• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 16,164 Views, 223 Comments

Moonbound - Warmblood

Princess Luna falls into a deep sleep, leaving Six companions to save her from her own mind.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Celestia stands on a terrace in the palace gardens. She watches the evening sun settle amongst a bed of fluffy clouds as the sky slowly turns to amber. In the days since the storm lifted the world has glowed with renewed energy and light, as though the rain washed away a haze that had spread over the landscape. From horizon to horizon, the vivid colors of the land exclaim themselves to her eyes. Yet night must fall, and her job is far from finished.

The Princess sighs. Her workload has increased significantly over the past few days. In addition to raising the sun she now must stay up and raise the moon. She had looked forward to a time of peaceful rest after her sister recovered, but as at this moment that seems unlikely to happen anytime in the near future. Instead, as the days and nights begin to blend together she feels ever more strongly bound to her duties. It feels as though a tipping point has past, and all that remains is to brace oneself, and see what the future will bring.

Behind her she hears the sound of iron-shod hooves on the tile. She turns her head to find Sergeant White Mane striding up to her.

“Hello Sergeant.”

“Princess.” He bows his head in deference.

“Well, White Mane, it appears I have my work cut out for me once again.” Celestia sighs

“You’ve done it before, I’m sure you can do it again.” White Mane encourages with a warm tone.

“Yes. I will manage. Though I must admit, a short vacation from the palace would have been quite welcome.”

“As I’m sure you would agree, my Princess, life does not always lead us in the direction we wish to go.” White Mane replies.

“Hmm.” Celestia murmurs. She smiles. “With a silver tongue like that you could sit in for me at court.”

“I would be honored, of course, but I eh… wouldn’t request the honor, my Princess.”

Celestia chuckles a little at his discomfort. He is a good guard pony, but clearly has no interest in being a party to tedious court discussions. He needs a clear cut duty and responsibility, not just a place of make-believe importance in her entourage. And as far as Celestia is concerned, he deserves whatever position he wishes to take.

“Right.” She pauses. “You know, I never thanked you properly.” Celestia confides to him.

An astonished expression crosses White Mane’s face. “I only did my job, that’s all.”

“Then take my word for it that you did it well. You helped maintain calm within the palace during a very trying time, and you were very helpful to me personally.”

“I don’t know what to say your highness… other than thank you, of course!”

“No need, you are most welcome. So then, what news have you?”

The guard pony snapped to attention, armor clanking slightly. “The palace is secure, and life is returning to normal in Canterlot.”

“And of my sister?”

“The doctor says Princess Luna is doing well. She needs time to regain her strength, and is still confined to bed rest for the moment, but she has been eager to learn about what happened while she was unconscious. Also, she asked to see Twilight Sparkle, and said to thank her on her behalf.”

“Hmm.” Celestia is lost in thought for a moment. She looks up again. “Any word on Twilight.”

“None, my Princess. We know she left via a side entrance. The guard on duty admitted he may have been distracted by ponies from Canterlot asking questions about Princess Luna and did not see Twilight leave. We could start a search for her. We have many strong flyers. She can’t have gone too far.”

“No, no need for that. Let her go.”

White Mane hesitates. “May I ask why, your highness?” Celestia’s expression is part rueful smile, part furrowed brow. She takes a second to compose a proper answer.

“She needed some time by herself, I think.”

“Shall we not follow her? We could perhaps keep an eye on her from a distance.”

Celestia thinks about it for a moment. “No, not this time.”

“As you command.”

“If that’s all for now, I’d appreciate a few minutes of peace before I raise the moon.”

“Absolutely, your highness. I will see to it that you aren’t disturbed.” White Mane salutes and turns on his hooves.

After raising the moon for the night, Celestia retires to her quarters for some much needed rest. But before she can sleep, she feels compelled to reread the letter that Twilight had left for her. She opens a drawer on her formal writing desk, and lifts out a thin sheaf of paper, folded twice over. On the outside is scrawled in a familiar script “For the Princess.” Celestia opens the letter and sits down at the edge of her bed to reread the message that had tantalized her mind for the past few days.

Dear Celestia,

By the time you read this, I should be well away from the Palace. There are feelings I must come to terms with, and a life that I feel obligated to honor before I can return to my home. I left similar notes for each of my friends. Please see that they receive them.

