• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 5,687 Views, 240 Comments

Not so Evil Hobo Necromancer - NecromancerX69

Vincent is just a normal Shy Necromancer who is sent to Equestria by mistake to obey Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

Return of a Nightmare... NO!

New chapter is here hope you ppl like it.
But before we start some very, VERY! important news in relation with this fanfic.

I have notice some ppl got mad at the idea of me adding the gay vampire Edward of the Twilight series...
Here is my explanation of why I did it:
One... I hate that Vampire and I needed a minion who will be ether torture or molested most of the time (every chapter), so what better target than a Vampire I hate.
Two... I give him pink pirate clothes and I will call him from now on 'Gay Captain Morgan' or just 'Morgan'. Why? its a tribute to two of my favorite things: Captain Morgan the Rum drink and Voltair song: Vampire Club.

If you still don't like the idea of him hanging around... No problem I will send him back home and summon Rebecca Black to take his place if you wish.

That is all... hope you ppl like this chapter.
Thank you Zephyr for helping me with my fics I <3 u man.
It begins...

“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.

Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony

Chapter 11
Return of a Nightmare… NO!

[Location… Dark swamps] Present time…

Poor Vincent… It’s been a long time since he cried… He even started to believe he lost that part of him since he trained to be an assassin on the internet… But now… With Blue Blood's lifeless body in front of him, he was crying for his best friend, after all a man will never stop being a man for crying… Cry is part of human nature, cry makes us know we still have a soul.

Far behind Vincent are his minions watching their broken master…

“I feel bad for the master…” Said telepathically the Headless Horse to the vampire.

“Holy s**t! You can talk!” Said scared Edward.

“Of course I can talk!” Said the Headless Horse.

“Will you two shut up…” Said D knowing the pain of her master.

Slender Mane and the Timber Wolf could not talk but they definitely agree with D, same Phoenix what cannot be seen by the Vampire or the Succubus because he hosts bones.

Back with Vincent…

“Blue Blood… You were a good friend…” Said Vincent still looking at the body of his dead friend.

“And good looking…” Said a familiar voice on his right side.

“Yes definitely good looking… WAIT A MINUTE!” Said Vincent looking to the source of the voice to find Blue Blood alive.

“BLUE BLOOD!” Said Vincent not believing his eyes, for he didn’t look like a ghost.

“The same and only.” He told Vincent.

“H-h-how is it possible?!” Said Vincent really surprised.

“Look again my body.” Said Blue Blood pointing one of his hoofs to the body on the ground.

Once he look back, the body disappeared and was replaced by a chewed log, it can be see clearly the dragon took a bite on it.

“Substitution Jutsu?” Said Vincent.

“Wow Sensei I didn’t know you knew the name.” Said Blue Blood surprised now.

“I hear of it in my planet… Where did you learn such a thing?” asked Vincent.

“I learned it in a ninja academy in Japamane. Funny story to say the least sensei, I didn’t know I step on a private property when I was making the map of Japamane, when I was attacked by pony ninjas. I have to thank you again if you haven’t taught me they would have killed me there.” Said Blue Blood chuckling a bit.

“What happened then?” Vincent asked again.

“Well once I dealt with the ninjas, their leader a very old geezer challenged and defeated me, because he wished to know who taught me their secret techniques.” Said Blue Blood remembering how painful that was.

“Did you tell him my name?” Said Vincent.

“Well yea I told him a hobo taught me.” Said Blue Blood. Vincent almost got mad but well at least he didn’t give his real name.

“What is the name of the geezer?” asked Vincent.

“Mmmm… I believe is name was Sushi or Naruto, don’t recall.” Said Blue Blood.

Vincent was in shock. Confound these ponies they ponifie everything in their paths…

“Also Sensei is it true, you believe I am good looking?” Asked Blue Blood with a big grin.

“…” Vincent almost forgot how he cried for Blue Blood yet he is here taunting him… Now Vincent’s really pissed off.

“BLUE BLOOD!” Said Vincent with rage lifting his hands in the air preparing a Thundaga.

