• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 4,829 Views, 127 Comments

Dear Bronies & Pegasisters - MasterBrony Forever

You have been feeling a deep connection with your favorite show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and you don't know why. But today you are about to get answers.

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Dear Bronies & Pegasisters

Dear Bronies & Pegasisters

By: MasterBrony Forever

Special thanks to Twackycat for editing.

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

Chapter 1:
Dear Bronies & Pegasisters

It is a warm summer afternoon, you didn’t have any plans for the day, so you've decided to relax a little bit in the comfort of your home. You're home alone for about two weeks, your parents are on a business trip, and any siblings you have are at camp for the rest of the summer. You've had decent day so far, you slept in, made a good decent breakfast, played some Halo, Assassin's Creed, and Call of Duty with some friends.

But the best part of your day was sitting down and watching the newest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You have been a fan of the show since it first aired a few years back. The bright colors, the cheerful faces of the ponies, the amazing animation and story have also brightened your day.

You felt connected with the show, but you couldn't explain why. You knew you weren't alone with that feeling, you asked your fellow Bronies and Pegasisters and they had all felt the same way. You all pondered this daily hoping for an answer but decided not to question it. All that mattered was that you had the show in your life.

Then there was a knock at your door. You are a little startled at first, you weren't expecting anyone or anything. When you open the door you find a package waiting for you. It is unlabeled, no stamps, or return address or anything. You look around for a mailman or some shipping companies truck, but you see nothing of the sorts. You take the package inside curious about what it contains.

You make your way to the your living room, and set the package down on the table. You inspect in making sure it isn't a lethal weapon or anything. Once you're satisfied you open the package to find a scroll inside rolled up.
You're confused on why you would receive a scroll, ‘Maybe the answers lie inside’ you think.

You unroll the scroll to see the most most beautiful handwriting you have ever seen. Admiring it for a moment before bringing your eyes back to the head of the scroll.

Dear Bronies & Pegasisters,

It is I, Princess Celestia who writes to you this day....

You stop reading after that first line, “What?” Now you're now this is a just some prank being pulled by some of the anti-bronies from your school. You've had to deal with them in the past, but you've done well to ignore them. Most of them have given up on teasing or hazing you over the fact you’re a Brony, but some still find joy in making fun of you for it.

When you move to crumple the letter and throw it into the trash in the opposite side of the room something stops you. It is just as difficult to explain as the feeling you have connected to My Little Pony, you are compelled to read the letter further.

Dear Bronies & Pegasisters,

It is I, Princess Celestia, who writes to you this day. No this is not a prank or some kind of joke, and just to prove it turn on your television.

No words follow after that, but there is still much room on the page to be written on. You sigh and reach for your remote and turn on your T.V. once again. It takes a little longer to turn on then normal but once you can make out what is on the screen you see Princess Celestia smiling at you. At that moment you realize this isn't a prank, this sense isn't from any episode you have seen.

“I told you this isn't a prank,” She said. It causes you to jump from your set on your couch. She giggles a little and winks which turns the T.V. off at the same time.

You are flabbergasted, not even able to form a coherent sentence. You looked back to the letter, it has changed. It has more words on it now than it had before, which just puts you into further shock. You scramble to pick up the letter and continue reading.

What did I tell you? I am writing this to you and all other Bronies and Pegasisters on Earth. This message contain information that could change your life and even your fate. It deals with the connection you have all be feeling to our show. There is a reason for this connection. Lets start from the beginning...

Long time ago, before before Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Sombra. Farther back when I was a younger Princess, in what would be considered the ‘teen years’ for an Alicorn, I was still learning how to rule a Kingdom. Equestria was populated by millions of ponies, and everypony believed there would be everlasting peace. Unfortunately we had not seen the oncoming threat of war.

“Who would go to war with such a peaceful land such as Equestria?” You question.

You stop reading to think of all the things that could have had a deep hatred for the Celestia’s Kingdom. You began to feel pain pulsate in the back of your mind, you cease trying to come up with ideas as a result the pain subsided, you look back to the letter.

