• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,072 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Luna's Safari

Chapter Sixty Five: Luna's Safari

Luna Brynhild checked over her armor carefully in the library, as Sleipnir sat back with Innocence comfortably seated on one broad shoulder, bouncing the filly a little as the enormous earth pony smiled warmly across at his sister. “Now, I have made for thee half a dozen more javelins, and treated them each with the White Matter as thou requested. Although 'tis strange, little sister... I see thou hast gone and made thine own modifications to thy armor.”

“I would not say 'twas a modification, Sleipnir, merely a... treating.” Luna said after a moment, glancing up with a small smile as her armor almost pulsed against her body. It felt warm and good against her form, clinging to her and seeming to respond better to her movements: but she had used the last of the Prometheus Elixir to bathe and polish the protective gear, even though she thought Sleipnir disapproved a little of her actions. “Oh come now, brother. 'Twas not with the intent to... well, thou should know me better.”

“I do know thee well, Luna.” Sleipnir said softly, and he gently set Innocence down on the floor, the one-year old watching curiously as the enormous stallion strode over to Luna and reached up to gently squeeze her shoulders. “I know thee well indeed, and 'tis precisely why I worry, my beloved little sister.”

Luna blushed a little at this, but then Sleipnir chuckled quietly and gently patted a hoof against the etchings of roses over the front of her now stained-almost-black armor. “But perhaps 'tis just jealousy, too. And look at thou! Outfitted enough to be not a Valkyrie, but an army!”

The sapphire mare laughed at this, straightening proudly with a warm smile. “Aye, my brother, for 'tis what I am and must be, especially if I am to keep up to Celestia as well as make up for Scrivener Blooms, is this not so?”

Sleipnir laughed again as Luna grinned over her shoulder towards the corridor, hearing Scrivener's grumbles in her mind as he finished packing up rations for them in the kitchen. Then she quickly glanced over her equipment for the umpteenth time to make sure it was all secured tightly. The quiver of javelins was locked in place at her side, Sting Mk. II was holstered securely on her back with bullets tucked into the loops on the face of the holster, and she could feel her polymorphed spear hidden in her mane, ready to lunge out at any moment.

She was ready, and ready for anything at that: even one of those godawful things from between the layers of reality wouldn't be able to withstand her array of equipment. Even if Celestia did keep noting that she was carrying maybe a little much... “I... well... 'tis not too much, aye?”

“Do a flip.” Sleipnir invited, and Luna grinned before she stepped backwards and leapt high into the air, flapping her wings once to perform a reverse somersault before landing easily on her hooves and posing primly, and Sleipnir smiled as Innocence laughed and gazed brightly up at her mother. “There! 'Tis no better way to prove thou hast kept thyself in fair check. Thou art carrying it all well, especially as I suspect thy pretty mare will be tending to the luggage and the finery, as pretty mares are so oft wont to do.”

Luna nodded firmly, and Scrivener Blooms sighed tiredly as he emerged from the back corridor, a satchel hanging on either side of his body and his polished, black and silver armor gleaming... and beneath his horned helm, a pair of glasses glinted over his muzzle, as he asked mildly: “So how long were Celestia and Twilight supposed to take again?”

“Oh, do not be such a grump.” Luna said mildly, and Scrivener huffed at this before the mare glanced curiously towards Sleipnir. “Should we make Scrivener do a flip as well? He is not quite as acrobatic as I am, though, but nor is he as careful with his armor.”

“Aye, perhaps we should then, to ensure he has not overburdened himself and that his equipment is fitted properly.” Sleipnir said thoughtfully, and Innocence giggled brightly and stomped her little claws as Scrivener winced and leaned back a bit. “Come here, brother! If thou art not so agile, we shall simply throw thee as high into the air as the ceiling shall permit, and thou shall roll thyself as best as possible on the way down. We shall catch thee... but fear not, for if we fail, as long as thy armor is on properly it shan't hurt thee overmuch.”

“Yeah, I'm. Going to stay over here.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he winced when Luna began to stride towards him, before sighing in relief when the front door of the library opened and both Luna and Sleipnir turned sulky looks toward the ponies entering. “Thank the Horses of Heaven.”

“Not quite Heaven.” Morning Glory said distastefully as she strode inside, the Destroyer rolling her shoulders moodily before she glanced over at Innocence, who smiled brightly and bounced towards the behemoth, steel-bodied demon. “What?”

“Monin' Gowy.” Innocence tried to pronounce, and the Destroyer sighed tiredly even as her eyes seemed to soften, before the baby smiled and rose her little claws. “Up!”

Morning Glory sighed again and looked crankily around the room as Twilight Sparkle slipped past with a supportive smile, and then the demon muttered to herself as a chain snapped suddenly out of her back, wrapping around the filly, then gently, carefully hefting her into the air. Innocence giggled happily as she was lifted high, the Destroyer looking up silently as her golden fire mane twisted slowly backwards, revolving the babe in a quiet circle above her head as she murmured: “Fly, little filly. Fly.”

“Fly!” Innocence exclaimed, holding up her front claws as her eyes burned with happiness, and Twilight Sparkle gazed quietly up at her strange little daughter, with her Wyrm-like features and her scales and her little claws, being so gently, lovingly held by the chains of a Wrath-filled Destroyer. And it gave her hope, and made it hurt even more that she had to leave her little filly behind... but at the same time, reminded her of precisely why she had agreed it was important to fight and protect the other layers. Even if it wasn't for the altruistic reason of saving innocent lives, it was because if they didn't stop this thing now, the next layer it could pop into might end up being theirs.

Twilight shook her head out, then turned a small smile towards Scrivener Blooms and Luna. She could feel the gentle reassurances that they would be back coming from them both, and she nodded hesitantly after a moment, rubbing embarrassedly at the simple turtleneck sweater protecting her body. She always felt so... naked, compared to Scrivener and Luna, but she knew there also wasn't that much of a point in bothering to put on armor.

She strode over to them, smiling a little and saying to Luna, while Sleipnir watched Morning Glory continue to help Innocence 'fly' with shining eyes: “Celestia's just getting the last of the supplies from Cowlick with Discombobulation. But I'm curious why we're not bringing a full wagon...”

