as a certain nephew came to mind, but she quickly dismissed the thought. "Actually Twilight, I was hoping I could learn a little bit more about you. We don't talk nearly as often as I'd like to."

Twilight's wide smile faded as she put the book back in it's rightful place, the unicorn being unable to suppress an imminent pang of guilt. She had wanted to spend more time with the princesses, but her demanding schedule had always prevented any visits from occurring.

Instead of returning to the table she and Luna had been sitting at, Twilight jumped up onto the bed Celestia had given her, reveling in how amazing the satin covers felt. "What did you want to know?" she asked, drawing a circle in the sheets with her hoof as she smiled up at the alicorn.

Luna giggled, somewhat amused at how comfortable the unicorn was around the royal family. The night princess remembered how Twilight had immediately wanted to run up to her on nightmare night in front of a terrified crowd, and was pulled into a bow by her dragon companion. "Well, let's start with something simple. How are your studies?"

The lavender pony lit up with excitement in the anticipation of explaining her research to her mentor's sister. "Wonderful!" she exclaimed, getting a soft smile in response from the elder pony. "I've been learning so much more about the magic of frie-"

The unicorn's speech was ended abruptly as the bedroom door swung open, revealing a panting white alicorn. Taken aback by this, both Twilight and Luna looked at each other quizzically for a moment, then returned their attention to the not-so-princess Celestia.

"Sister, are you okay?" asked Luna, her voice filled with concern.

Celestia took a deep breath, walking towards her younger sibling as calm as she could. Letting out a sigh, the sun goddess sat down next to her counterpart.

"No. No I'm not."

Reluctantly, the elder alicorn formed a golden aura around her horn, and with a quick flash of light she teleported Lord Gleeringas' letter onto the table. She eyed the parchment incredulously for a few moments, before withdrawing and allowing her sister to review its contents.

Worried by Celestia's behavior, Luna levitated the scroll closer to her, and studied it skeptically. As she read deeper into the letter, however, her face visibly fell. Closing her eyes when she finished, the midnight alicorn repressed a shudder and released a pained sigh.

"How?" Luna asked.

Celestia turned to her faithful student before answering, the confused and concerned look on her face only managing to make her stomach churn. "That is what I don't know," she began, leaving her spot next to Luna and walking over towards the lavender unicorn. "But I intend to find out."

Luna turned to her sister and grimaced. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what I said," she answered, staring directly into Twilight's eyes instead of Luna's. "I need to see him."

"P-Princess?" asked Twilight, growing increasingly uncomfortable with the alicorn's gaze. "What's going on?"

Luna rose from her position at the table, walking over to join her sister at the foot of Twilight's bed. "I do not approve," she began, letting out another sigh before nuzzling Celestia affectionately. "But I suppose it isn't my decision. Meet me in the court house in an hour."

As Luna finished speaking, she took a few steps away from Twilight and Celestia, then teleported unceremoniously out of the room.

Twilight, who had her eyes fixed on the spot where the night princess had been, turned and looked up at her mentor. "Pri-"

Before she could say anything, Twilight felt herself being pulled into the tightest embrace she and Celestia had ever shared as the alicorn wept openly on her student's shoulder. Not knowing what to do in the situation, the lavender unicorn returned the hug and remained silent.

After a few moments, Celestia broke the hug and wiped a few stray tears from her muzzle. "Twilight," she began, looking away from her student. "I'm sorry for that."

"It's fine Princess, but what happened?" the smaller pony asked.

Motioning for the unicorn to sit down, Celestia cleared her throat. "A very good friend of mine is very old, and very sick. I've been informed that the chances are, he doesn't have long."

Twilight eyed the alicorn quizzically. "But Princess, you're thousands of years old! You must have lost many friends, and I've never seen you so... Emotional."

The rainbow maned alicorn looked down at the floor. "Maybe not, but this is different. This friend is not only older than Luna and I, but he is also the same as we are."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

Celestia sighed, looking up to meet her students eyes. "He is immortal."

Twilight jumped off the bed, and began pacing around the room in a manic state. The lavender unicorn had studied the different gods and races, and though she knew very little, she knew one thing. Immortals don't die.

"But how is that possible?" she asked.

