• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 16,368 Views, 851 Comments

Monster - BlackWing

A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.

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I Call Hax!

Lyra's latest attempt at reaching this 'human world' backfired, giving her a mild case of magical whiplash. She felt that she was getting closer to success and wanted to try again, but Twilight threatened to stop all together if Lyra didn't let herself recover first. Not wanting to lose her only chance at achieving her dream, she heeded Twilight's advice and spent the next 3 days in bed. As it turns out, she was more exhausted than she thought and fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed. During her rest, she dreamed of the human again, and he was no longer in fear. Whatever he was running from, he seemed to have escaped, at least for the moment.

Lyra decided that if she had to rest, she would at least use it as an opportunity to learn about the human world through her dreams. She observed as the human traveled, always north, deeper into the woods.She learned that humans are omnivorous, from that the human ate fish that it caught, as well as some berries that it had found during it's trek. She was mystified by it's behaviour. Human culture seemed so advanced, why was this creature trying to get AWAY from society. She watched him for several days, and he never seemed sleep. Gathering food and such during the day, and traveling at night. Then, something she never thought possible occurred.

Lyra muttered to herself, "Interesting." Only to find the human practically jump out of his skin, and begin looking around frantically.

"What?!" Lyra said, stunned.

"Who are you, and why can I hear you in my head?" The human demanded. This startled Lyra so much that she woke up. She found Bon Bon standing over her. She found out that she had been asleep for the past 2 days, and her stomach decided at that moment to make perfectly clear that it was upset at being neglected. She decided to keep the events of the dream to herself, at risk of everypony thinking she was crazy...er, and decided to get some breakfast.

"That was by far the weirdest thing to have ever occurred to me." Davis thought while eating a fish. "Then again, I'm being chased by the government because I have the power to manipulate life force. NOTHING that has happened to me is normal." Feeling that the presence was no longer in his mind, he felt relieved that he wasn't being watched anymore, but was also beginning to feel a bit paranoid. What was the presence he felt? Was it a government agent who found him? He didn't know of anyone who had telepathy, but then again, most of the world didn't know of people who can pass wounds and exhaustion onto others, so he figured anything was possible. He decided it was best that he change locations quickly, gathered his things, putting out his small campfire, and heading north east, further into the Ontario wilds.

Lyra spent the last day of her rest debating on whether or not she should tell Twilight about her dream, and decided against it. Twilight would probably call the whole thing off if she knew what the human world was like, she was already apprehensive because of the legends. Spending such a long time looking into the human world had however given Lyra a better feel for it, and knew that she was closer than ever to bringing a real, live human into her world. Just the thought of all the questions she had being answered made her heart flutter, and by Celestia, hands, the HANDS. All the things he could do that normally took magic! She was so excited that between that and having just slept for 2 days straight, she could barely sleep all night.

For the next week Lyra and Twilight tried, and at one point, successfully opened a one inch portal, only to get knocked on their flanks when the thing destabilized and exploded. There was no damage done, but Twilight was getting a little worried.

"If we make one big enough for a human to come through, who knows what will happen!" Twilight reasoned, but Lyra was far too excited by the fact that, for all their hard work, they had succeeded in some small way.

"It worked though Twilight. All we need now is to work on size and stability. Actually, I think stability might be the priority before size." Lyra said, not wanting to get thrown on her backside again.

"Finally thinking with some sense Lyra?" Twilight teased. The fact that they had succeeded in reaching a new world did however pique the lavender unicorn's interest. "I can't wait to publish this to the Equestrian Society of Magic and Science. If we succeed, we might even get featured in the Equestria Daily!"

For the next few months, Twilight and Lyra were able to open portals of ever increasing size, and they no longer blew up, but they did start moving, always in the same direction. They couldn't explain this phenomena, but the larger the portal, the faster it moved. Twilight had some bad news for Lyra however.

"Lyra, I have something to tell you. I've been given a new research topic, and it's of the utmost importance, so unfortunately starting next week we'll have to put our study on hold. I'm not sure when we'll be able to start back up again."

