• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 1,927 Views, 85 Comments

Nature's Call - Doc Crowl

An atypical brony finds a letter in the forest which transports him into Equestria. Dark forces are brewing, and for some reason, Paul is the only one who can stop them...

  • ...

Chapter 1- Parousia

It was pitch black in the woods, with not a soul for miles. The path was uneven, rough, and a dangerous deterrent for any but the most experienced hikers.

I smiled as I raced my bike through the grand trees without a care, inhaling the fresh scent of the pines. Taking hairpin turns and jumping over dips at speed, I felt a quiet exhilaration unlike anything else on Earth.

I knew these woods. Every hill, every stream, every tree was a secret known only to me and the forest itself. So I didn't have to focus on them in the dark; I instinctively knew where they were.

Looking at my ugly mug, most wouldn’t think I was such an avid rider. I was a good six foot five, with short cropped hair and similar length facial hair. I was around 265 pounds, and although I’d reached a point where I could lift more than most football players, that didn’t mean I lacked forty year old man-esque love handles.

My almost nightly rides in the forest had definitely been helping, and I was actually fairly comfortable with how I looked by that time- aka, the love handles had been reduced.

There was another reason to get in shape, besides just feeling more comfortable with myself: I had discovered a long time ago that people were incredibly intimidated by my size, and I found it absolutely hilarious.

Those who didn’t know that I was just a large teddy bear who was always at the ready to give out free hugs or cry when a dog gets hurt in a movie, that is.

I suppose the fact that I constantly listen to the "harder" groups of rock and tended to wear their 'less-than-appealing' shirts was a little off-putting. The close cropped hair was just the icing on the cake. When my Freshman english teacher flinched as I asked to use the restroom, that was when I knew I would have fun with intimidating people. At least, until they got to know me, and came to realize they were more liable to hurt me for my smartass comments than I was to ever raise a hand against them.

I stepped off my bike, knowing I’d reached that point where only boots could carry me to my destination. Leaving my bike on the path- because really, no one is going to steal a bike at midnight in the middle of a forest- I walked purposefully into the dense woods.

I grinned when skipped through some standup comedy to the next song on my iPod, and one of the My Little Pony songs came up- something by The Living Tombstone.

I would never have found my passion for My Little Pony had it not been for some friends back in high school. I felt MLP: FiM was honestly one of the best shows out there, but I liked it more for the fan base.

The creativity and passion that the fans had for the show is incredible, and I honestly enjoyed the fans more than the show itself. Of course, being a fan of ponies has had its drawbacks. My family and non brony friends sometimes made fun of me- none of them really cared. It was just crap I was given in good fun that I gladly dished back every chance I get.

As I clamored over a collapsed tree trunk, I thought about how difficult it would be to find me. I was already a good forty minutes down the trail, and my little excursion led a good mile off the path, where there was no one around for miles.

It was exactly the seclusion that I liked, and I started humming as I remembered just how hard it had been for any of my friends to follow me out there.

The guitar case bouncing on my back, I leapt over the final obstacle between the clearing and myself. Straightening once I hit dirt again, I grinned when I felt the usual breeze softly running through my shortly cropped head and facial hair. Nowhere in the forest could you feel that breeze but my clearing.

The clearing itself wasn’t anything breathtaking. Stretching a few hundred feet around, with a tiny stream running through one side of it, the most striking feature was an old gnarled tree that sat at the center. It was large and drooping, with roots that created a tangle at its bottom just large enough to sit on. I loved to sit between those roots and play guitar more than anything.

When my back touched the smooth bark, I felt the usual relaxation spread through my bones. For reasons I've still yet to determine, the roots were extremely comfortable- more so than the old mattress I had back in my dorm room!

Just as I settled into the welcoming embrace of the roots with my guitar across my lap, the full moon came out from behind a cloud and bathed the whole area in a warm glow that seemed to be just for me. The soft light played off of the woods around me, bringing out details the sun never could have.