You should know that you were right. Princess Luna’s spirit did still exist on the moon. I spoke with her at length about what happened. I wish you could have seen it; there was a great city up there, carved out of stone beneath windows of glass and a blanket of stars. It was truly incredible. Sadly, it is gone now, as is the spirit of Princess Luna. The spell that kept the city intact was the spell that harmed Luna. With Luna’s link to the moon severed, the connection should be gone for good. I could say more, volumes more, really, but I must make this brief.

Your sister wanted me to tell you that she came to understand the error of her ways, but only after you confined her spirit to the moon for the second time. I sensed that she was at peace with herself, and did not think her sacrifice would be in vain. The most important message is that she forgives you.

I think, somewhere inside, you are aware of what you did, although you aren’t ready to admit it just yet. One day I hope that you will, and on that day, I hope you will be able to forgive yourself as well. I would like to help you come to terms with the truth, but first I feel I must take some time for myself. So, my Princess, this isn’t a goodbye, it is only a farewell.

Twilight Sparkle

Celestia put the letter away. She needs her sleep, she reminds herself. Yet even with the lights dimmed and the covers of her bed pulled tight, her eyes refuse to close. The thought of her student returns to her once again. Somewhere out in the wild, Twilight is out there. Where will she go? When will I see her again?


The road from Canterlot into the east led past much of the agricultural heart of Equestria. Many towns remind Twilight of her familiar Ponyville, but she steels herself and leaves them behind for the open road. A towering mountain blocks her path, but the trail snakes its way into the foothills of the mountain to find a pass. Beyond the mountain and the hills, the land is blanketed by a thick cover of forest. The evergreens here are built to withstand heavy snow, growing tall and close, often overshadowing the road.

While the evergreens stand fast, the other trees are preparing for winter. Their painted red leaves dangle from rapidly denuded branches. The crunch of a dry leaf underhoof accompanies many of Twilight’s steps through the forest lanes.

There are towns here too, although more sparsely distributed. They are hewn into the forest, or sometimes, incorporated in between the trees. Apples are harder to find, but as Twilight approaches the coast she encounters many ponies selling their harvest of berries and hazelnuts. Such treats are somewhat rare in Ponyville, but here they seem very plentiful. Twilight has ample opportunity to join in on meals served by local ponies, who seem quite used to helping travelers in need. Twilight carries enough bits to pay her way, but she certainly does not turn down the opportunity for good food and company. Here, she isn’t Twilight Sparkle, the Equestrian renowned pony, she’s just another pony on the road.

Twilight is surprised the first time another pony mentions the nights that came and went without a moon a few weeks back. In response, another traveler mentions that he heard in town that a Pegasus arrived with news that Princess Luna had been ill, for a time, but had recovered with the help of some ponies from Ponyville. “Always Ponyville… What is it about that place?” The first pony asks. Twilight sits back and listened quietly. She doesn’t want to discuss her role in the events that had taken place. Not yet, at least.

Finally, she reaches the coast. The air is filled with the tangy taste of salt and changed by the temperate coastal clime. Here, there are little fishing villages of logs and shingles, built around half moon bays. Elsewhere, the coast is rocky, with waves grinding against giant boulders and cliffs that rise above the waves. Twilight maintains her course, stocking up on her supplies at a small village, following paths seldom traveled and overgrown with trees and shrubs. The weather is overcast for much of her walk, but as she nears her destination the clouds begin to scatter.

And there it is. She feels a swell of nostalgia as she sees the place she remembers from her memories, from her dream, from her vision. She still can’t quite decide what to call her experiences in Luna’s memories. They were surely more than a dream, or else this place wouldn’t have any significance to her. But they aren’t quite the same as her own memories. Perhaps the best metaphor she can think of is that they are like memories of something she did side by side with a friend. They shared the same experience, even though they aren’t the same pony.

There is no trace of the little house. She didn’t know if she expected there to be a sign, after all these years. The house was never that strongly built after all, just timber and stone. It was not Canterlot, it had no foundation reaching down to bedrock. Perhaps it just seemed that given the significance of this place it somehow seemed it might be spared from the ravages of time.

Even the rock of the cliff itself had not remained unchanged. Years of waves pounding against the rocks had washed away some of the support at the base of the cliff, causing rocks at the top of the ledge to tumble down into the sea. Twilight knew this process of erosion was the same that had carved all of the cliffs and bays in the area. Yet she could not help but feel a little sad that the place where the house once stood would soon fall into the sea.

The house is gone. Nothing remains but memories and dust... and yet, Twilight thinks, maybe somepony used the stone from this house to build the foundation of their own home. Maybe a sea bird used the rubble as a nest. Like everything else, it has passed on, becoming one with the environment around it. That’s life, that’s the way the world works.

