• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 26,441 Views, 1,038 Comments

The Princess and the Human - Ausbrony

When an Alicorn Princess suddenly appears out of thin air, Will one lone human be able to deal with such an event? Well, he has nothing better do do.

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A change in Monotony.

The Princess and the Human.

Chapter One – A change in Monotony.

It was a morning like any other. He would wake up, bathe, eat breakfast and be on his way. He already knew how the rest day would play out. The sights and smells on the way to work never changed either. There was the drunken, homeless, doomsday prophet outside his apartment building. There was the never ending tide of motor vehicles that ran down the street. The people that just went about their own meagre lives. It never changed and it probably never will.
Once he got to work he would be greeted by the same old, same old. The boss on a tirade over him arriving late, despite the fact he would arrive five minutes early. The other slack-jawed casual that had no right to even work here, but he was the boss’s friend.

People would come and people would go. He would smile and sell them the products that they wanted and get them to buy things they didn’t. It was nothing more than a repeated routine that he did over and over.
After work, he would head back to his little apartment. It was a place that offered a retreat from the everyday… but not the monotony.

Kai stretched and glanced at his bedside clock. He had just over two hours to get to work so that meant plenty of time. He checked the small solar panel that hung from his window and attached a flat battery to it. He got up and after brushing his teeth and having a quick shower he was ready to go.
He locked his apartment and headed down the stairs, only to be greeted by a hairy, homeless guy.

“It's the end ‘o’ the world!” he cried. “You gotta get ready for a life changin’ event!”

“If you say so Phil” Kai sighed. The guy was okay and Kai would give him a few bucks for food often. But he had prophesised the end of the world for the last year and a half now. He gave Phil ten bucks and headed down the street. It was always the same, cars and trucks rumbling down the asphalt whilst hundreds of people bustled about, heading to work or just going about their own lives. Nobody looked at on another; there was no friendliness or recognition. Just people that viewed each other as mere objects.

Kai eventually reached his place of employment, an EB Games store. He enjoyed video games so it followed suit that he enjoyed working here, but he didn’t enjoy his workmates. The boss was a total ass who was already yelling at him for no damned reason. But he wouldn’t fire him, Kai was too good at his job and he knew it. The other guy was a complete idiot, he had no product knowledge or sales skills and mostly just stood around, letting Kai do all the work. But he was a friend of the boss and the two of them would often just stand around chatting and playing the demo consoles.

“I heard you dumped that chick I set you up with last night” the idiot said as Kai walked in.

“Because she was an idiot” Kai retorted as he signed into the computer. “I don’t want to deal with a girl whose biggest decision in life is who’s hotter, Zac Effron or Justin Beiber”.

“But she was hot” the idiot replied. “You just need to chillax man”.

Kai just sighed and opened the store. “Whatever” he muttered as the first customers walked in.

The day just marched on and Kai was soon making the walk back home. The same sights, the same smells.

“Nothing ever changes” he muttered. “And nothing ever will”.

He opened the door to his apartment and disappeared inside. He would have dinner, play some games, and browse the web before going to sleep.

Just another typical day


Today was not a typical day.
Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn Princess of Magic and a Bearer of an Element of Harmony. Her gold slippers clicked along the marble floor of the palace whilst her faithful dragon assistant, Spike, tailed quickly behind her.

“Is it that important that you have to do it today!?” he said. “Ponies aren’t going anywhere fast”.

“That’s the problem” Twilight said. “Teleportation is exclusive to only a hoof full of Unicorns and the Pegasi have their wings… but what about earth ponies? They have to walk, or take a train, or a carriage… but what if? Just what if they could teleport? What if everypony could teleport?”

“Seriously?” Spike sighed. “And how are you gonna do that? Make everypony grow a horn?”

“No, the ethics committee wouldn't let me” Twilight said. “But maybe I could create a hoof held device or something. Maybe…?”

Spike chose to tune out at this point. When Twilight started to go all ‘Sciencey’ he would just imagine what Rarity was doing.

“Spike? Spi~ike!” Twilight called him out from Rarity-land. “What do you think?”

“Huh? Oh uuh, sure. Sounds good?” he half agreed and asked. What was it he agreed to exactly?