“Oh… Crap.” Said Blue Blood as he saw the waves of deadly electricity fall on him, giving a really painful shock.

“That will teach you to never scare me like that again.” Said Vincent watching the semi toasted Blue Blood, only to disappear and reveal a semi toasted Edward…

Blue Blood was now with the minions, he used the substitution jutsu on time, sweating a bit of fear.

“That was close… Well hello miss.” Said Blue Blood to D only to receive a strong smack in the face by her leaving him knocked out.

“That’s for make worry my master you white f**k.” She said with a hiss, lifting her face like a snob and went to help up the poor shocked gay vampire.

“Nice work D.” Said Vincent.

“Don’t mention it.” She said lifting Edward from the ground.

“Well now we are heading back to the palace on hoof I presume.” She say to Vincent.

“Nope… We are going back in style.” Said Vincent watching the bones of the dead dragon.

[Location… Ponyville/ Library] One day later of the Ticket Master Episode, in the morning… (1 month later of the Dark swamp incident).

Twilight was reading some books inside the library while Spike went to pick up some sweet muffins from sugar cube corner for breakfast, until… *blam!* the door of the library was open and closed quickly with force, It was Spike with a box of muffins in his hands but he look scared.

“T-ttt-ttt-twilight!” Said Spike really scared.

“What happened Spike, you look terrified!” Said Twilight.

“No… Really?” Said Spike still terrified, with a unamuse face.

“Sorry. Tell me what happen.” Said Twilight blushing a bit for that.

“Well... Big brother is back...” He said a bit calmed down.

“Brother is back! Perfect I can’t wait to present him to my friends.” Said a very happy Twilight.

“Twilight… There’s no need for that…” Said Spike.

“Why not?” asked Twilight.

“He arrived with a zombie dragon! Everypony is scared! Even me!” Said Spike.

“Come on Spike zombies doesn’t exists.” Said Twilight trotting outside, only to find a giant ghostly dragon made of glowing gray dragon bones in the middle of Ponyville.

“Oh brother…” She said with a facehoof and trotted to the dragon already knowing his brother must be there. He is definitely receiving a good smack for this.

[Location… Ponyville/ front of Town Hall] Present time…

Vincent in his pony form parked his undead dragon near the Town Hall in order to visit Twilight before taking Blue Blood back to the Palace.

The problem was that Applejack along with Rainbow Dash were not allowing Vincent to take another step with his minions… Fear could be seen in the face of the tomboy girls, but their loyalty to Ponyville can be seen in their flaming eyes by not giving a step back. They without a doubt will defend Ponyville with their lives if they have to.

They were all alone… Everyone in Ponyville was locked inside their homes out of fear. Hell there is this silence you could almost hear Lily keep saying the Horror along with her friends miles away.

Until Applejack chose to break the silence…

“I don’t know who the hay you think you are! But you are definitely not welcome here!” Said Applejack in fear watching both Vincent and his minions.

“Y-yy-yea! Like she said!” Said really nervously Rainbow Dash but still trying to look tough.

A minute of silence pass… The minions were looking at his master waiting for orders or to hear him say something.

Then… it happen… (Link)

“♪ Well hello there little mares. ♪” Said Vincent in a song tipping his hat.

“♪ Don't be scared. ♪”

“♪ Step right up, I'm a reasonable guy. ♪”

“♪ Don't be frightened by the look in my eye. ♪”

“♪ I'm just your average evil necromancer from outta the crypt. ♪”

“♪ Well, I'm just shy and amazed in this place ♪”

“♪ I'm just a fish outta water from another place ♪”

“♪ You can see that the trip has left me tired and drained♪”

“♪ So why don't you be my friends... ♪”

“♪ And take me to Twilight! ♪” Sing Vincent now with a very evil smirk.

“You know Twilight?” Said surprised Applejack.
“If I know her?” Said Vincent to Applejack.

