• Published 7th Oct 2011
  • 3,182 Views, 22 Comments

Sweet Dreams - BrianBlessedPony

A Princess of Equestria teaches a class about the past

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A Tale Past.

It was a bright, warm spring in Equestria, the perfect weather complimenting the variety of bright colours of the new season. It would have been a perfect day for all, but for one class of foals this was far from the case.

At that moment there were being lead down a path in the Everfree forest. They huddled together; to the point their sides continuously brushed one another. Even the pegasai in the group kept to the ground this far in the dark forest. At the centre of the mass was a filly pegasus named Mosquito who had a darkish green and brown body with dark green hair. She squeaked at every noise and shadow now. Not even the cruellest bully in the class mocked the continuously afraid pony now.

“Now then, I know how you must feel, but trust me.” Came the voice of the leader, her mature tone soothing the fillies and colts a little. Mosquito though couldn’t think of it like that.

“Easy for you to say when you’re a Princess...” she mumbled to herself, a few of her peers nodding in agreement behind the alicorn.

The journey wasn’t far for the group and soon they had arrived at a dense vine and plant covered rock face. There had been a distinct lack of animal or fauna attacks, of which the forest was well known for.

“What now Princess?” a jet black colt asked, pushing against the forest covered wall. It failed to budge under his weight and strength, finally forcing him to give up.

With a faint aura of magic surrounding her horn the Princess smiled at the colt. Before he knew it, the thick tangle of foliage un-wove itself. Astounded, the colt was soon looking into the entrance of a tunnel.

“Those unicorns that have learnt their light spells can practice them in here,” the regal pony said, looking back at her class. “Everypony else, I’ll have my own horn lit. Please keep close to me.”

With students surrounding her, the mare trotted on with her horn illuminating the cavern. The magic light she and her students gave reflected off of mirrors placed on the walls. Mosquito found herself hovering above the Princess.

“Okay class, who here knows about the Elements of Harmony?” the alicorn asked, her soft voice becoming quieter. The bombardment of whispered agreements made her chuckle.

“Now, who knows what happened to them?”

There was some slight mumbling and disagreements as to what had happened to the six mares, none of which were new.

There was the tale that Rainbow Dash had managed to go so fast she exploded into a Sonic Rainboom seen all across Equestria. The one about Applejack holding off hordes of Diamond Dogs in one last stand was a classic of course. The Princess had never understood the Rarity becoming a jewel herself but apparently it was romantic. Pinkie Pie was meant to still be partying across Equestria, a true party pony never dying. She cringed at the idea that Fluttershy had got her wish and was now the grandest tree in Canterlot. And it was amazing how Twilight Sparkle had managed to become a star in the night sky. These were the more common tales, of course.

After the hubbub died down, the alicorn began to speak again as her light became the sole remaining one. The young unicorns needed a lot more practice.

“Five centuries ago, the Elements were in this forest, looking for their friend Zecora. Searching her hut, they were covered in a combination of potions that reacted violently. Slowly they were dying, and worse still, they risked spreading their condition. They were able to send a message to the Royal Sisters. A cure would take centuries to make, and old Lore told that if most of the Elements were to all die at once, then all their good work would be undone. So Princess Luna granted them the time. After heartfelt goodbyes to their loved ones through a magic field in this cave, Luna gave them magical sleep, to last until a cure could be made.”

There was a chorus of groan from the young ones. This was a tale they’d heard all their lives from their parents. Only an adult would come up with some so boring.

The rabble stopped when the alicorn ceased to move. The light from her horn floated away and touched a point in the ceiling, leading a cry of gasps as a moment later the cavern was surrounded in a light as bright as the sun itself.

“There they are, the Elements of Harmony.” stated the soft voice.

Clambering over one another, the class stared intently at the group of ponies, each lying on their own bed. They glittered under the light as an aura surrounded their deep sleep. Her little wings flapping like a humming bird, Mosquito noticed something amiss.