I sighed contentedly, and leaned back to play my favorite song on such a night: "Higher" by Creed. My guitar intoned the chords beautifully, letting them drift lazily across the clearing in a way only my clearing could allow. Combined with the glowing moonlight, I felt as if I were playing for the spirit of my father.

It was an indescribably soothing feeling.

As I reached the end of the song, humming the lyrics, I sighed again and set my guitar next to me.

I found the song somewhat ironic, and chuckled quietly to myself. "One last personal joke," I thought to myself, shaking my head at my own stupidity.

But hey, stupidity makes life interesting!

I reached into my pocket then, more content than I had ever felt in my life. Even the cold metal of the pistol wasn't enough to shock me out of my good mood.

As I pulled it out, I couldn't help but think about how I had reached that point.

I'd always thought suicide was one of the most selfish acts one could commit. Robbing your loved ones of the kind words you could have given them, or the days you could have improved... It was more than just taking your life, it was taking a little piece of everyone else's. No matter how big or small.

However, what if you truly feel your time had come? What if you don't commit the act with any malice or hurt intended, but with the simple knowledge that you've learned all you want to or can in this life? With the want to experience a life beyond the current one?

That wasn’t my logic the first time I ran through the woods, when I really did feel that malcontent in my heart. Venomous remarks made by others, the loss of my father at a young age, the cruelties of humanity in general; they had all become too much to bear. My hand was stayed when I stumbled into that clearing.

As I sat back against that tree I’d chosen to be my final resting place, though, my world came alive. The unique breeze, the gurgling of the creek, the quiet power of the tree itself all seemed to whisper, ”Life is beautiful. Your time hasn’t come. You have yet to fulfill your true purpose.”

There was something about the clearing, something I couldn't place, that made me feel warm, loved, and comfortable. It was more loving than any friend, more comforting than any embrace.

So the place that had initially been meant to be my grave became my sanctuary. A place to bring friends who needed to relax their bodies and minds, a place to come and quietly vent rage (not that I was angry often), or just a place to come when I felt anything but happy.

When going to the clearing, that date seemed to pop out in my head. I had felt that my life's journey not only lead into that clearing, but beyond it somehow, and only on a certain night.. I couldn't explain it, but I followed my instincts. They had never failed me before.

And this was it. My life's end, but my journey’s continuance. Wherever that may be.

I took a last look around my beautiful clearing. I forced myself to feel happy, not sad or angry, because then my death would have been nothing more than an act against those I love. Besides, I was in amongst the nature that my father had taught me to love. How could I not be happy?

I would never hurt those I love intentionally. Even if it lead to severe consequences, I could never bring myself to do it... But in this one case, they would just have to forgive me.

I raised the pistol, studying it, and smiled as the bright moonlight shone off the stickers on the handle.

Me being me, I took something horrible and made fun of it. That's how I dealt with the worst things life could throw at me: I laughed at it. If I could find no way to laugh or keep a cheery disposition, then I felt life had somehow won. That it had finally beaten me down to a point where I was no longer myself, just another animal trying to survive.

So, when my uncle sent me a pistol to "keep me safe in college", my friends and I pasted stickers of the ponies I held so dear all over it. I renamed it- the gun was no longer a Colt (an ugly name anyway), but My Little Party Cannon.

Hopefully Pinkie Pie could forgive me.

Remembering that day, when My Little Party Canon touched my temple I held a large grin on my face. Oh, a tear rolled down my cheek (a manly tear, of course), but the grin held steady. I shut my eyes, and slowly built up pressure on the trigger, letting my body relax into the tree that would hold me with Death's embrace.

It wasn't so bad, really, so long as I didn't go kicking and screaming like so many others.

And then, a flash.

I opened one eye suspiciously, wondering what snowball-in-hell random event could have caused a purple flash of light in such a secluded spot.

I must admit, being so close to release, I got a little pissed at being interrupted.

I saw something glowing purple not four inches from my outstretched feet, and opened my other eye to stare at the object while forgetting about the pistol in my hand. After all, it's not every day something suddenly appears at your feet while you're about to commit suicide miles from anyone within hearing range, right?

It seemed to be a roll of paper, maybe even a scroll of some kind.