“♪ Take me down to your friend’s place ♪”

“♪ See the bored expression on her face ♪”

“♪You’d be doing her a favor if you take me to her♪”

“♪ She must have miss me, She’s just keep reading books♪”

“You still haven’t answer the question!” Said very angry Rainbow Dash.
“Well you see.” Said Vincent now looking Rainbow Dash.

“♪ Twilight, Twilight, I won’t lie,♪”

“♪ She is my sister ‘til the day I die.♪”

“♪ Sure you might think it’s impossible ♪”

“♪But you won’t give it a thought ♪”

“♪After I’ve eaten your brain. ♪” Said Vincent now imitating a zombie.

“My what?!” Said a very scared dash.
“Let me repeat myself.” Said Vincent to Dash.

“♪ BRAINS, BRAINS, It's okay. ♪”

“♪ It's not a matter if it isn't gray, ♪”

“♪ And if at first you think it's strange, ♪”

“♪ you won't think twice ♪”

“♪ If you don't have a brain! ♪”

Applejack step in front of Rainbow Dash protecting her, I can say that look cute.
“I won’t allow you.” Said very angry Applejack.
“Well then.” Said Vincent to Applejack now with a very evil smirk.

“♪ Twilight..... ♪”
Vincent take a front step making Applejack with Dash take one back step.

“♪ Take me to Twilight..... ♪”
Taking steps making both Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash take steps back out of fear.

He keeps advancing while Applejack and Rainbow Dash keep taking back steps.

Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash can’t take another step back, they are trap by the wall of one of the houses. Vincent stops in front of them standing in two hoofs.

“Mwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Laughs evilly to the sky.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were so scared by Vincent’s song they hug themselves and are almost at the brink of tears.

“Hobo... I think you scared their brains out.” Said Nightmare Moon to Vincent.

Once Vincent realize what he did…

“I- I am sorry I didn’t mean to scare you girls like that…” Said Vincent, until he heard something in the distance.

“BROTHER!” It’s Twilight and she looks angry.

“Hello there siste-” Vincent was interrupted by Twilight giving him a good flying buck on his face leaving him knocked out on the streets of Ponyville.

Twilight with her magic lifted her unconscious brother.

“And you!” She says to Vincent’s minions and Blue Blood. They were almost sweating in fear of watching Twilight like that.

“Follow me to the library. And you dragon thing wait in the everfree forest; my brother will summon you later.” Said Twilight to the undead dragon, he only nods and took flight to the everfree forest.

Now she looks to her friends who could not believe Twilight knows how to kick like that.

“Sorry in behalf of my brother he just loves to scare everypony, but he is not so… Bad… Once you get to know him. Will you mind if you call the girls, I wish to present him to all of you.” Said Twilight to her friends. Applejack and Rainbow Dash only nodded.

“Good! Now you things follow me.” Said Twilight to the minions, some of them got angry for the comment but chose to shut their mouths out of fear.

[Location… Ponyville Library] 15 minutes later…

Vincent lied unconsciously on the couch and was forced to wake up by a bucket of water thrown at him by Twilight.

“Brother what the hay were you thinking, scaring my friends like that!?!” Said angry Twilight to Vincent.

“I am sorry I didn’t mean to scare them like that.” Said Vincent all wet.

“I know but you need to measure your craziness before you give somepony a heart attack.” Said Twilight.

“Fine… Sorry again.” Said Vincent.

“You don’t need to apologize to me, you need to apologize to them.” Said Twilight stomping one hoof on the floor.

“Ok I will do it in the palace.” Said Vincent getting up heading to the door.

“What?!” Said Twilight watching his brother getting out of the library with his minions right behind him. Outside is still deserted; all the ponies are still locked inside their homes.

“Oh… Right I forgot. Sister I came here to tell you to bring all the elements of harmony to the palace, in other words your friends.” Said Vincent to Twilight from the outside.

“How do you know of them?” Said Twilight exiting the library only to watch her brother whistling while looking in the distance: the undead dragon is coming back.

“All secrets I keep hidden from you will be revealed in the palace, sister.” Said Vincent.

