• Published 2nd Feb 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles. - neoxxx666

2 mares goes into the wasteland to find adventure and treasure.

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Future dreams or past visions.

Chapter 7: Future dreams or past visions.]


I had once been told one of my grandparents, who was a unicorn, that it was weird going into a memory orb, since you essentially were entering another pony’s body, but I had to admit that my first time in a memory wasn’t that bad, probably because I had entered an earth pony mare, which made me feel right at home.

Once I had gotten over the amazement of being in a new body, I started to orient myself as best as I could, given that the mare wasn’t moving all that much, but a few things became clear to me, the mare was gray with a lighter gray tail, dressed in a light blue business suit with a royal blue tie and a white shirt, and she was apparently wearing glasses; she was sitting in a seat of some kind, and I could also hear the sound of rapid hoof steps and wheels scraping against the ground, and I concluded that the mare was sitting in a pony drawn wagon ‘Well, this is not that bad for a memory, though I would wish that my host would move a little.’ I thought after a little while of the mare not moving an inch, just staring at her hooves.

As if some unknown deity listened to me, we suddenly heard a voice from across the wagon, that made the mare look up “How’re you doin’, you seem so quiet, Silver spoon.” The speaker was a blue pegasus with magenta eyes and a rainbow colored mane; she was dressed in black business suit with a purple shirt, and on her jacket pocket was a small pin in the shape of her cutie mark, a blue, yellow and red lightning bolt, shooting out of a cloud.

“It’s just that…” The mare, Silver Spoon, said and reached up with one of her hooves to scratch behind her ear in thought, before she said “It’s my first assignment as your assistant, miss Rainbow Dash, and I guess I still haven’t gotten over the fact that you actually hired me…” The gray mare looked up at her employer before continuing “I mean with all the shitty things I did back in Ponyville, I’m surprised that you’d even accept request for employment.”.

Rainbow got out of her seat, and into the one beside us; she put a hoof on our shoulder and said “Yeah, I know it doesn’t make a lick of sense, and I have to admit, when I first when I saw your request for employment I almost threw it out, but then Rarity showed up and told me that you had just given Diamond Tiara a scolding that could send monsters back through the gates of Tartarus, in the middle of Canterlot square of all places, and that actually convinced me to take an extra look at your application. Actually, it makes me wonder, what got you angry enough at her to do something that? Rarity never told me.”.

Silver scratched behind her ear her once again to recall what had happened that day, before she said “It started a few months ago, you know when we officially declared war on Zebrica…” Rainbow nodded and the gray mare continued “Well She started up her hating of one specific thing again, something she hadn’t done since we moved to Canterlot, but as soon as word got out that we were at war with the Zebras, she started being mean to every single Zebra she came across, and to be frank, it started getting on my nerves; I mean it was kinda fun when it was just about the cutie mark crusaders, but this was just horrible, she would be rude to them, walk into them on purpose, hay she almost beat one of them to death one time; it just got worse and worse, and I became more and more afraid for my life, so I secretly started making preparations to leave my former friend; I asked my mother for money to rent an apartment and pay a couple of months’ worth of rent, which she agreed on since she could feel that I truly was afraid; it was also then that I wrote the job application. Then a week ago, Diamond and I had gone out for a walk and we had decided to go shopping, and the best shopping places are of course in Canterlot square, but once we arrived we came across a Zebra family, and of course Diamond had to go over and harass them; up until that point, I had kept in the background, either because I didn’t want to make her angry at me, or because I was too afraid of what she would do to me if I did it when she was in one of her ‘moods’, but that day, when I saw her kick the Zebra father in the face, and then starting lunge out at the filly, something in me snapped; I walked straight up to and smacked her, and, well the rest you know.” The gray mare ended her tale and just stared at her employer, who looked like she was still processing the new information that had been given to her.

Rainbow finally sat back in her seat, making herself comfortable, and said “I think that was a good call, we don’t have a lot of trust from the local Zebras as it is, and if more ponies turn on them like that, we’re going to have even more trouble on our hands; but if we can show that there are ponies who’re willing to stick up for them, then, when all this is over, we won’t have a bunch of mistrusting Zebras who would rather stab us in the back than anything else…” The rainbow maned mare looked from her assistant and out the window of the wagon, before continuing “And I hope our little excursion here to Flankfield will help us end the war before it can escalate.”.