I take it you have tried to think of who would want to go to war with. Well...the problem is it was a civil war...

There were radicals who were tired of the way things were. And had been plotting to overthrow myself, Luna, and our mother. They had been planning their attack and new ruling for years before they had come out of the shadows. With them an army of thousands of ponies who were against us and our government. We meet with the civil leaders of the group and tried to see if their was anything we could do to put this threat of war behind us and return the peace. During the entirety of the meeting they hadn't spoken a word.

When they finally decided to speak it was as if they had no spirit, or spirit. Mother said she could feel something was controlling them, we still have yet to learn what that force was.

When the meeting came to a close the overall leader of the group finally spoke-up, ‘We will give one chance Faust. Step down from your throne or there will be war.’

I looked to my mother to see how she would answer. All she did was turn turn away and shake her head.

‘You have sealed your Kingdoms fate! Hope you can stand losing all the citizens and guards who still stand by your side. Or as I call them, fools!’ And then he and his other followers vanished.

You were now in complete shock at what you had read. Setting the letter down you let everything sink in, after about a good twenty minutes you were ready to continue reading.

The group had taken on the name of The Fallen. We have not seen hide-nor-hair of them sense the meeting, so we assumed they have given up. We were gravely mistaken.

The Fallen had started their march through Equestria. Destroying villages, town, and cities as they made for Canterlot and the Luna and I's personal Castle, or as you all know it as the Castle of the Royal Sisters. Once this destruction started so did the war. Civilians still loyal took up arms and rallied at Canterlot to defend it.

Mother and I got suited for battle as well. We are not the type of rulers who stand by and allow the citizens and guards do all the hard work, we were going to fight by their side. Luna was still young so she was taken to our ally the Griffon Kingdom for her own safety. And not only did they protect Luna they also sent their own army to help, if it wasn't for this the war would have lasted much longer and there would have been more bloodshed.

You were too far gone in this letter to pay attention to anything else that was going on around you. While lost in the letter your cellphone had been ringing non-stop, having yet to answer it.

After a year of blood, sweat, and tears, the war finally ended. Many lives were lost, but finally we put an end to The Fallen. We had to start reconstruction of everything that was destroyed as for the lost lives that is where your connection comes into play. Mother was able to save those who had been killed during the battle, but the solution would leave her weak and unfit to rule the Kingdom for the time being.

She was able to call forth all lives lost to be brought back, but she couldn't bring them back in Equestria. She had to send their spirits through the vast cosmos. We had followed them to make sure they had gotten somewhere safe, that's when they found Earth. It was still in its primitive stages and made the perfect place for the lost spirits.

After many more years they began to shape themselves into Bronies and Pegasisters. The guards that were killed became warriors and later on soldiers, and the citizens became people like you. You all have been reincarnated generation after generation with the love for Equestria but it has taken until now for the full connection to be established.

Close Scroll & Re-open

You had reached the end of the page at this point. Desperate to know what else Celestia had to say. Now you know why you and other Bronies and Pegasisters have been feeling something more for the show and that realm. Not only that you had learned you were once part of that great Kingdom, you were one of them. You quickly rolled the scroll up and opened it again. The words began to move and change into the new page.

You know your, what do you call it now-a-days? Your OC, I believe, well that picture that your drew, or that ‘vector’ you made, or the ‘Pony Creator’ you used. Your OC is not just what you would be as a pony, it is what were and will be as a pony. That pony came to mind because it is was the pony your were before your spirit was sent here for your rebirth.

Setting down the letter and rushing to the computer you pull up the picture of your OC that was made using the Pony Generator. Looking at it closely you start to understand what Celestia was talking about, realizing that the pony on the screen was your past and future.

You look back to the letter. The words start to fade and glow a golden yellow light as nine new words form on it.

Are You Ready To Return Home?
Your Princess,

You're speechless, and everything seems to be on giant haze. You ringing cell phone can finally be heard, you check to see who it is. It is a friend you meet at the last BronyCon.

“Dude did you get the package?” He says very excitedly.

“Yeah, and I don’t think we are the only ones to get it.”