"I don't know, Twilight. However, I intend to go see him in Avania."

The unicorn's face fell, and she looked down at the floor. "But Princess," she began, pawing at the ground. "Wasn't this the one week we were supposed to spend together?"

For the first time that night, the white alicorn grinned. Gesturing for her faithful student to follow her, she and Celestia walked into the hallway and were greeted by two members of Luna's night guard. With a nod from the Princess, the genetically altered pegasi saluted and flew off in different directions.

"There is a treaty among the world's nations," Celestia began, smiling. "That one country cannot bring it's army into another. That means I will be traveling to Avania by hoof, and I would like you to join me."

Twilight's jaw dropped. "Me!? But Princess, I'm not fit for that kind of journey!" she protested, still in disbelief that it had even been proposed. "What about Luna? Can't she go with you?"

Celestia chuckled grimly. "And leave Equestria for the buzzards while both it's leaders are away?"

Twilight furrowed her brows in thought. "No, I guess not." She said, pawing at the ground. "But won't I just hold you back?"

The alicorn looked down at her student with a soft expression. "Twilight, this is very hard for me. I would really like your company, and look at the bright side - there's so much for you to learn out there! We can have magic lessons again, just like we used to."

At the thought of being taught by Celestia again, the lavender unicorn lit up with glee. She nodded furiously, prompting a giggle from her old teacher in response. Once the moment passed, however, the grave nature of their situation settled back in with both ponies.

Sharing an empathetic look with her pupil, Celestia put her hoof to Twilight's chin. "You've had quite a long day, my faithful student," she said, managing to maintain a smile. "Go rest, I have to speak with my sister."

Twilight smiled softly. "Goodnight, Princess."


Luna sighed as she regarded the High Equestrian Council, the members' judgmental looks sending shivers down her spine. She had never enjoyed speaking with the noble ponies, but the topic at hoof made it exponentially worse. One grey unicorn in particular was staring at the alicorn harshly, as if she was suggesting to set fire to the entire country.

"And how do we know that this isn't just some trick designed to take Equestria for yourself, your highness?" the unicorn asked.

Annoyed by the accusation, Luna took the opportunity she had. "Because if it was," she said, walking over to the unicorn to whisper in his ear. "You would be dead."

The grey noble gulped, a few drops of sweat running down his forehead. "Uhm, no further questions, your majesty," he said as the rest of the court room laughed unsympathetically at his misfortune.

"Miss Luna," began a portly pegasus, unable to contain his chuckling. "You have a grand sense of humor."

Finally winning them over, she thought. "Thank you, but now isn't the time for joking, I'm afraid."

A painful silence hung in the air for a few moments before the same pegasus spoke again. "Ahem, but, how long will her majesty be away?"

"As long as I need to be," interrupted Celestia as she walked regally into the court house. The nobles immediately bowing to her as she came into view. "I am not aware what complications may be ahead."

"Your highness," began the grey unicorn. "Why don't you bring your chariot and fly to Avania? I'm sure that the Grand Court would allow your passing given the situation."

Celestia raised a brow at her sister when the noticed the nervous state of the unicorn, getting an innocent smile in response from the younger alicorn. "Because," she said, turning back to the noble in question. "In the time that it would take for my appeal to be even reviewed, I could make it halfway across the globe on hoof."

"That seems to be just about the distance, doesn't it?" asked the large pegasus in his usual chuckle.

"A bit more than half, but yes." Confirmed the white alicorn. "I trust that you all will not give my sister trouble while my student and I are away?"

"Trouble?" the pegasus asked sardonically. "I look forward to this!"

Celestia cast another glance at Luna. "Right, then. If you all don't mind, I would like a private word with Princess Luna."

Nodding respectfully, the council ponies made their way out of the court room and into the hallway. Once they were gone, Celestia stared blankly at her sister. "What was that?"

"I like him," she said. "Why isn't he paid more?"

"Never mind about it, Luna. I assume you've prepared a map for me?" asked Celestia.

Luna blinked. "You didn't ask for a map," she said, raising a brow at the older alicorn. "Wait, what do you need one for? Don't you know the way to the gilded city by now?"

"It's been awhile," defended Celestia.