My frustration melting away instantly, I was full of curiosity.

"What could this be?" I mused. Bending at the waist, I grabbed the small piece of paper and unrolled it. On the front was what seemed to be hastily scratched writing:

Whoever reads this, please help! I'm in dire need of assistance, and everypony I know is captured or gone! This note will seek out anypony who is best fit to provide assistance. If found, please- you are the best hope for myself, and the greatest hope for all of Equestria! Also, don't be frightened by the transportation spell- it's still rough.

A mare in need,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

The moon was shining brightly enough that I could read the writing quite easily. It just made no sense whatsoever.

I had no idea what to think by the time I finished the end of the note a second time. Either someone was going through a LOT of trouble to pull a prank made in poor taste, or I was going crazy.

I thought about it for a second, then searched through my pockets, looking frantically around me, panic in every movement. I slapped at myself, hoping to find what I searched for. As I slowed, I sighed, and lowering my head dejectedly. “I’m sorry, guys, I just… I just can’t find any bucks to give.”

I started laughing- it isn’t often I can pull that one out (whether or not the pranksters were even there), but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I’m a man of simple pleasures. Don’t judge me.

I said “buck” because I had realized very early on that I felt like cursing around, because of, or in reference to My Little Pony made me feel like I was somehow desecrating them. As such, I had an official List of Things for my friends and I that were not to be mentioned in the same ways. Cursing, Disney (great for childhood, not so great for My Little Pony’s purity), sex (if doing that to a pony isn’t disrespectful, I don’t know what is), and whatever else I came up with on the spot.

The scroll apparently didn’t take kindly to being made fun of.

While I giggled to myself, wondering who I’d just pissed off, it started glowing brighter.

And heating up.

And hurting.


“Ow. Ow! OW! Cut it out!”

I didn’t take kindly to being burned.

“Stupid scroll!” I shouted, trying to toss it away. This thing was starting to feel hotter than when I left the back of my hand on a boiling pot of water just to see how long I could stand it. I swear I could feel the heat actually radiating off of it, and my hands felt like they were on fire!

But I couldn’t get it away. I don’t know if that was some part of the glowing, or just because it felt like my hands had melted around the damn thing (hot, remember?) but I couldn’t let go. It was as if someone had Krazy Glue’d the paper to my hands.

“What sadistic bastards these pranksters are!” I thought to myself, again applauding their ingenuity. If I hadn’t been the one holding the piece of chemical warfare burning like one of Lucifer’s testicles, I’d have enjoyed the joke too. As things stood, I started to freak out.

“Assholes! Get this thing off me!” I screamed. “I swear to God, I will find you and stick my boots so far up your collective asses you’ll taste the leather! Aaaah!”

When I didn’t think it was possible to get any hotter or more painful, suddenly I was pulled away by the paper.

It felt like I was sucked into the tree itself, and then dropped out of my dimension. I flew downward, gaining momentum through the nothingness. My senses were all shut down- I couldn’t see or hear a thing, and there was a complete loss of sensation except one.

The feeling that I was going fast.

It was peaceful in a way, flying through this void, but still frightening. I mean, if I had killed myself there would have been a bright light, right? I reasoned that I probably hadn't killed myself, because I had never actually pulled the trigger.

At the same time, how could I explain the loss of all my senses, and the feeling of moving? I decided not to worry about it. There are worse ways to spend the rest of time than flying peacefully through it. Like sitting through a musical... ugh. If I could, I would have shivered.

At least I didn't feel the burning from the scroll anymore.

Eventually, after what alternatively felt like ten lifetimes and a few milliseconds, the paper from hell started leading me in a certain direction. Not straight down, but slightly away. It wasn't any difference from the sensation I had felt before, but there was a sort of intrinsic knowledge that had come to light within my mind that I was nearing the end of the ride. Don’t ask me to explain any more than that, I’m reaching the end of my descriptive abilities as is!