“...” The other end is silent.


“...”Still only silence.

“You need not worry about your friends,” A sweet voice says, “He is home where he belongs.”

You turn and see the goddesses of the Sun and Moon themselves, Celestia and Luna. Acting quickly you bow to your knees as your brain starts working again.

“You do not need to bow,” Luna says as he walks over and lifts you up.

“We have come to take you back to Equestria,” Celestia said.

Your eyes well with tears of joy as you can finally get to go to the place where you can be truly happy. Your parents went on a ‘business trip’ but it was really an excuse for your abusive father to hide your mothers remains after an argument got out of hand. Thankfully you were able to get your brother and sister to safety as soon as he left, for without your mother around to protect you he would take his fury out on you.

Celestia was reading your mind and spoke-up, “We have taken the liberty of taking you siblings to Equestria as well.”

“They are waiting for you. You are the only Brony who has not been brought to Equestria yet,” Luna said taking a step back next to her sister.

Your smile grows and you nodded, tears still streaming from your eyes. They smile and began to pour magic into their horns. Warmth spreads over your body as a blinding light flashes and Celestia and Luna teleport you.

* * * *

Your eyes open to see to two little fillies standing over you. Recognizing them as the OC’s you helped your little brother and sister make.

“You're here!” They say in unison as they jump on you for a hug.

You look to where your hands would be and see hooves. Inspecting the rest of yourself to find you look exactly like your OC does. You look out on the rolling green pastures and see your friends running toward you.

They are all shouting, “He made it!”

You get up and look to the sky. You made it. You are home. You are in Equestria.

Author's Note:

This story is a filler until I can get more chapter of Changes for the Better up. I am still going to be working on that just waiting for my editor to finished with the few chapters I sent him.

Did this in about two to three hours. I was trying to word in correctly and was doing other things while working on it.

Anyways, hope everypony enjoys it.

(This is not meant to show any religious aspects or anything. It was just something I wrote with a burst of inspiration I had. If it conflicts with anypony...you shouldn't have read it.)

Comments ( 119 )

Woo, first comment! If only this would happen...

there are a couple spelling and grammar errors(I'm no English teacher, so I'll leave that area to someone else) but other than that, I'm really intrigued by this concept! I will definitely be keeping a eye on this story.

For some reason this gave me hope >.> Dunno why.
I love this story, thank you for writing it!

I am the long lost Bat-Pony Alicorn Princess.... :pinkiegasp: I AM ECLIPSE OF EQUESTRIA!!!!

2318390 It says "Complete" on the status tag.

Oh if it could happen..
If only.

But still good story.

i wish that this were real it would be so awesome to be my fan character cuz i would have the powers of a dragon and a unicorn


marry me and have my mutant parasprite offspring

2318473 OH! it said incomplete when I clicked on it. egg on my face.:facehoof:

So I am an earth pony with a magical amulet that gives me the capabilities of a unicorn, but kills me if I have it taken off? I can live with that!

Thank you MasterBrony2012, for this wonderful story. It makes me want to truly believe that it is true.
If only I could find a genie in a magic lamp like the kind that gives me 3 wishes, I would wish for this to be true and discard all my other wishes!

This is truly an amazing story! Ive always hoped to live in Equestria since I discovered this show about 3 months ago... wouldn't it be amazing if this happened? If all of us were went there?
Oh, how I wish this would happen!

It all makes sense now!

If it were real, it would be awesome:twistnerd:

i'm adding this to my favourites so that i may pass my judgement when the next chapter is released.

if this was real there would be so many new alicorns... am i the only one who'd settle for a regular earth pony? my oc is unicorn though.

*Sniffles* WHY DOESN'T THIS HAPPEN!?!?!?

i dont like the idea behind this

id rather be human than pony to be honest

If it were only real... But then my sister would be all alone.:derpyderp2:

if only this could happen it would be awesome!

I would go to Equestria if I could take my computer.


Ha ha, no.

Ur doin it rong.

Creepiest thing? Right at the part about the ringing phone, my phone rang...

