• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 11,465 Views, 1,064 Comments

A Heart of Change - SilentBelle

Sweetie Belle comes up with a plan to share a summer's vacation with her friends. Little do the young mares know that their trip will not be quite as they had planned. But when has anything ever happened as they planned?

  • ...

Chapter 12 - To Consider the Future

A Heart of Change - Chapter 12: To Consider the Future
By: SilentBelle

With a flash, the voice stopped and the room fell silent. Apple Bloom blinked the blinding effect out of her eyes and looked around her, searching for further signs of the assailant. Eventually, she cast a nervous glance at Sweetie Belle. What just happened?

The sound of a thump caught in her ears, and she turned her head to see that Slater had collapsed to the floor. Granette and Gravelle both rushed over to the old dog.

“Father! Hang in there!” Granette cried desperately, as she frantically used one paw to probe him for a pulse. “Gravelle, go get help! Quickly, he's still alive!”

The younger dog nodded and bolted out the door as fast as she could.

Apple Bloom moved over towards Slater, while Scootaloo began pestering Sweetie Belle with a barrage of questions. Apple Bloom looked at the old dog. He had collapsed onto his backside. Limp and motionless, he seemed so soft compared to only moments before. She saw his chest rise and fall in shallow breaths.

Beside him, Granette pulled herself upright from her crouch and regarded the earth pony. “That voice... Tell me, little pony, do you know who that was?”

Apple Bloom shook her head sadly. “We heard it once before. Before we entered yer caves, he threatened us and attacked us. He certainly ain't up ta any good.” She gave Granette a look of worry. “Slater’ll be okay, won't he?”

The leader looked down at her father and frowned darkly. “I do not know. But I have little training in such matters. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.” She clenched both her hands tightly and took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Yer paw...” Apple Bloom began, noticing the burned fur and reddened flesh underneath. “Doesn't that hurt?”

The dog looked down at her burned paw, a dark smirk crossing her face. “I suppose it does. But it hurts far less than seeing Slater like this.”

“Ya have doctors, right? Or somethin' similar on the way...” Apple Bloom reasoned. “You should really put that under some cold water 'fore it gets worse.”

“This is nothing but a mark of honour. A reminder of what has just happened,” the dog said stubbornly. “I'll stay here until Gravelle returns with the others.”

Oh fer cryin' out loud! Yer paw's burned! Apple Bloom shook her head but allowed the subject to drop. She's a leader, and Ah ain't about ta give her orders.

“So you know not who that voice belongs to.” Granette growled slightly clenching her burned paw into a fist. “I vow on my honour that he will pay for the wrong that he has done. Attacking a dog is not something anyone should do lightly. For to attack one dog is to attack the entirety of the clan.”

“Yet we have no idea where he is, or how to face him.” Apple Bloom shook her head again. “It ain't a good idea ta chase things ya can't find.”

Granette peered down at the earth pony. “It is not your place to advise me on good and bad ideas, pony.”

“Ah didn't mean any offense,” Apple Bloom nearly stuttered. “A-Ah just think it'd be best ta focus on the things at hoof.”

“Leadership is never just about the things at hand,” Granette retorted. “I will consider the entirety of the situation and announce my decision to the clan. I do not need your advice. You ponies have played your part here. You've carried more honour than I could have expected and your reward for your task is right there.” She pointed to the top of her desk where a small sack sat innocuously, yet entirely out of place. “I am sure that we can both agree that keeping you ponies down here will only lead to more problems. I'll allow you and your friends to stay another night if you so wish, but you must leave within a day.”

“Ah see,” Apple Bloom said nervously, bowing her head in respect. “Ah understand, but ya said you'd send a dog ta guide us out.”

Granette paused for a moment, then she reached over to the desk and picked up the bag. “So I did, and I'm a dog of my word. I'll send for Byron to escort you out of our caves. I suspect he’s the least likely to cause any more trouble.”

“He’ll bring us close to the Crystal Empire Ah hope...”

“Yes, of course. I'm not stupid, girl. I know that ponies are good allies to have, and in a time like this, our clan needs as many allies as we can get. If you can find a way to contact Princess Cadence, let her know that the Black Snout Clan is willing to aid in standing up to an international threat. If you do this, you can consider your honour fulfilled and your reward fully earned.”

“International threat?” Apple Bloom wondered at the legitimacy of the claim.

“I thought you had a lick of sense, girl! If some mad unicorn can just waltz their magic into the center of our city and attack the pack leader in the middle of a meeting, then it is clearly a danger on the international level. I'm not about to underestimate the threat my foe poses!” Granette handed over the sack to Apple Bloom. “Take your reward and go about your duty with honour. I have business to attend to.”

As Apple Bloom picked up the reward, she frowned at its weight. That's pretty generous of her ta give us this much, so long as it's not all quartz. She moved over to her friends and as she did so, she heard the sound of numerous dogs running up the main hall.

The trio watched as a few dogs entered the room and wasted no time in moving over to Slater's side. Soon, a burble of growls, barked orders and pertinent questions filled the chamber as an indiscernible background of noise.

Scootaloo continued what she had been saying to a seemingly oblivious Sweetie Belle. “So if we don't know where the voice came from, then how do we track him to find out where he's coming from?” She waited a moment before turning from the activity of the new dogs and giving Sweetie Belle a glare. “Are you even listening to me anymore?”

“Sorry, Scoots.” Sweetie Belle gave an embarrassed smile. “But no, I can't track him. The magic came through the window though, and probably traveled through one of the vents, or maybe one of the higher tunnels. Magic tends to flow easier through open air than rock. Air doesn't have much magic in it, while rocks have a bunch, though it's all pressed together. It's hard to get magic to flow through such a medium, so you end up losing a lot if you try.”

The pegasus blinked. “Alright, I'll take that as a 'no' then.” She turned to Apple Bloom as the earth pony set down the rough sack on the ground before them. “So I guess that means we're not going to be able to chase after whoever that voice was.”

“Why do you even want to chase after him anyway?” Sweetie Belle wondered. “Aren't you always going on about wanting to get out of this place?”