Lyra was visibly shaken by this news, and while she wanted to continue her work, this really was just a side project for Twilight, to keep busy when she had nothing to do, and her actual studies took priority. Nodding to show her understanding, Lyra tanked Twilight for her time, and headed home for the night. She decided then and there that she WILL succeed in getting a human, before the week was up. Who knows how long she would have to wait if she didn't? Going back to sleep, she found herself again dreaming of the human, who she now realized, after reading one of Twilight's books on passive magic, that she was communicating with telepathically. Lyra hadn't said anything yet, and the human beat her to it.

"You again? Just what do you want with me?" Davis asked, obviously less nervous then the previous time.

"I haven't said anything, how did you know I was here?" Lyra asked, somewhat confused.

"Because every time you show up I get a weird feeling. I couldn't place it before but last time you spoke and I made the connection. Now, back to my question, what do you want with me?" The fact that she was having an actual conversation with an ACTUAL human proved to be too much for poor Lyra, and for the first time her mind went blank. "Great, now I'm having conversations with a figment of my imagination. The LAST thing I need right now is to go crazy. Whoever you are, WHATever you are, I don't have time to deal with you right now, they're coming." And with that, he shut Lyra out of his mind, causing her to wake.

Davis was running full tilt, he couldn't see them, but he could definitely sense their life force. And there were a LOT of them. While he could run almost for almost an unlimited amount of time, having to constantly absorb stamina from lower life forms, and the fact that he hadn't slept in over 2 months, was wearing on his mind, and he began to slow. He found himself in a small clearing, looked around, and saw that he was completely surrounded. "Damn."

Lyra decided to put one last ditch effort into getting a human. While she was able to open a sizable portal for an extended period, the problem now was pulling something through it. She and Twilight were in perfect sync, the portal was stable, and wasn't moving. She made an agreement with her partner that it was now or never, and if they failed to get a human, she would give up on it entirely. Partially because it was wearing on Twilight's nerves, but also because she was fairly confident that if she wanted to, she could find that human again and just ask him in her dreams. This was their last shot.

"Good job Twilight, the portal is stable, magic input is even, just keep it steady while I look for one." Lyra strained herself, trying to find a subject when it donned on her. She had an innate connection to a certain human, why not try using that to bring him over? As she strained to keep the portal steady, she tried to put herself to sleep at the same time, hoping to contact the human again. It immediately became clear that this was a bad idea. The portal began moving again, this time with blinding speed. It passed through the library wall, sending the portion that passed through to god knows where in the human world. The portal began blinking, switching between a fully open and non existent state every couple seconds. Every time it opened, it took a piece of Equestria with it, digging up chunks of dirt and gravel, and narrowly missing several ponies who were unlucky enough to be in it's way. The portal sped off towards the Everfree forest, where within it exploded in a blinding flash of white light, Twilight and Lyra looked at each other dumbfounded.

"We are NOT doing that again." Twilight said.

"You got that right." Lyra responded.

With a heavy heart at having lost her last chance at getting a human, she thanked Twilight again for her help, and left some bits to help pay for repairs. Twilight was just glad that none of her precious books had gotten taken by the wayward rift in space-time, and had Spike write a letter to the Equestrian society of Magic and Science.

"Dear Dean Sigil Star, from extensive study, I have learned that while transdimensional portals are possible, they are highly unstable, and as such the risks in attempting such a feat far outweigh the possible benefits." She continued to dictate a great many things regarding the experiment to Spike, who had more than a little difficulty with many of the words. Him gawking at the hole in the side of their house was met with a, "Don't ask." Look for the unicorn pair, and with that, he sent the letter off.

Davis found that he was trapped, his enemies staying just at the edge of the clearing. After confirming that he did not have a weapon, they began closing in on him, tightening their net. About 50 or so men, all wearing some kind of black polymer suits that covered them completely. Being exhausted, Davis thought that this was a perfect opportunity. Absorb all their stamina, they pass out, I run away. Too bad that didn't happen. When he tired to sap their energy, he found that it was getting stuck on the inside of their suits.