The undead dragon landed, Vincent’s minions hopped on top of the dragon taking hold of the bones for the flight one by one, just like Blue Blood.

“Brother… What is going on?” Said Twilight a bit scared for what she heared, sure she wished to know a lot of things but this sounded serious.

The undead dragon lowered his skull so Vincent could hop on top of it and hold the horns.

“Before I go dear sister there is something I must tell you… Nightmare Moon is coming back today… See you at the palace.” Said Vincent taking flight on top of his undead dragon heading to the palace.

Twilight could not move… Did her brother just told her Nightmare Moon is coming back?…

[Location… Canterlot/ Palace/ Throne Room] hours later…

Twilight was scared because of what her brother told her, so when all of her friends were reunited they headed to the palace as soon as possible. It took them hours, but they could see an ominous cloud surrounding the palace, not to mention Vincent’s undead dragon taking hold on one of the towers of the castle.

Once they arrived to the palace they headed to the Throne Room as fast as their legs could carry them. They opened the doors of the Thorne Room by force only to found princess Luna unconscious in middle of some circle marked with strange symbols, Celestia, Blue Blood and Edward weren’t there, but they did see Vincent in pony mode chanting strange words while his right front hoof was placed on top of the princess head. Vincent’s Minions as soon they saw the girls enter they stand in line not allowing them to interrupt their master’s ritual.

“Brother what are you doing?!” Say Twilight watching her brother do something to the princess.

“The Master told me to tell you Twilight Sparkle that he is bringing back Nightmare Moon who was living inside his head, ever since he turned into a colt.” Said telepathically the Headless Horse to the girls.

“You are lying we defeated Nightmare Moon days ago! She can’t be inside my brother!” Said Twilight with fear of what is going on; especially since Vincent’s Headless Horse never talked to her before.

“Too late for that my dear, the ritual will be complete and Nightmare Moon will walk again taking what belongs to her.” Said the Headless Horse.

“No if I can stop him!” Said Rainbow Dash heading towards Vincent.

“No Dash!” Twilight tried to warn her, only to see D stopping Dash in midair.

“Going somewhere?” Said D sensually and applying a lock on Dash not giving her one chance to move.

“Let me go!” Dash triedto break free, no avail.

“Hang in there Dash!” Said Applejack coming to the rescue only to be snared along with the rest of the girls by the Slender Mane's tendrils of shadows.

“Brother! Please stop it before it’s too late!” Twilight tried to reason with her brother. Vincent could not hear her because the ritual blocks whatever is happening in its surroundings, allowing him to focus on returning Nightmare Moon back inside her body.

“Too late for that my dear he can’t hear you…” Said the Headless Horse.

“Then I force him to hear me!” Said Twilight using a spell of light on the Slender Mane, making him drop the girls, and hide behind the shadow of one of the pillars in the room.

Once set free, Applejack tackled D along with Dash. Now Applejack was the one locking D and freeing Dash.
Timber Wolf tried to intervene only to be dominated by Fluttershy’s care. Sadly Phoenix can’t do anything without bones to control.

Dash tried again to stop Vincent only to be send to the wall by a strong kick of the Headless Horse.

“I won’t allow you to intervene even if it means killing all of you in the process.” Said the Headless Horse taking out his axe.

“Stand aside! I don’t want to hurt you!” Said Twilight, she did enjoyed reading with the Headless Horse along with her brother back in the school of gifted unicorns.

“Sorry but NO!” The Headless Horse lifted his axe in the air ready to charge Twilight only to be interrupted.

“Hey you big meany!” Said somepony to the Headless Horse in his right. Once he looked to the source of the sound he found a cannon.

“SMILE!” It was Pinkie Pie with her party cannon, clicking a button. BOOM! She sent him to the wall.

“That’s for treating my friends!” Said Pinkie Pie angryly.

Twilight was about to stop the ritual along with Rarity only to be blinded by a strong light of darkness that engulfed the room.

“What’s going on?!” Said Twilight.