“Well, yeah, but look what he did.” Scootaloo nodded to the crowd of dogs in the room. “And you heard what he said. He's not about to leave these dogs alone after that. If nopony tracks him down, then he'll just keep this sort of thing up.”

“That's surprisingly well-reasoned for you.” Sweetie Belle flashed a grin. “Trust me though, if I knew where to start looking—or how—I'd already be trying my best to find him. But he's definitely far away. Thankfully, he shouldn't be able to do much more without another source to channel his magic through. But that brings into question how he can channel magic through Scoddri's crystals and how he knew about him in the first place. What is his relationship to Scoddri anyway?”

“Those are questions that'll only involve a lot o' speculation,” Apple Bloom said evenly. “Listen girls, Ah had a talk with Granette. We have a day at most 'fore we have ta go. We're allowed ta stay one more night in the guest room if we want ta, and once we decide ta go, she'll have Byron take us down the tunnel that leads us closest ta the Crystal Empire. From there, Ah suppose we can make it ta the city. Hopefully the crystal ponies there will know what's happenin'.”

Scootaloo nodded. “It will be good to get out of here. I just hope that... whoever-he-is isn't waiting for us at the end of the tunnel, preparing to blast us.”

“Oh,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, “is that a bag full of gems?”

“Yeah, it's our reward fer helpin' out and checkin' out that stone. C'mon, let's head on ta the guest quarters, Ah think we'll just get in the way up here.” Apple Bloom picked the sizable bag up, and headed for the door, her two friends falling in behind her.

* * *

The walk back to their room was uneventful, for which Scootaloo was quite glad. She'd had enough excitement for one day. With a stifled yawn, she entered their dark room. A mess of crystal sand lay on the floor, untouched from Sweetie Belle's earlier experiments. Yet there was a new sack of dried oats, a large metal pitcher of water, and a pile of clean, ceramic bowls on the table.

Oats again? I guess diamond dogs aren't much for variety, are they? She shook her head at the sight, but moved past it and took a seat on her hard bed. She was glad she had no saddlebags to get rid of, and watched as her friends went about their own business.

Apple Bloom set the large sack on the table, nearly knocking over the oats and water, while Sweetie Belle came into the room right after her, with three glowcrystals floating in tow. She placed them on the table and took a seat, looking eagerly at the sack of crystals.

“Let's see what we've got here,” Sweetie Belle said, licking her lips slightly. She grabbed the bag with her magic aura, and a series of different crystals streamed out of the bag. “Huh, three... six... nine... twelve. That's pretty generous of them to give us this much. I mean they're pretty high quality and large too.”

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “So, Ah guess we should each take four, ya know, ta keep things fair.”

Sweetie Belle smiled and quickly pulled four of the stones over to her. “Mine!” she claimed immediately.

Apple Bloom frowned at the unicorn. “Ya just took the ones with the most magic in them didn't ya?” Her friend's smiling nod was enough to make her sigh. “Figures. Alright, Ah guess Ah'll take these ones.” She pulled over a topaz, two garnets and a ruby. “Scootaloo, do ya care which ones ya get?”

“Not really,” Scootaloo called over to them. “I don't really need any gems or anything. What would I use them for, anyway? I don't wear jewelry.” She cast a glance down at the bracelet on her foreleg. “Well, unless you make it.”

“Sweet! Then can I borrow yours, Scoots?” Sweetie Belle responded in a heartbeat.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Apple Bloom scowled slightly. “Hey, that's not fair Sweetie, why do you get all of hers?”

Sweetie Belle scooped up the remaining gems in her magic. “'Cause I asked? Besides, I can actually use gems. I have a good plan for these.”

“Ya aren't the only one with plans, Sweetie! Give me two of them, won't ya?”

“What are you going to do with them?”

“Trade 'em o' course,” Apple Bloom replied. “There's some neat stuff at the market down there that Ah want ta check out. Ah think it would be a good idea ta explore their wares and see if somethin' catches my eye.”

“Hmm.” With a small pout, Sweetie Belle shifted two of the crystals to Apple Bloom. “I guess that's fair. How about we all check out the market after we get something to eat? I have to admit, I'm pretty curious about it as well.”

“You two can go ahead,” Scootaloo said. “You know I don't like shopping. I think I'll just go for a quick fly. My wings are itching to do something. Just leave me enough food and water on the table; I'll be back for some in a bit.” With that said, she got up and jumped out the open window.

She spread her wings and flew into the darkness above the city. She was tired, but her wings still demanded a ritual flight, otherwise she knew she’d have a hard time getting to sleep.

There was the familiar rush of wind tugging at her mane, and she let the calm sensation of flight fill her mind for a while. As if in a trance, she flew lazy circles above the city.

It almost feels like I'm outside again. She inhaled heavily and frowned. It smells like fresh air too. With a flick of her wings, she brought her flight to a halt and began hovering in place. She peered into the darkness around her and looked for the source. Eventually, she felt the barest trace of a breeze to her side.

She quickly turned and flew into the light wind. As she moved, she felt it get stronger, and even heard a quiet breathing sound that played a light aquamarine colour across her vision; it reminded her of holding seashells to her ears on a cloudless day at the beach.

Her curiosity lead her to the source. There was a hole in the ceiling that she was sure she could squeeze into if she tried, but the thought of entering such a confined space didn't sound entirely appealing to her. Even with the promise of fresh air on the other side, she decided against risking getting stuck in such a tunnel. Instead, she just hovered before it, letting the cool breeze play in her mane and she let out a sigh. Though... how they managed to make an air vent all the way up here is a wonder in itself. Those dogs must be pretty good at climbing. I wonder how many vents there are.

As she pondered the opening, she looked at the city below her. It shone from a thousand different points of coloured light. A rainbow of fireflies. She smirked at the idle thought. I thought Sweetie was supposed to be the poetic one. Of course, what you expect Sweetie to be and what you get are often very different things. She chuckled sadly to herself. And just what am I expecting?

Amongst the small coloured lights, she saw a dog moving below her, toward the tower. It took her a moment, to realize that she knew the dog. His stature, the diamond in his collar, and his auburn coat. Byron? I wonder what you're up to...

Scootaloo dove through the air, landing as gracefully and as quietly as she could behind the dog. A smile spread across her face. She'd always been good at sneaking up on Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle; she could remember countless times she had caused either one to yelp out and jump in surprise. I wonder how a dog will react...

