• Published 24th Apr 2013
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Transformers Armada: Starscream's Requiem - Legofan

Unicron awakens, threatening Cybertron's existence. Galvatron refuses to see the truth, however, and Starscream sacrifices himself to unite the warring factions. But instead of death, Starscream is gifted with continued life in a new land.

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Chapter 12: Picnic

For obvious reasons, a roundabout way to the picnic site was taken by Starscream and his companions. After stepping outside of the library, they had turned away from what appeared to be the main street, walking down roads that had no other occupants before breaching the village’s limits. From there, they headed into the open fields that surrounded the village and moved in the direction of their destination.

Unfortunately, taking this route offered Starscream very little chance to take in the sights of Ponyville, and he could only look at it from a distance. Much unlike the Hive, Ponyville was vibrant and colorful. Simple houses indicative of an unsophisticated lifestyle and a technologically underdeveloped society lined the outer edges of the town limits. While no other ponies were within view, he imagined that the interior of the village was a bustling hub of activity, also a significant difference from the Hive.

Taking just those observations into account, Starscream concluded that he would rather reside in the Hive than in Ponyville, surprisingly.

The trip to the picnic site was not expected to be long, and with the promise of getting his questions answered then, he had no inclination to engage in conversation. Twilight, Spike, and Rarity must have all felt the same, as none of them said anything either. Well, none of them said anything to him, at least. Rarity did question Twilight on whether she was going to take the quick way through town or a longer way around town to reach the picnic site, but that was the extent of any communication amongst the four of them.

Rarity was leading the group towards their goal, while Spike sat on her back and Twilight walked to the side of her and a couple of paces behind. Taking up the rear of the company was Starscream.

After another couple of minutes, the group finally came to the base of a hill. It wasn’t necessarily a huge hill, but it was certainly tall enough to keep the ones that could be heard talking on the opposite side of it from view. At that point, Rarity stopped and turned to address Twilight. “We’re here, Twilight,” she said. “Do you think one of us should approach them first and prepare them for Starscream, or shall we just go all at once?”

“It’d probably be best if one of us go first and put them at ease, as I’d imagine they’re a bit tense,” Twilight responded. “Wait here.”

Rarity nodded and fell back to Starscream’s side while Twilight moved up the hill, though she made sure to grab Spike with her magic and place him on her back. He looked just a little dejected as he and Twilight fell out of view behind the hill.

“My friends that you’re about to meet are some of the greatest mares to ever grace Equestria,” Rarity said to Starscream. “I have a feeling that you’ll get along great with them; even Rainbow Dash, given time.”

“Good to know,” Starscream muttered, disinterested. It didn’t really matter to him what Rarity thought of these friends of hers; they were holding him against his will, and that was enough for him to be somewhat agitated with them all. Still, though, he’d do his best to provide a good first impression on the ones he hadn’t met.

Twilight reappeared from over the crest of the hill. “Alright you two; come on out,” she said to them. Rarity started first, with Starscream falling in behind her. As they went up, Twilight disappeared again, presumably joining with the rest of her friends.

And finally he reached the top of the hill. Near the base of the hill opposite the side he and Rarity had climbed up was a large blanket with several wicker baskets and various plates of food laying on top of it. But more importantly, however, were the four ponies standing by Twilight in front of the picnic blanket.

They stood in a block next to Twilight, the row closest to Starscream consisting of an orange coated, blond maned pony who was also wearing a hat, and an overly pink one. Rainbow Dash stood behind the orange one, and next to her stood a yellow pony with a pink mane. The amount of vibrancy and color was a stark contrast to the changelings, and it was almost unsettling.

Another thing that stuck out to Starscream were the golden necklaces, except for Twilight, who instead had a crown, that they all wore. In the way that the necklace Rarity had matched the mark on her flank, the necklaces and crown of the others matched the wearers’ corresponding marks. They must have been the things Dash had been told to distribute prior to the picnic. They must be the Elements of Harmony...whatever that meant.

Rarity continued her approach towards her friends, and Starscream followed in kind, though he gradually fell behind a few paces. “Everypony, this is Starscream,” Twilight introduced as he came nearer. By the time Rarity was with her friends, Starscream was lagging behind by several feet, and he stopped moving forward as she did.

“Hey there, Starscream!” the excessively pink pony greeted, bouncing in place and wearing a wide grin.

“Do you girls want to introduce yourselves, or would you like me to do it?” Twilight asked them.

