• Published 13th May 2013
  • 1,713 Views, 40 Comments

My Last Letter To The Princess - miseta22

Princess Celestia receives a letter from her student, Twilight Sparke, who is slowly dying from horn cancer. Twilight Spakle also sends along a final gift to Princess Luna. But something is different about the flower that grows from the gift.........

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(this chapter is going to be from Celestia's point of veiw)

Why are they taking the equipment? NO! She cant be dead she just can't. Wait wheres everything going? Nonononono, she cant be dead......

I walk through the plane of life, and stop at my first memory of Twilight Sparkle.

I looked up, having seen a bright flash coming from the school. I walked in and saw a little filly surrounded by magic, the school instructors were floating in the air, and the filly's parents were trees! I walk inside and place a gentle hoof on Twilight's shoulder. She looked up and blinked. The magic surrounding her slowly faded and everything was back to normal. I said "Twilight Sparkle, you have some of the most powerful magical abilities I have seen. But you need to learn to tame these abilities through focused studied. Twilight Sparkle, I would like to take you on as my personal student at the school." Her eyes widened and started jumping in the air and yelling yes over and over. Her parents were too stunned to say anything. I said "One other thing." She said "There's more?" I nod and pointed at her brand new cutie mark.

I continue walking through, watching memories of how she progressed so fast, how she defeated nightmare moon and returned my sister to me. I stop at one of my fondest memories of her. The day she learned the magic of friendship.

I walk up to Twilight and her friends and say “Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that you can now return to your studies in canterlot?”
She said “That’s just it. When I finally learn about the importance of friends, I have to leave them.”
I think for a moment then say “Spike, take a note.”
Spike whips out a sheet of paper and a quill then nods, to signal me he is ready.
I say “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission. She will study the Magic Of Friendship, from her new home in ponyville”
Everyone yelled happily and we all started celebrating.

I wake up and see several worried faces looking down on me. Having sat up, i look at everyone and say "Dont worry, i will be fine. I have not been feeling that well."

The nurse said "Make sure to eat well, and get plenty of rest. It would not be good if our princess to be sick"

I smile and say "I will. Dont worry, its just, the shock of losing my favorite student, got to me. I must go. Its time to set up for her funeral."

There is a golden flash of light, and the bed is empty.

I appear in my study. Having landed next to the fireplace, my sides are warm. Lowering my face to the ground, unshed tears flow from my eyes. Memories race through my head. My first contact with Twilight. Watching her excel and study and learn so much about Magic. Making new friends, and moving to ponyville.

Grabbing a scroll, a quill and some ink with my magic, i start writing a letter

"Dear Mourning Meadows
I have recently had a death in my family, and am looking for a suitable set of flower arrangments. I have talked to many of my friends, and they all recommend you. If you could make some arrangments for the funeral, i will be forever grateful

Princess Celestia"

Sending the letter of with a poof of magic, i smile tiredly. One down, undeterminable number of things to go.

As I wait for a reply back, I start working on finances for the funeral. Writing out a list of the things I need, and a budget for related items. First off, is to find someone to make a set of funeral clothes for everyone. Probably should ask Rarity. Decorations can be handled by Pinkie Pie. Food is a good job for Apple Jack to have. Music can be sung by Fluttershy’s birds. And last but not least, our final gift to Twilight. Maybe Rainbow Dash could do a sonic rain boom. Grabbing more paper, a quill and ink, I start writing letters to everyone.

“Dear Rarity,
Would you design funeral clothes for me, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor, plus you and your friends? I am entirely willing to send some of the finest fabric available, silk thread and anything else you need, as payment for doing this. You can even come up to canterlot and use one of the rooms if you need to.
Your Eternal Friend, Princess Celestia”

After sending it off with a poof of magic, I start working on my third letter
“Dear Rainbow Dash
As a final gift from Equestria to Twilight, would you please perform a Sonic Rain Boom at the end of the funeral? I feel that Twilight Sparkle would love to see one last rain boom before she passes to the next world. If you need some private space to practice, I have plenty of room near the castle.
Your Eternal Friend, Princess Celestia”

I send it off with a poof of magic, and face plant of the desk. Probably should work on sending invites to the crystal empire. No, should probably finish the letters first.

Grabbing more paper, ink and quills, I start writing again

“Dear Fluttershy,
I am sending you this letter, because I have a question for you. Would you be willing to have your birds sing at the funeral? I have heard them sing many times, and I think they would be perfect for this event. I am sure Twilight would have loved to hear them sing one last time. If you would like to borrow some of my exotic birds, you may. You can also practice, in the gardens if you need to,
Your Eternal Friend, Princess Celestia”
I check off clothes, final gift, and music. Next, is food. I grab more paper and start writing

“Dear Apple Jack,
Would you be willing to prepare the food for the funeral? I can’t think of anyone else who makes as good food as you do. Do invite some of your family if you need to. And if you need more cooking space, I have several large kitchens.”

Finally, I am on the last letter. I am almost out of paper. I can always buy more. Okay, one last letter, and then I can sleep.

“Dear Pinkie Pie
Knowing that you throw wonderful parties, I would love for you to decorate the ball room. I know it is tough, losing a close friend like Twilight, but you’re the best at cheering everypony up, and I know it would make you happy. If you would like to come and start designing right away, I will make sure you have lots of peace, quiet, and cupcakes while you work.
Your Eternal Friend, Princess Celestia”

Whew, all done with that. Now, I must lower the sun, and get plenty of sleep, so I can finish the invites tomorrow.

Author's Note:

credit for name, and ideas used in this chapter go to Pleaseworkforonce :)