“Nice try, Scootaloo.” Byron turned to her with a light chuckle. “Sneaking up on a dog is a tough thing to do. While our hearing is excellent, I didn't hear your approach, which speaks volumes of your finesse. But what ponies always seem to underestimate is the power of our greatest sense, that of scent. And of course it is most likely not in your favour to have been so long without the proper pony amenities.”

Feeling a little disappointed at the botched attempt, she scowled at the dog. “Well sorry for not finding a place to shower down here. Do you dogs even take showers and the like?”

“Hmm... Would it be disgusting if I said that most do not?”

“Yeah, kind of...”

“Well, I suppose I understand that disgust to some degree. Many of the diggers rely on scent to know where the rest of their pack-mates are when the tunnels grow dark. The diggers seem to never wash at all. I, however, have come to realize some of the benefits to a regular washing every now and again.” Byron shared a small grin. “The first time I set foot in the Crystal Empire, I was certain that the wide berth the ponies had given me was one of a seemingly xenophobic nature. However, I recently began to wonder if it was instead the scent I carried with me through the city. For it seemed somewhat strange that after I visited their spa, I found that the ponies were a little less apprehensive around me. The air also had a much fresher taste to it. It was an altogether relaxing experience.”

Scootaloo smiled at the scene in her mind. “You went to the spa? Isn't that a little too froufrou-y for a diamond dog?”

“Hmm? No, not at all. It's a local tradition of the crystal ponies themselves, and I had been charged with the great responsibility of being an ambassador to the Crystal Empire. It was my duty, and an honour in the eyes of my clan, to take part in such an activity.”

“Honour in taking a bath?” Scootaloo snorted.

“Yes, I understand our idea of honour may be strange to you, young Scootaloo. But it is a powerful guide that has brought us to great prosperity from times of harshness.”

“Yeah, it just seems weird,” Scootaloo admitted. “So, you heard about what happened with Slater, right? I heard you were going to be guiding us out of here tomorrow.”

“Ah, yes. There does seem to be someone around with malicious intentions. Granette is calling for the entire clan to prepare for conflict. It is a terrible shame,” Byron said with a sigh. “It took years for the clans of dogs to stop fighting one another over petty territorial disputes. With every conflict, the prosperity of both clans would dwindle. If this ends up pulling our clan into conflict, well, I begin to wonder what state we’ll find ourselves in at the end.”

“But you can’t just let this guy keep threatening you or you’ll lose a lot more.” Scootaloo argued. “You can’t just be a pushover.”

“Oh, I agree with that wholeheartedly, and I do support Granette’s decision. However, I do still have to wonder about how things will turn out because of this.” He paused for a moment and shook his head. “But my thoughts on the matter should remain as my own. Regardless of how it will eventually turn out, we all have plenty of tasks to keep us busy until then. I was just heading over to the spire to talk to you three about your plans for tomorrow. Where are Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle anyway?”

“Out shopping, checking out the market, but I decided I'd rather stretch my wings rather than walk around aimlessly.”

“Hmm.” The dog looked at her and smiled pleasantly. “If I recall, you are an athlete correct?”

Scootaloo nodded cautiously. Was Byron always this... casual?

“Keeping in shape must feel natural to you at this point. I can understand the feeling of doing the same thing for years and years. To go against those daily rituals can be nothing less than heart-wrenching at times. I'm sure your friends understand that as well. Although I am curious about one thing...”

“And what might that be?” Scootaloo frowned at the dog.

“Well, I'm something of an oddity from the rest of the pack, I suppose it has to do with my own curiosity, though many of my pack-mates have opted to call it 'nosy-ness' in the past. As such I find ponies to be fascinating; with their culture, their habits, and their special talents. It's all so interesting.”

“I wish I could say the same about you dogs, but you'd have to talk to Apple Bloom to get that kind of reaction.” Scootaloo shook her head in irritation. “Out with it, Byron. If you’re going to say something, then say it. What do you want?”

“I just want to know, how does flying feel? What does it mean to fly?” He scratched his head with one hand and raised an eyebrow. “I haven't actually had the opportunity to talk to a pegasus about this before. The only other pony I could have asked would have been Princess Cadence, but that would have been seen as a breach in my own conduct.”

“You sure like to talk, don't you?” Scootaloo sighed and looked to her wings. “What it means to fly, huh? I don't think I can really explain it properly. I suppose it's a rush of fear as you're about to collide with the ground, and the exhilaration that comes from being able to stop that impact. It's fun, liberating... It's...” She shook her head. “Nah, you'd have to experience it yourself. I can't just tell you what it’s like, talking about it cheapens the real experience. I'll just say it’s the best darned feeling a pony can ever feel.”

Byron let out an amused chuckle. “Amusing. I've heard very much the same response when I've asked ponies about what 'love' feels like.”

Scootaloo tossed him an acidic stare. “Well then, I guess I just love flying then.”

“Oh, please. I did not intend to mock or diminish the importance of flight in any way. Sorry if I have caused offense.”

“You know, I think I can see why others consider you to be nosy.”

“I've been told that if I were a pony, I'd have a big black snout as a cutie mark,” he replied with a chuckle. “Whether because of my clan, or my own curiosity, I couldn’t say. Regardless, I very much enjoyed this conversation. It was a pleasure talking to you, Scootaloo. If you could, please let your friends know that I shall arrive after you wake and escort you out of the mountain. I look forward to talking with you then.”

“Yeah...” Scootaloo waved dismissively as the dog turned, heading toward the Pillar. Well, at least one of us enjoyed it. Why do all these dogs have to be so darned weird? What it means to fly? He's asking like he expects there to be an actual answer. She took to the air with a series of quick and powerful wing beats. He may as well have been asking what the meaning of life is. She gave her own wings one last doubtful look and made her way back to her room.

* * *

Sweetie Belle looked at the trinket before her. It was a thin clip of plain silver, with three aquamarine quartz crystals imbedded in them. Their magic was so small as to be entirely useless to her. She frowned at the design. Three nodes, huh? Slowly she began to imagine a network of interconnecting lines with those three crystals as the centerpiece of the whole. She smiled as she realized which spell sigil she was thinking of.