I expected some sort of metaphysical landing, or maybe the pearly gates, and hopefully not the darker ones with flames everywhere! I thought at that point I must have pulled the trigger, and this was death. I wouldn't be flying toward something if I wasn't dead, right? Maybe I'd land on clouds! Or a sunbeam! Or maybe-

Instead of anything like that, I was suddenly, forcefully squeezed out of a tiny hole. It wasn’t literally a tiny hole, but I felt everything about myself stretched out to fit through the infinitesimal point I had reached. it wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but I imagine babies have a much better time of it.

When I had made it through the hole at the bottom of the Rabbit Hole, I was spit outward to unceremoniously crash facedown on the cold ground.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach along with a resounding of notes, and had to struggle to lift myself. I realized I had landed on my guitar, and looked down to see it crushed under my large body.

Glancing around myself, I saw I was still in my clearing. The stars were a little brighter and the moon looked a bit closer, but other than that, it was the exact same place.

”Huh. So my clearing is in the afterlife. Good to know, I supposed.”

My iPod was still in in my pocket, and the pistol sat next to my right hand. The lantern was turned off, sitting a few feet to my left. Obviously I wasn't dead, seeing as how you don't generally take possessions with you into the afterlife.

I thought I had been drugged. My friends roofied me once, just to see how I would act. The aftermath was similar to what I was experiencing right now, just with more vomiting, strange bruises and used bras strapped around my face with holes cut in the cups. Meant to be like batman’s mask, I was told.

Never did figure out whose bra that was.

As I was taking stock of myself, I heard the breeze pick up louder than ever before. Just next to my ear, I heard a purposeful intake of breath

“Parousia at last,” it sighed. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this, Paul.”

I jumped up, spinning around to see where the demonic voice was coming from. “Who-who’s there?” I whispered. “What are you talking about?”

The voice laughed, seeming to come from the woods themselves. “You may call me Q, I suppose,” it said from behind me. “Just one of my many monikers, but relevant in this situation.”

I whipped around, seeing nothing. The moonlight lit the clearing almost as bright as the sun, and I could clearly see that I was alone. “Alright Q, you sadistic freak,” I growled while my fists balled up. “Why don’t you show yourself so we can chat like gentleman about that evil piece of paper you dropped into my lap?”

“Oh, we’ll be face to face soon enough young one,” the voice murmured. “But believe it or not, I wasn’t the one to send the scroll your way!”

The chuckling faded away slowly and the breeze died with it, revealing a sobbing coming from around the tree. Well, I was a little frustrated at having my emotions toyed with. ”If Q thinks some crying will get him out of the pit he’s dug for himself bringing me here,” I thought bitterly, “He’s got another fist coming.”

My anger piqued, I wiped the guitar off my shirt while walking around the gnarled tree I knew so well. I would mourn the loss of my guitar when I finished clobbering Q.

Reaching the other side of the tree, I still saw no one in the clearing. The crying was louder, but some clouds moved over the moon and blocked its light from illuminating the woods before me.

“Why don’t you quit crying like a little girl and face me, weirdo?” I called, raising my hands to either side. “I’m just itching to make your acquaintance, Q, so come on out!”

“What- Who are you?!” a small voice cried, panic evident in the words. They came from behind me, and I slowly turned back to the tree.

With the light of the moon blocked I couldn’t see anything, really. Just a dark shape within a darker hole of the tree, at about my chest level. It was the same hole many of my friends had sat in when I brought them to my clearing, was pretty big.

Whatever it was, the thing wasn’t Q. It lacked any sort of conviction to its words, and I was pretty sure demons didn’t cry.

“Who am I?” I asked, a little frustrated. “How about who the hell are you? While we’re on it, what the hell are you?! I don’t care if this place looks like my clearing, it’s obviously some sort of purgatory-like place with demons named Q running the welcome kiosk. For all I know, you’re not even anything I’d recognize as being alive!”

The thing cried out like I had hit it, and I heard it trying to scurry further into the tree hole. “Please don’t hurt me!” it sobbed frantically. The crying continued, now more terrified than anything I’d heard before in my life.

I sighed. Nothing evil or capable of inflicting damage was going to be afraid of me, and if my own experience was anything to go on, maybe it had been dumped into this place too.

