• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 2,453 Views, 53 Comments

Remember Me - Agent Everfree

Follow the story of Scar Everfree as he talks of his most important memories that could change how ponies view changelings

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Chapter 4

Remember me

"Why do we fight? Is it to protect the ones close to use? Or is it just to fight and go to war. It seems no matter where you go, there will always be fighting. "

Chapter 4

The world returned soon after the flash of light.

I felt like the world around me was spinning with me at the top, never stopping. If I had eaten that day I may have seen it again pretty soon. I crouched down to the ground waiting for the spinning to stop - Twilight was trying to say something to me, but her words were just noise in the spinning world. After a few moments and a few deep breaths the world returned to normal and I was able to get a good look around myself.

To say I was confused was an understatement.

We were no longer at my small home in the woods, we were somewhere new, yet also familiar. Yes we were in a large tree, but not like my home in the forest. That was dark, damp, and cold. This was bright, dry, and... comfortable.

At first I could not make out the items around me, but I learnt that many of them were too made from trees. There was a center table with a carving of a horse on, too many shelves lined with thousands of books, all containing stories and waiting for somepony to pick then up and give them a read.

"It isn't much... but it's home." Twilight said as she watched me looking around her house. I turned to her with a look of confusion. How could she consider this place not much?

"This place is amazing." I spoke out. She gave me a smile and turned to head to a desk on the far end of the room, giving a gesture to follow her. She pointed to a cushion for me to sit on. I obeyed. It was very soft; nothing like the trees I sat on, or the leaves I used for my bed. Twilight took a seat as well, then used her magic to pick up some sheets of paper and a quill.

"Okay, so I want you to tell me everything about yourself and what your life was like to the point you found me." She asked preparing her quill to take down notes. So I told her my story. From the memory of being thrown into a river, to the teaching I was getting from the unknown voice, to becoming the warrior, and the survivor I had become.

Her face showed many emotions from my story, sometimes she had looks of great interest and others looks of pure sadness. As I reached the end of my tale, she looked over her notes for a while, then looked at me with that same sad expression.

"You've been through a lot huh?..." It wasn't a question, much more of a statement. I could only nod my head, finding no words to reply...


We both jumped at the noise and turned our attention to the door. Somepony was knocking to come in. A look of panic went over Twilight's face. She quickly turned to me and whispered:
"HIDE" She hid her notes in the desk and went to the door to answer it. I looked around the room for some place that I would be out of sight - but this is not my forest. There were no bushes to hide in or a tree to climb. Twilight opened the door slightly poking her head out to speak with whoever was there.

"Oh.. err.. hello Rainbow, what can I do for you?" Twilight said, trying her best not to show that anything was wrong.
"Hey Twi, I came to bring back this copy of Daring Do." The voice named Rainbow replied.
"Oh.. Thanks. I'll just take it, and you can be on your way" Twilight replied.

"No sweat Twi. I'll just put it back, I know where it goes." Rainbow said, beginning to push her way in without a thought.
I had only a split second to react, I had no wings so I would not hover away so I did the only thing I could think of...

I stuck onto the ceiling, pressing my body close to it to remain unseen. I watched the new creature enter the room. She was like Twilight but sporting a coat coloured like that of the sky and a mane and tail with many colours. She also had a set of wings slightly hidden by a set of bags on her back that got my attention. There was so much to learn from these creatures.
Twilight followed after Rainbow looking slightly confused. My guess would be from my sudden disappearance. Rainbow took a book from her bag and placed in on a shelf with many more books.

"You know Twilight, you should get out more. You've been in this library for most of the week." Rainbow said.
"I know Dash, I've just been busy with some projects" Twilight told her.

"Well, don't forget about us okay? Later Twi." Rainbow walked out the library, closing the door behind her. Twilight gave a sigh of relief, then looked around the room.

"Err.. Hello? Changeling?" She called out. Guessing she meant me.

"Up here" I replied. She looked up, and gave a look of surprise which soon turned happy.

"You really are a good hunter" She said, as I let go of the ceiling, landing in front of her.

"So we're going to need to give you a name... hmm" Twilight hummed as she looked around the room. I sat down, waiting for Twilight's suggestions. I looked around the room to see what caught my eye - it was my name after all. After looking around a little more my eyes landed on a mirror. As I saw myself, something did catch my eye, or more what was on my eye.

"Scar..." I muttered still looking at the mirror

"Huh?" Twilight looked over to me as I spoke. "What did you say?" she asked.

"Scar... my name... I want to be called Scar" I told her.

"Are you sure, you don't want to be called Zin or something?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"No. It's short and has meaning. My name is Scar" I said, feeling slightly proud at finding a name for myself, that meant something to me, since the scar was the first damage done to me when my life began. Twilight didn't seem like she wished to argue, as she smiled and spoke.

"Well, welcome to Ponyville Scar" She stretched out her hoof towards me. I was confused for a moment, and placed my hoof against hers making a Clop sound.

"So can you teach me about this world and about who I am?" I asked, reaching the information that I had wanted to know for a long time. Twilight seemed to fall a little bit but she took a seat next to me and spoke.

"Well, you may not like what you're going to hear. Are you sure?" she warned me.

"I've been sure for a long time"

So she told me a story

A story of an invasion.