“I think so too. A hoof held device is probably a little too ambitious at the moment. But maybe a larger one…?”

She continued to mutter to herself as they climbed the ramp to Twilight Observatory. It had been her old room when she was still Celestia’s student, but she insisted that she stay here even after becoming a Princess.
After striding inside, Twilight wasted no time in levitating several books down and began to scan through them simultaneously. “Hmm, no. Not this one… or this one either…”

Spike shrugged and yawned. It had been a long day and he was beat. Twilight would be up for hours researching this so Spike left a snack out for her and headed to bed. “Just another typical day” he yawned and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Twilight soon found what she was looking for and went straight to work. What she had planned could revolutionise the way ponies would get from one place to another. A series of networked transport gates to could transfer large amounts of matter from one city to another. Imagine have breakfast in Trottingham, lunch in Canterlot and tea in the Crystal Empire!
She re-read the book and then began to make adjustments for a larger scale version. It was quite similar to her own teleportation spell really. A crystal base would serve as the main storage device for the magic while a series of lenses in a large ring would act to focus the spell and cast it.

Her horn lit up and a magic circle appeared on the ground. She placed four crystals at each point and then put a few things onto the circle itself. A book and an apple.

“Beginning test one”. She scribbled down onto a scroll. “The transference of biological and artificial matter to a chosen location”. She decided that the throne room would be best. She knew it well and could easily send something there with her own magic.

The magic circle began to chime softly and the objects disappeared. Her horn flared once more and she teleported to the empty throne room to see the book and apple sitting on the floor. She picked them up and inspected them carefully. The book was intact as were its contents. The apple was unmarked and she bit into it, noticing that it was still crisp and fresh… not to mention delicious!

“Test One. Success!” Twilight smiled and wrote it down. “Now on to Phase Two…” she whisked herself back to the observatory and began preparations. After an hour, she was ready.

“Phase Two. Transport of a live Pony” she scribbled that last part and then stepped inside the circle. She wouldn’t go far, just to the courtyard outside. But the difference is that the circles magic would guide her, not her own.

“No problem” she said. “It’s just a short distance…” The magic circle lit up and she could feel the ever so slight touch of vertigo that teleportation caused. “So far so good, now I should be in the courtyard in three… two… one?”

But then something else happened. That sense suddenly became overpowering as she felt like the world itself suddenly flipped. She fought back the wave of nausea and tried to step off of the circle, but her hooves were no longer touching the ground. In fact, she wasn’t even in her observatory anymore. She seemed to be everywhere and yet nowhere, in a place that defied all description… and then she vanished into a world of darkness…


Kai awoke in the middle of the night. He was thirsty and headed for the fridge to get some water. “At least I have tomorrow off” he muttered as he noticed the time. He had been having trouble sleeping tonight and now it was two in the morning.

“Maybe I should see a doctor?” He walked back out into the living room and flopped down onto the couch. As he fumbled for the T.V. remote, the dim glow caught his attention. He looked up to see what it was and was suddenly blinded by a powerful, bright light.

“What the fu…?” He shielded his eyes and after a moment, the light faded and he was left blinking as he saw spots.

“The hell was that?” he got up and stumbled towards the door to find the light switch, and tripped over something in the middle of the floor. He hit the ground with a thump and groaned as pain shot through his head. He slowly got up and hit the switch. As the light flickered on, he blinked again and put a hand to his aching head.

“What the hell is happen…” he never finished that sentence as his eyes fell on what he had tripped over.

It was a unicorn.

A purple unicorn.

With FREAKIN wings!?”

Kai just stared at it. There was no way this could be real. No way at all. Why was a winged purple unicorn lying in the middle of his floor? His first thought was that it was all a dream, but the painful throb in his head decided to remind him otherwise.

“Okay…” he slowly crept over to it and picking up a nearby ruler, poked it.

The unicorn did nothing.

So he poked it again.

This time, the ruler glowed with a pink light and flew out of his grasp and across the room. He looked down to see the unicorn looking at him and its horn glowing with the same light. It didn’t look pleased about being poked, but it also seemed, confused?

There was a moment of silence as the two just stared at one another.

Then they asked the question of the front of both their minds.

“What ARE you!?”