The midnight alicorn wanted to press the issue, but decided that it was in her favor to just remain silent. Motioning for Celestia to follow her, Luna walked over to her large, black desk and began rummaging around in its various drawers. "Hmm, not there," she said, forcing a tiny door shut with her magic. "Aha!" she exclaimed as she opened another cabinet, revealing the scroll she was looking for. "One map of the northern hemisphere."

Celestia wrapped the parchment in her golden aura, bringing it into view. She looked at the map in approval for a few moments, until a small note in the top right corner of the paper made her frown in annoyance.

"Luna," she said.


"This map."

"What about it?"

"It's four thousand years old."

"Beautiful condition for such an old map," Luna appraised, smiling sheepishly.

Celestia facehooved.


Twilight groaned in frustration as the morning sunlight hit her eyelids, forcing them open. Slowly, she pushed the covers off of her flank, exposing her to the soothing draft from outside her room. She had been tired last night, and forgot to close the door behind her as she entered her room. She was still safe however, as Luna had provided her with two night guards who had been watching her door for intruders.

Ninety three million miles away, perfect aim. I'll have to ask the Princess about that some time.

Though she was still groggy, the lavender unicorn made it down to the dining room where she greeted a plate of eggs in earnest. The chef had obviously remembered Twilight's favorite meals, they hadn't changed much since she was just a filly.

As she was munching on a danish, Twilight felt a hoof poke her in the back playfully. Turning around, the unicorn was met with the wide, smiling facing of Celestia. "Good morning, my faithful student," she said.

With a gulp, Twilight swallowed the last of the pastry she had been working on. "Morning, Princess. Did you sleep well?" she asked, returning the smile.

"As well as anypony could in our situation," Celestia began, her tone growing slightly darker. "We should be leaving soon."

"I haven't even packed yet," Twilight argued.

Celestia laughed and shook her head as her horn filled with a familiar golden aura. From behind her, a small pair of white saddlebags with a symbol of the alicorn's cutie mark floated towards Twilight and attached themselves to her back. "Now you have. I thought of everything you might need, even Miss Smarty Pants," she said with a wink.

Twilight's cheeks blushed furiously as she shied away from her mentor. Giggling, Celestia stood up and motioned for her student to follow. "Luna will be watching over Canterlot while we're gone," she said as they made their way out of the dining room. "I do hope that the nobles don't pry her too much. They seemed to like her enough, one in particular."

Twilight considered what Celestia meant for a few moments, but then dismissed the stray thoughts of Luna being involved in such an... Intimate scandal. "Princess, forgive me, but where exactly are we going?" asked Twilight, as they walked through the castle halls. "I've never been out of Equestria before. Actually, up until last year, I had never been out of Canterlot before!"

Celestia smiled as she pulled out Luna's map and showed it to the lavender mare. "This is Equestria," she said, pointing to the bottom of the parchment before moving her hoof upwards. "And here is Avania, the gilded city of griffins."

Twilight gaped at the distance between the two nations. "But that's all the way across the globe! How are we going to get there before your friend..." she protested, trailing off as she considered how to word the end of her sentence.

"Dies? Twilight, Lord Gleeringas is a very powerful creature. If he has a reason to live for awhile, he will trudge on." she said, looking up to the sky with a bit of nostalgia. "Do you still have that cloud walking spell that you used to attend the best young flier's competition?"

"Of course," Twilight reassured. "Why?"

"We'll need it," said Celestia. "Avania is like Cloudsdale, however, the entire country is built on top of clouds. It's also made of gold."

"That sounds beautiful, Princess," said Twilight. "Have you ever been there?"

The white alicorn chuckled to herself, thinking carefully before answering. "I used to live there."

Before Twilight could press on about the alicorn's residence in the northern lands, she and Celestia found themselves at the palace gates. With a nod to the guards, Celestia dismissed them and pushed the ornate doors open with her magic. As they approached the borders of her estate, Celestia turned to her student.

"Our journey begins," she said with enthusiasm. "Take the first step, Twilight."

Nodding, the purple maned unicorn took a deep breath, poised herself, and walked slowly towards the palace gate. Slowly, she raised her hoof and brought it down on the other side of the fence, marking the beginning of their travels.

Twilight looked back at Celestia. "Well, that wasn't very climactic at all."