• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 1,089 Views, 14 Comments

Ashes - Roarin

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy take a walk in the forest.

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“ I know We're late, and I'm sorry! I couldn't find the box, then tank really needed out, and I passed out... I mean who plans these kind of things so early in the morning! Your not in the mood for excuses are you Shy?” Rainbow Dash quickly blubbered out as she landed with Fluttershy beside her. The entrance to the Everfree forest laid before them, ominous as every time before that. The wind was still and held no scent.

“Well the girls are waiting for us, come on.” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy. The forest itself was also stagnant. No sounds could be heard from creatures big or small. The morning dew still clenched to the flowers and trees, and did not dare to move until the sun was fully raised. Rainbow Dash moved through the forest without any care, she knew where she was going and held her head high. Fluttershy just simple followed and clung on to Rainbow Dash as if she to was the morning dew.

“You know Shy I never really told anypony this but, I really like it out here. You can think with a clear head, well when your not getting chased by some kind of timber monster or hydra! Not that I couldn't take one out, I mean I'm Rainbow Dash here! Leader of the Wonderbolts, element of loyalty, and the most modest pony out there!” Rainbow Dash had finished her own pep talk with a bump of her chest, just to earn a blank stair from her friend. The quite forest had created an awkward silence between the two friends, with nothing in the area to talk about it left the conversation dry.

“I can see why you wanted to live out here! Right by the forest, the animals, the thought provoking silence, and the... Its really boring here. I mean come on Fluttershy! You can make a castle out of clouds for pete's sake! Heck I even offered to help you make one, when you first came to ponyville? You remember that?”

“Fluttershy You know that I can help you make a house right?”

“Well I guess you could... but then I couldn't help out these poor little guys... I mean look at them Rainbow Dash! I just want to stay on the ground and help them! If...if that's ok that is... I mean look at this turtle!”

“Well I don't think I will find any stories to tell down here! I want a story that will rival the “Mare in the moon”!”

“Oh Rainbow...”

“I thought you were so naive back then, but I didn't see how much you really wanted to help out. That was a quite a few years ago, I think it was 995 B.O.L, Then about a couple of years later we met Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said with a mater of fact voice. She finished her thoughts about when they first moved to Ponyville when another couple of thoughts past through her head.

“Rainbow Dash, I really have something I have to tell you...”

“Sure Shy whats up?”

“I think I'm In love...”

“... Really? Is another mare coming out to me? I sware if its the rainbow strips, I already told five others no, I mean I might give it a try with you Fluttershy but I'm dating a colt right now and he may not be happy. Well actually he might be, hmmm Not to sure about this now. Maybe he would want a threesome...”

“ummm no Rainbow, I'm not coming out to you. I mean you're a lovely mare... and you're very active and attractive... I mean oh dear... Wait... THREESOME?!”

“Oh Fluttershy I was just joking around with you. Well maybe not. Anyway who is the lucky Pony?”

“Well she is...”

“The fact that you came out to me and wanted help from me to get you the Girl! Classic! Oh tell me to shut up anytime by the way I'm just rambling on anyways. I'm starting to sound like Pinkie Pie... Great...” As Rainbow Dash was finishing her thoughts the forest was starting to thin out. The trees started to part way and a small field was coming into view. The dew dripped from the trees and flowers almost as if the forest was starting to tear up, yet no birds sang and wind did not awaken. More memories of the past started to show up in Rainbow's head.


“Congratulations Rainbow Dash! Woohoo! Way to go!”

“This is it! This my ticket to the skies Fluttershy!”

“Ok, But you have to come back and tell me stories! Or else I will be mad at you! If you don't mind that is...”

“You're always there for me Shy! That's what I like about you! I mean I know I'm element of loyalty, but you? You kicked discords butt! All by yourself, I mean sure he is a bit of butthead still. You brought him to our side! Even if we have to live through “Discord Day” every year.” Laughing to herself Rainbow Dash didn't see the branch that whacked her in the face. She flew backwards and slammed into the tree behind her. The pack that she had with her flew from her side and landed open, the box inside fell out and broke open.

“NO!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she tried to get up, but her body betrayed her. An old wound had acted up and caused her legs to buckle under her weight. On the ground all she could do was wait for the pain to go away, and watch as her friend’s ashes were now on the ground.