Silver Spoon nodded her agreement, and looked the same way as her employer, and we saw what I would personally label as a typical mining town; it consisted of small, wooden houses, a few stores, also made out of wood, and through the little gabs between the buildings, we could see 5 large holes in the side of the mountain, all of whom had their entrances supported by large rafters, I assumed they were mines, but what the inhabitants were mining for I didn’t know.

The wagon drove through Flankfield, up a wide road and came to a stop in front the last mine “Minister Dash, we have arrived.” A voice said from outside the wagon.

“Thank you.” Rainbow called back and started straightening out her suit, which had become a bit ruffled; Silver Spoon did the same, just to be sure that she looked proper as well “Okay, show time.” Rainbow said once she was satisfied with the properness of her suit; she then opened the wagon door and walked out, my ‘host’ following closely behind. I noticed a couple of guards jump off the wagon and started following us, probably in case of an attack from the Zebras of this era.

As we neared the mine, a stallion with a light brown coat, a spiky, darker brown mane and tail, and light blue eyes, wearing a lab coat, which covered his cutie mark and hard hat, came out of the mine and stopped at the entrance, lifting the helmet in greeting “Good day minister Dash, how have you been since we last saw each other?” The stallion asked with a thick Trottingham accent, once we had made our way to the mine entrance.

“I’ve been awesome like always Time Turner; and how about you old friend?” Rainbow asked and shook hooves with the brown stallion.

“I’ve been pretty good, all things considered.” Time Turner said and smiled at the minister as they finished shaking hooves “And I see that you decided to hire Silver Spoon as your assistant.” The brown stallion said, addressing the minister as he turned his head towards my host, with a look that gave me the feeling that they knew each other, and gave her a quick smile, which I felt her return.

“That I did, and she hasn’t disappointed me yet.” Rainbow said proudly and gave gray mare a light slap on the shoulder.

“That’s good to know.” Time Turner said before he trotted over to a small shed, where a dark brown earth pony stallion handed him a pair of hard hats, and quickly returned to us “It’s not that I don’t want to stand around and chat, but we should get going before somepony from O.I.A finds out where you actually were going.” he said as he handed one helmet to Rainbow, and the other to Silver.

“Right, I don’t want that jerk, Goldenblood, to get his grubby hooves on my plan, and twist it to his own needs.” Rainbow said and put her helmet on. Silver Spoon did the same. All three lit a small light on top of their helmets, and we started our expedition into the depths of the mine.

We walked for a long while in silence, the only sound around being that of the miners, breaking gems out of the rock walls, and I was beginning to worry that this was going to be it for the rest of the trip, when Silver Spoon walked up beside Time Turner and asked “Doctor Whooves, can I ask you something?”.

“Sure, we have the time for it, and it’s been a while since we saw each other last.” The brown stallion said with a wide smile.

“How is Dinky doing, it’s been a long time since I saw her?”

“She’s doing fine, she started running the Ponyville library a few weeks after you left, and she’s having a lot of fun with it; hay, she even takes time out of her week to read stories for the foals, so they can forget about the war, at least for a little while.” Time Turner said before taking a quick stop at a mine cart to take a look at its contents.

“That sounds good, giving the foals some time away from reality.” Silver said with a nod and a small smile, as she passed Time Tuner, who quickly finished his inspection of the gems, and fell into step beside my host ”Do you think I could come by at some point, you know, for a visit? I really want to see how things have changed in Ponyville since I left.” Silver said after a few seconds of silence.

“Sure, you’re always welcome, and I’m sure both Dinky and Derpy will be glad if you came to visit; Dinky more than most, since you two became such good friends during your last year of school.” Time Turner said with a smile.

“Yeah, I’m actually really happy that Diamond Tiara was sent off to Canterlot that year for private tutoring; it gave me the choice to either be alone for an entire year and do nothing, or find some new friends, and in the end I chose the latter; I also think it was the best choice, I mean, I got a kind and smart friend, and I got to meet you and Derpy.” Silver said, returning the smile.

