• Published 18th Mar 2013
  • 32,790 Views, 949 Comments

The Watcher - GnollReader

A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Denial

He stared at her for what seemed like minutes, not moving an inch as she held her head low.

"Never." his voice had never sounded colder.

Celsestia cringed, her hope crushed.

"I will not permit anyone to gaze into my mind. Not you, not the councils... no one." The shadows around him leashed out like angry tendrils, twitching at each of his words, chipping the tiles on the walls upon contact. Celestia took a step back. Every word he said hammered into her skull with an seemingly boundless rage.

"Do you even know what you demand?! I hold within my mind the memories of countless worlds. Endless faces and souls gone and past in a flash, worlds shattered into oblivion. Knowledge of races gone, secrets and languages long forgotten. Their history! OUR history!"

His voice thundered through the hallway with those last two worlds, making the glass of the windows vibrate and the lamps flicker as the shadows around him grew bigger and continued to twitch in anger.

"My kind may have vanished from the living world, and those born within the void may have forgotten our old songs and ways... but I will never defile their memory by siding with you! Your world knows nothing of our plight, of our fight for existence! You live a life in a world of peace and prosperity, and yet you think your life is worth saving? You have yet to earn that right, yet to suffer like we have! You have seen so much, but understand so little..."

The shadows started to whirl around him violently and his voice became bitter, "But you will suffer... You will pay the price and you will see what it costs to save those you love... And you will be judged for your actions by those you wish to protect... just like I have been judged for mine. Only then will you have even the slightest idea of what life is truly worth... and what it takes to uphold it..."

A single tear escaped Celestia's eye, the shadows whirled around his form and drew closer to him. His voice became quiet again, and the shadows around him slowed down.

"You try so hard to see an ally in me, even a friend... but remember that all I do only serves to uphold the existence of my race. I watched the alicorns vanish, just like I watched when your mother finally left this world... and I will watch when you and the deities of future generations disappear into nothing but memories as well. Keep that in mind, should you talk before our councils, for they will not hesitate to demand that you sacrifice thousands to save even a few..."

The shadows whirled a final time, before he started to vanish.

"In three days... you will have to make a choice, or accept that your world will one day vanish from existence..."

"You are cruel." she had to fight to keep herself from sobbing.

"I am purveyor." he replied with an emotionless voice before disappearing.


For two days he stayed hidden from them, watching as they tried to continue their lives and ignoring both Luna's and Celestia's calls for him. For two days, he waited for the council to make their decision.

On the eve of the second day, the council finally made contact with him.

"Purveyor." the Zealot nodded towards the purveyor as he stepped forward, "How is your situation?"

"Unchanged. Has the message been passed on to the others?"

"It has. They have searched the flow of their worlds and a few have even reported the slightest stains of disturbances. However, they have yet to find any dissidents. For all we know, your world is the only one they tried to corrupt until now. Maybe it was a test?"

"Maybe... but tell them to keep an open eye nonetheless."

"Of course, purveyor."

"To the matter at hand. Has the council reached a conclusion concerning the fate of this world?"

The zealot nodded, "We have. Are you ready to hear the council's decision?"

"What have you decided?" he asked with an unmoving voice.

"We have decided against their request. This world is far too promising and we are in too dire need of its resources to give it up."

The council's decision didn't surprise him, he had almost expected it, "Then I shall enforce protocol five-four within the next twelve hours. Tell the elder council to prepare the collectors for the transfer."

The zealot held up a hand, "Wait. Even though we will not help them, we will allow them to state their request before the councils."

The purveyor raised an eyebrow, "What is the meaning of this? Why waste time and energy on this if it has already been decided?"

The zealot shifted nervously, "As required by protocol, the royal family has been informed of the situation. They wish to talk with you on this matter personally. Everything will be explained by them."

He shook his head, "You know how I think about them meddling with our work, and I hold no obligations towards them."

"The council is aware of this, but we request that you hear them out nonetheless. It is important."

He gave an unhappy sigh, "Very well, pass on the conjunction. I will hear what they want but there should better be a good reason for this."