“The ritual is complete now nopony can stop the return of the princess of the night!” Said the headless horse getting back up on his hooves.

Once the light stopped… There she was… Nightmare Moon in all her glory wearing her midnight armor. Vincent was next to her in human form, he was as tall as her if not more taller (remember: no Nightmare Moon inside him… no more disguise).

“B-bb-brother…” Said Twilight not believing her eyes. All this time her brother was the strange creature who helped them defeat Nightmare Moon in the day of her return, the only difference is that this time the creature had more muscle and was no longer chubby (Honest of truths I do have strong muscles already even if I am chubby. Also let’s be honest: no internet + no tv + no videogames = human change for the good). Sadly he still looks like a Hobo for the mess of hair and beard.

“What the hell is going on here?” Said Vincent watching the disaster in the room.

“Master they were trying to stop you from doing the ritual.” Said the Headless Horse.

“Why would they do that? Didn’t Celestia told them what will happen?” Said Vincent to his minion.

“She said, she needed a bath, also her nephew, so they left in the middle of the ritual.” Said the Headless Horse to Vincent. Everypony could hear the Headless Horse communication. Applejack released D and went back with the girls.

Vincent facepalmed…

“That Trollestia, I bet she did it on purpose.” Said Vincent mentally to himself.

Now the girls were reunited and worn the Elements of Harmony that appeared magically on them.

“Sister please stop! Nightmare Moon is no longer the evil you believe she was, she changed!” Tried Vincent to say only to see the rainbow again. What he did noticed was that this time the rainbow was headed towards him instead of Nightmare Moon even if she was a step in front of him.

“NO MORE!” Said Vincent angryly, with one hand engulfed in grey death magic, he punched the rainbow sending it to the right destroying one of the windows, it also made the Elements get deactivated.

“WILL YOU STOP SHOTING AT ME!” Said Vincent with the royal canterlot voice spell making everypony in the throne room flinch.

“Brother…” Said Twilight to herself.

“Sorry for that…” Said Vincent to the girls a bit embarrassed.

“I believe you girls deserve a full explanation.” Said Vincent.

He told them the truth (not the real truth of their universe).

They all listened to his adventures and all that happened in his life ever since they shot him with the elements for the first time. Also mentioning them how he saved the prince and the ponies from the evil dragon. He didn’t mention them about his training with Blue Blood or Fancy Pants.

“And that’s the story of my life in Equestria.” Said Vincent to them.

“He’s telling the truth partner.” Said Applejack to her friends, afterall she is the element of honesty.

“But if she is not evil how is that she is still wearing that?… If you don’t mind that is…” Said Fluttershy hided behind Rarity.

“Oh… You mean these?.” Said Nightmare Moon removing her armor. Gun dammit she is as beautiful if not more beautiful than Celestia without her armor.

Not only Vincent was impressed by the view, the girls were also impressed, especially Rarity already picturing beautiful cloth designs just for her.

“Do not worry my beloved subjects I have left my past behind and from now on I will rule alongside my sister as we did years ago.” Said a smiling Nightmare Moon.

They all were interrupted by the doors of the throne room opening; it was Blue Blood in new explorer clothes after taking a very relaxing bath.

“Hey Sensei, sorry I left you in middle of the ritual.” Said Blue Blood after he entered the room. He looked at the girls and he could almost say the white unicorn looked simply marvelous, it made him blush a little.

“Hello ladies.” Said Blue Blood to the girls as he approached Nightmare Moon.

“It's a pleasure to finally meet you Princess of the Night.” Said Blue Blood lifting one of the princess hoofs and kissing it (He also received training in manners with Vincent).

Behind him with the girls…

“My, who is that handsome Colt?” Asked Rarity from Twilight.

“I don’t know. I never have seen him before today, back in Ponyville.” Said Twilight.

“Wait didn’t he mentioned something about rescuing a prince form an evil dragon? Maybe he is the prince he told us about.” Said Fluttershy to the girls.

