• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 626 Views, 8 Comments

Vinyl Crosses Abbey Load - Listie The Scribe Maid

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Act 1/Part 2 - I Saw Her Standing There

Based off of Abbey Load by Beatallica
Written by That Gamer!
ACT 1, PART 2: I Saw Her Standing There

"One, two, three, YEAH!"

The band onstage began playing some kinda rock 'n' roll/beat song. Not that Vinyl cared. She was too fixated on the roommate she previously had no feelings for.

Wow, she looks damn good for a seventeen year old... Vinyl thought, getting a dreamy look on her face that was completely out of character for her. Well, she's actually forty-seven... But you know what I mean, "you" being me. I think. Anyways, damn, she looks so beyond compare. I gotta make a move somehow...

Just then, Octavia looked back at Vinyl and called over to her, "I vas right, shoeshine doesn't exisit, so I'm just going to get you a Nile Ibiza. Is that OK?"

"Um... Sure, whatever!" Vinyl yelled back, knowing at that instant that she'd truely fallen in love.

Octavia nodded and turned back to the bartender.

"Could you two please stop shouting at each other?" the bartender asked. "She's just across the floor!"

"Vhatever you vant, Gums," Octavia answered with a half-mutter.

Man, I was not ready for that... Vinyl continued to think to herself. I really gotta do something before my heart explodes. I should start simple. Do something completely the opposite of what I did this morning.

So, having gone through that thought process, Vinyl got up and slowly made her way across that room. And, of course, against her better wishes, her went boom while she did so. Anyways, as it was expected, Vinyl made to Octavia, with the intentions of simply taking Tavia's hoof in her's. But...

"Vinyl, are you really that impatient for a drink that you needed to come over here to get it yourself?" Octavia enquired, raising what should be an eyebrow.

"Um..." this was another thing Vinyl didn't expect. "No... I was just going to, um... Take these back to the table for you!"

"I can do so myself," Octavia reminded Vinyl.

"You don't have anything to hold them with," Vinyl argued. She hoped to the high heavens she didn't sound rude, which, if you know her, is impossible.

"Didn't stop me from playing cello," Octavia retorted,

"Well... MAGICK!" Vinyl exclaimed, taking the drinks and going back to their table.

Octavia sighed and shook her at that, going back to said table. Typical Vinyl...

"Here, this is yours!" Vinyl offered. She hoofed Octavia her drink as she sat down.

"Yeah, I made sure to get mine non-alcoholic," Octavia muttered. She took a sip of her drink and commented, "They actually made it that vay. For once. I don't go to bars often, but they alvays get it vrong and I end up not drinking anything."

Vinyl sighed dreamily. "I-I know what you mean. Hey, you wanna dance through the night?!"

"I'd rather just sit here," Octavia, stirring her drink around, said.

"Sure, sure, why not," Vinyl said quickly. Damn it. I thought that would work. Swear I heard a song just about this. Maybe I should try something more... Direct.

"...I heard the guy vho made that drink died," Octavia continued her history lesson. "I dunno if it was recent or not, but I do know that he did pass avay... Really, you should try it."

"Oh, I guess," Vinyl said, getting back to the reality at hand, quickly drinking a little.


"Damn better then I expected!" Vinyl commented.

"Huh, guessing does vork." Octavia smiled at that revelation.

"Yeah, I know, I've done it my whole life," Vinyl joked. "Speaking of which, I'm gonna guess what you need-"

"Let me guess," Octavia cut Vinyl off. "A date."

Vinyl gasped. "You're a genius!"

"I knov I am," Octavia sighed in an annoyed manner.

"Hey, don't sound like that," Vinyl told her pal. "I really think you do. Just some kind of pony to get you out of the house more often!"

"You first," Octavia growled, rubbing her forehead and downing her drink. "Look... Vinyl... Vinny or vhatever... I don't need you to continue setting me up on dates! I vant to date vhen I knov I found the one vho's right for me! Remember the last date... The last 10... THE LAST TVENTY... THIRTY YOU SET ME UP ON!? I get around more the Bronies think Rainbov Dash does!"