“Because we are all strong ponies, and can carry more than enough between ourselves for comfortable camping.” Luna replied with a shrug, smiling slightly. “Besides, Kvasir has said that 'tis a relatively uninhabited area we will be heading into. We may not even have the fun of making contact with any of the preening princesses of that realm... and aye, unfortunately I am forced to count mine own alter-self among that number, for from the little Kvasir has told us 'tis a fairly similar world to the core reality. I do not imagine there will be much in the way of 'fun' there.”

“Apart from battling the giant monster apparently stalking the wilderness, you mean.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna nodded thoughtfully as Twilight sighed, before the stallion asked in a more-serious, hesitant voice: “But what the hell would one of those... things... be doing out in the wilds? I mean, usually they're drawn in towards civilization. Or they at least start causing disruptions in reality, leave pretty big signs behind that attract all kinds of attention...”

“Well, I may not be any Celestia, and nor do I even possess half the mind of my lovely little sister Luna, but I would suppose that points towards thy instincts being correct in this circumstance, my brother.” Sleipnir said mildly, dragging his eyes away from demon and filly, and Scrivener frowned uneasily as Luna and Twilight both looked up at the vine-maned stallion. “Well, 'tis the only thing that makes sense, aye? Fire does not bide its time spreading through the forest, any more than a river will cease to flow because 'tis asked politely. 'Tis nothing personal, it is only nature, doing what nature must do. And likewise, destruction cannot help but destroy, and the hungry to feed, even when it creates great ripples through all of reality to do so and attracts the sting of both predator and protector.”

“So thou art saying that Thesis must be involved... may have this beast muzzled and collared, or shackled down in some other unnatural way that prevents it from doing what it desires most to do?” Luna questioned, and Sleipnir nodded calmly, which made Luna's muzzle wrinkle in distaste. “Glorious. Still, though: a badly-trained war manticore may be convinced to turn upon its own master with the right prompting.”

“Aye, true, sister. But remember 'tis mercy, and not just thy spear that will win the day against such.” Sleipnir said kindly, and Luna nodded firmly in agreement, smiling warmly up at her brother's gentle wisdom.

“Personally, my preference would be to kill everything that gets in our way. If the creature has to be destroyed anyway, then there's no point in being merciful. Let's just rip straight through it, and then crush Thesis out of existence after we deal with his little pet.” Morning Glory said distastefully, Innocence riding happily on her back and clinging to her upper spine, every now and then grasping and biting at the flowing, golden-fire mane of Destroyer. “It would be cruelty, in fact. Give it a moment to think that it's going to experience freedom before we take its existence away. Not that I am against cruelty, of course. I'm just trying to think in your 'nice pony' terms.”

Luna looked dryly over at the demon, then Innocence leaned up over one of the Destroyer's shoulders and waved happily at them. The gathered ponies smiled warmly back at the little filly, and Morning Glory scowled moodily at them before Twilight said awkwardly: “We're not... I mean... it's just because of my daughter...”

“Of course, yes. Be nice to a child and the entire world thinks of you as nothing but a joke and a soft-hearted fool.” A chain twisted up and wrapped around Innocence, then lifted the filly off her back and held the child in front of her features, Innocence gazing at her happily as Morning Glory said moodily: “But I'll have you know that I killed many her age, and younger.”

Twilight winced as Luna cleared her throat awkwardly and even Scrivener found himself without a response, but Sleipnir only smiled kindly and said softly: “But now thou art here, and now thou has a child in thy chains, and now that child loves thee and I can see thou love her. Do not attempt to distract us from thy virtues with follies thou art not speaking the entire truth of.”

Morning Glory only snorted in distaste... then she blinked in surprise as Innocence vanished with a pop from her chains and reappeared on the demon mare's features, clinging to her and giggling quietly as she nuzzled warmly into the Destroyer. Morning Glory was left mouthing wordlessly before she flushed a little and lowered her head, mumbling: “Please get her off.”

Twilight smiled and reached up to pull the child away, and Morning Glory glowered around the room before she stormed off towards the side of the library, sitting back and snapping her head down as plates of metal slid quickly into place over her features. She glared at them through the metal mask before two more plates quickly locked into place over her eyes, and Sleipnir and Luna traded entertained looks before the sapphire mare whispered loudly: “Now she is even more like the old Celestia, if I recall correctly.”

“Aye, tis.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, as Twilight gently set Innocence down, then winced when the foal immediately turned to scurry over towards Morning Glory. She began to bounce happily around the behemoth metal demon, even as the Lich hurried over to try and awkwardly dissuade the child from harassing the Destroyer. “I think she is a little less frightening, though. Celestia was always... oh, what is the word...”

Sleipnir looked thoughtful, then smiled when the library door opened and the ivory mare herself entered in full armor, Discombobulation in tow and carrying a heavy backpack for her with a grumpy expression on his face. “There thou art, sister! We were trying to think of the word I would always use for thee, what was it now? 'Twas not stuffy... although thou wert and thou still are at times... and 'twas not evil, though thou often came precariously close being to the very definition...”

“I think the word was 'apocryphal.' It was a word you learned while we were looking up prophecies and you had a very annoying two months where you went around applying it to everything you could.” Celestia said mildly, and Sleipnir nodded cheerfully a few times, stomping one hoof.

“Aye, that is right! And then I decided it applied best to thee because thou set the damned prophecies we had finally all gathered together aflame, in some silly gesture of spite.” Sleipnir chuckled and shook his head. “Thou wert such an angry, terrifying pony back then. Well, thou still are, as a matter of fact, but in a more-pleasant fashion, if that makes any sense at all.”

Celestia only shrugged agreeably, then she rolled her shoulders slowly, testing the tightness of her golden plate mail before she said calmly: “Kvasir is waiting outside with the others. I'm going to get Tyrfing, and then we can leave if you're all ready.”

“Aye, we are.” Luna nodded firmly, glancing back and forth between her family, and Discombobulation groaned as the ponies nodded. Then the sapphire mare turned her eyes towards the Destroyer, adding loudly: “If thou art ready, Morning!”