Well, there’s only one way to find out if it will actually work, she told herself and smiled. She looked over the counter and assessed the dog who owned this particular set of wares.

This older dog had an emerald-studded collar and wore a scowl that suggested she found a pony's patronage less than satisfactory.

“Say, I'll give you these two gems for that brooch there.” Sweetie Belle pulled out two of her least magically concentrated crystals with her magical aura and presented them on the counter-top.

“That is not a brooch, pony. It is an ear-clip. It took days to make, two gems are not enough.” The dog shook her head. “I'll trade for four.”

“Four is a bit much. I mean sure, that's silver, but the design is very simple, not to mention that's only three pieces of quartz decorating it. Hardly the most precious of stones. But look at these gems, they are some of the highest quality you'll find. I mean, let's face it, you're a diamond dog, and all diamond dogs can tell the quality of a gem even at a glance.”

The dog sniffed at the two crystals and gave Sweetie Belle a dismissive look. “It's still not enough. If I had stayed on digging, I would have gained more than just two crystals in the time it took to make the ear-clip.”

Sweetie Belle frown for a moment, but quickly turned the expression into a grin. “Alright, I admit that it probably took a fair amount of effort to make that brooch.”


“So, I am willing to add another gem.” She fished out an emerald, though she had to force herself to hide her reluctance. “Perhaps this fine emerald would be enough...”

The dog's eyes beamed with interest at the gem. She gave it a quick sniff, and smiled. “Perhaps you do have a good eye for gems, for a pony. Very well, for those three gems, you may have the ear-clip.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and they made their exchange, though Sweetie Belle couldn't help but cast one longing glance back at the emerald before the dog tucked it away into a hidden compartment on the other side of the counter.

It was worth it, she told herself. I probably would have wasted the emerald anyway. But this on the other hoof... She wasted no time in clipping the ornament into her hair. Now I have a few more things to try. The sooner we get back, the better.

Walking away from the counter, she gave the whole market a once-over. Now where did Apple Bloom manage to mosey off to?

“So that's, Jaden of Crystal Gems?” Sweetie Belle heard her Apple Bloom's voice drift out from around the corner of the market square.

Curious, the unicorn made her way over and peered down what she would have considered an alley, had they been in a proper city. She peered into the shadows and managed to make out Apple Bloom standing in front of a stone counter.

“Alright, Ah can deliver it when Ah get ta the empire. Ah assure ya, you an' yer brother will be the first customers when we finally get ta the production phase.”

The shadowy figure of a dog merely nodded at her words. Sweetie Belle noticed reflective green eyes glance up at her approach. This dog seemed slightly different from most of the others just based on her clothing. Her outfit was one with no less than six front pockets, and a series of belt pouches circled her waist. And perhaps most strikingly of all was the blonde colouration of her fur.

“Hey Bloom, what are you doing down a dark alley like this?” Sweetie Belle wondered aloud as she approached her friend.

“Oh, perfect timin'. See Aura, this is mah partner Ah was talkin' 'bout.” Apple Bloom shot her a small smile. “We haven't worked out the design yet, but Ah assure ya we can make it work, or you'll get reimbursed, double the cost. Not a bad deal, huh? Plus the six gems.”

Aura growled in a pleased manner that reminded Sweetie Belle of a cat purring rather than a dog. “Yes, it is a fine deal,” she said finally, “and remember little pony, I know your scent. If you do not keep in touch, my brother and I will find you.”

“Mah word is as good as gold,” Apple Bloom assured the dog and flashed her a smile, “and Ah'm sure yours is as well.”

Aura smirked. “Yes, but I wonder... Just how effective is this 'partner' of yours? You've claimed praise for her numerous times already. And as great as the thought of you not holding to your promise, and us turning a profit, sounds, this idea of yours still holds up on its own. It's just the two of you though, are you certain you are going to be able to make it?”

“Why, of course we are!” Sweetie Belle chimed in and shot Apple Bloom a smirk. I wonder what she's roping me into... “I'm one of the best around when it comes to my field of expertise.”

“Ya heard her. Together, we are gonna make it 'fore the end o' the year. We'll send yer brother the details as we progress.”

“Hmm, well your attitude is impressive to say the least. Perhaps a partnership with ponies is just what we need to give us a leg up on the rest of the merchants. The first to act will be the first to succeed.” Aura smiled and picked up a rock from one of her many pouches. “Very well.”

In a quick series of motions, she scratched away at the surface with her nails. It sounded vaguely like chalk on a chalk board, only far more grating. Sweetie Belle shivered reflexively.

After a moment, the dog handed the stone over to Apple Bloom. “Show this to Jaden as well. He knows my writing and should be cooperative in your endeavors. It's good doing business with you pony folk.”

“Likewise,” Apple Bloom replied and slipped the stone into her pack.

“Now, if you'll excuse me, I am a dog of many clients, and I fear your presence is no doubt keeping them at bay.”

“Ah hear, ya. Not all dogs are keen ta deal with us ponies. Glad to have met ya, Aura. Ah assure ya, yer investment will pay off.” Apple Bloom nodded and she and Sweetie Belle turned to leave.

“One way or another, investments always pay off.” The dog barked a laugh.

Sweetie Belle tossed one last curious frown over her shoulder at Aura. “Huh, these dogs are as colourful as us ponies it would seem.”

“Yeah, that's the first gold one Ah've ever seen, though. At least their names are easy enough to remember.”

Sweetie Belle chuckled lightly and gave Apple Bloom a questioning look as they walked through the market, heading back toward the Pillar. “So... what's this deal you just made? 'Cause to me, it looked like you were dealing with what Rarity would probably refer to as a 'miscreant who's only looking to make a profit'.”

“And probably the only one who's willin' ta take a chance on what Ah'm tryin' ta make.”

We're trying to make,” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “At least that's what you told Aura back there. And here I was thinking that you were the reliable one in the group. I'm guessing this is about that invention, huh?”

“Of course. And with yer help, we're gonna get it done 'fore the end o' the year.” Apple Bloom slowed to a stop and turned to face her friend. “Ah'm sorry fer draggin' ya inta this, but knowin' you, yer up fer the challenge. It'll put both our skills to the test. Hay, we may even become famous after all this.”