I can never stand to see someone cry, especially not a little kid. Then I just get even more emotional than them, I suppose in a subconscious effort to drown out their pain.

Or something else just as ridiculous. Empathy isn’t exactly a precise science.

“Alright look, I’m not going to hurt you. And I’m sorry for snapping,” I told her, my voice cracking a little already.


“I’m just a little frustrated with being brought here. God knows how, and not even He knows why, but we’re both here together. So, we might as well make the best of things by not making me blubber like an idiot, but introducing ourselves. Okay?”

The hole was a bit like a cave, almost five feet deep, and with a back wall made up of two large trunks of the tree leading a good three and a half feet high. It didn’t move, but I knew I would be able to reach it if I needed to.

“My name’s Paul. What’s yours?” I asked, taking a few steps forward and extending my hand to shake. I found out that was a bad idea when the thing in the tree screamed and tried to press itself as far back against the wall as it could.

“Hey hey hey!” I whispered calmly, backing up and putting my hands out to my sides in what I hoped was a non threatening gesture. “It’s okay! I’m not going to hurt you. Could you just... Could you just do me a favor, real quick?”

As my eyes adjusted to the moonless darkness, I could barely make out the glint of the thing’s eyes within the dark recesses of the tree... It’s freakishly large eyes. They looked like the Powerpuff Girls had somehow transplanted their eyes into this thing’s head.

“Look at me,” I thought. “Some little person in a tree in the forest, all alone, and I’m already making fun of them. I’m a real turd.”

It didn't say anything for a few seconds, and simply studied me warily. “Oh… okay?” she finally said, quietly, questioningly. Her voice had a musical quality to it, one that could only belong to a little girl. My heart almost broke from the thought of a little girl crying in a tree all alone.

I nearly lost it right there!

“Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” I said.

At that point, I was really working hard to keep the tears in. “When I see other people cry then I start crying and I can’t stop for a really long time and things get really awkward and I just met you and I can tell you need help so I don’t want it to be awkward when I’m trying to help you and,” at this point I had to stop and take a shaky breath, trying to calm myself down.

I blew it out, relaxing a bit, and continued. “And I really just want to help you. I’m so so sorry for yelling at you earlier. Can you please stop crying, and tell me if you know what we’re doing out here all by ourselves?”

I couldn’t hear anymore crying, which was good, but I saw her eyes lower. She sort of mumbled something to herself.

I can’t stand mumbling too quiet for anyone else to hear. It is one of the most annoying habits people have. The only things I hate more than mumbling is people whose chewing I can hear and the sound of people typing incredibly fast, because that just tells you they think themselves so much better than everyone else..

“Excuse me?” I coaxed loudly, startling her based on the sudden motion I heard within. “What did you say?”

I smiled as big a smile as I could, hoping to give her the confidence to speak. It worked, if tentatively.

She drew a breath, and said, “Alright, ‘Paul’… I’m hiding from them. This was a place Fluttershy showed me, and it was remote enough that I thought I would be safe. But… What are you doing here? What are you?”

It’s incredible how much a few questions can tell you about something, and what they can do to you.

I learned, in those questions, almost all I needed to know: this couldn’t be a kid, not with an advanced vocabulary like that. So, a small or young adult. She’s also from ‘here’ or has been ‘here’ for some time, wherever that place was. She also was hiding from a multitude of somethings incredibly dangerous and powerful. Most importantly, she had mentioned Fluttershy as if she were real.

“Well?” she asked, her voice still trembling. “What are you?”

Narrowing my eyes, I leaned closer, and said, “Fluttershy is best pony.”

Then I turned and ran excitedly back to the spot I had landed in not 5 minutes ago, apparently in a different world… My brain hurt just trying to figure that little puzzle out.

As the moon came back out while I was gathering my belongings, I glanced up and realized it wasn’t the same moon.

Well, it was in the same position, but it was… different. The craters formed what I could swear was the profile of a horse. It also seemed to glow with a tenacity unknown to Earth's moon, and I think it was much closer than it should be.