Morning Glory held up a hoof moodily to show she had heard, but otherwise didn't stir, and Luna huffed as Celestia strode by with a slight smile. Twilight, meanwhile, gently picked up Innocence and kissed the filly's forehead before setting her on her back, and Sleipnir was quick to stride up beside the Lich, walking alongside her with a warm, kind smile. “Fear not, Twilight Sparkle. I shall watch over her as if she were my own daughter, and love her just the same. My phoenix and I shall keep her safe and well.”

“Alright. I trust you two.” Twilight replied softly, smiling up at the stallion, and he smiled warmly in return, nodding firmly to her as they strode out through the library door and into the square.

Kvasir was standing some ten feet away, arguing loudly with Pinkamena as Antares and Meadowlark dumbly sat to the side and watched awkwardly. Scarlet Sage was nearby, rubbing slowly at her stomach and looking a little anxious: not at the debate, but at the fact her parents were once more plunging off into some unknown world on some wild adventure.

“Alright, Gluttony demon, then let me put this in terms you can understand. Valhalla is dessert, and dessert comes after dinner. Your world, is dinner.” Kvasir said distastefully, gesturing first to one side, then to the other with his hands. “You do not get to eat dessert until after dinner. You do not get to mix dessert into dinner. Although I suppose you probably don't know that, since you likely would eat out of a garbage bin or a sewer if you smelled food mixed into the rot.”

“Nah, I try to avoid places that waste products like you come out of.” Pinkamena retorted, and Kvasir glared at her before the demon reached up and seized his tie, yanking him down to eye level with her. “What about those letters then, huh? Why the hell do we get letters but you've got such a giant stick up your ass about keeping Asgard and Midgard apart?”

“Oh, here we go. Wonderful, I really want to get into this topic, yes. I knew that the All-Father's Day was a foul idea. First packages, now visits. Well, I'm saying no to both.” Kvasir slapped Pinkamena's hoof away from his tie, straightening and then looking down with disgust to see the knot had come undone. “Wonderful. Perfectly wonderful.”

He grumbled under his breath as he undid it, then calmly began to re-knot his tie, as Innocence cocked her head curiously and studied the two before saying finally: “Pink-me-nah.”

“Yeah, hi there, Tumor Two. You're going to be staying with me and Slippers, although your jackass brother over there has already promised to babysit when he can. We got better things to do than take care of a little snot like you all day, you know.” Despite her words, Pinkamena reached almost a little too eagerly for Innocence, and Twilight smiled a little despite herself as she passed her daughter to the demon, who cradled the infant easily in one foreleg and gave the faintest hint of a smile when Innocence buried her face into her with a smile. “So the tit-milk is here?”

“Yeah, I got Luna to express some. She's almost weaned off, so I don't think it'll be any problem. She just likes a bottle before she goes to bed, that's all.” Twilight said softly, and then she hesitated before beginning: “Pinkamena, listen-”

“No.” Pinkamena grumbled, and she half-turned away as Innocence burbled happily, glaring over at Antares. “You, say goodbye to your parents all nice-like. They're... pretty good folks.”

“I uh... yeah, I was going to, Pinkamena.” Antares said awkwardly, and then he sighed and smiled a little over at Twilight, striding past the demon and the homunculus to trade a tight hug with the violet mare. Then the Lich was surprised as Meadowlark came forwards to hug her as well, but she smiled gratefully, feeling a tingle of warm happiness as Antares said softly: “I really am going to miss you guys, though. Take care of Dad and... Móðer, right?”

“Right.” Twilight nodded with a soft smile, then she glanced over her shoulder as Luna and Scrivener emerged from the library, with Discombobulation following along behind them with his hiking backpack, still looking less-than-thrilled. “Don't worry, though, I will. And Celestia will be there too, so I don't think even Luna's going to be able to get up to too much.”

“Oh, come now, Twilight Sparkle! In the past, Luna and I got up to many hijinks together, and Celestia was not only always around then, she was far more frightening than she is now.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, then he glanced towards the library, watching as Morning Glory emerged... before cocking his head in surprise and adding wryly: “Or perhaps I should amend that statement to 'is far more frightening than she oft is now.'”

Celestia had Tyrfing on her back and a satchel hanging from one side of her body, but she was also wearing a featureless golden mask, her amethyst eyes gazing through the sockets with confidence and determination. Luna frowned curiously as she tossed a look over her shoulder, and stumbled into Sleipnir in surprise, the stallion laughing and throwing a foreleg easily around his little sister to squeeze her firmly close as he declared: “Now there, my sibling, that is the face of old Celestia if I ever did see it! The one who haunted my nightmares and made it difficult for me to please all the mares that came to my bed for days after we experienced a flare of her anger!”

“You better not think about your sister when you have sex with me.” Pinkamena said mildly, and then she paused and corrected, as Sleipnir glowered at her. “Actually, you better not think about either of your sisters when you have sex with me. Sick freak.”

Sleipnir huffed, and then Celestia remarked mildly, as her horn glowed and popped her mask up: “Don't worry, Pinkamena. The last thing you need to worry about is Sleipnir sleeping with me. After all, I'd have to find him attractive instead of frustrating and annoying to even consider it.”

“Oh, accursed harpies all around me, stinging and swiping me with their claws and beaks!” Sleipnir shouted in an injured voice, throwing his head back, and there were a few loud laughs from a group of ponies that was approaching to send them off.

Luna's eyes turned from marveling at Celestia's mask towards these approaching ponies, and she grinned after a moment, straightening slightly as Cowlick said mildly: “Me and Rainbow Dash here got a bet going. Now I say, you and Scrivener are going to come back horribly maimed. He says that Celestia's more likely to come back battle-damaged, 'cause she's more of the hero type. Since there's about a hundred bits on the line, do me a favor and break both of Scrivener's back legs before you guys come back, okay?”