“I don't think I want to be famous.” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “Not like Rarity anyway... It just seems entirely unpleasant.”

“What are ya talkin' 'bout?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “How else are ya gonna make a livin' sellin' magic jewelry if no pony knows about ya. You gotta get yer name out there. Hay, we gotta get our names out there, otherwise we’re gonna be headin' nowhere real quick.”

“Hmm, I guess you have a point. But I want to do this more for the experience of doing it, to see if we actually can. I mean, a set of wings that could let anypony fly, it would be one of the greatest inventions out there.”

“Oh, not only can we do it, but we are going to do it,” Apple Bloom said confidently, moving into full stride once again. “Ah have most of it planned out.” She tapped her head with a hoof. “Ah'll write out the outline 'fore we head ta sleep, an' we can discuss the details tomorrow.”

“Alright,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I had something I wanted to work on once we got back anyway.”

“Ya bought somethin’?” Apple Bloom shot a glance at the unicorn's hair and frowned. “That hair clip? What's it for?”

“Ah, but my dear Apple Bloom, telling you would ruin the surprise. Suffice it to say that even if nothing goes according to plan, it will be a great learning experience and will probably help with this project we're going to be working on.”

The earth pony shook her head, but a small grin played on her lips. “Well, if I hear an explosion, Ah'll come ta see if yer alright. Try not ta inflict yerself with accidental head trauma.”

“Spoken like a true friend! Thanks Bloom, but I'm not going to be wearing it while I'm working on it.” Sweetie Belle laughed along with her friend as they headed back to the Pillar.

Sweetie Belle's mind turned to thoughts of her own purchase. Her plans for the ear-clip—which she was inclined to think of as a 'brooch' instead—filled her mind. Evidently Apple Bloom was sifting through her own thoughts, for neither of them spoke another word to each other for the rest of the way. They just shared a comfortable walk in relaxed silence. Willing to listen should the other speak, but perfectly comfortable in keeping to themselves.

They arrived back at their room to see Scootaloo with her muzzle deep into a bowl of oats. “Oh, you're back,” she managed to say before emptying out the rest of the bowl.

“So we are,” Apple Bloom agreed with a hint of sarcasm. “It's good to see you too.”

Sweetie Belle remained at the entrance of the room. “I'm gonna head on over to an empty room to get some work done before bed. I'll be back in a bit.”

“Hmm?” Scootaloo frowned. “What's with that silver hair clip?”

“Oh, you noticed?” Sweetie Belle replied in mock-surprise. “It's a brooch by the way.”

“It kind of stands out a bit... and knowing you, you're probably just using it for some plan, aren't you?” Scootaloo spoke in a manner implying the question was rhetorical.

“What? Can't a lady have some pride in her choice of fashion? Must every new item I acquire be for the express purpose of some future, nefarious deed?”

“Yeah, it usually is. Besides Sweetie, you couldn't choose a piece of fashion that suits you to save your life.”

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement as she took her saddlebags off and set them on the stone table.

“It doesn't look that bad does it?” Sweetie Belle grabbed at the brooch with her magic and examined it. “Silver should go with my coat, right?”

“Yeah, except you were wearing it at the top of your mane,” Scootaloo pointed out.

Sweetie Belle pouted slightly. “Since when did you become a fashion expert, Scoots?”

“It doesn't take an expert to know when something doesn't match very well. Just position it closer to your ears. Or hay, that thing could probably clip right onto your ear, just as easily as it clips into your mane. I think that would look better.”

“Well, it's not about looks,” Sweetie Belle replied bitterly. “Besides, it's a brooch. It's meant to hook into your hair, not on your ears.”

“You're not the one who has to look at you all the time...” Scootaloo muttered and glanced away.

“Well, I'm sorry if you find it unbearable to look at me!” Sweetie Belle turned from the entrance and stomped off quickly.

“No, that's not what I meant at all-” was all she managed to hear Scootaloo say as she rounded a corner.

Geez! You know, there're better better ways to say that you don't like it, Scoots!

* * *

“Darn it! Why does she have to misinterpret what I meant?” Scootaloo groaned and let her head thump down onto the table.

“'Cause ya didn't say what ya meant?” Apple Bloom offered. “Look, it's no big deal, Scootaloo. Ah'll talk ta her when she gets back if ya want. Ah agree that she's not the best pony fer style and such. In fact Ah'm surprised that more o' Rarity's understandin' o' fashion didn't rub off onta her. Tell ya what, I'll talk ta her when she gets back, I know what ya meant ta say.”

No you don't. Heck, I don't even really know what I meant to say. “Oh whatever, I'm tired. I'm going to go hit the hay,” Scootaloo grumbled. “Or the lack thereof.”

“Alright. Ah'll be doin' some writin' and plannin' fer a while. Have a good night.”

Scootaloo sighed wearily in response and climbed into her window-side bed. As she lay down, she was worried that the hard surface would cause the realms of sleep to evade her. But the exhaustion from her overworked muscles and the earlier tension of the day won out over her discomfort, and quickly whisked her consciousness away.

* * *

Coils of chain,
They circle around her, hound her.
Bound her wings,
They ground her.
In suspended motion,
She hangs.
The grip tightens.

Alone, she moans her protest.
Hearing only the harsh reply of silence.
A void of naught,
but in the darkness a sight to see.
Sickly green orbs hold her eyes,
Firm and unyielding.
No matter how she turns or how tightly her eyes close
They seep into her sight,
Poisoned eyes of foul light

Peering at her
Until she falls limp against the chains.
Hanging... they are her only support.

But inside, something awakens to the venom gaze

A denial, a refusal
Her rebuking heart-wrenching call.
With one final shout, one vocal bout,
She thrashes at the chains and they creak,
Shriek at her defiance.

With a spitting hiss, the metal snakes away from her.
And she falls, plummeting into the darkness below.
The distant eyes die out in their poisoned glow.
Like a fate she can’t avoid
She meets with the void.

* * *

Scootaloo blinked and opened her eyes. A soft moonlight played across the open sky. A few small clouds lazily caught the silver light, and a gentle breeze sung a cool melody through her mane. Instinctively, she gave a relaxed sigh.