“That’s good to hear.” The brown stallion said and put a leg around our shoulders and gave us a loving squeeze, which I felt was very appreciated by Silver Spoon. He suddenly looked at a section of the cave wall, which, by close inspection, looked a little smoother than the rest, and let go of us while saying “Ah, we’re here.” He went over to the wall section, and lightly kicked a small stalagmite, which caused red runes to appear in a door pattern on the section of wall; the rune covered section then simply disappeared, leaving a doorway for us to walk through, along with a blast of hot air that made my host’s skin feel uncomfortable for a few second. We walked into the chamber beyond the doorway; it was round with several purple suits hanging from hooks on the wall, with a raised, circular platform, covered in runes that were currently inactive. The brown stallion went over and picked up three of the suits, and handed one to each of us.

Silver Spoon looked at the suit for a little bit, before donning it; the feet of the suit was covered in some sort of black material that I didn’t recognize, but I could guess it was designed to keep out and resist heat, given the blast of heat we received when we entered the room. Silver Spoon donned the suit, and pressed a small button on the collar of the suit, making bubble of blue energy appear around her head; various readings and gauges appeared inside the ‘helmet’, which I couldn’t read or understand, but I could guess that they had something to do with how the suit was holding up.

Silver looked over at Rainbow and Time Turner as they too activated their helmets; we then walked onto the raised platform, which Time Turner activated by tapping an hourglass, that had been etched into the metal, which lit up with the same red light as the doorway had, along with a spider web of runes of the same color that spread from the hourglass out, covering the entire platform; the platform then started to move downwards, and for the first few minutes, all we could see was plain metal walls, which then gave way to a huge underground cave, with an enormous river of lava running through it, which was lit up by enormous spotlights, that was pointed at more ponies in purple suits, who was loading rocks into a pipe that went into the ceiling of the cave, where someone was probably retrieving and transporting them out of the mountain “Wow.” Was all my host could say as she looked at the wonder of nature before her, mirroring my own reaction perfectly; being a stable dweller for most of my life, I had never been outside very much, so seeing something like this was really special to me.

“Yeah, it really is something.” Rainbow said with a smile, as she put a leg on our shoulder. We soon reached the bottom of the cave, and one of the worker ponies, a pegasus by the looks of it with the two lumps bulging from the back of her suit, put down the rock she had picked up started walking over to us. Rainbow walked down from the platform, with my host and Whooves following closely behind her, and shook hooves with the pegasus while she said “Hello Geowing, how is our little excavation coming along?”.

“Quite well actually,” Geowing said as she finished shaking hooves with the rainbow maned pegasus “we have found all the lodestone necessary for project rainboom to succeed, and more if need be.” A confident smile spread over her lips as she spoke.

“Excellent,” Rainbow Dash said as walked over to one of the lodestones, and picked it up triumphantly “This is the first step towards peace with the zebras, and we will make sure that it will last.” Geowing, along with Silver Spoon, Whooves and some of the workers started applauding her.

I suddenly noticed something out of the corner of one of Silver Spoon’s eyes; it kind of looked like a pony with a mane and tail out of fire, but before I could get a good look at the creature, it seemed like the world was sucked down a drain, leaving only darkness behind.


The memory had apparently ended, and I opened my eyes to see the room I had been in before I went into the memory. I reached up and let my fingers wrap around the tiara ‘Wait, fingers.’ I thought, leaving the recollector alone and looked at my hoof instead, but instead of a hoof, I saw a dragon’s front paw instead; its scales were white like my fur, and the claws were red like my mane; I pulled my other leg out from under my duvet, and found a matching paw attached to it. I looked at my new appendages for a long while, my breathing becoming increasingly ragged, before let out a scream of sheer terror.

A/N: Hey everybody, I’m finally back and I’m ready to get on with this fiction again. I know this isn’t the longest chapter I’ve written, but it is an important one. So, I hope you liked it and hopefully the next chapter will be a lot longer, and I’ll see you all later.