“Oh screw you, Cowlick, you cheating... cheater.” Rainbow laughed even as he blushed awkwardly at the look Celestia and Luna gave them, and Applejack rolled her eyes in amusement on Dash's other side as Ross smiled brightly around at all the gathered ponies, and the warmth and companionship in the air. “Hey, I do have a serious question, though. Are you guys gonna be going to Ponyville in the other layer or anything, or are you just going to be there, then come back?”

“We'll be using the Bifrost, so we'll only be spending a week in this layer.” Celestia glanced over at Kvasir, who had just finished reknotting his tie, and the god nodded moodily with out looking up as he brushed his strange, dark-material hands against his chest. “Why do you ask?”

“I dunno. Just... curious, I guess. Thinking about how there's all kinds of us out there, and you know, you got... ponies like me, who are... stallion-versions instead of mares...” Rainbow Dash looked awkwardly down at one hoof, then he cleared his throat and looked up with a smile as Avalon shot down beside her father's head, the tiny Pegasus drawing her eyes with amazement over the fully-equipped band of ponies. “Plus I wanna hear all about whether or not I got a daughter half as great in some other layer as I do here.”

Applejack smiled softly at this, nudging her husband gently as Rarity and Spike gazed at each other, the ivory unicorn saying softly: “And I have to wonder if another Spike exists like mine... or well... like Beauty's, I suppose, too. It's funny, how thinking of that now... it's almost reassuring. Frightening, yes, but... reassuring, too.”

Fluttershy nodded as her triplets crowded forwards, the Pegasus glancing softly over at Nirvana as she murmured: “And I wonder sometimes what must have happened to me in the places without Phooka... and even more... about my mother. I don't imagine that... she was normal. I think sometimes that perhaps somewhere... there's a Fluttershy whose mother loves her.”

“I'm sure there is, Fluttershy. I know there is.” Twilight Sparkle said softly, and Fluttershy smiled warmly and nodded, blushing ever so slightly as her children looked up curiously, but the one-winged Pegasus only gently murmured tenderly to them in the language of the Phooka.

Big Mac smiled, and Soarin' waved, and Burning Desire flew down as a firebird before transforming into a stallion in a dive straight at his sister, but Morning Glory squashed him out of the air without even looking and kept him pinned under one hoof until Ersatz had finished wishing Scrivener Blooms good luck, and politely asked the Destroyer to get off the fiery stallion.

Abaddon scurried his way out of the library to leap up onto Scrivener's shoulder and chirp loudly, and Ratatoskr poked his head out of Celestia's mane only for a moment before vanishing back into the sea of rainbow locks. Both would be coming with them to help scout and carry messages if they had to separate, and Scrivener just hoped the little pets stayed safe. And he could feel all their friends and family hoping the same for them: that they would go in, do what needed to be done, and then come back intact.

“Are you all done?” Kvasir asked crankily, and then he tapped a wrist in an irritable gesture. “Time is money, and for me, time is also souls. I have to return to Valhalla sooner rather than later and I'd like to be on my way. Let's open the portal.”

“Of course, Kvasir.” Celestia smiled slightly over at the stallion, and then she shook her head slowly before glancing over at the others, as Luna and Scrivener traded quick final hugs and goodbyes with Scarlet Sage and Antares. Then the ivory mare turned her eyes up towards the cloudy summer skies, saying calmly: “Whenever you're ready.”

Kvasir held up a hand, closing his eyes and concentrating as he murmured a quiet prayer under his breath: slowly, a glow began to build in a circle on the ground, and the air to tremble and vibrate, before he gritted his teeth at the strain... but a moment later, first Celestia's horn began to glow, and then Twilight Sparkle's. Morning Glory added her own power, and Rarity and Ross and Burning Desire and Ersatz all poured their own magic forwards, lending their strength to the spell, and Kvasir felt the scale of power tip from a struggle just to summon up the strength to begin the magic, to a struggle to control this typhoon of energy.

Apart, these ponies were weak: nothing but talking horses, some who could fly through the air and some that could do a base form of nature magic, but all the same, weak as individuals. But when they worked together, even the weakest bands of these ponies suddenly became a force to be reckoned with. Their magic amplified each other's exponentially, they moved in concert be it in the air or on the earth, and when one fought beside another it was like they gave each other strength and forgot to be afraid of pain, or monsters, or death.

They were strong. You would never expect it, looking at these silly, brightly-colored, chatty sugar-loving equines who would probably all scream in horror at the sight of the far-less intelligent – and far more smelly – riding horses of Valhalla. But they were strong, and they were smart, and they were worth protecting for more reasons than they had once been Odin's favorite pets.

Kvasir flicked his arm out with a grunt of effort his eyes flashing, and there was a tremendous rumble before a tornado of golden fire erupted from the earth and tore into the sky, ripping a hole through reality itself, and he cursed at the exertion. It was something he never could have done on his own, something that many gods struggled to do, as several of the unicorns winced at the effort it had taken... but Celestia only rose her head proudly as the glow died out from around her horn, watching sharply as the spinning cylinder of golden fire burst apart to unveil the rainbow bridge, and the ivory mare shouted, not even a little out of breath: “Now, go!”

Without hesitation, the ponies raced for the radiant bridge that was wreathed in white flame, Luna grinning widely and racing Celestia for the lead as Scrivener and Twilight followed sharply behind. Morning Glory, meanwhile, seized Discombobulation with her chains before flinging him over her back and carrying him with ease, the demon quickly catching up with a grin on her features as she ran up the ramp last after the ponies. Ponies, who had just fearlessly run onto a burning bridge of light leading through a tunnel of fire that would bring them into a possibly-hostile reality, to save complete strangers from a threat that could very well destroy them. Ponies, who were braver and stronger than anything Kvasir had ever known.

Luna laughed loudly as Celestia grinned behind her mask, their manes sparking, but Luna's eyes were shining with energy: the feeling of the power thundered through her body as her horn crackled with power, seeming to draw in the energy of the tunnel of light and sound and pure potent magic around them, feeding her forbidden and untold knowledge as her mane burned like blue fire and she roared her delight.