Twilight walks among the knee-high grass, followed by the perpetual sound of little buzzing insects and the whispering wind. As the clouds scuttle along through the late afternoon sky, she imagines young fillies galloping through the grass. The smell of warm food briefly fills her nose before a gust of salty air blows it away. She remembers a moonlit night, a colt and a filly, two young fools.

There is still a beach, down below, back towards the town she left behind. She makes her way down to it, walking aimlessly along the tideline. There are hoofprints in the sand. She tries to follow them, but like her own meandering path they loop and turn in on themselves until Twilight can’t be sure if the hoofprints she’s following aren’t her own.

The feel of the soft giving sand beneath her hooves is familiar, ever so familiar, as if she herself had been here before. Twilight feels like a pilgrim in a holy place, a place of history and deep memories. There is something about foalhood that creates stronger memories, more lasting memories, and this is one of those places that obviously stuck with Luna forever, just as Twilight imagined it would stay with her.

On these sands Celestia and Luna innocently played. Luna met Orion just over there, by that boulder. Out in the water, on a dark night, both had almost met their end.

What does it mean to be the only one to remember a life? Twilight wonders. One day I might have found out on my own, when I got to be an old pony and had foals of my own. Then I would have to think about what I wanted to say about my mother and my father so that their memory would live on. But I’ve skipped ahead. Luna’s memories are a part of me now. I’ll live the rest of my life with the echoes of her knowledge, her experience.

In many ways, she feels older than her years. The burden of so many memories weighs heavily on her mind. And yet, at the end of her journey here, having reached her goal all by herself, she feels young, and free.

She thinks about what she has learned. One thing is clear to her. Life has no absolute good or evil. Each royal sister once looked at one another, and thought each other evil. Could Twilight pick a side? Even with her experience she found it difficult. She understood why Luna had rebelled, and why Celestia had sought to restore order and peace. Could Twilight say, knowing what she did now, that Celestia is perfect, and infallible? No, most certainly not. She had glimpsed the loneliness in Celestia’s soul, and realized that she needs someone to lean on every once in awhile, just as everpony else does. Life is life. It isn’t perfect, just as nopony is perfect, but Twilight accepts this now. And if living inevitably leads to tragedy, it is at least possible to live a beautiful tragedy.

I’ve changed. My relationship with Celestia has changed. Maybe I was too caught up in Luna’s memories. I couldn’t see the bigger picture. When I realized what Celestia did I was so angry I didn’t even think. I just reacted with anger and rage. It felt like Celestia betrayed me personally. But in the end she did what she promised: No guard pony has come chasing after me. Twilight sighs. I ought to know by now that life can be tough. Not just for me, not just for mortal ponies, but for the Princesses too. I can’t stay angry at her the rest of my life. What’s more, she needs my help. And If I can help her then that’s what I should do, because that’s the right thing to do. There’s nothing to do but…

“Hello!” A voice calls out, startling Twilight.

“Uhm, hello?” She replies, looking around. How did it get so dark all of a sudden? She asks herself. It seems evening has fallen, and the sun has already dropped behind the trees.

“Hello again! Over here I am!” He has a funny lilt to his voice that makes Twilight want to giggle. Twilight locates the speaker. He’s a light red pegasus with a dark brown mane.

“Are you lost, missy?” He asks.

Twilight laughs. “Actually I’ve been here before… Sort of, anyway.”

He tilts his head to the side. “If you say so. It’s getting mighty late now, you’d best get on the move if you’re to get back to town. I’m guessing that’s where you’re staying.”

“Oh, I guess so. I hadn’t really thought of it.”

“You know, daydreams don’t keep you warm when it’s cold outside.”

Twilight giggles at his remark. “You’re right, my friend.” He might have meant what he said to be reproachful, but her laughter readily disarms him.

He sighs. “Well it’s awful dark out, maybe we ought to walk back together. Would you mind that?”

“Why not?” Twilight smiles.

It is just before dawn in Canterlot. Everything is quiet save Celestia’s hoof-steps as she walks down a corridor within the Palace. Although her days since Luna awoke have been hectic, requiring her to once again assuming responsibility for raising both sun and moon, Celestia has settled into her new schedule. It is a difficult, but not impossible task. She is grateful for rest after the end of the day and the raising of the moon. The sleep that takes her is deep and restful, as it always is after a hard day’s work.