Wait, what am I doing outside? I should be with Sweetie and Bloom in the diamond dog's city. Where am I?

Scootaloo gave her head a sudden shake and looked around her. She saw a wooden house with its peeling coat of paint, unkempt yard and dusty window panes. My house? Then that means... this is a dream. Darn it! I hate these dreams!

She had experienced dreams such as this in the past, thanks to a certain moon princess. She'd been in them often enough to know that the dreams always had some purpose, or a centerpiece that they wrapped around. Usually it was a fear to be explored or defeated. Sometimes it was a matter of sorting out and accepting one's feelings. Luna had once mentioned dreams acted to the mind very similarly to how a pony's body will fight off sickness; it was a natural response.

“So what is it this time, Luna?!” Scootaloo shouted out into the night sky. “I don't have time to play more of these games. I just want a good night's sleep for once.”

“Oh, but the princess won't be able to hear you, Scootaloo,” a deep voice called out from behind her, it sounded vaguely familiar.

Scootaloo spun around, flaring her wings. She otherwise kept her composure, for she knew that she couldn't be physically harmed in a dream, after all, her body wasn't even here. “You! You're the one who attacked us earlier! Show yourself!”

“And it would appear that you three ponies are so full of secrets. Imagine my surprise to find a unicorn who practices chaos magic, and now we have a dreamer as well,” the voice called out coolly.

Scootaloo squinted in its direction toward a nearby bush. Between the branches and leaves, she saw two slitted, glowing eyes suddenly staring right back at her. They were large, nearly half the size of her own head, and they were of a sickly green color. She had the sinking feeling that she had seen them somewhere before, but she couldn't remember.

The creature moved forward in a smooth manner, out into the moonlight, revealing a length of undulating scales. The giant snake slowed to a halt, only a foot away. Its scales were of the same ivory of moonlight, and its mouth was single open slit, hinting at two sharp glistening fangs.

“You're just a nightmare! Get out of my dream!” Scootaloo focused at the snake and willed the snake away from her, trying to force it out of existence. She felt a tension in her forehead, and the distance between the two lengthened.

“I am no mere nightmare that you can just make disappear. You lack the power to order me around in here. And you are at my mercy.”

Scootaloo knew better than to let her fear show; nightmares fed off of uncontrolled emotions and used them against their owner. She pulled her focus before her and used her ace move. In a moment, she had Rainbow Dash firmly in her mind, and she willed her protector into existence. Or at least tried to.

There was a force, something opposing her own action. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she pushed against the unseen wall that was stopping her.

The snake laughed in a deep chuckle that seemed to emanate through the ground as much as it did through air. He slowly slithered toward Scootaloo. “As I said, you, my dear, are at my mercy.”

Scootaloo spat at the snake and took to the air. “You'll have to catch me first!” With a quick whip of her wings, and using her mind, she added to their strength. In only a few seconds, she was cutting through the air so fast that the wind howled mercilessly in her ears.

She made her way into a large stretch of open sky, and kept her eyes open, scanning her surroundings for any indication of being followed.

“Ah, such naivety, is refreshing.”

The voice came from above, and Scootaloo looked up just in time to see the snake's gaping maw descending upon her, and it caught her whole body. She managed to let out a scream as she was pulled into the darkness.

“You are mine girl. No matter where you run, or how desperately you hide, I'll be one step away, ready to strike!” The voice was all that remained, as it flashed acidically across her sight and even it eventually faded into the darkness around her.

Everything faded. Even the memories.

* * *

Apple Bloom got up earlier than her two friends. She let out a small groan as she gave her back a much-needed stretch, and quietly made her way over to the table. She opened one of her saddlebags and pulled out a bag of sliced dried apples. She cast a look back to her friends to make sure they didn't see her eating the delectable snack. Not that Ah wouldn't share if they asked, but Ah don't really want ta run out prematurely. Oats are great and all, but there's nothing like a good bit of apple in the morning.

Chewing on the fruit, she pulled out her notebook, filled with the plans she had been working on last night. Alright, so we'll need quite a few bits of small metal pieces. Tough, yet as light as possible, Ah'll have to ask that Jaden fellow about it when we get ta the Crystal Empire. And once Sweetie gets up, Ah can ask her some of the finer details about the strength of magic and how long a crystal would last as a power source. Ah hope it won't just last for a few hours, otherwise, it would still make more sense for earth ponies and unicorns ta use hot air balloons...

In spite of her earlier bout of confidence, she was getting fairly worried. But the prospect of her promise to Aura becoming a lie was not something she would contemplate. We can do it, she assured herself, and picked up a stick of graphite and glanced at her own cutie mark for assurance. Maybe if the power source wasn't just magic. Ah could use a series of springs and gears... She quickly sketched a series of interlocking mechanics that could be wound up, prior to flight. A replenishing energy source that doesn't compromise the weight.

Setting the graphite down, she reached toward her bag for another apple slice, and smiled appreciatively when one found its way onto a balanced position on the end of her hoof. “Thanks Sweetie,” she muttered, then paused to look at the unicorn.

“So this is your plan, huh? Seems kind of intricate. Can you really replicate a pegasus' wing movements?”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom munched on the apple slice and saw Sweetie Belle grab an apple slice of her own with her magic. Well, so much for mah secret stash. “It would just take a fair number of joints, springs, and even a bit o' magic ta keep it powered up.”

“Hmm, I see. It would take a fair number of individual rituals to hold it together, but if it's all made of mostly the same material, it shouldn't take too much energy. But doing that would also be risky,” Sweetie Belle pointed at one of the drawings of the wings. “Rituals need to be very accurately drawn to have their intended effect--you know, sustained spells without a unicorn to actually cast it. Something like this would have to have multiple rituals. Propulsion and attraction, in many different locations. The dangerous part would be how you write the rituals. Usually they are made of special magically-attuned ink, or magically-reactive sand, and usually it burns out the components in the process.”

“Well, what about with Scoot's bracelet ya made her? Doesn't that use rituals without any of those fancy inks or sands?”