Celestia breathed hard behind her mask, heat pumping through her body, her eyes glowing, and there was no fear for Luna in her heart... only joy. Absolute joy. Freedom, as they raced together for forever and for only a few seconds, before bursting out the other side of the Bifrost and into the wild, verdant fields of another world. Side-by-side, the two sisters shot down the rainbow ramp to the ground, leaping out into the grasses and gazing back and forth with wide grins on their features as their hearts thudded in their chests, and Luna couldn't help but throw her head back and laugh again.

Scrivener and Twilight burst out of the Bifrost a moment later, running down the ramp and both sparking with electricity and filled with pleasures of their own, Scrivener feeling his black blood boiling in his veins and Twilight shivering as her stitches writhed and pulsed and she felt such tremendous, incredible energy...

Morning Glory came last, carrying Discombobulation with her as he flailed wildly, the Destroyer growling as the rainbow bridge of light visibly cracked beneath her hooves before shattering just before the demon touched the ground, falling like shards of glass and dissolving moments before they struck the earth. Above, the hole in reality trembled, then suddenly snapped closed, sparking violently as lightning raced back and forth along Morning Glory's armor and her mane and tail flared with life, her eyes glowing as she said distastefully: “Are you done, fillies?”

“Not yet.” Luna only laughed, then looked down at the grassy slope beneath her hooves for a few moments before her eyes roved upwards, gazing out over a scattered forest of beautiful coniferous trees and towards the setting sun in the far crimson distance, slowly sinking into the sparkling ocean. “Look, look! It must be but a few miles away, down these slopes and beyond the wild... oh, Celestia, we have landed upon Equestria's other edge!”

“Bound on either side by sea, with the winterlands to the north and the deserts to the south... Equestria. Wide and mighty, and unified as one nation.” Celestia said softly, gazing up towards the darkening, dusky sky. “Yes, this feels like... Equestria, and not just that, it feels like the old days. It really does.”

“Aye, it does... but even better.” Luna smiled warmly over her shoulder at Twilight and Scrivener, who both smiled back as the Lich blushed a little and Scrivener gazed at her softly through his glasses as Abaddon chirped from his shoulder, the pseudodragon shaking itself out. “And now we are done, Morning Glory. Thou can put Discombobulation down by the way, it looks as if he did not quite enjoy riding thee as much as he does riding my sister.”

Morning Glory rolled her eyes at this, and then her chains twisted free from the Draconequus to let him slowly slide off her and quietly land face-first on the ground, gradually keeling over to fall on his side with a wheeze and a groan. He shivered once, then shook his head slowly before blinking a few times and looking up, asking dumbly: “Mommy, are we there yet? Because I think I have to use the potty. Uh oh, too late.”

Morning Glory only glowered at him as Celestia strode over to the Draconequus, smiling slightly as she reached up a hoof to squeeze his shoulder gently. “We're here, Bob. And I think we should head up the slope a little... the woods are fairly thin, and behind us the terrain looks like it's hilly, but well-spaced. We should be able to find a good place to set up camp for the night.”

Luna grunted in agreement, turning and looking up towards the top of the gentle slope: the incline wasn't steep, but it was long, and there were few trees, giving them an excellent advantage in terms of sight. The plains above looked like they were a mix of scattered, rough brush and short, mound-like hills: wild country, in other words, but the wild country had always been their friend in the old days, when they had adventured across the then-untamed world.

The sapphire mare smiled a little at this, turning her eyes towards Scrivener Blooms as Celestia gently helped Discombobulation stand, the Draconequus grunting and cracking his back loudly as he mumbled: “I definitely knew all that, by the way. I was clearly just playing along and not at all delirious from being strapped to a nasty dirty demon while energy currents were running through our bodies making me feel all her gleeful little joyfulness at thoughts of cutting and killing and mashing and smashing and...”

The Draconequus turned a little pale, his tongue flopping out as he shuddered once, then he shook himself firmly out and mumbled: “Demons. I might be a patchwork doll, but at least I'm just all to pieces physically. You're the ones with the brains that are all twirly-whirly upside-downy. And that's much scarier. Like Willy Wonka. The original Willy Wonka, the 'wilder' one that scared the hell out of all the kids, who completely ad-libbed several of the scenes. Those looks of horror on the kid's faces? Not acting at that point. Very real. Very powerful stuff.”

Morning Glory looked moodily over at Discombobulation, and then she rolled her eyes and muttered: “Funny. For a moment there, you reminded me of my big brother.”

“I hope that's not code for 'I want to make out with you.'” Discombobulation remarked, and then he winced and jackknifed Celestia when the Destroyer glared at him furiously, taking cover behind the golden-armored mare as Celestia sighed and smiled a little despite herself. “I'm so glad that you're a walking fortress, Tia. It gives me someplace to hide, like a snail that shares a shell with its mate.”

“We're not married yet, Bob. And if you're going to propose, I'd like you to do a little better than that.” Celestia said mildly, and Discombobulation mouthed wordlessly as Luna, Scrivener, and even Twilight couldn't help but laugh. Morning Glory only grumbled and rolled her eyes, turning to stride moodily off and begin searching for a place to set up camp.

It didn't take them long to find a natural campsite that was perfect for them: craggy rocks worn into almost gripping talons safely walled their back, and it faced out over the long, open slope below. It was almost a natural, miniature theater, and Luna and Celestia only shared a single glance through the gathering darkness before they both nodded in approval at Morning Glory's choice, and the demon grunted and sat down at the edge of the uneven, jutting stone wall. “Good. Set up your cozy little tents, I'll keep watch.”

“No tents. No need for that on a night like tonight, in this kind of climate. And none of us here exactly need sleep... it's a luxury we can forgo while we take in a little more about the world around us.” Celestia said softly, glancing back and forth before she turned her eyes to Discombobulation as he stared at her and gestured violently with his head at the enormous backpack he was wearing several times. “No, don't worry. We will use the tents, but after we deal with... whatever might be out here. Otherwise we could end up having all our equipment demolished.”

Discombobulation grimaced at this, then he sighed and pulled off the equipment bag, tossing it aside and grumbling: “I suppose that Apple lied when they said there was an app for everything. Alright then, Tia, but if it starts to rain, you're paying for the hotel. And it had better not be one of those haunted evil hotels, either. I'm not saying it has to be classy, just not full of death and puzzles.”