“There’s only five!” she squeaked, pointing a hoof at an empty bed. “Where’s the-“

An aura surrounded the filly and settled her on the ground in front of the Princess who maintained a smile, though sadness etched her face.

“Princess Gaea?”

“Only five of the friends went to the hut. The sixth, the Element of Kindness, was too afraid to do so.” Princess Gaea crouched down to Mosquito, her long pink mane pooling around the young mare. The light shone off of her regalia that were shaped like plant life. “When she heard what had happened, she rushed to her friend but Princess Celestia stopped her.”

“She begged and she pleaded to help them, not caring about her own well being. Unable to separate the friends, Celestia gave Fluttershy the power to look after them until they could awake. Fluttershy was gifted alicorn powers and given the title of Princess Gaea.”

Gasp’s echoed around the cavern, the realisation that all this time, the sixth Element had been with the young ponies. At the centre of the light yellow pony’s royal jewels was a pink butterfly, the Element of Kindness itself.

“With the power over plant and animal life, she began her care for her friends as well as the world they left behind. That is why Mosquito I can say you have nothing to be afraid of. I have been in your position, and even today I still have my fears. That is why I remind ponies of the truth of my friends.”

With that, the former pegasus rose and looked fondly at the sleeping ponies. The auras that kept them asleep also prevented their disease from spreading.

After that one last look, Fluttershy took the class back outside to the forest, answering the questions that got thrown at her. The unicorns giggled when she was forced to reveal it took the Princess decades to master simple magic.

When they arrived at the forest once more, the little ponies began to tremble at the sight that greeted them. Four manticores stood waiting patiently at the entrance. Princess Gaea gently flew over to the lead creature, which she nuzzled.

“These little kittens will escort you back to Ponyville. I must make sure the girls are okay before I return.”

At first, no child moved. Eventually, little Mosquito rose from her friends and hovered by one of the manticores. There was a moment before the beast held out its paw. The pegasus settled in it a few seconds after and motioned her friends over. It wasn’t long before Fluttershy watched them leave, the manticores allowing the little ones to rest on them or carried them.

“Another class taught the first steps of the truth, Princess Gaea?” came a voice from the forest. The yellow alicorn bowed in its direction.

“Yes, your Highness.”

“I have always wondered why you neglect the full tale.” Princess Celestia said, stepping into the clearing. “And please, how many times must you be told you don’t need to bow?”

“And how many times must you be told I’m not a true Princess?” there was a faint smirk on Gaea’s face. “And they’ll learn the truth in their history lessons. Some lies are kinder; they’ll be cushioned a little before they learn that the girls were hit by a plague we wanted to cure by ourselves...”

“Luna says that the road to the moon is paved with good intentions Gaea.”

“I have heard that saying many times Princess Celestia. I prefer the one of ‘the truth is so precious, it needs a bodyguard of lies.’ Besides, I feel that was the last generation that needs to visit the girls like this.

The Princess of the Sun had started down the tunnel, just to turn around again. “You can feel the plant?” she said, her voice mingled with hope.

“Yes, and I’ve been helping where I can. I would never have thought that dr-dr-dragons would be such good botanists, Spike especially.”

Celestia could only smile as she draped a wing over the ‘younger’ alicorn and lead her back into the cave.

“You know Gaea; you really should hold court now and then. It isn’t right that you get all the time off whilst Luna and I have to work.” Celestia was rewarded with a squeak of shock.

“Oh no, I couldn’t do that! I’d be too nervous to hold court! Besides, there’s so many animals I need to care for and...” the Princess of Animals and Fauna trailed off, hiding her blushing cheeks behind her mane.

It took all of Celestia’s self control to not laugh. After all that time, after all that had happened and even with her powers, at her very core Fluttershy was still herself. She wondered whether or not to give similar powers to her friends once they were finally reunited. For now though, there was nothing to do, but wait and see.