• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 427 Views, 8 Comments

Ponies and Portals. - DropDee

Four friends stumble through a portal that takes them to Equestria but the portal might not be safe to keep open. They need to make an important decision; stay in their home universe or live in Equestria for the rest of their lives.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The day was almost over. After watching My Little Pony with his friends, Jamie spent the rest of the day surfing the internet. This was a frequent occurrence, so frequent that it has made its way into his daily routine. Never straying from this routine, he ended up on a familiar website. 4chan. More specifically, the /b/ forum. This is where Jamie finishes each night.

Eventually, Jamie got into bed; thinking about how cool it would be if he could somehow enter the fantasy world of Equestria. It would be the coolest thing ever. Too bad getting there is impossible. As these thoughts started to fade, thoughts of his device flooded in.

Suddenly, it hit him. He knew why it didn't work. He leaped out of bed and ran to his desk, Grabbed a pencil and some paper and started to jot down various equations that contained a vast combination of numbers,letters and symbols.

Jamie woke up with his head on the desk. He couldn't help but think that morning came way too early. He lifted his head from the desk and the pencil followed. Realising that the pencil was stuck to his face, Jamie took the pencil from his face and let out a little laugh. Remembering what he had written, he grabbed the paper with all his notes and dashed off to work.

It'll work this time, I'm sure of it.

The rectangular device was a smooth chrome, covered in buttons of different sizes, shapes, colours and functions. In the centre of the device, there was a black, touch sensitive pad. The pad was the main control system and each time it was touched, a spectrum of colours and pixels burst into life as it controls the entirety of the devices operations. At the front of the device is an iris from which the portals are to be produced.

After making all the necessary adjustments, he took his device into the testing area. He gently aimed the iris down the testing range, towards a centrally placed target. Carefully, he activated the device. To his surprise, The device worked. However, the newly created portal that sat effortlessly on the wall did nothing but glow. It didn't lead anywhere. All that it seemed to do was project the glowing surface on to the wall.

Jamie didn't understand why the portal didn't lead anywhere. Does it need another portal to connect two points of space?

Jamie deactivated the device. He packed it away and grabbed a few tools and spare electronic components. He was going to take it home and see if he could perfect his invention there.

When he got home, he stumbled into his room and put everything he had taken from his workspace onto the desk, next to his Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle plush toys. As the device was placed onto the desk, it was unknowingly switched on. Unaware of the device's activation, he left his room and made his way into the kitchen. Drifting over towards the fridge, he opened the fridge door, grabbed an energy drink and sat down on the sofa, next to his friends.

After a while, a strange mechanical humming noise started to resonate throughout the house. Jamie and his friends had noticed it but was disregarded as they refused to believe it was anything to worry about.

For a while, they had been watching Joe's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1 DVD. Everyone was watching it... apart from Tom and Flynn. They had left the room as soon as the DVD had started.

The humming noise gradually grew louder.

The remaining three that were sat, watching the TV, had made it to episode 16. Sonic Rainboom. They had reached the part of the episode where Rarity is falling with three unconscious Wonderbolts.

The noise grew even louder. It was clear that the noise wasn't coming from the TV.

"Huh? What's going on?" queried Iwan.

The noise grew so loud that it started to make the house vibrate.

"HOLD ON, RARITY! I'M COMMING!" Rainbow Dash cried as she bolted downwards towards a helpless Rarity.

The crowd watched as Rarity fell helplessly, having knocking out the three Wonderbolts that had attempted to save her. Not too long after, a cyan blur raced down after the descending pony.

Soon Rainbow Dash had caught up with Rarity but was still not fast enough to save her or the unconscious Wonderbolts.

"Uh... I can't look," Fluttershy said nervously as she hid behind her hooves, occasionally sneaking a look at the two speeding mares.

A familiar white barrier started to surround the speeding cyan mare. A familiar white barrier that started to slow her down. Rainbow Dash then put every ounce of effort she had in her entire body into moving faster; if she wanted to save Rarity and the Wonderbolts then she would have to get past the barrier that was in her way.

Rainbow Dash had never been more determined to fly faster than she was right now.

Just then, the crowd and Rarity let out a gasp as Rainbow Dash flew faster and faster until she broke through the barrier and sent out a shock wave of colour...

At exactly that moment, a shock wave shook the house and startled everyone inside it. As the shock wave blasted its way through the house, a stream of raw colour trailed. Almost as if it were a Sonic Rainboom.

But that's impossible... It's from a TV show... There's no way it could of happened!

The humming noise had stopped and the house was calm once again.

"What the hell was that?" Joe asked, giving a puzzled look to his peers.

"I don't know! Ask Jamie, he's the scientist!" exclaimed Iwan.

They all looked at Jamie, expecting an expert answer.

Jamie just sat there, not knowing what to do or say.


The doorbell rang, interrupting the silence.

"Uh... I'll get it!" Jamie said, looking for an excuse to avoid answering questions to which the answer he did not know. He wondered over to the front door and opened it with caution.

"What the hell just happened?" said Axl as soon as Jamie opened the door.

"I know as much as you do," Jamie replied.

Axl, Iwan, Jamie and Joe discussed the event for a while, trying to think of an explanation. With an abundant lack of success, they decided it was getting late and that they should all get some sleep. Axl went back to his house a few streets away whereas Iwan, Jamie and Joe went to their rooms.

Jamie got into bed but he couldn't fall asleep. He was thinking about what had happened earlier way too much.

Everything that happened earlier was repeating itself over and over in his mind as he tried to make sense of it all. This kept him awake. At this rate, I'll never get any rest...

But what was that? Jamie kept thinking and trying to work out what happened. No, it couldn't be... Could it?

Author's Note:

Please feel free to point out any mistakes made. I would really appreciate that.

Comments ( 8 )

Good job bro keep it up it looks good :D

2425055 Thanks, bro! :pinkiehappy: It's nice to hear some positivity as I'm aware the whole "humans in Equestria" topic is a widely explored area for a lot of fanfics and can become quite monotonous. Because the topic is so common, I'm trying to keep this story as original as possible.

The cover art works well, dude! :rainbowwild: And I'm really liking the way you've set this out; not too different from your original plan but nicely ironed out. Keep it up, trucker! :pinkiehappy:

I hate brony in Equestria stories...

2435991 You don't have to be sorry. Some people like Brony in Equestria stories, others (me) don't.

ya i can see that your trying to raise the bar for fim fics :twilightsmile:

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