“We can do it ourselves, I reckon,” the orange pony spoke up, making hesitant steps towards Starscream. “Howdy there,” she said. “Name’s Applejack. I’d say it was a pleasure to meet’cha, but Dash ain’t exactly makin’ you out ta be a fun time ‘round.”

Rainbow Dash had informed Rarity that Starscream was crazy, he recalled Rarity saying earlier, and apparently Dash had told the rest of her friends, too. Things were going swimmingly. She extended her hoof for shaking once she was close enough, and Starscream accepted the motion, saying, “Way to be blunt.”

Applejack went back to her spot in front of Rainbow Dash while the pink one bounded towards Starscream. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!” she announced.

“Um...hi,” he responded awkwardly. The amount of energy Pinkie seemed to have was an uncommon occurrence in Cybertronians; she must have been packing mountains of Energon in her somewhere!

“I just want you to know,” said Pinkie, “that just because Rainbow Dash is saying mean things about you doesn’t mean I’m gonna be a meanie-pants towards you. Or any type of pants at all, since I’m not wearing any!” She laughed at her own joke. “I just hope that we’ll all be able to put our misunderstandings behind us and be friends.” Suddenly, she was right in Starscream’s face, glaring at him menacingly. “But if you hurt one pretty little hair on Twilight, you’re gonna wish you was never born.”

“But I’m fair game then, right?” Spike deadpanned.

Just as quickly as she had invaded Starscream’s space and become threatening, she was back at a reasonable distance and cheery. “Silly Spike,” she giggled, “you don’t have a mane.” And then back to threatening. “But you better not hurt Spike, either.” And back to cheerfully bouncing back to her friends.

“Uh…” Starscream dumbly stated, trying to process what had happened. Failing to do so, he turned to Rarity, who looked confused as well, but less so than himself. “Is she...she always like that?”

“More or less,” Rarity shrugged. “It becomes normal after some exposure; don’t worry.”

So that was five of the gathered ponies that Starscream had been introduced to. Introduced so far as to only know their names, but that was almost more than he could say about the Decepticons that he had been fighting alongside for literally millions of years. Was he really that unsociable? Aside from names, he also knew that he hated all of the other Decepticons, they were pretty much all incompetent, and that was about it. These ponies, aside from Rainbow Dash, were already in better standing with him than they were. How sad.

“Hello...Equestria to Starscream, you there?” Twilight was waving her hoof around in front of his face. Man, he couldn’t even meet people without zoning out and ignoring them. Maybe he was that unsociable.

“Yeah, I’m here,” he muttered, now back to the real world. “What’d I miss?”

“You missed Fluttershy introducing herself,” she answered with a frown.

“Oh, right, sorry,” he said, each word lowering in volume and pitch. “Which one’s Fluttershy?” Gah, what a dumb question; it’s the yellow one, obviously.

Said yellow one looked away and attempted to hide her face behind her long, pink mane. “Hi,” she whispered pathetically softly.

“Hi,” he grunted. “Meet-‘n-greet’s done now,” he said snappily to Twilight. “What now?”

“What we came here for,” she answered, moving towards the picnic blanket. “To eat.”

Each one of them ate very differently, Starscream noticed. Rarity and Fluttershy were very reserved and clean whereas Dash and Applejack were not so, with Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike falling somewhere between the two extremes. It was very befitting of the way they acted, at least in their brief conversations made awkward by his presence. Rarity and Fluttershy were polite and reserved, whereas Dash and Applejack were both blunt, and the other three fit somewhere in the middle.

Various foods were brought by all of them, but Starscream was unable to name most of them, never having actually needed sustenance in that form and all. As such, he simply sat there at the edge of the group, awkwardly watching them eat while trying to not be awkward. Pinkie Pie a couple of times attempted to give him some pastries to eat, which in all made her feel bad for his inability to eat. Oh well; some sympathy was good for his cause, he figured.

Before long and surprisingly quickly, their meals began to wind down. They must have really wanted to get the questioning part of their meeting. As did he, so he was glad that they were eating quickly. Their fills had, their utensils and leftovers began being packed away in the baskets they had all brought with them. The baskets were then moved to the side, and eventually a semi-circle was formed around Starscream.

“Uh...hi.” Could these ponies get any more awkwardness out of him? No, best not ask that, else it’ll happen.

Clearing her throat, Twilight kicked things off. “So, everypony...Starscream will be staying with us for a little while, at least long enough for us to get comfortable with him and find him unthreatening. That said, I think it’s best if we allot some time to ask each other questions.” The others, in various ways, agreed. “So if you have any questions for him, feel free to ask.”

