• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 454 Views, 1 Comments

Paradise Sounds - Listie The Scribe Maid

Introducing the best Hungarian OC since... I have no idea!

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I Know There's A Good Answer (Part I Of "Good Vibrations")

A parody of the Paradise series by BixXaa
Written by That Gamer!
CHAPTER 02: I Know There's A Good Answer (Part I Of "Good Vibrations")

Like the last chapter, it was a typical day in PonyVille. The grass was growing (as if it wouldn't be), the birds were flying (because they didn't need roads) and the sun was shining (because canon happened). The ponies went to work, played with each other, everything seemed normal. In fact, things would stay normal. Don't buy the build up.

Paradise visited her cousins again, because Canterlot rejected her for not making them seem as bright and shiny as they wanted to appear. Anyways, Paraadise and Rarity were good friends (almost best friends), but Paradise was hanging out with Fluttershy, because Rarity just so happened to be in a conference about her episodes in season 4.

Fluttershy and Paradise were observing animals in nature, something they could do just by glancing at Fluttershy's place, when they met with Gilda the griff... What? You never heard of "griff"? That's what they call griffons in the hood. Anyways, da griff was shocked when she saw them. (Ponies? In nature?) Poor Fluttershy was very frightened because some things *re-use joke* have to follow canon. She tried to hide behind Paradise, but Paradise wasn't the biggest OC ever. Now Paradise, on the other hoof, knew who was Gilda. They were long-standing enemies. How this came about was seemingly random, but let's not touch upon it. Let's just say it has something to do with the rubber band incident. All in all, she hated Gilda so much.

"Oh, it's you." Paradise was repulsed by the thought of claws. "How have you been? Still a flank-hole?"

"First of all, yes, ponies are still giving me $#!t about it," Gilda replied. "Anyways, you probably think I'm here to call you an egoist and Fluttershy a coward, but-"

"Of course you're gonna call me an egoist; it's been recognized by the Official Original Character Board of Equestria (OOCBE)," smiled Paradise.

"Really?" Gilda asked in a bored tone.

"No..." Paradise sighed. "A-anyways, I heard that you got yourself in this athletic academy. I think it's kinda Wonderbolts Academy, but for jerks."

"First of all, it's a pretty respectable place. Second, it ain't for jerks, Third, well, yeah, thanks, I did. The entry wasn't exactly the easiest thing, but I managed to-"

"Hang onto your ego, Nyx, I'm talking to Gilda the brush-off here," Paradise snapped.

"Well, anyways, Nyx pretty much summed up my feelings. It really was kinda-"

"No, no, let me finish before you brag some more," Paradise continued. "Most of the people who go there, they can lose weight like it's nopony's business. However, I think you broke the laws of physics by actually making yourself fatter! Then you... Already... Weren't."

Gilda had a quick static shock, while Fluttershy was laughing quietly. She just remembered this one night her and Chrysalis had...

"Hey, I wasn't going to-" Gilda began, but Paradise to continue on.

"Oh, dearie me, I hope I didn't hurt your 'feelings'," said Paradise before cracking u[. "Y'know, if HAD any!"

"YOU'RE BEING AWFUL RUDE, YA KNOW!" shouted Gilda, who was getting upset.

"Hey, even though Pinkie doesn't know you're here, she wants to throw you a party," cackled Paradise evilly.

"How does that work?" Fluttershy enquired.

"Just roll with it," Paradise hissed before going back to Gilda: "All of your friends are gonna be there!... If you had any!" Paradise started laughing even harder. "Because of how unlikable you are!"


"Do I smell soil baby diaper?"

"Some ponies get off to that, you know," Fluttershy commented.

"Quiet; I'm a roll," Paradise snapped. Anyways, Gilda: "What're you gonna do? CRY?! Cry, baby! CRY!"

"I HATE YOU!" Gilda began to weep hopelessly. "I... I WAS TRYING TO APOLOGIZE TO FLUTTERSHY AND ALL THEM, YOU BUCKING TW@T! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!" And then flew away.

"Finally, she's gone..."said the white pegasus to Fluttershy. "How did I do?"

"You were incredible!" Fluttershy exclaimed

"Thanks; I think I did pretty good," Paradise said, rubbing a hoof on her chest.

"Um... L-let me f-f-finish," Fluttershy stammered. "You were incredibly harsh. M-m-maybe she was really trying to apologize. B-besides, it seems you f-f-forgot about you being n-nice and all."

For a few seconds, Paradise let it all sink in. Then she realized that was a tad bit of a jerk. "Wow... I feel awful now," she frowned.

"Don't worry about it," smiled Fluttershy, patting Paradise on the back. "She's bound to forget it in a fiction or two. Now, come on, let's go." And then they continued their little trip.

Author's Note:

And that's the exciting two-part saga of Paradise. Will there be more in the future? Maybe, if BixXaa. And to be completely honest, spelling errors aside, I like BixXaa and Paradise. They're certainly a lot better then anything Bemnal The Fallen has made (he made Ivory, FYI). Anyways, to quote the Beach Boys, "Let's go away for awhile".