Strike one up for the place being Equestria, I suppose.

Remembering what I was doing, I went to retrieve the scroll that had brought me here. The paper didn’t look too keen to see me again, and the feeling was mutual. I swear to all that is holy and pure in that human-forsaken world, as I reached for it, the damn thing moved.

As I walked back to who I was now sure was one Twilight Sparkle, I beamed with pride as I held my fallen foe aloft, stricken through with a thick branch found conveniently nearby. I felt like a hero, returning from glorious battle.

Twilight didn’t understand immediately what it was I brought her, but she did allow me to give her the paper from the end of my new stick. I could see much more clearly with the moon out once more, and could just make out the purple outline of Twilight within the tree as she read her note. Then she seemed a bit miffed that I had elected to run the evil being through, not once, but about a half-dozen times.

“How did you get this… What happened to it?” she asked.. "And what did you mean ‘Fluttershy is best pony?’”

Oh boy.

“Well, uh, the thing hurt my hands like napalm when it landed at my feet over there,” I indicated, pointing around the tree. “I really don’t like it when inanimate objects scare me, and I have this weird thing where I assign them personas and treat them like people. A therapist really thought it was funny when I told him my parents never found my night light’s grave in the backyard, but that’s not important right now.”

Trying to get lead her away from the fact that I knew her friends, I levied a finger at her. “What IS important is why you brought me here!”

Like I said, I like the large man intimidation routine- it really throws people for a loop!

“I-I don’t know,” She said, cowering back. Success!... But then I felt bad. Damnit.

“I just sent it to whoever would be able to help me!” With that she grew suspicious again. “So... How did you get it? Are you some monster that lives in the Everfree forest I’ve never read of?” She gasped. "What did you do to the pony carrying this?!"

“Nothing, as far as I know!” I said honestly, glancing around and brandishing my stick in case Q decided to come back.. “Look, this is my first time in this world. You’re the first talking pony I’ve ever met. I’m going to assume you know more about that note, along with whatever spell you cast on it, and just go from there.”

“I don’t understand how this happened,” she fretted. “My note was supposed to find somepony who could help me, not hop the borders between universes and drag some talking monster back!”

“I don’t know how I got it- it just appeared to me,” I answered. “If you really are Twilight Sparkle from the stupid, evil note, then you know more about what’s going on than I do. No, I'm not a monster, and I don’t live in the Everfree Forest. If you did whatever magic on it that made it go to the most helpful person, then you’ve got me. I don’t exactly think I’m the most qualified for the job, and I’m about as far from a normal state of mind as I can be, but I’ll do whatever you need. So. What can I do for you, young mare?”

With that, I stood up tall, the stick appearing majestic as I held it aloft and I looked into the distance.Total Paul Bunyan style. Although at that point I was kind of wishing I had beautiful long hair that would slowly move in the breeze of the clearing.

Instead of being impressed by the fact that an alien had come to rescue her like I expected, she burst into tears again.

“I’m not that ugly, am I?” I asked, trying to sound hurt and silly at the same time. I mustered as ridiculous a puppy dog stare I could manage to avoid the waterfalls that were threatening me.

She didn’t take to the joke as much as I would have liked, but the crying did slow a bit.

“No, no,” she sniffled, wiping away her tears. “It’s just… If the paper sought you out, what does that mean about my friends, the other Princesses, the rest of Equestria?”

“I, um. I guess I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “Maybe that they’re alright, and I’m just so much better at helping that not even Princess Celestia or the Elements of Harmony could compare?” I asked, trying to get another giggle from her, and lighten the mood.

Then I remembered that I was the alien here, and wasn’t supposed to know a single thing about Equestria.

She stood up within the tree, and understandably seemed to be a little upset. “How do you know about the Princesses and the Elements?” she asked, her horn starting to glow. “Start explaining now, monster.” The light from her horn threw a ghastly light on her face and the small area. Her wings also cast incredibly creepy shadows- wait wings?

”Damn season three got it right!” I briefly thought to myself before answering her.