“Ooh, ooh, where are you from?” Pinkie asked immediately after the invitation was given.

This question again, he internally groaned, sighing outwardly. “Allow me to hopefully answer all your questions at once.” This was going to be long winded, so he inhaled deeply...not that he needed air, but it apparently let organics know to shut up until he was done, so he would go through the motion anyway. “I’m from Cybertron; yes, it’s another planet; no, I don’t know where it is related to here, nor how I got here in the first place. No, I’m not a robot, I’m a biomechanical organism. I don’t know how or why I’m here on the planet; as for why I’m here, it’s because I have a message for Princess Celestia; no, I won’t tell you the message, as it’s very time and audience sensitive. My wing is missing because it’s also a sword and Twilight’s confiscated it. No, I’m not here to hurt anyone, but gladly will if provoked. No, I don’t want to be here, but I can’t leave until Twilight says I can, so if you could convince her to let me go, that’d be wonderful and you won’t have to deal with me.” He panted like an organic would after saying all of that in one breath, finally concluding with, “Anything else?”

“Nope!” Pinkie answered. “That’s all I wanted to know.” Starscream was actually kind of impressed with her ability to keep up with him, as she was the only one. The others, on the other hand, gave him rather incredulous looks.

Rarity was the first to break out of her stupor. “That was an unsettlingly impressive impression of Pinkie Pie,” she said. Somehow, Starscream got the feeling that that wasn’t a good thing.

“Mind slowin’ that down a tad bit?” Applejack asked next.

So he did, repeating everything he said before, word for word, agonizingly slow. It was painful even to him how slowly he was speaking, but it was definitely worth it to get back at the ponies for the annoyance they had caused them. Or maybe that was just his Decepticon programming telling him that he was justified in doing that; hopefully he wouldn’t have to get into that Decepticon stuff; nasty business, it was. No one seemed amused by his antic, though.

“That was a mean joke,” Applejack said once he had finished, “but ya answered all my questions. Ya ain’t seemin’ like a fella I’d like to hang around, honestly.”

“Fine by me,” Starscream honestly answered. “I could care less if you -or any of you ponies, really- like me. So long as you can accept that I’m not going to kill you -which is all that our agreement entails, Twilight- I’ll be satisfied.”

“See, everypony?” Rainbow said to her friends. “A jerk, just like I told you.”

With a cross look, Twilight said to Rainbow Dash, “I don’t exactly see you trying to make things better, Dash.”

“Pfft,” Dash replied, blowing off Twilight’s comment. “He’s not worth the trouble. I say we blast him with the Elements and forget he even happened.”

Rarity stepped in, siding with Twilight. “Rainbow, dear, that would be foolish to do for many reasons. Firstly, he’s an alien. We don’t know how the Elements will react to him, and it’s not something I want to test lest the results be less than satisfactory. Secondly, he’s an alien. He knows things we don’t; he’s proof that life exists beyond this planet, and you want to just...destroy and forget that? Thirdly, any hostilities he has towards us are completely justified, and we should be helping to calm him down, not rile him up.”

“Yeah, what Rarity said,” agreed Pinkie.

This was...rather surprising, to say the least. After openly admitting that he could care less about all of them, three of them still...he wouldn't say like him, as that was a bit of an over statement, but they still didn’t hate him like Dash and Applejack seemed to. That was something, at least. There was still one thing bugging him, though, that he just couldn’t justify not asking. “What are these ‘Elements’ you keep talking about?”

“Oh, these things?” Pinkie answered, reaching for her necklace and toying with it.

“Yeah, those things...I guess.”

“These nifty doodads are super cool! Whenever someone’s being a big meanie, we just wear these necklaces and Twilight casts this spell which makes her eyes all glowy-sparkly and little rainbows come out of the necklaces and combine into one big rainbow, and then it’s all, ‘Taste the rainbow, motherfeather!’” As she shouted that, she viciously swung her forelegs down as if she were crushing something under them. “And then the meanie either turns out to be Celestia’s little sister or turns into stone.”

That sounded horrible. Starscream surely didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that, as he would surely turn to stone. After all, he wasn’t Celestia’s little sister. At least, he hoped he wasn’t...although that would definitely make his job a lot easier.