Back with Blue Blood…

“It’s also my pleasure to finally meet you nephew.” Said giggling Nightmare Moon to Blue Blood.

Looking around the room Vincent realized something.

“Blue Blood did you see Morgan?” asked Vincent from his friend wondering where’s the vampire.

“Who? The guy in pink clothes?” asked Blue Blood.

“Yea, have you seen him? He was supposed to be here.” Said Vincent.

“Celestia took him with her against his will.” Said Blue Blood.

“Perfect…” Could almost say Vincent, hopefully he will be back in one piece.

[Location… Canterlot/ Palace/ Room of forbidden secrets] Present time…

Edward was wearing S&M clothes and same could be said of Celestia.

“Now tell me again. Who is your Mistress?” Said Celestia with a very seductive evil smirk while levitating a whip with her magic.

Poor Edward was in chains, with no way to escape.

“Celestia…” He said in a quiet voice. Fear could be smell from him.

“LOUDER!” Said Celestia using her whip in Edward ass.

“CELESTIA!” Said the vampire.

“I can’t hear you!” Another whip.

“CELESTIA IS MY MISTRESS!!” Edward almost screamed.

“Good… Now bend over.” Said Celestia.

[Location… Canterlot/ Palace/ Throne Room] Present time…

Vincent shivered for no reason at all.

“Are you okay Hobo?” Said Nightmare Moon to Vincent.

“Yea I am ok, it’s just that I could almost swear I feel Morgan calling for help.” Said Vincent.

“Don’t worry Hobo I am sure he is fine.” Said Nightmare Moon.

“Hobo? Is that your name?” Said Applejack, getting out of the throne room with everypony. They are about to head back to Ponyville except Vincent and Nightmare Moon, they will stay in canterlot. Blue Blood will keep traveling but for now he is having a nice talk with Rarity.

“Nope. My real name is Vincent.” He answered her.

“Not to so-” Applejack was going to say something only to be interrupted by Vincent.

“I know what you are going to say… Hobo is easier to pronounce, am I right?” Said Vincent with a very unamused face.

“How did you?” Said Applejack.

“Evil… Speaking of evil, I wish to apologize to you and Rainbow Dash, in behalf of what happen back in Ponyville. I am really sorry of what happened there… Will you girls ever forgive me?” Said Vincent to Applejack.

“Well shoot, no problem partner I forgive ya.” Said Applejack.

“Wait how is it that you know our names?” Said Rainbow Dash not remembering ever telling him their names, also remembering the first time they meet him, he even knew Rarity’s name.

“That is a story for another time my friends.” Said Vincent to Dash.

“Girls will you mind wait for me in the train station, I need to talk with Hobo in private.” Said Twilight to her friends. They nodded and kept walking. Blue Blood was still talking to Rarity, after all he will also take the train to keep traveling all Equestria.

Vincent looked at Nightmare Moon and his minions, they also nodded him. Nightmare Moon headed to take a bath while the minions choose to wait for their master inside the throne room.

“Little lady you are coming with me.” Said Nightmare Moon bringing D with her using magic.

“But I hate baths!” She said biting the carpet on the floor trying to escape the inevitable cleanliness.

“No buts.” Said Nightmare Moon bringing her to the bathroom with a piece of carpet in her mouth.

[Location… Canterlot/ Palace/ The Gardens] 20 minutes later…

Vincent and Twilight were walking side by side in the gardens of the palace while talking about some things she wished to know about him, now that he is willing to tell her about the many things he kept hiding from her.

The funny thing is that Twilight looks small because she only reach Vincent’s waist.

“So that’s why most of the time you never go out to lunch with me.” Said Twilight just finding that Vincent eats meat and can’t eat all pony food, except form some veggies and fruits.

“That’s correct dear sister.” Said Vincent.

“Have you ever… Eaten ponies?” Said Twilight a bit disgusted by the idea.

“No, I have never tried horse meat, and never in my life will plan to eat it if that’s what you fear. Sure there are people in my planet who eat horses but that is because they have little options in food.” Said Vincent to Twilight.