“Hey, cut the magics! I told you, I’m not a monster!” I put my hands up and tossed the stick away, immediately regretting not dropping the stick nearby in case Q decided to nake a surprise appearance.

“I can explain everything in due time! For now though, it sounds like you, your friends, basically everypony is in trouble, and the powers-that-be decided I could help you the best. So, do you really want to shoot yourself in the foot- er, hoof- by hurting me? Besides, you would feel really really bad about it. So… cool the magicy fires shooting out of the horn, will you?”

She thought about it for a moment, then the light diminished, and she sank back down to her belly. “Alright, I’m sorry.” she said, looking down. “I’ve just been under a lot of stress…”

I know when people need hugs. It’s a talent I think. And Twilight really needed a hug.

From what I could figure out, it sounded like her whole world had come crashing down around her. Really, so had mine, but I tossed that thought away for now- someone else needed me to be their emotional support, and I took that position very seriously.

She began to object as I climbed into the tree with her. “Get away from-” she started, but she was cut off when I embraced her.

Ever try hugging a pony inside a tree at night while she was objecting and lying down? Probably not. Let me sum it up: it is very difficult.

But I persevered, sitting down and taking her whole upper body into my arms. She and I actually fit quite snugly into the tree in this position; she seemed to be no taller than 3 feet at the shoulder when standing. “Big in one world, big in another,” I thought to myself.

Sometimes, even a tight embrace from a stranger is enough to break down the barriers we put in place. She leaned into me and let it all out. I, of course, would never cry at all in such a case- especially not after a good ten minutes of someonepony pouring their feelings out on your shoulder. Just a little bleariness on the edges of my... Oh, who am I kidding? I cried right alongside her.

I made sure to do so silently though; I know when people just need an uninterrupted release.

As her cries and shakes slowly diminished, I took her face into my hands and made her look at me. “It’ll be alright,” I told her confidently. “I don’t know why the scroll chose me, but I will help to the best of my abilities, no matter what issues you are having here in Equestria. I promise you can count on me, Twilight.”

She nodded, and smiled for the first time that night. With even the barest glow coming from the moon, I could tell she had a wonderful smile that brightened her face.

“Thank you, Paul,” she whispered, then yawned. I yawned as well- this one much louder, longer and more forceful than hers. Looking out at the moon, I saw it had started to dip toward the horizon already.

“Well, look at the time!” I said, standing abruptly. Not a good idea when you are in a tree, the large crack to my head informed me. Suddenly, I didn’t like the tree so much. I wanted my stick to teach it a few lessons on manners.

Soon, soon…

She seemed surprised by my grumblings as I rubbed my head and jumped to the ground. I turned around, and told her to wait there.

Returning to my “POEE” (Point Of Equestrian Entry), as I decided it was hence to be named, I scooped the remains of my guitar into its case along with my lantern, and after some debate, grabbed the pistol. I made sure the safety was on, and then put it in my back pocket. Just because I had only loaded it with two bullets didn’t mean it wasn’t still dangerous!

Coming back around the tree, I smiled warmly at Twilight. “Mind if I camp out here with you for the night? You look mighty cozy in that tree, so I figured this is a good a place as any to get some rest. You look like you need it.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re not going to try sleeping in here with me, are you?!”

I chuckled, dropping my stuff on the ground below the hole. “No Twilight, I’m not. We don’t know each other well enough to sleep together.”

I saw her turn red, and start to say something before my laughter cut her off. “I’m just kidding, Twilight. Go to sleep, I’ll stay out here and keep guard for anything that might get curious.”

She nodded and, laying her head down, closed her eyes. She shivered a bit, the breeze picking up.

“Here,” I said, taking off my thermal shirt, leaving my in only my plain white undershirt and jeans. Now was when I thanked God I hadn’t lost all of my fat- I did stay warmer than most skinny people.

I took my comfortable brown thermal, and draped it on top of her. It covered her completely, and her eyes held all the gratitude I could ever ask for.

With another yawn interrupting her objections, I told her, “It’s alright, just try to get some sleep. One benefit of being large is you stay warmer. You little ponies must have a terrible time in winter, being so small!”

