• Published 18th Apr 2013
  • 2,157 Views, 53 Comments

Clankers - ISKV

A collection of journals, transcripts, and interviews that show the history of how the humans returned to the surface.

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Equestria at War : Lieutenant Colonel Soft Steel, Letters to Home Country

-General Bulwark,

Our current military situation is both very dire, and very relieving at the same time, as ridiculous as it might sound. King Sombra has been confirmed to have taken direct control over his forces, although with the grievous mistakes made in the deployment of his assets, it can be assumed that he is inexperienced in warfare.

However, what concerns us most is the appearance of his new weapon, a massive construct roughly eight stories tall. It is capable of decimating an entire line of troops and can absorb a mind-boggling amount of damage before succumbing. But instead of deploying them in front of the common infantry to break through our lines, Sombra has opted to place them at the second-line. His reasoning or his thought is unknown to us, but this has allowed some of our strike pegasus squadrons to engage them without the enemy infantry interfering.

However, even then they consume too many of our forces. What little ground troops that remain are overwhelmed by the common infantry. We have had a series of victories, but little-by-little they are becoming pyrrhic victories. As of now, we are holding them back with no advancement or retreat of the front lines.

-Lt. Col. Soft Steel, 3rd Army, 12th Battalion


-General Bulwark,

I regret to inform you that all 3rd Army Battalions are on the retreat. Our supplies are running low, and morale is even lower. Colonel Raptor of the Pegasus Air Armada and Colonel Sharp of the Unicorn Magi Corps are currently overseeing the evacuation of the Snow Fortress. I am aware of the amount of effort and lives that we sacrificed to gain this strategic foothold, but without a steady supply line, we are no more than canned food.

-Lt. Col. Soft Steel, 3rd Army, 12th Battalion


My dear Sugarheart,

I'm sorry I haven't been home for months, but battle after battle we've been losing too much, and there might be the possibility that I won't return for an entire year. I know that all of the high officers boasted that they would be home by Hearths Warming Eve, but these blasted Crystal Juggernauts have turned the tide. What angers me is the fact that Sombra has no idea how to command troops, the superiority of these constructs counteract his stupidity. Give me five of them and I'll take over the world. How about we have our honeymoon in Prance? Just you, me, and nopony else for a radius of five hundred miles.

I jest. But there are few other things that I would rather be doing without you.

-Lt. Col. Soft Steel, 3rd Army, 12th Battalion Soft Steel, Husband of Sugarheart, Father of Aurora

PS: I've sent you my paycheck. Give something nice to Aurora, but make sure it doesn't give her diabetes. I want her alive, you know?



It's cold. Really cold. I know that the Northern Reaches are cold year-round, but now there isn't even the sun to light things up.

I saw her. Princess Luna. She's changed. Before she was somewhat of an introvert with a short fuse, but she made the best Field Marshal in history. But we all saw what she refused to see. The princess had been working with little to no sleep, and I think that may have affected her judgment.

We all heard of the story. She's walking around camp, but all around her there's soldiers and civilians talking about how the night ruins everything. How their crops are dying. Through her eyes I saw her heart crack. In her defense, there was little else that could be done. After all she's been through, after all she's done, I saw her break.

Now, she looks different. Her coat looks even darker, not because it's darkly colored, but because- And I swear on the Immortal Megan's teats- that her coat was consuming all of the light around her.

She's no introvert now.

I'm scared of her Sugar. I want to go home. I want out of this frozen wasteland.

I want to see your face again. It's been far too long.

-Soft Steel


-Lt. Col. Soft Steel,

The 12th Battalion of the 3rd Army was been reassigned to Stalliongrad for internal security. Due to the proximity of the city to the front lines, martial law has been enacted. You are to station your troops in Fortress Base Phoenix and Fortress Base Iron.

You will receive further orders on arrival from General Price of the 1st Army.

-General Bulwark, 3rd Army


-Lt. Col. Soft Steel,

We have been receiving reports that humans have begun a campaign of sabotaging civilian food stores in Stalliongrad. Your task is to maintain the security of the city by any means necessary.

-General Price, 1st Army



I've been reassigned to Stalliongrad. I know you want nothing more than to take the next train here, but I'm telling you right now, don't. I have enough to worry about. I have realized that Sombra really didn't know what his forces were capable of. Humans have been stealing from our food stores, no matter how many guards we station around the warehouses. They're like ghosts. I can tell that my soldiers are scared, for good reason too. If they can sneak into a heavily-guarded storage box, what's stopping them from slitting our throats when we sleep?

But no, they're only going after the food. Either they are cruel beings who want nothing more than to starve us to death, or things aren't what they appears to be.

-Soft Steel


-Lt. Col. Soft Steel,

Due to the excellent record of service of you and your soldiers, I have requested that General Bulwark allow one month of leave for the entire 12th Battalion. The newly created 14th Battalion of the 1st Army has enough freshly trained ponies to replace your presence.

-General Price, 1st Army


-Lt. Col. Soft Steel,

I have just received a request from General Price that I allow one month of leave for the 12th Battalion. I do not wish to do this, you and your stallions are the best that I have. But I do realize that you've been fighting for an entire five years without rest. Therefore the 12th Battalion shall enjoy one month of leave.

You did good Soft Steel. I am not talking to you as a superior officer, but as a friend, you've managed to do much in your time here, and I sincerely appreciate that.

Thank you for your excellent service,

General Bulwark, 3rd Army

PS: Give your wife my regards will you?


-Dear Sugarheart,

After General Price requested that Bulwark give us a break, he decided to give the entire 12th Battalion a leave of absence. It's only going to be a month long, but if I get to see your face again, it's more than enough.

I'm coming home Sugar!

-Lt. Col. Soft Steel, 3rd Army, 12th Battalion