The zealot passed from his view as the conjunction was relayed. The purveyor wondered what the royal family could want from him. They had never felt the need before to take an interest in what happened to others less it would take an effect on them... His thoughts were interrupted as the conjunction found its new target and the connection was reestablished, a short shift in the underlying frequencies telling him that this was now a secure channel. A familiar face appeared in his field of view.

"Malaik..." the purveyor had to struggle to keep his anger from betraying his voice.

A small smile spread the other male's lips, "Lord Malaik, actually. But it is nice to see you too, Zaeres. How long has it been since we last talked? It feels like it was eons ago..."

"It was the day I took the duties of a purveyor, and it was the day I gave up my name. Don't use it again." he replied with a threatening voice.

Malaik's smile faltered, "You still hold that grudge against me? I had hoped it would pass with time, but you never were one to forget..."

"Say what you have to say, so I can return to my duties. There is a world I need to harvest."

"Always a man of little words..." Malaik gave a sigh, "About that world. I need you to bring the representative of your current world to the councils before you harvest it."

"What do you plan to achieve by that other than waste my time? The council has already decided against their request."

"I know, and it will not be changed by whatever they have to offer. However, it will help to conceal the true reason of your presence..."

"And that is?"

Malaik's face became serious, "We believe that the dissidents are planning to overthrow the councils during their next meeting."

"Ridiculous, they wouldn't dare to step from their hiding places and risk a confrontation with the purveyors."

"And yet someone is distributing weapons among the clans and trying to spread discontent. Someone is influencing the elder council's line of politics and bribing the hunters and the mediators. Mark my words, should they actually be able to gain the support of the clans and the control of the hunters and mediators..."

"They would control communication..." the purveyor's face darkened in realization.

"And the purveyors would never hear what was happening here until it was already over."

"How many members of the elder council are involved?"

"Only a small portion, but enough... I also fear that there are members in our family that would support the dissident's claim as well. Even though I can not imagine why they would do something so foolish."

He was slowly starting to understand the royal's plan, "And you wish for my presence so I can call out order zero should there be the need..."

Malaik nodded, "There are only a few purveyors with the required clearance. For one of them to appear without a reason would only serve to arouse suspicion. The representative will give you that required reason. Should they really try and overthrow the councils, you will be there to send out the order to the other purveyors."

"And you expect the dissidents not to change their plans when I appear in the meeting? I find this hard to believe. They will see the trap the moment I step before the councils."

Malaik shook his head, "They won't. I even think it would help to accelerate their plans. If you were to initiate the transfer following the denial of their request, the uprising riots inside the clans would be extinguished at the roots, and the dissidents need the support of the clans for their plan to work. They will most like try to kill you to stop that. Even more so once they find out it is you."

"Even so, they would have to act fast. It would only be a matter of hours until the purveyors would return to uphold order."

"But those hours could be enough I fear. However, if you had them be at the ready, waiting for your signal to enter..."

"It would be over in minutes." he thought for a moment, "Very well, I will bring the representative before the council tomorrow. We shall see whether your information is correct."

Malaik's face became strangely concerned, "Do they know you are about to initiate the transfer?"

"They do not."

He gave a sigh, "You know, Zaeres. I still don't understand why you left us, you could have..."

Before he could continue, the purveyor ended the conjunction, cutting off the connection and returning his gaze to his cave once again. Zaeres... he had not heard his old name in a long time, and he did not wish to hear it again. His eyes scanned the walls of what had been his home during his stay in this world, his thoughts concerned with what would happen on the following day.

Celestia's plea for help would be denied, and unknown to her, their world would be destroyed shortly after her return. The dissidents would likely make their last attempt to gain control, and the purveyors would end them once and for all instead.

He shook his head with a sigh, many things would find an end tomorrow, and only a few were aware of it. For a moment, he felt an old pain pass through him. He would probably miss this world.

He started to make the required preparations, waiting for the sun to rise. Tomorrow, he and Celestia would enter the void.