“Yeah, but using metal to form the ritual is very inefficient, which is the beauty of that bracelet. It uses that inefficiency to create heat alongside the other rituals, allowing it to burn off a lot of otherwise potentially dangerous magic.” Sweetie Belle place a hoof to her chin. “It was one of the biggest problems I had with the initial design, I couldn't find a way to make a long-lasting, self-sustaining ritual, that was in any way efficient. If we used the same design on these wings o' yours, we'll just end up dusting a crystal just trying to get the things to flap a few times.”

“Darn it, there has to be some sort of answer. Why's metal so inefficient?”

“Metal is a simple, yet very tight pattern. Magic has a hard time traveling through it and much of it catches onto the pattern if it's forced into it, causing it to heat up.”

“What about gems? You always use those, they must be effective as magical conduits.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “They are good sources. But since they are almost entirely simple magic patterns, when too much magic enters a crystal, it will quickly shatter. The simple pattern can't handle the stress of too much magic and it changes under the pressure whereas metal is very sturdy and resistant to those changes.”

“But there has to be some other material then. Something that resists the influx of energy, yet is able to transfer the energy efficiently...”

“I'm sure there is one,” Sweetie Belle said, “I'll just try a bunch of different materials.”

“Ugh,” a groan came out from behind them. The two ponies turned to see Scootaloo roll off the bed and hit the floor in a tangle of blankets. “Ow...”

“Are ya okay there Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom called out and only got a muffled response. “Need a hoof?”

“She's always been bad at getting up,” Sweetie Belle claimed with a hint of amusement in her voice.

“Well, sleepin' on stone like this ain't conducive to a good night's sleep. Ah was near paralyzed when Ah awoke. Ah can't wait ta get a good ol' bed or even a haystack ta sleep in.”

Scootaloo pulled herself to her hooves. “Well, I'll be glad when I finally get to sleep on some clouds again,” she muttered.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I could use a cloud myself.” The other two each shot her a questioning gaze. “What? I have a cloud-walking spell, remember? Hay, I'd probably have a bed of clouds back home if the spell lasted longer than a few hours. There's nothing quite as comfy as a cloud.”

“Except that it always feels like yer about ta fall through 'em. They’re a little too soft if ya ask me.”

“Exactly!” the unicorn insisted. “They're just that soft and comfortable. Besides, you don't have to wash them either. Hmm... perhaps I could anchor the cloud walking spell into a bracelet of my own if we ever found an efficient way to power it...”

“You’d go through all the effort of making a bracelet like that just because you wouldn’t have as many chores ta do?,” Apple Bloom questioned with a grin.

“Hey, I'm just saying being a pegasus must be a win win situation.” Sweetie Belle blinked, then a smile crept onto her face. “Or I guess you could call it a 'wing wing' situation.”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both groaned in unison, the former taking a seat beside her friends at the table. “I guess a green heart doesn't represent comedy.” Scootaloo shook her head.

“Bad puns are a talent in and of themselves. Don't take 'em lightly.” Sweetie Belle laughed jovially at the scowl she received. “Oh, cheer up Scoots, you look like you had a nightmare or something.” Apple Bloom saw the pegasus flinch at the words. “I know! Here, have some apples, they're good.”

Apple Bloom directed a glare at her friend, but it went unnoticed, and the unicorn promptly began magicking individual slices of dried apple out of the earth pony's bag.

“Thanks,” Scootaloo replied quietly, chewing on the snack. “Hmm, they're pretty good.”

“Nothing like a taste of home when you're traveling.”

“Mah thoughts exactly,” Apple Bloom agreed. “O' course, Ah would appreciate it if ya had asked before grabbin'.”

“What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. Good friends share.” Sweetie Belle shot her a disarming smile, but it had little effect on Apple Bloom. “The trick is to only ever have stuff that nopony else wants.”

“Good friends also respect each other,” Apple Bloom muttered. Well, at least they appreciate it.

“I'd only borrow from someone I respect,” the unicorn argued back.

“Oh, borrowin'? Is that what yer doin'? So yer gonna pay me back somehow?”

“She borrows bits from me all the time, back home, and hasn't paid me back yet.” Scootaloo gave a shrug. “It's a lost cause, Bloom.”

“Hey, I made that bracelet for you, and Bloom I'm helping you out with your project. Besides, I pay both of you back in love and affection. You can't put a price on that!”

Apple Bloom shook her head and laughed. It is a lost cause.

“Nor can you put a price on having a good time,” a voice came from the entryway of their room. Byron was standing there with a small grin on his face. “I am here to accompany you three, and guide you to the surface, whenever you are ready.”

“Byron!” Sweetie Belle said pleasantly. “It's great to see you again! What did Slater and Granette have you doing?”

“Oh, I was just tasked with looking more in depth into the disappearance of our supply shipment. Unfortunately, the weather around the Crystal Empire seems especially fierce. I am beginning to suspect that the shipment never even left, on account of the storm.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “At least I hope that is the case. I would hate to think of what would have befallen the ponies had they set out only to get caught in the storm right outside the city.”

“So the weather's still bad, huh?” Apple Bloom wondered aloud as she got up and hoisted her saddlebags onto her back. “Sounds like it could be tough gettin' inta the city.”

“Yes.” Byron nodded and rubbed his black snout. “The weather around our mountain has cleared up, but the storm rages around the Crystal Empire. I am unsure that it would be wise for anyone to enter it.”

“Well, it's that jerk—the guy who attacked Slater—he's doing the weather stuff right?” Scootaloo reasoned as she too got out of her seat. “So, what's he after?”

Sweetie Belle remained seated and considered the question for only a moment. “The Crystal Empire,” she muttered. “I wonder... Could you see it at all through the storm, Byron?”

The dog shook his head sadly. “No, I could not see anything past the clouds, rain, snow and lightning. It is a massive storm, indeed.”

“In which case, I think we can assume that the Crystal Empire has their magical ward in place.” Sweetie Belle looked at her companions who each gave her a blank stare while Byron simply scratched at one of his ears. “Well, it's something I've read about,” she explained. “Princess Cadence is able to project a shield around the whole city, by using the Crystal Heart, and keep anything she deems harmful from entering. That's what they used to stop the evil king Sombra from taking back the empire. I even ran it by my sister and she verified that was how they managed to defeat him a few years back.”