Her days flow together in a natural rhythm, leaving little time for idle thought. But every so often, she wonders about Twilight, and sometimes, before settling down to bed, she would reread the letter Twilight had left. Some part of her still believes that Nightmare Moon was somepony else. It could never have been her sister all along. Surely it was something which had corrupted Luna’s mind, not something which arose from within her. Yet whenever she reads Twilight’s words once again, they always call forth the doubt, the concern that Twilight was right. The rest of the time she tries to keep the idea out of her mind.

Celestia’s ear twitches as she hears something down a side hallway. She stops, curious as to its source. Standing silent, she can hear the noise more clearly. It sounds like running water, gurgling and splashing.

Ah, she thinks, it must be the fountain down the hall. Somepony must have forgotten to turn it off for the night. Celestia considers her schedule. After a moment she turns down the hallway where the noise is emanating from. I have a few minutes before I need to raise the sun anyway. I’ll turn it off and save somepony the trouble.

When she reaches it, through the familiar marble hall, she is surprised by what she sees.

“Luna! What are you doing here?” It isn’t so much that Celestia is shocked to see her sister, as she is often up and about around this time of the morning. Rather, Celestia is surprised because Luna usually follows a routine every night, a ritual that she follows almost religiously. Celestia has never run into her sister on her morning walk to go raise the sun, but here she is, gazing at the fountain as though deep in thought.

“Oh hi sis! Just relaxing for a while before my dinner. Or your breakfast, whichever you prefer.” Luna’s laughter sounds like the tinkling of tiny bells.

“Ah. It is simply that I cannot recall meeting you on one of my morning walks before. Correct me if I am mistaken, but do you not usually take your dinner in the east wing?” Celestia asks.

“Yes, but this time I thought I would do something different. Somehow the fountain seemed like a perfectly peaceful place to go, so that’s where I went. And here I am!”

Celestia raises an eyebrow, but can’t see any reason why her sister shouldn’t be able to relax by the fountain if she wants to. She reflects that perhaps she has gotten into such a rhythm that any deviation from the plan seems like a big change in her eyes. I ought to see if I can make any time in my schedule for a day outside the palace, just for a change of surroundings. It would surely do me some good.

“Oh, sister, have you heard anything about Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asks.

“No,” Celestia replies, a little put-off, “I have not had any word on her in quite some time, I’m afraid.”

“That’s too bad. I really wish I could thank her.” Luna says, looking a little crestfallen.

“Indeed.” Celestia agrees. “She risked much to help save you.”

“I know. She even talked to me, while I was asleep, I think.”

Celestia’s ears perk up. “Did she now?”

“Yes. She said that you sent her. That she had ‘seen what I’ve seen.’ But she seemed a little confused. She left in a bit of a hurry. To be honest I would have preferred she stayed and talked to me a little longer.” Luna explains.

“Hmm…” Celestia mumbles. “Yes, I suppose that is possible.” She frowns.

“Is everything alright sister?” Luna asks.

“Yes, yes. I should let you relax. I must go, it is almost time to raise the sun.” Celestia turns halfway round, stops, turns back. “Luna, I want to tell you… that, I…” Celestia couldn’t grasp the words. They slip away, out of reach. Goodness, what am I thinking?

“What is it sister?”

“Nothing. Never mind.” Celestia forces a smile. What was that about! You didn’t have to say anything! She berates herself. “Have a good time. I’ll see you at breakfast!”

Shortly after raising the sun, a guard trots up to Celestia. He salutes and stands at attention.

“Yes?” She asks.

“Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle just arrived a few moments ago. She’s in the main hall.”

“Really? I’ll be there at once.”

When Celestia sees her, she feels happiness, trepidation, relief, and guilt, all mixed into one. A tight knot forms in her stomach as she realizes the day she has been waiting for is finally here. She takes a deep breath, briefly closing her eyes, before she steps from the side door into the soaring height of the grand hall.

Twilight is bundled up in a brown overcoat, a common accessory of traveling ponies in the winter months. Celestia’s eyes rest on the coat for a moment. It shows some wear and dirt at the edges, as though it has been worn recently and frequently. She’s been traveling for a long time. Celestia thinks. But the question is why has she returned now? Has she found whatever it is she sought? She wouldn’t stop here just to say hello surely? Celestia clears her throat, just in case her hoof-steps hadn’t already alerted Twilight to her presence.

After a moment, Twilight looks up at Celestia. She meets Celestia’s eyes with an even gaze, steady, unflinching. Her eyes say more about her than any words ever could. Celestia thinks. She has changed. She seems more mature, more thoughtful. Of course she was thoughtful before, but now it is as though she has gained something deeper. The knot in Celestia’s stomach tightens. But what? What if she still hates me?