Abaddon chirped in agreement with this, and Scrivener and Luna traded amused smiles with each other as Twilight asked: “Do you think it's going to take us long to find this... thing? And should we set up any kind of camp at all then, or just... wait?”

“I don't think it will be tonight. We can at least bring out the sleeping bags, but I don't know if we should remove our equipment. We don't know much about this world, after all...” Celestia hesitated, gazing up at the night sky again and murmuring: “The stars are similar to the ones back home... similar, but there's an odd constellation in the northeast that I don't recognize.”

Luna glanced up curiously at this, then she narrowed her eyes slightly, studying it with interest. “Aye, the stars have been moved into different positions... and now that I am gazing upon the skies... damnation, Celestia. They are not the skies of the past... the stars tell me they have gazed down over Equestria for many, many years...”

The sapphire mare's horn gave a soft pulse as she cocked her head with interest, and Celestia looked curiously at Luna as Scrivener and Twilight traded amused looks, then turned their attention to Discombobulation, who looked like he needed help sorting out the backpack. Luna's dominion over the night extended up to the skies above, letting her hold odd, awkward conversations with the stars themselves: conversations everypony – including Luna – knew were half-imagined, like a filly drawing conclusions from careful study of the world around her, but believing that her 'invisible friends' had told her all these things it seemed impossible for her to know... not that the invisible friends might not be real now and then. “The stars claim they recognize me and do not. So there is clearly a Princess Luna. I do not need to ask if there is a Princess Celestia, I know that as long as I exist thou must as well, in some shape or form.”

Celestia only smiled amusedly at this, shaking her head a little before beginning: “Maybe you could ask about-”

“Maybe thou could shush, Celestia, 'tis very rude to interrupt me as I am speaking with the heavens above. I do not ever interrupt thee when thou art talking to thy... well. If thou had friends I would not interrupt thee while talking to them. Apart from the silly musicians, I mean.”

Celestia gave Luna an amused look despite herself at this, shaking her head and holding up a hoof in silent promise to remain quiet Luna grunted and nodded firmly in approbation, then she returned her eyes to the night sky, murmuring: “As above, so below.”

She allowed herself to fall quiet, then suddenly cocked her head in surprise, asking with interest as if in response to some unheard point: “Four? Truly now... well, that is only a slight surprise... oh, 'princess?' That I did not expect. What, does gaining wings in this world automatically make one a so-called princess? That is ludicrous. Wings do not make a princess any more than does the tiara or jewelry or the other fancy things that I still do not know the name of.”

“You never were much of one for proper Canterlot etiquette, as I recall. I think you only ever liked using the Royal Canterlot Voice because it let you yell at everypony and pretend to impose your authority everywhere. Which I must remark is a little like the old Barons... threatening, shouting, a lack of knowledge about your own office but happily trying to dismiss entire holidays for offending you before storming off to sulk...” Celestia began, then she smiled slightly at Luna's grumpy glower, the ivory mare reaching up to make a zipping motion across her own lips.

Discombobulation snorted in amusement at this, and then he whispered loudly over at Scrivener and Twilight Sparkle, as they began to unroll sleeping bags: “I taught her that. That was me, see?”

“You should be very proud of yourself.” Scrivener said mildly, and Discombobulation gave him a flat look before he snapped his fingers, and a moment later the sleeping bag Scrivener had just unrolled sprung upwards and wrapped violently several times around the earth pony's body, leaving his head sticking out of a cloth cocoon and staring dumbly before he tipped over on his side.

Twilight only sighed and shook her head, then she asked curiously after a moment: “So... Bob, if I can ask about you and Celestia...”

“No. You may not.” Discombobulation said stiffly, glowering over at the Lich. “This isn't a romantic comedy. Well, alright maybe it is, but you know what? At least I'm not like Luna, a Little Sister to her Big Daddy Scrivener Blooms, dependent upon each other for their survival. And drinking blood and vomiting it up and injecting gene-mutating chemicals into yourselves.”

Scrivener sighed tiredly at this, then he wiggled a little in the cocoon of the sleeping bag and looked grumpily up. “Can you at least unwrap me from this sleeping back before insulting me? Or instead of insulting me, just leave me here?”

The Draconequus only shrugged at this, looking mildly at the stallion. “I don't know. Would you kindly stop insulting me? Actually, that reference fits you rather well: I bet Valthrudnir and Andrew Ryan would get along fantastically, after all, and you're both prodigal sons, now aren't you?”

“That's hitting below the belt.” Scrivener said flatly, and Discombobulation seesawed a hand back and forth in the air before the stallion sighed again and muttered: “Of course, by now I'm so used to him crawling around in my head for so long that it really doesn't bother me that much anymore.”

Twilight Sparkle shook her head slowly, then she leaned over and suggested gently: “Celestia's not ashamed of you at all, Bob, I want you to remember that. You two play off each other really well. I think what you need to remember to do most of all is just continue to be yourself and-”

“Did... I'm sorry, did I not say that you may not note any edits in the script of my romantic comedy? Which of course is a syllogism for 'please stop bringing up my relationship I really don't want to talk about it whatsoever.'” Discombobulation said crankily, glowering over at the Lich, and then he gave Scrivener Blooms a grouchy look when the stallion cleared his throat.

“That's not a syllogism. It's more of a euphemism. But mostly it's just you shoving words together to try and avoid the subject.” Scrivener said dryly, and then he sighed when Abaddon pounced onto his head from where the pseudodragon had been stalking through the grasses, the charcoal stallion muttering: “When we get attacked by something horrible, I'm not saving you, or you, Bob. I'm going to just sit back and let its tentacles do awful things to you.”

“This isn't hentai, Luna, so I feel relatively confident we won't be dealing with intrusive tentacles. Unless it's a yaoi demon. Then I could be in trouble.” Discombobulation rubbed moodily at his features, adding dryly: “And I think you should be more worried about that in any case. Personally, when the going gets tough, the cowardly like me phase out of reality and hide. You, on the other hand, don't have that luxury. And even worse, it might give Scrivener Blooms' ideas. Awful ideas.”

