• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

Comments ( 154 )

sucking dick is not a talent of hers

This can only end in the way I want it to.

YES! A new story by the great Darf!

Comment posted by Late Registrator deleted Apr 5th, 2013

source of image plox?....

I wish I could Wright awesomeness like daek

umm.... I realized it was about sucking, and I thought it would be more than that, but honestly, I couldn't get past the halfway point, while well written, it's not something I could care to read, it was exactly how I imagined rarity thinking and whatnot, but it's simply not something I could stand to read.
not my cup of tea, feels too much like a text book sadly
great job otherwise, leaves little to be desired afterwords

Maybe this is just me being insane and really liking plot with my porn, but man, as good and sexy as this was, it would've been even better if this was the creamy middle of a sandwich cookie framed by before-and-after sequences where we actually see Rainbow with Thunderlane. I've seen stories like this before, as far as 'training' a character to better please a partner, and I always find the best parts to those stories are when they get to apply what they've learned, so to speak.

So I guess what I'm really asking for is a part two? :D


2380742 I like this idea. I enjoy porn with a plot as well, which is why Hentai is best porn.

2380857 Unlike real porn, where a woman's sink gets busted and then calls a plumber, then bang. Instant porn.

2380742 gonna agree I wanna see what thunder thinks.

Bell End? Wow, when it comes to names, that poor guy...


...got shafted.


2380904 Exactly.

"Oh no, I ordered a pizza when I already knew I didn't have the money for it! I hope your place of business accepts fucks instead!"

Unf, dat premise. Painfully instant boner. Top of my fap queue. Will review later..:heart:

Edit: Well, i only read it half-way through... for, uh, reasons... I'll finish the rest later.

You female bronies here should read this. Trust me, you be doing your man a favor (respectively). :ajsmug:

EDIT: And I am talking about on how to 'pleasure' a man, not the cheating part. Stay faithful...

Although I think that a 'lesson' in sex would be a good thing to do in one of my future stories...


If you're taking this comment seriously, then PISS OFF. I am sorry if I offended anyone and if I am not making it 'obvious' that I am joking but I AM. I am not going to delete this because I am going to say what I want. Simple as that. Again, no seriousness in this comment since I SEEMLY HAVE TO state it as such.

First off, naming the dude Bell End was a fucking masterstroke of genius. Hilarity beyond measure. :pinkiesmile:

The action was very descriptive and arousing, and didn't come off as forced at all. Rarity and Dash acted IC, with even Rarity's promiscuity presented in a believable way.

Good show! :twilightsmile:

Oni #19 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 3 ·

Heil Darf. Heil.

Sorren #20 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 15 ·


You female bronies here should read this. Trust me, you be doing your man a favor

Are you fucking kidding me?

I mean, are you serious?


Oh did you think I was referring to the 'cheat' on your man part? Oh no I am talking about how to 'blow' lol. Sorry for not being specific. :twilightblush:

Sorren #22 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 16 ·

2381480 No! I wasn't referring to that!

Do you have any idea how insulting that is to any female!?

It's not her fucking job to make you happy. Do you think telling a woman to read this to give a better blowjob is ethical!?


Yelling on the internet over a clop fic: Because, why the hell not? It's not like jokes exist or nothing.

darf #24 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 3 ·

guys, please
let's not do this


Have to admit, that kind of joke is a low blow, though.

Sorren #26 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 12 ·

2381500 It's not even a joke. It's sheer disregard!


Any joke works if you preform it right. It's the people that have the self-righteous attitude to be like "You can't say that kinda stuff!" that grind my gears.


Fair enough. Still, consideration for that kinda stuff. Jokes work if preformed right, after all. The trick's getting it right.

Do you have ANY IDEA how rude, inconsiderate, fucked up, and wrong that is?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
You better hope my friend MidnightDancer doesn't see this, because if she does, she will tear you a completely functional new asshole, then castrate you with rusty spoon. I'm tempted to do that myself, actually.
You absolute fucktard cocksucker. It takes a lot to piss me off, given I am a troll and all, but you crossed a line.

Women are not SEX SLAVES.

We're not arguing about a clop fic, we're arguing about an extremely offensive comment.


Dude relax, it's just a joke. :rainbowderp:

You think that I seriously 'expect' girls fully commit into learning how to pleasure a guy? It's just a joking matter after reading this. Don't assume to take me seriously on this site please because this is the internet. And I am serious when I am not one who seriously advises people on sex given that it's none of my business nor do I ever tell people what to do on the internet.

I am sorry if you thought I was being serious but I am not. I want to clear that now before this gets out of hand. My comment was simply a joke as I don't expect ANYONE to take me serious like. Especially you.


Don't take me seriously as it was a joke. I already explained myself to him.


I already explained to him just now that I was only joking in the heat of the moment with the story. Do NOT take me seriously on this site please. I've said enough.


Meanwhile, if this fic was about cunnilingus and some chick made a "Aw yeah, boi! U need to lern how to do dat" comment, not a single blink would be given. And if a man did make a remark regarding it, their sexuality would be questioned.

Lovin' this double standard.

I haven't read the story yet, as I saw that comment before I got the chance.


Then you need to learn to view a joke in its context before snapping like a rabid dog at someone. I personally think you owe him an apology for going instantly for the throat, myself.

darf #36 · Apr 6th, 2013 · · 1 ·

guys, seriously
if we could not do this
that would be great
please don't make me block anyone


>In the year of our lord 2013
>still thinks women are somehow oppressed special snowflakes compared to men
>proving my point within 5 seconds of a reply
Greentexting, because I don't even want to dignify that with a real response.


Fair enough, amigo. I said my piece.


I apologize for causing that. I already made my statement that it's just a joke and they'll have to deal with it if they don't like it. I hope to see more of your work. :raritywink:

People are still think MLP writers have any kind of social integrity anymore?

Can't stop them from doing their (strange) thing, so might as well just sit back and use up your boredom on something else. Chances are, you aren't going to change the writer's outlook on shit with a strongly worded letter, so if it really is something malicious, I'm sure the proper authorities will deal with it.

(Whether it's the administration or the FBI)

This is the worst flame war I have seen yet. On Fimfiction, too, of all places... I feel like I don't belong :rainbowderp:

Regardless, I came for the fic, and I shall enjoy. :pinkiecrazy:

Never mind the bollocks, darf. It was another fine tale. I stick by my criticisms, but it was well-written and had that darf signature flow to it.

Sweet mother of god. You know how to write a clopfic.

With a title like that, I was half expecting it to be by Gary Oak.:twilightsheepish:


You haven't been here long at all, then...

Welcome to Knee-jerk Town;
Where everything is taken out of context,
Every overreaction is an overreaction to an overreaction,
And a comment on a story about a flying, rainbow-haired cartoon horse increasing her ability to give blowjobs is taken seriously to the grave as if it were expressly directed at them.

Niggers tongue my anus.

Connoisseur of cock... :trixieshiftleft:






Perhaps I just avoid most of it. Most arguments I find myself in are those ones that are more akin to exchanges of witty banter.


Or perhaps they're not actually exchanges of witty banter and are instead vicious verbal wars, and I just fail to notice?

Only I could manage that. :scootangel:

With a final gulp, Rainbow Dash leaned her head forward and licked, from base to tip. As she finished pressing with her tongue onto Book End’s cock, his dick sprung back into position, shaking from side to side as it settled.


Holy fucking fuck you fucking fucked fucking fucker, do you not fucking know the fuck how to fucking use fucking reverse fucking image fucking search?
Fucking source, you fuck.

Mother of Faust... This fic writer can write a clopfic!

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