Twilight maintains her place as Celestia walks up to her. Her face is almost expressionless, hard to read, but her eyes remain watchful.



“I received your letter.”


A pause. “Your friends are doing well in Ponyville.”


“They miss you.”

“I know.”

Celestia sighs. She can’t stand to face Twilight. The Princess turns away and walks a few steps forward, gazing up at the stained glass window and the light streaming in from the morning sun. She seeks strength in that light, to give her the fortitude she needs to get come to terms with Twilight. She was my student. It shouldn’t be this hard. But when I look at her I feel so guilty. It’s my fault. I caused this, and I don’t know how to fix it.

Then Celestia hears hoofsteps, and a second later feels a presence by her side. She looks down and sees Twilight standing beside her. The smile on Twilight’s face catches Celestia off-guard. But in a moment she smiles back. What it means exactly, she isn’t sure, but she knows Twilight is by her side once again.

Celestia lifts her head towards the window and closes her eyes, feeling the warmth of the light upon her white cheeks. She feels the knot in her stomach starting to ease, the anxiousness in her mind starting to ebb away. It feels as though she has been adrift on an infinite sea for so long, and only now has she found the shore. She has someone to confide in, someone who knows her secret. The burden she feels is lifted by that knowledge.

“I’m here to help you.” Twilight says.

“Thank you.” Celestia whispers back.

-------The End---------

Comments ( 51 )

This could lead to a sequel!


I really did like this story, and did it ever live up to the sad tag. However, I can't help but feel like this ending is a little.. incomplete. I can't really put my finger on why I feel that way either. Perhaps it's because I wanted there to be a happier ending and such was off put by what they had to do in the end. Don't get me wrong, I did love the story, just the final chapter feels lacking to me (Please don't hate me ;.; ). I hope to see you write more in the future!

:applejackunsure: don't rightly know what to feel...

1757080 Hmm. For me it ends just right. Twilight came back and now the healing can actually begin. The story isn't about the healing, though, it's about the hurt. From this point you can see it's back on track to get better, so the long talks aren't necessary to describe, IMHO.

Oh man. Amazing. Perfect ending.

This was quite the trip you made, and I'm happy to have tagged along with you.

Thanks, it's beautiful.

1757250 Thumbs up for you my friend!

Flawless Victory.

This could so easily have ended in tragedy instead of redemption and forgiveness. :heart:

I thought that ending was beautiful. I cried a bit, actually. Please do make a sequel.:fluttercry: :twilightsmile:

Nicely done:twilightsmile:

--Alternate ending--

And the she slits her thoat.

Just, aw damn it I remember the days when this was just a show and I hadn't read anything from this site! Excellent story, I'll never look at them the same again :fluttercry:

Hooray for emotional maturity and moral shades of grey... I wish we had learned more about the "false" Luna and how she truly acts, but a nice, thought-provoking ending to a nice, thought-provoking story. The open-endedness of the last scene is a nice followup to the feeling you created.

That was really excellent. We don't get enough shades-of-grey endings, or endings where complex issues take more than a speech or wacky hijinx to resolve. While there were some parts of this story I had problems with, the ending was certainly not one of them. I hope when the time comes (if it ever does :fluttershbad:) for me to write an ending, it will be as true to the themes of the story as this one.

Well done.


Stupid doll...

I'm going to go cry in a corner know. I have one less story to look forward to reading now :fluttershyouch:

See, I would have ended it with Twilight following the pegasus home. Depends on how you interpret the story, I suppose, but I felt like the mirroring of Luna's experience perfectly rounded off Twilight's journey of self discovery. Perhaps an epilogue could be used to tie the final knots, but the main story could have stopped there.

Anyway, just my thoughts. Good work!! :pinkiehappy:

I read this while listening "I am no Hero"(good song btw) and it felt really... Luna-y

Anywho, amazing story. I like it!:twilightsmile:

A truly great story! I loved it and look forward to more from you. Perhaps a sequel?

I have one thing to say about this sire!


Great fic, but as Nadir said, it feels a bit incomplete or something like that to me. Nevertheless, all the other chapters kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

This feels broken. IMHO, Twilight wouldn't have accepted Luna's resignation. She'd have saved the real princess of the night.

Apart from that, well done.