"Oh I see, since it's life energy it can't pass through anything inorganic. That would have been nice to know, AN HOUR AGO!" He yelled. Then he heard it. The worst possible thing that could happen at this moment. They had sent out a damn helicopter.

"Now that's just cheating." Even if he somehow managed to escape from the ever tightening web of soldiers, there was no way he could escape from a freaking chopper. The soldiers lined up, preparing to shoot, and the helicopter began spinning up it's guns. Due to all the noise the helicopter was making, nobody noticed the slight hum in the air. A flashing ball of light came into the clearing, closing right before the line of soldiers, opening long enough to swallow Davis, and then closing again before it let out a massive, "BANG." A bright white explosion took place, right in the middle of the troops, knocking them all out, and causing the helicopter to crash.

Davis awoke in the middle of a clearing. It seemed similar to what he had been in before, but there was a key difference. No soldiers, no helicopter, nothing. All the trees seemed to have been blown back by some unknown force, and they were a species Davis wasn't familiar with. He had been laying there for quite a while, so he had rested quite a bit. When he looked around he saw several sets of glowing eyes, but all he sensed was trees. His confusion quickly passed when he saw a pack of wolves literally MADE of wood step out into the clearing. Trying to drain their stamina did help him recover, but it didn't seem to phase the wolves at all. Realizing that his normal tricks wouldn't get him out of this, he pulled his knives out of his boots, and wielded them in reverse style.

"What are the odds of coming across two types of enemies my powers don't work on, all in the same day?" Davis said to himself. The wolves closed in around him. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire i guess, but being here, wherever 'here' is, is a damn sight better than where I was." If he was going to keep running in to enemies who he couldn't just make pass out, then he was going to have to practice with his knives.

Davis readied his fighting stance, his hunting knives reflecting the the light of the barely risen moon, and a look of blood lust in his eyes, he called out to the wolves, "Does the doggy want a nice steak? It's right here. COME AND GET SOME!"

The wolves charged, and the sounds of howling and creaking timber filled the night.

Oooooh. Now it's getting interesting. What will happen to Davis? What about the army that knocked on their asses? Will I ever get to the main plot? Find out all this and more in chapter 5 of "Monster"

I also thought I'd clear up some possible misconceptions. When I say Lyra spent months with Twilight, I don't mean they were at it all day every day. Sometimes they would get together more than others, and usually only for an hour or too. Twilight didn't go study crazy and neglect her friends to pursue Lyra's crazy dream. She still did the things she normally did, just with this on the side. As for where we are in the timeline, we are about 2 weeks after the Grand Galloping Gala, just before the Discord incident.

Davis also found that his powers do have limits. He can't move life force through non living material, and while he can keep himself physically awake indefinitely, his mind will eventually tire. I decided to add that little bit in, because I was an insomniac for a year. I just NEVER got tired, so I couldn't go to sleep. As for what happened, lets just say that if I had a mental examination at the time, I would have been diagnosed with a mild case of dementia. Combining the lack of sleep, the constant fear of being caught, and now hearing voices inside his head, Davis is fairly certain that he has gone insane.

Leave any comments in comment section below. Yes, I changed the name from "I Call Hax!" to "Limitations" I thought up the first name, and left it because i really hadn't thought of anything else. It didn't really fit the feeling I was trying to create, so when I read through it again, I found a better name. As this is my first FanFic, your input is very much welcome. May or may not have a sequel. Yes that's right, I've already thought of a possible main plot for the next story, if I ever finish this one that is. I've been a busy little bee haven't I? Also, did you catch the shoutout to Equestria Daily? Having Twilight hope she gets featured in the paper if they succeed is a little, "I hope my story gets featured on EQD" from me. Davis is also really getting into his "Monster" mindset. The next chapter will highlight Davis' life in the forest, and will also contain a certain athletic chicken