“How long could a spell like that last?” Apple Bloom wondered. And how long can a city that size even sustain itself? There's no way they have enough farmin' land that close ta the city. With all the trade cut off, it must only be a matter o' time 'fore everypony starved. Though, if I were in charge o' the Empire, Ah would've done what they did: sit an' wait... “Surely it can last long enough fer the princesses ta arrive and stop the storm.”

“Yeah... that's the strange part.” Sweetie Belle agreed, getting onto her hooves, she began pacing. “It doesn't add up... How come Celestia and Luna haven't arrived yet? Surely a storm that size wouldn't go unnoticed. Hay, they even sent our sisters out ta investigate, so they know something is up. Whoever that voice is, he must have done something. He has control of this whole situation.”

“If the princesses aren't even able to help, then what can we do?” Scootaloo asked uncomfortably. “We don't have elements or a thousand year's experience. We're just a farmer, an athlete, and a miscreant.”

Apple Bloom chuckled at the comment and gave her friend an assuring smile. “We'll do whatever we can, Scootaloo. When there's somethin' this serious goin' on, everypony should do their best ta chip in. We need ta figure out a few more o' the details, though.” She looked to Sweetie Belle and raised an eyebrow. “Say, oh great Miscreant, don't ya think it would help ta get a look at the spell that's controlling the weather? Maybe you could stop it. Ya seem ta have knack fer causin' spells ta go haywire.”

“I'm also perfectly talented at making spells work, you know.” Sweetie Belle laughed at her own expense. “One of these days I'll prove it to the both of you. But for now,” she said, pulling her own saddle bags onto her back with a bit of magic, “heading out and finding exactly what's going on certainly wouldn't hurt.”

“So you are all ready to go then?” Byron asked and when they all nodded he moved out the entrance motioning them to follow him. “I've talked to Granette about various outcomes, and she grudgingly agreed that should you have nowhere else to go, you would be allowed to stay here as our guests.”

“Well, it would take a lot more than a dumb storm to force me back into here.” Scootaloo stretched her wings out, nearly scraping either side of the hallway. “I can't wait to feel the fresh air again.”

“Well, it shouldn't take much longer than an hour,” Byron said as he set a quick pace for them to follow.

“An hour? Great, just another hour of walking down tunnels that are threatening to collapse at any moment.”

Sweetie Belle chuckled at the sarcastic remark as she ran past and caught up to Byron. The unicorn and the dog quickly started up another conversation, while Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a measuring look.

“Do ya have ta be so sarcastic Scootaloo? Byron's a nice dog. He doesn't deserve havin' his home mocked by ya.”

“Nice? Huh...” Scootaloo shook her head. “It doesn't change the fact that we were almost killed yesterday, thanks to those dogs. Twice even.”

“It wasn't their fault.”

“Yes it was,” Scootaloo argued back quietly. “I've had enough of it, Bloom. They sent us—visitors to their caves—into a dangerous situation and they never apologized for it.”

“But they don't need ta, Scootaloo.” Can't ya see it Scootaloo? These dogs are different from ponies. They'll never apologize fer somethin' that ain't strictly their fault. But that doesn't mean they won't forget what we've done fer them when we've helped 'em. She shook her head. “They don't deserve yer scorn.”

“Whatever, it's just how I feel alright? I'm never coming back here again, Bloom.” The pegasus looked away.

Apple Bloom was about to retort, but she stopped herself. She's had a tough night. We can talk about it when she cools off a bit. “Sorry Scootaloo, Ah didn't mean ta argue with ya.”

Scootaloo chuckled lightly at her words. “Seriously? Bloom I know you well enough to know your intent was to argue with me. You just wanted me to think the same way that you do, but that's not happening. Let's just drop it.” The pegasus moved on ahead, and Apple Bloom followed behind.

She frowned slightly, but nodded to herself. Am Ah really their leader, Gravelle? How can Ah lead them if Ah can't convince them ‘bout anythin'? She shot a small look of envy at the unicorn ahead of her. 'Sides, Ah'm pretty sure Sweetie's better at movin' us forward than Ah'll ever be.

They passed through the rest of the city in relative silence. The intriguing structures didn't quite pull at her with the same wonderment as before. She still idly constructed schemes for how they might have gone about creating the rugged buildings, but it was only a halfhearted attempt on her part.

Ah hate bein' like this! Not knowin' how Ah fit inta the big picture. Scootaloo's right, what can we possibly hope to accomplish here? We are just an athlete, a farmer and a miscreant. But hay, Ah'm not even a real farmer. Ah'm just a pony who's dreamin' up more than she can handle. It was nearly enough to make herself laugh. And now Ah'm splashin’ around in my own self pity? Hah! I've got to snap out of this.

“Well, here we are.” Byron's words startled Apple Bloom from her reverie. With a shrug of his shoulders, the dog pointed at a fairly small hole in the wall, smaller than he was tall. “It's not much to look at, but it's a new tunnel, and it leads closest to the Crystal Empire. It is, however, higher up the mountain, which is why we always bring our trade shipments through the wider and lower tunnels.”

Apple Bloom stared into the dark, gently winding tunnel and wondered just what they'd find at its end. Surely they would see the storm, and it was bound to be big and devastating. With a shake of her head she banished the thoughts from her mind. There's no point in worryin' over the unknown. “Ah suppose that makes sense. Ah was honestly wonderin' if the original tunnel we had entered was the closest, but now that makes a lot o' sense. It's kind of hard ta bring a heavy wagon up the side of a mountain.”

“I don't even see a single glowcrystal in there,” Sweetie Belle said as she squinted into the darkness ahead. “You're gonna crawl, Byron?

“Indeed,” the dog agreed. “This new tunnel may one day be used as the main portal for visitors, in time. However, it remains a simple and crude thing at the moment. But no dog is ever afraid of a little dirt when their duty calls.”

“Well, no point in hangin' around down here, let's go then. The sooner we get outside, the sooner we can figure out what ta do next.” Apple Bloom stepped forth into the darkness, her friends following right behind her.

Ah may not be able ta do anything at all. But hay, Ah'm still gonna try.

End of Chapter 12