Well done, friend! Thank you.:pinkiesmile::ajsmug::twilightsmile::raritywink::yay:

Wonderful. This story was wonderful. The ending was beautiful.
(I just checked to see if I'm watching you...I wasn't... But I am now.)

Fantastic story. Could go either way, sequel or not. I would like to see Celestia and Twilight go on an adventure together through the real Luna's memories, either figuratively by visiting the house and the beach, or literally by going into Twilight's memories that she shares with Luna. Could be a fantastic read.

Pfft, another story where Celestia gets all what she wants. I'm disappointed with the ending.

Excellent story. The ending is fitting, the end of this story is the beginning of Luna's and It could be the beginning of a sequel.
If there is no sequel Twilight will stay by Celestia's side until her final days when new Luna will have matured enough "hopefully" to stand by Celestia.

Beautifully done. I will also be looking forward to a sequel, should one be forthcoming :)

So I have one thought after reading this story. After the discord episodes Twilight proved that she can use memory spells on other ponies to make them remember things. Well, Twilight has all of the old Luna's memories, so why not just blast the puppet Luna with a memory spell and give the new Luna all of the old Luna's memories?

1759527 And? I'm kind of curious as to what exactly that one thing is. I'm imagining a bee flew in your window and stung you right as you were about to enter another line, leaving all of us in the dark as to what you really thought.

Must say, very nice story. The pacing was perfect and I like how you sometimes jump ahead in time and work backward and vice versa. It adds a nice weave to the story, if that makes sense.?? I think the ending was perfect and actually had me at the edge of my seat in suspense. So you know, this was the very first story I came across at FIMfiction and it is still one of the best in my opinion. I mean it practally reads itself, and I honestly don't mind re-reading chapters when new ones came out.

You have earned yourself a follower (my first I might add). Looking forward to more in the future.

1766009 It was a wasp FYI

But do you not see the gif sire?

1768535 Nope. Didn't load.

Amazing story! I would have loved for you to touch upon 'F"-Luna's thoughts on what twilight told her before she left, or a scene where Twilight shows Celestia the memories of her time on the moon so she can see what really happened. Yet those also work as questions not answered to be used as food for thought. Excellent read, look forward to more stories from you.

1769482 Well I believe it was a camera zooming in on a bearded man who then nods slowly, then repeats

1770068 Ah yes! I've seen that one. Excellent!

Alright! Read in one go :pinkiehappy:
I must confess... if I fall asleep on my final exam, due in few hours... I SWEAR BY CELESTIA'S BEARD THAT IT WAS WORTH IT :trollestia:

I love this chapter! It just feels nostalgic for some reason! Oh, and I'm glad Twilight and Celestia have made up too. :twilightsmile:

1771160 Ahha!

It appears I screwed up sire on posting the gif, My apologies :fluttercry:

anyone else feel like they would've taken this whole conspiracy on like Rorschach? The world deserves to know DAMMIT! also fuck tia in this fic. She needs to catch lou gehrig's disease and die in a pool of her own excrement. also twilight should've moved to wherever the fuck the griffins live. or just far away from equestria.

Wow. This was surprisingly good.
The premise sounded fairly standard... hurr durr sent into X's mind to blah blah. But it turned differently than I expected.
I love it when fics turn out to be much better than I first thought when I saw them.

You know what? I almost gave up on this story a few chapters back. Almost. Now, I'm glad I didn't. Well done.

Ah, good, more fuel for my Celestia dislike!

You know what this fic makes me think of?

Paranoia Agent.

Don't give me that :derpyderp2: look. Sure, this fic doesn't have golden baseball bats or little girls hanging themselves, but at its core, it's a story about the ways people fail to deal with loss. Luna spirals into resentment, while Celestia lies to herself to pretend she hasn't really lost anything. Neither of them grows up and accepts the pain until it's far too late.

Thumbs-up, fave, and bravo!

After reading this for the second time, it's just a sad as the first :fluttercry:
Now I must go and read happy Luna fics!

So apparently I forgot to fave this. Remedying that now.

Why didn't the updates register? I faved this back when it had one chapter and I just now found it again with 50k words o-0

I am not sure if there is any point in this comment given how old the story is but ther is point that needs to be made.
Nowhere in Luna's actual memories is any mention of Discord and it is impossible that she would have missed his presence because she was traveling Equestria. According to the show the sisters faced Discord together with the Elements and yet this story doesn't mention him at all which I find rather strange.

This was a very fun read, while I felt there were some out of character moments, that might be because of the fact that I am reading this nearly 4 years after the last chapter was released

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