She smiled thankfully as she lay her head down on one- what? Leg? Arm? Whatever, I could ask her tomorrow. She was out like a light as soon as her head was down, and her breathing slowed down to a rhythmic beat.

Retrieving the stick just in case Q decided to make a surprise return, I sat down next to the little hidey-hole, content with resting my back against the tree for the night. I have to admit, I felt pretty tired too, and as soon as my mind began to slow I closed my eyes to let sleep take me.

Strangely, I had no thoughts of suicide, of my own problems, or even trepidation about what it was that had Twilight so freaked out. I could simply let go for the first time in months. Maybe it was the magic of Equestria or something.

Just as I was almost asleep, I heard a whimper. Snapping awake, I looked around to see if Twilight’s threat had somehow found us. Brandishing my stick, I could see nothing. Another whimper told me it wasn’t coming from out in the woods, but from within the tree.

Standing up, I could see Twilight twitching in her sleep. Some nightmare or memory was troubling her. I couldn’t think what to do. If I woke her, she wouldn’t get what rest she needed. If I let her sleep, she would be tormented all night- keeping her from any meaningful rest anyway, and me from any sleep whatsoever.

So, I did the only thing I could think of: I started softly running my hand through her hair as I spoke in low tones. I remembered my father doing the same for my little brother when he couldn’t sleep, and figured the same general sensory rules applied to ponies.

After a small debate, I chose one of the simplest and most applicable things I knew. It would have been preferable to have my guitar handy, but that thing had been smashed to pieces.

I remembered my father singing lullabies, reciting poetry, even quoting sports legends. As I racked my brain for something that would make sense, something that would be applicable, it dawned on me. The one thing from the Bible I’d ever bothered to memorize, which had gotten me through the worst nights of my father’s absence.

Twilight moved under my strokes, starting to waken, so I collected my thoughts and began.

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings thou shalt trust; his truth shall be thy sword and buckler.”

Twilight stopped moving, calmed by my smooth strokes through her long head of hair and deep voice. As I spoke, images of my father standing strong and hugging me tightly flashed through my mind.

“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth by noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand more at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked... There shalt no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”

I looked down at Twilight as I finished what I could remember. She was smiling, and had somehow balled up one of the arms on my thermal into a pillow.

I leaned forward and whispered as softly as I could manage, “I will keep charge over you. You don’t have to be afraid.” I kissed my hand, placing it on her cheek and whispering, “It’ll be alright. I’m here for you. Sleep well.”

I had taken care of my younger brother for years, and kissing goodnight was a daily ritual. I didn’t feel awkward about doing it for my newfound friend- especially when she so obviously needed reassurance. I laid back down against the tree, placing the stick across my lap.

Leaning my head back, I realized I was more at peace than I had been my entire life. I was with someonepony who needed me, I was among the nature I loved- even if that forest happened to be the same one as was in another universe- and I felt… different.

I couldn’t explain it, until it suddenly dawned on me. I felt like I was on the right track. No longer was my life’s path leading just to one place, it stretched before me, wondrous and full of adventure. I smiled a little then, and lay my head back.

I even laughed a bit, remembering what my father had always taught me: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!” I thanked Benjamin Franklin indirectly for the last one- it was one of my favorite quotes.

As I drifted off into a deep slumber, I barely registered a voice. I didn’t know if it came from the real world or my imagination, but it was too quiet and comforting to wake me.

“Goodnight, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”

I swear, as I left the waking world, that I could hear the woods around me singing... Or maybe howling...

Author's Note:

Originally, this AN was about four full bodied paragraphs long.

Now? All I can say to the new readers is, you lucky dog you- there's so much crap gone I can't even describe. The chapters later on get much better IMO, so I hope this one didn't discourage you. Also, you can ignore most of the comments here. :derpytongue2:

Parousia is ancient Greek for "presence, arrival, or official visit" BTW. You're welcome. :scootangel:

Here's the one song I couldn't bear to cut during the revisions, you guys. It holds too much IRL importance to me, and I think it really added something to that chapter.

"Higher" by Creed