Eh, given the chance, I'd think I would stick with my hands and internet, rather than go to Equestria. Plantigrade bipeds FTW!

Sooooo creepy...

I love it! Keep up the amazingness that is this story!

Have a mustache :moustache:

Well made, well done!

But, it was kinda creepy, when he got a knock on the door, so did I... :twilightoops:

And it was a package...

Actually, goddesses is the correct spelling. He's doing it write. (See what I did there?)


Too bad you missed my real meaning.

I have shamed my ancestors. I must commit crowbar seppuku...
Oh, right, still wearing the HEV suit. Foiled again I dare say...

Holy crap... This is so true...

I wonder if there really was a pony like Dusty in Equestria...

I would like nothing more than for this to happen. I'd be doin' this shit right here:



You bastard. :trixieshiftleft: :pinkiegasp:

How dare you simply dismiss it as creepy...? BLASPHEMY, I SAY! :twilightoops:


My OC would get all the bitches. :duck:

I'm a fox from equestria? :unsuresweetie: I guess?
Wait nvm it's an oc pony :twilightblush:

Oh, none of you know how badly I want to do that... I want to become my OC, and go to Equestria! Let me be my Pegasus, Lightning Flicker! Please let this happen! Please! An hour after I read this story, and an hour before posting this comment, I dreamt what would the life in Equestria be like if I live there, now. I woke up 2 minutes ago from the time I posted this. Not kidding. I silently cried when I found out it never happened. I want it to happen... So badly...I had so many feels when I awoke from my dream. I can tell other here had the same saddening reaction I had...

Aww, it's sweet! Though it could use a bit of revision =P

Lauren Faust is Xenu now?

This is so sweet :twilightsmile:
Although... it could use a little revision :unsuresweetie:
But I loved it :D Nice story, *adds to favs and likes*

:facehoof: I'm also picturing all the horrible, solid-coloured alicorn OCs being sent to Equestria

Comment posted by spymanx deleted Mar 26th, 2013

Okay, weighing in on the whole OC thing. Presumably, the OC is some sort of spiritual/genetic memory attempting to apply itself to this 'link'. The fact that the memory is several millennia old in itself would presumably cause distortion and degradation of the memory, hence 'demonic, alicorn OCs'. Also, since this 'link' has been established recently, this 'memory' is coming to the forefront and attempting to apply itself to a world it knows it belongs to, except certain details are wrong, so the memory changes to fit it, for example, instead of simply having a Pegasus relative that they didn't like, they are now Rainbow Dashes/ Fluttershys/ any other in show pegasus's disillusioned relative. The memories, coming back subconsciously because of this link, bend to fit established 'facts'.

There, with my explanation, this story is now perfectly plausible. Yay for science!

Comment posted by Ra1nbowCrasH deleted Mar 26th, 2013

Prepare for annoying factual rant.

While it's certainly true that the original MLP generation, and all generations procceding FiM, was meant for little girls, things are very different now. When Faust began creating her spin on the MLP universe, she intended to create a show that ALL ages and genders could enjoy, not a show for girls who were just beginning to get into Barbie. It had always been Lauren's goal to make at least a dent in the girl steryotype that would have stopped most people from watching shows like hers. I'm sure that, through the bronies, she has achieved that goal tenfold. So no, it's not a show for little girls that we should be considered creepy for watching.

I won't deny you your opinion, though. :scootangel:

2321990 I did this on Google Docs so it fixed all the spelling errors for me. As for Grammar errors, I would need Word for that, and I try the best I can to follow all the grammatical rules and stuff. Though sometimes there are just to many for me to remember or care about for a Fan-Fiction.

Anyways...at least itsn't as bad as some other stories that i have seen with errors with every word and sentence.

This story, I like it. Why can't this happen to us?????:raritydespair:

Civil war? The Fallen? Direct monologue with a Celestia? This story is direct, fresh and predictable as the American propaganda. But the idea is good, the author could construct on it very quite good story, but alas.

make into full story... PLEASE?:rainbowkiss:

Pretty much the first thing that popped into my head after reading this.

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