“What do you mean your sick?”

“The doctor isn't to sure of what to make of it Rainbow Dash. He said it was sudden, he had never seen anything like this before.”

“Well what did he say?”

“That I should be standing up straight soon!”

“Well that's good! Oh I've got to run, Spitfire is calling me for row call. I will phone you back soon Shy with some stories this time!”


“You lied to me Shy!” Tear began to crawl down Rainbows Face. “You told me that you were going to walk again! You told me that we were going to fly together again! I may have grey hair in my mane but that doesn't mean that you can go and die on me! Just cause we are older, doesn't mean anything! Why did you have to leave me!” The pain had slowly left her leg as she stopped her yelling and limped over to the box. She slowly gathered the ashes that had fallen out of the box and closed it. Trying to wipe the tears from her eyes she pulled the box close and hugged it. She was there for a while waiting for the pain to stop, her now dull rainbow mane and lines of grey hair getting in the way of her sight. She got up and put the box back in the pack. Painfully she got back up and started to walk towards the field. Every step towards the field was sending pain up through her hooves, but it didn't matter about the pain it was about the send off and being loyal to the end.

“Hey girls! Where is Shy?”


“What's with the long faces?”

“... Rainbow...”

“no... NO!”

“She doesn't have much time left, she wants to talk to you”

When she reached the field where she saw Twilight and the others. All of them rushed over to Rainbow Dash and helped her get to the centre of the field. Tear falling freely from her face at this point, the older mare grasping the box close to her chest looked to her friends and started to laugh.

“I'm Sorry girls, I just got into an argument with Shy for a moment there.” Standing up and cleaning her self off she looked over to Applejack. “Do you have the seeds Applejack?” Applejack nodded to Rainbow Dash's question and handed her a few seeds. Applejack had already dug the hole for the ashes, Rainbow Dash slowly walked up to the hole and placed the ashes in. She then placed the seeds that Applejack had given her in the ashes and walked away allowing the hole to be filled. The girls all cried, hugged, shared stories, laughed, and then slowly left the ashes. Rainbow Dash stayed a while longer and smiled.

“Thank you Fluttershy, I can't wait to see you again and tell you all of my adventures.”

“Hey Shy...”

“...Hi Rainbow...”

“So your going to be walking soon right Shy?”

“I have a question for you Rainbow...”

“What is it?”

“Was being a wonderbolt, all what you wanted it to be?”

“Yes it is.”



“hmmm....I'm really sleepy Dash. Can you tell me a story about you being a Wonderbolt?”

“Sure thing Shy...”

Comments ( 14 )

Hmm. This has potential but it could definitely use a few tweaks.


Thanks! I really didn't get much of a chance to edit it to much. It was a two week writing challenge and I ended up writing it in the 11th hour because I had this idea. :twilightsheepish:

That's a really creative take on the prompt, nice one! Even if it is a bit sad :fluttershysad:

I liked how you didn't mention right away that Fluttershy was... well, ashes, and had Rainbow talking as if they were walking together as normal. I was actually confused as to why Fluttershy wasn't talking at first! But yeah, if you hadn't called the story 'Ashes', I probably wouldn't have figured it out until Rainbow dropped her.

Anyways, really good work! Looking forward to the next round!

Loved it!

I was totally shocked when Fluttershy was ashes and Rainbow Dash was old! I read the title, but I thought that the two of them were just walking towards somepony`s grave or something!


Thank you!


Wait she was ashes!:rainbowderp: Oh wait... Right I wrote the story...facehoof: Thank you! I was trying to frame it that way. Glad I did surprise someone with it! :twilightsmile:

I'll say it with Luna since she looks how I feel right now...



ooohhh new band to find out about!


Ok that's damn cool!

2354339 hehe^^ to be honest, I have just found out about them recently too. But I'm gald you like them as well:twilightsmile:

My comp played that song shortly after I read this story and I thought it fit pretty good so I added it to my comment^^ Rest in peace, Flutters... :fluttercry:

2351738 Hell yeah! This is one of favourite bands.


From depressing story to metal... Sounds bout right lol!

2551895 well the song fits the story pretty well so... yeah, sounds about right^^

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