Scrivener stared up at the Draconequus, then shuddered a little as Twilight sighed and flicked her horn, and the cocoon of cloth around Scrivener finally loosened as Discombobulation gave the mare a dry look. “Let's try and focus, guys, okay?”

They both nodded after a moment, and then Luna grunted from where she was still seated, drawing her eyes down and saying clearly: “We should be on guard tonight. The stars tell me that the monster lurks... somewhere near. But 'tis strange that we cannot feel its malice, and there are no signs of its violence...”

“That doesn't just point to it being controlled by something, but maybe something is protecting it.” Celestia said slowly, frowning down at Luna, and the sapphire mare nodded before the ivory equine asked quietly: “Did the stars tell you anything else at all?”

“Nay. I can see plenty of answers in our own night sky, but this is... the stars of every plane are a little different. It takes me time to interpret what they are speaking, to learn their dialect... 'tis a little tricky.” Luna replied, shaking her head and smiling wryly over at the mare. “Language is a tricky thing as it is. 'Tis even harder when they speak in such angelic voices.”

Scrivener smiled amusedly over at the mare, and Luna huffed at him before saying grumpily: “Well, 'tis the fault of thee that I am so 'poetic,' Scrivener Blooms. Thou art the damned poet, after all, and so 'tis clearly from thee mixing into me that I have become so... worduous.”

“Worduous. I think that's the best thing you've said this week, and you've said quite a few memorable things this week.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he glanced over at Celestia, asking hesitantly: “So... assuming that this is something Thesis is controlling... even if it's one of those things, the fact he's controlling it means it's probably not so powerful it's outside of our pay grade, right?”

“You clearly learned that term from me. I demand that from now on, when ponies do things they learn from me, I receive fair and equal payment.” Discombobulation said sourly, holding up a metallic finger. Scrivener and Luna both simply glared at him, and there was an awkward moment of silence before he shrank his head back and mumbled: “I'm protected under parody laws, I'll have you know.”

Celestia, meanwhile, was only looking thoughtfully at the ground: surprisingly, it wasn't she who answered, but instead Morning Glory, as the demon rose her head from her apparent meditation and said moodily: “Not necessarily, and I would know that better than any of you. I am a Destroyer: while I have a leader to follow, I am saner, and the ability to reason my way logically through the world makes me stronger and less-vulnerable. You also forget that if Thesis can puppet this creature, his guidance would nullify its own intelligence. It would simply do as ordered, and all the strategy would be that of Thesis himself.”

“Wonderful.” Scrivener muttered, as he and Luna traded grimaces. “Damned if you do, and damned if you don't, then.”

Morning Glory only gave a cynical smile at this. “That's foolish, Scrivener Blooms. We were all damned a long time ago. You, me, and everyone else here. Even you, patchwork doll... I don't have to point out that you've strayed far, far from Ginnungagap, after all. You've committed the cardinal sins of chaos: obeyed law, stilled life, made yourself an ally to us.”

Discombobulation crossed his arms, looking dryly over at Morning Glory as he asked: “Are you sure you're not projecting here, Iron Giant? You're the one who's a world-wrecking weapon that decided to make friends with the inhabitants instead after a nasty bump on the noggin. And we already know how the movie ends: 'You stay, I go.' Except I'm not going to cry when you end up in pieces. Not a single little tear will be shed that day. Not one. Nope.”

Morning Glory looked at him sourly, then turned her eyes towards Celestia, asking in a more professional voice: “Do you want me to set up wards?”

“I am still here, and I am still thy damned mistress!” Luna snapped, waving her front limbs through the air, and Morning Glory rolled her eyes but turned her gaze towards the sapphire mare. Luna scowled back and then nodded firmly, before pausing and glancing awkwardly at Celestia, asking lamely: “So... should we be on vigil?”

Celestia shook her head, saying quietly: “No, I don't think so. We have a good view of the area, and the rocks at our back. Let's light a fire, and spend tonight... resting. Watchful, yes, but not tense. What's bothering me now is if this beast is being controlled, whatever it is... why is it it here? What reason would Thesis have, if he is indeed restraining it somehow, to send a creature that was generating so much distortion Kvasir couldn't figure out what it was, specifically to this world, specifically roaming this area?”

Scrivener nodded slowly, and Morning Glory said quietly: “As long as you recognize, Celestia, that no matter what the answer to that question is, the creature has likely already completed its task. We were late showing up, after all, since Heaven's weak-kneed administrator never even considered sending us in to deal with the problem until a few days ago.”

“Kvasir is working hard. His job is more difficult than I want to imagine, and in a way it served everyone's best interests anyway.” Celestia replied calmly, glancing over towards the demon. “It's been too long for this to be some kind of ambush Thesis was hoping to lead us into. That still may be part of it but I highly doubt that was the original intent now.”

Luna only grunted moodily, lowering her head. “Aye, but I dare not guess at anything for certain, Celestia. Thesis was made from both a version of thee and Valthrudnir himself... I do not desire to imagine what kind of guile he must possess, and what art of strategy he may have gleaned from both his... his 'parents.'”

The sapphire mare shivered a little at this, and Scrivener grimaced as Twilight glanced uneasily towards him, before the stallion frowned as he heard Valthrudnir mutter in his mind: Oh please, philistines. He is made of my genetic material but I served in no way as 'father,' only 'mentor...' and even then, only to the point where I could perfect a military design capable of both great feats of power as well as exemplary strategic thought. Much of my concentration was on enhancing him beyond his pathetic pony drives and animal intellect, which was much more difficult than any of you insects seems to appreciate. The physical is easy to modify: the exospinal enhancements provide him with his strength, while-

“Wait, wait, hold on.” Scrivener blinked and looked up dumbly, and there was a groan of irritation in his mind as Luna looked sharply at Scrivener and the others frowned curiously. By now, though, Scrivener was used to being stared at while he talked to the voices in his head... both the real ones and the imaginary ones he sometimes grumbled to. “You mean that metal thingy on Thesis' back, that's why he's so strong?”

