• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 480 Views, 7 Comments


Applejack signs in to be a teacher.

  • ...

Hunting a coach

Hunting a coach

Rainbow Dash sleeps cozily on a cloud bed. Her dreams vary from defeating lightnings in a race to obtaining admiration from the Wonderbolts. Her unconscious body rests completely undisturbed. Not the sunshine coming in from the windows, nor her supernatural loud snores disrupt her sleep. "Yeah 'snorts' You better give up lightning!" It wasn't very late, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good time for a nap.

A banging noise wakes her from her dreams. Rainbow Dash cleared some drool in her mouth and slowly stands up. She stretched her wings and limbs while she tapped a yawn with the other hoof. She blinked numerous times, taking the sunlight in, and fell backwards on her bed to resume resting. The banging noise sounds again and Rainbow Dash discerns its some Pegasus knocking in her cloud door. At this height, its impossible for a non-flying pony to get up to her cloud house.

Rainbow Dash stands again and decides to get the door and tell any visitor to come back later, preferably never. Once Rainbow Dash opens the door she instantly changes her mind, she always has time for a stallion. Before she could speak the Pegasus took the word.


Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in confusion and greeted him with a smile. The Pegasus had the upper half of his face hidden by a hood.

"Hey handsome! I never seen you around here"

The Pegasus smiled as well and explained the purpose of his visit.

"Miss Rainbow Dash, today I come to you with gift and a proposal" Rainbow Dash was impressed how straight forward this guy is. He handed an small white box, Rainbow opened it without hesitation. Inside it contained a spotless whistle. She grabbed it, when she blew it Rainbow found out it was enchanted. It whistled with a sound pleasant to her ears but definitely painful for others that weren't the wielder. The hooded pony fell to his knees and covered his ears with a clear expression of pain.

"Oh, sorry dude"

"Its okay, no harm done"

Rainbow Dash leans closer to him, whatever he attempts, is working "Say, its your proposal a date or something? You know, to know each other better!"

"No, but please let me introduce myself first" He opted for a noble stance "My name is Clan Clandestine, and I come to you with this proposal" He handed an golden envelop. Inside is a sheet of paper with seemingly the best looking calligraphy in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash held the paper with disappoint and read the letter.

Salutations Rainbow Dash:

We request your service for the Equestria Educational Center (EEC) to be the coach of our institution. More details will be explained with your presence in EEC. We also will grant you a salary of 70 bits for week. Please help us forge the future of out foals, by our foals and for our foals!

We sincere thoughts: Headmaster Land Conquistador.

Once Rainbow was done reading she widened her eyes and looked at Clan. He solemnly brought a hoof under his torso and lowered his head. "We eagerly expect your agreement"

Rainbow brings a hoof under her chin and says "Let me get this clear, you want me to work at a school?" Clan nodded and smiled for her "Hell no!" His smile disappeared faster than it came. Rainbow Dash slings the whistle over her neck "I am keeping the whistle" She smirked provocatively "... and I'm still up for a date" Clan tries an alternate tactic.



"Dammit!" Clan thought of all the things he could attempt to convince Rainbow Dash to become a coach. Number one: Persuasion "I insist"


Number two: Bribe: "You do realize you get paid a bloody ton of bits for a week?"

"Yeah, I don't care"

Number three: Begging: "Pretty please?"

"Not a chance"

Clan frowned at her. He decided he would try a more interactive strategy. "Say, what about if we race for it?" Rainbow Dash swallowed her negation. She was seriously thinking about it. Racing this slowpoke should be easy she thought, but a challenge isn't a challenge without a prize.

"And what is it for me?"

"That depends of what you want"

Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof under her chin "If I win ... you will ... make out with a Stallion!" Clan didn't see that coming. He thought if he looses it would be a quick kiss at worst "And no quick kisses! Its 5 full minutes of smooching!" He scratched his head with indecision, backing out looked very tempting, but he wasn't returning with empty hooves.

"I ignore how you will find an stallion willing to do that with me, but I accept"

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash took flight with excitement and pointed at a lonely cloud over the plain "We will fly until we reach the cloud mass over there, any objections?" Clan took flight and ascended to flutter beside her. He shook his head sideways "In that case, in three, two. one ..."

Both Pegasus darted south. Rainbow Dash rapidly took the lead with easy, she propelled her body with all the wing power she could generate. While flying at her maximum in a straight line towards the finish, she forgot the pony she was racing against. She looked back and laughed with surprised when she didn't spot him anywhere. "Wow, he is slower than Fluttershy!" Rainbow eased her pace and flew with more calm. Now at only a 200 meters from the finish line, she turned back again to check on him. He was nowhere to be seen. "The outcome was never in doubt!" She told to herself.

Before she could reach the mass of clouds, a spinning cloud projectile came out of nowhere and splattered on Rainbow Dash. She bounced the opposite direction and spun uncontrollably towards the ground. After a hundred back flips, Rainbow Dash stopped in midair and alleviated her head from the contusion the spinning caused. Her eyes finally stopped spinning and fixed her sight to the mass of clouds. She flew urgently towards it. "Oh no ..."

For her surprise and fear, she spotted Clan sitting over the clouds with a smirk on.

"What took you so long? eh Dashie?" Rainbow Dash gave him disapproving frown.

"Not fair! A cloud hit me!"

"Gotta watch out for speeding clouds at all times, aka not my problem"

Rainbow Dash lowered her eyes and hated herself for losing again. "I hate losing ..." She is angry, but her racing partner didn't give her the time to alleviate her anger. He put a sport cap over head and said with a smile.

"Welcome aboard coach"

"You are awful"

Clan smiled triumphant. He watched how Rainbow sat on her haunches, her sad expression made him feel some guilt for winning the race, so he opted to console her. "Come on, don't be sad" Rainbow ignored his words "Being a coach is awesome! You tell every pony what to do" She raised her head "And they do it!"

"Its not that, I just don't like losing"

Clan heard her out. He decided to distract her from the recent race. "'sigh' Still want to date me?" Rainbow Dash raised and eyebrow and cleared the tears from her eyes.

"Hmm, sure why not?"

"Okay, lets go anywhere but near the city hall"

"Okay ... follow me then!"

Clan did as told and flies after Rainbow dash, he considers himself the luckiest alive for not missing with the cloud.

Author's Note:

Wrote it just today. Its a little rushed, so I won't be surprised if you find some grammatical errors.