“Twilight… Can I ask you something?” Asked Vincent stopping in front of a huge tree located inside the palace gardens. Twilight looked at him also stopping.

“Sure.” She said.

“Do you hate me?…” Said Vincent with fear in his voice.

“Why would I hate you?” Asked Twilight surprised.

“For the lies I told you when we were foals… For being human and not a real pony… For keeping many secrets from you…” Said Vincent almost a bit sad.

“Brother.” Twilight smiled and approached Vincent giving him a hug.

“I don’t hate you. You just couldn’t tell me without causing some kind of paradox, so I forgive you.” Said Twilight smiling to Vincent.

“Sister.” Vincent hugged Twilight back.

“Just no more secrets from now on is that clear.” Said Twilight.

“Well everything except one secret. I can’t tell you unless Celestia allows me to tell you. So just make sure to ask her permission.” Said Vincent smiling.

“Sounds good to me.” Said Twilight now breaking the brotherly hug, along with Vincent.

“Well it's getting late and I need to finish Celestia's report on friendship, take care brother.” Said Twilight heading to the train station, hopefully her friends won’t be mad for getting late.

“Have a good trip.” Said Vincent watching Twilight exit the gardens.

“I will!” Said Twilight trotting away.

Once Vincent made sure he was alone…

“You can come out Pinkie.” Said Vincent.

“How did you know I was here?” Said Pinkie Pie getting out of her hiding spot on top of the tree.

“A little bird told me.” Said Vincent watching his minion Phoenix who just told him Pinkie Pie was following them. Now he looked at her.

“Anyway. I am here to invite you to your own party in Ponyville!” Said cheerfully Pinkie Pie.

“Hahahaha, I knew that would happen no matter what. Sure I will go to the party, when is it going to be?” Asked Vincent smiling to Pinkie Pie.

“The next time you come to Ponyville.” She said.

“Fine then I will be there.” Said Vincent.

“Pinkie Promise?” Asked Pinkie Pie.

“Cross my dark hearth, hope to fall to the underworld and stick a dagger in my eye if I ever brake that promise.” Said Vincent smiling.

“Good! See you in Ponyville.” Said Pinkie Pie leaving Vincent.

“Wait before you go… Can you and the girls ever forgive me for what I did back at home?” asked Vincent (let’s be honest Pinkie Pie knows our private lives just like Ceiling Cat).

His answer was receiving a good buck in the groin by Pinkie Pie.

“Yes I forgive you. Happy now?” Said Pinkie Pie with a smile while Vincent hold his family jewels.

“Yes… Sorry…” Said Vincent almost in a whisper.

“Don’t worry Vincent, we all make mistakes we regret once in a while.” Said Pinkie Pie now heading to the train station.

“Thank you... Pinkie Pie…” Said Vincent almost crying tears of happiness because Pinkie Pie actually said his real name instead of Hobo.

“That’s what friends are for.” She said even if he couldn’t hear her from far away.

Once Pinkie Pie was nowhere to be seen, Vincent used a healing spell of earth magic to remove the pain on his jewels.

“This is going to be… Interesting.” Said Vincent heading back to the palace thinking of what the future might hold for him from now on.

[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)

o) Earth healing spell…

You will need: Just your mind.

Just stand on top of lose dirt or next to a three, close your eyes and picture the power of the planet at the bottom of your feet, picture your feet turning into roots like a three and start to absorb the healing properties of the planet.

This spell can help you cure small headaches or other small pains. Even I hear it can even close a wound if you have a really good mind concentration and you are in touch with Mother Nature.

Again for the spell to work you need to practice it every day.

[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.

Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.

Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K

Hope you like this chapter, but before you go...

Why I didn't kill Blue Blood?
The original idea was to kill Blue Blood and make him my personal headless horse, that's why the cover of my fanfic shows him, but in the end I just couldn't kill him... so I use the corpse of the fake Headless Horse to become my personal real Headless Horse.

Spoiler... New cover incoming... spec it next week, hopefully... if I don't die first or my pc...