"What's so bad about that?" Vinyl asked in a half-sarcastic manner.


"Yeah, but the problem was those were all stallions," Vinyl, with a sly smile, pointed out.

Octavia suddenly got a lot calmer and confused. "Are you suggesting vhat I think you're suggesting?"

"That depends," Vinyl answered. "Tell me what I'm suggesting."

"Look, Vinyl, I don't tune my instruments that vay," Octavia informed her amigo of the opposite spectrum the genre.

"That wasn't what I suggested," Vinyl said flatly.

"But you knov vhat I mean, right?" Octavia asked.

Vinyl shook her head and Octavia said with a sigh, "I thought as much. Look, I am not letting you set me up on any more dates. Period. It doesn't matter if it's a stallion or especially a mare. Just forget it."

"Well, you haven't heard who I was going to suggest yet," Vinyl said.

"...Then vho is it?" Octavia enquired, still annoyed.

There was a small silence, meant for suspense. Obviously.

"Me!" Vinyl replied. If only you could have seen the small smile on her face when she said it.


"Yes, Nyx, me, now shut up," Vinyl told the minor. She then said to Octavia, "Well, what do you think?"

Another pause for suspense.

"OK, nov I knov you're just kidding," Octavia deadpanned, getting up from the table. "You've been sarcastic like this all evening and I'm sick of it. Nov, if you'll excuse me, I'm going somevhere else to spend my time." And, of course, with that, she left.

"..." Vinyl slammed her head onto the table, spilling her Ibizia Nile on th floor. "Damn it." Well... That could've gone better. Like, a whole buck ton better. Guess I gotta be even more direct.


Author's Note:

Hey, here's a little sneak peek of what's going to be in the bonus: "Through The Blank Flank", "She Saw That Thrashboom There" and "For Whom (Oh) Fluttershy Tolls".

Comments ( 4 )

Aaand now I've read chapter 2, which has more plot, and not the kind you could make a joke about. Except the one I just did.

Aaaaanyway, okay, now I get it: Octavia with a German accent instead of the British accent everyone gives her and you're purposefully putting the V's to replace all the W's to be silly, am I right? I'm still going to say the joke works without saying "vho" and "knov," and such, though. Still a fun read. It'll be neat if/when it comes out of hiatus.

Uh, I think it was because I remembered reading some story where Octavia had a Russian accent, and when I wrote the original, I wanted to do that, too. Clearly that meant, "Chop your W's in half!" Poor things; they never did anything wrong to anybody...

I think one reason why I kept that little bit from the original is because... Well, the original had, so why not this? The fact that (back then) I wanted all my stories to share the same "universe" may have had something to do with it, I dunno. I haven't thought about this story in a long time. Looking at it now, I can see I wasn't even consistent with the whole not Russian accent thing.

Now for whether or not I find the fourth wall stuff I wrote good 105 weeks and one day later. You wanted to know that, didn't you? I did, and all I can say about the fourth wall stuff is that it's...!

Uhm... Actually, yeah, the accent thing was a joke. As for the story itself, I'm not sure of whether or not I will continue it any time in the future. The next song in Abbey Load is "Michelle", and I'm not quite sure how to adapt that. My original plan was going to involve Vinyl whacking Raindrops on the back of the head to get her to speak French (it works), but I don't know. Besides, I haven't felt particularly inspired to write anything in forever, unless it's RP stuff. Yes, I'm in a pony RP.

Regardless, will this story ever continue? I sort of doubt it. But in case it doesn't, spoiler alert, the whole thing would have turned into a Twilight/Vinyl story because that's what I shipped. Also, the song mash-ups I wrote sucked, and the medley portion wouldn't have been that good either.

Also, the fourth wall stuff is kind of dumb. Not even kind of.

5862850 4th wall jokes are indeed dumb. But I'm a sucker for 'em and I make no apologies. :)

is there gonna be a "Vinyl Crosses Abbey ReLoad"?

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