Tell me, your mother and father... were they related genetically, and perhaps the result of inbreeding themselves? Because I'm striving to find a possible reason for your incredible stupidity and that is the only one that helps me also take into account your extreme ugliness and inability to speak without sounding like your mouth is full of your own fecal matter. Valthrudnir retorted derisively, and Scrivener slowly narrowed his eyes towards the sky as one twitched a bit, wondering whether or not the dragon was getting so much more insulting because of him as well. Yes, plebeian. The 'metal thingy' on Thesis' back makes him strong. Or should I break it down into single syllable grunts for you?

“I will break thy face. I will do it with my hoof. It will be hoof party in thy face's house the moment the chance presents itself, Valthrudnir.” Luna threatened darkly, before she visibly worked to control her anger as she closed her eyes and asked slowly: “But even when 'tis not being powered...”

Oh, you noticed the pistons? What a pleasant surprise. Gold star, Luna Brynhild, you can put it on the fridge to show mommy later. Valthrudnir paused, and then there was a mental image of him sneering, his eyes flashing as he mocked: Oh wait, you can't, because you don't have a mommy. You're just a flesh-puppet.

Luna snarled and leapt suddenly forwards, slamming a hoof into Scrivener's face, and the charcoal stallion was knocked sprawling on his back with a yelp, glasses flying through the air on a high arc to land a few feet away. Celestia sighed as Twilight winced and grabbed at her own features, but Luna twitched only a little bit before she spat to the side, one eye blinking awkwardly as bruising slowly spread around it. “Damned parasite, stand and fight!”

Scrivener groaned and rubbed at his head, but he caught an image of Valthrudnir looking ruffled, brushing himself grumpily off before the dragon muttered through their minds: Very well, obnoxious little Valkyrie, I'll correct your childish hypothesis: no, the exoskeleton is always at work, accelerating Thesis' powers. The only point you are somewhere near correct is this: with or without it, Thesis is a dangerous opponent, and you are not strong enough to engage him in a direct confrontation and survive, not even with the advantage of your crude White Matter.

There was a long silence following this, as Luna slumped a little and Twilight frowned worriedly: she was tapping into their minds, hearing the dragon's words and feeling their emotions... and what struck the Lich was that both Scrivener and Luna believed him. Except she understood why, too: he was arrogant, cruel, enjoyed seeing them in pain, and would probably turn on them if he had half the chance to do so without suffering himself... but that was exactly it. Right now, Valthrudnir couldn't put them in any sort of danger without risking himself too, and that was something the Jötnar would not do.

Luna sighed softly, and then Twilight felt a moment of... it was almost panic, as Valthrudnir's voice said softly through their minds, cajoling and charismatic, an entirely different set of emotions coming from him: But rest assured, Nihete, Brynhild... he can be destroyed, outplayed, and overpowered. And we will do all three, when the time is correct for it...

“Enough, that's... enough.” Twilight said quietly, and Luna and Scrivener both looked over at her before nodding, pushing away and blocking out the voice of the Jötnar even as Valthrudnir gave a grumble of irritation. There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna finally reached down and grabbed one of Scrivener's front hooves, yanking him firmly back up to his own as Twilight shook her head and turned towards Celestia, who was measuring them silently with her eyes. “Apparently... apparently Thesis has... that thing on his back is part of what makes him stronger.”

Scrivener nodded a little, and he rubbed a little at his face before glancing over at Celestia as he picked up his glasses, saying quietly: “It has something to do with the corruption in his body, too, though... Thesis is already... he might be a military model, but he's also kind of the... 'one.' Cheshire came before him, but Thesis has all the abilities that were later modified into... different classes of Replicant, like me, and Protelea, and Psukhikos...”

He shook his head, shivering a little, before Celestia said quietly: “It would be extremely beneficial if you would speak to Valthrudnir further about this, get him to share more information with us. I'm... very hesitant to ask you to do so, but...”

“We'll try.” Scrivener said after only a moment's hesitation, nodding and looking down, and then he smiled a little as Abaddon scurried between him and Luna and chirped worriedly up at him, the stallion reaching down and stroking gently along the pseudodragon's skull. “Hey, don't worry little guy. I'm fine. Everything's going to be okay, one way or another. Mostly because it's pretty hard to care about things when you're dead and all, so... if we do die, there's always that.”

“Oh, Scrivener Blooms. Master of finding the silver lining to every dark and ominous cloud.” Luna said ironically, and then she punched him gently in the shoulder before sighing and glancing up at the sky, as stars twinkled overhead and the moon shone down with its radiant ivory light. “'Tis so bright tonight. I wonder if 'tis natural or our presence has been sensed by the four princesses whom apparently rule this Equestria together.”

Twilight cocked her head curiously at this, and Discombobulation snorted in amusement, holding up a finger as he remarked: “You know, I get that they use 'princess' because it's a much-prettier and less-imposing term than 'queen.' But when there's four of you and only one ever seems to do any of the work, it just goes to prove that no matter how many people might call you Chuck Norris, that doesn't automatically grant you a beard and a fist in place of your chin. But you can still get killed by Bruce Lee. That applies to pretty much everything, though.”

Luna looked thoughtful at this, then her horn began to glow as she concentrated, and a moment later, a shaggy beard of glowing sapphire light like her mane swirled into being. All eyes stared at this, and Luna proudly rose her bushy head before striding towards Discombobulation as her beard of starlight shivered, then reshaped itself into a crude fist that swung forwards and punched firmly into the crotch of the Draconequus.

Discombobulation squeaked as his eyes bulged, grabbing at his groin and slowly keeling over onto his side before Luna turned and grinned toothily, looking back and forth as her beard and mane swirled slowly around her features. “Thou may now refer to me as Chuck Norris, and 'twill be true.”

Celestia only sighed and dropped her head in one hoof, and Morning Glory rolled her eyes as Twilight and Scrivener stared with disbelief at the sapphire mare. Then Abaddon cheerfully leapt up and clung into Luna's beard, and the mare grinned widely, looking around at them all with glowing eyes that reminded them no matter what happened, Luna would always find a way to lighten the mood... and prove that she could do anything she set her mind to.

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