“Right, well,” Twilight said, “while what Pinkie said is what happens, it’s a bit more complex than that. You see, the Elements of Harmony don’t stone people just for being mean, else everypony would be susceptible to being stoned. What they actually do is, when the large rainbow hits the target, it checks to see if there’s evil in their heart. If there is, the Elements will purge it if possible, like it did to Luna with removing NightMare Moon, or, if the evil is so ingrained that it’d be impossible to remove it, the Elements will suppress the evil. In Discord’s case, that meant turning him to stone, and subsequently being used as a display piece in Canterlot Gardens.”

So the Elements only affected you if you were evil at heart, then. Well...that was even worse. Being a Decepticon- it wasn’t just something you followed; it was something you became. Being Decepticon became an integral part of one’s programming once one made the choice. Sure, one could turn away from it -Starscream had once- but its existence would still make itself known, and still affected every decision one made. It had taken substantial will to not behead Rainbow Dash when he had the chance.

When it came down to it, it didn’t matter that Starscream had left the Decepticons; had stood up against Galvatron to vainly show the power of Unicron in an attempt to save his planet; was trying to help the changelings, who were so desperately in need of help and were unable to acquire it for themselves. No, when it came down to it, he was still a Decepticon; still evil. His cutie mark was proof of that.

“Furthermore,” Twilight continued to explain, “the six Elements are only useable by the individuals who best embody their respective Elements, as shown by the fact that each Element has the cutie mark of its bearer.”

“Intriguing,” Starscream muttered, completely uninterested and downtrodden after his brief bit of introspection.

Pinkie leaned forward and tried to meet Starscream’s gaze, which was directed at the ground directly in front of him. “Someone’s unhappy,” she noted. Sitting back up to her original position, she said, “Know what I think would cheer you up?”

“What?” Starscream mumbled.

“Bragging about your special talent!” she exclaimed. “Tell us about your cutie mark.”

The wing of his that was still attached twitched. “No,” he said, still looking down and struggling to keep his voice from raising. “No, that’s something I refuse to discuss. For now, at least. Maybe if I grow to like any of you I could spoil that by telling you, but not until then.”

“Touchy subject?” Twilight half asked, half observed.

“You don’t say,” Starscream said, finally looking up, sarcasm in excess. Twilight frowned disapprovingly, but Starscream couldn’t care less. He was surprisingly uncaring, he noticed.

“Different topic, then,” she said. “What about Cybertron? How was that world like?”

From one touchy subject to another. Still, being too disagreeable would be detrimental, and at least there was a good part of Cybertron to talk about, that part being Cybertron before the war. Might as well start there. “Cybertron was a wonderful place; very free and void of conflict. It was like your typical civilized society, except that everything was mechanical and a lot of stuff was automated, but what would you expect from a society of biomechanical organisms? I had a steady job and a couple of friends, and that was all I ever needed to be satisfied.”

“Who were your friends?” Pinkie asked. Why was she so intent on discussing friends?

“I worked in a club,” he started. “There was a regular patron by the name of Blitzwing who I grew to like, then there was my boss… er, bosses. I explicitly worked for Astrotrain, the club owner, who then hired Soundwave to DJ, and I was often doing stuff as Soundwave’s assistant. And I didn’t hate either of them, so...that’s close enough to being a friend in my book.”

“So you consider anypony ya don’ hate a friend?” asked Applejack.

“Yes,” Starscream answered. “You’d be surprised to know how exclusive an honor that is.”

As he spoke to Applejack, Twilight’s expression grew extremely contemplative, which Starscream noticed after concluding his exchange with Applejack. He waited patiently for her to finish constructing her thoughts.

“Was this club you worked at some sort of fight club or something?” she finally asked. “If it were, I could see why you carry a sword with you, but you said that Cybertron was void of conflict, and fight clubs like that aren’t very civilized. All in all, I’m rather confused as to why a DJ’s assistant would have a sword in a situation like that.”

“Yes, I did say that Cybertron was void of conflict,” Starscream confirmed. “‘Was’ being the word to emphasize. I don’t know too well what happened politically. Pretty much all I know is that this odd looking black and orange guy came in, he and Soundwave left, and not long after, scrap hit the grinders.” No need to discuss the fact that he knew exactly what happened with Megatron’s revolution at this point. “Cybertron fell into civil war, has been for the past few million years, and now the planet has probably been eaten. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stop talking about Cybertron.”

“Eaten? Oh, that’s terrible,” Fluttershy said, finally saying something. “Did anypony else manage to get off the planet before that happened?” she asked concernedly.

He shrugged. “Heck if I know. I died trying to get Galvatron to help Optimus fight off Unicron, but knowing Galvatron, it’s safe to assume that Cybertron has been destroyed. And unless I dimension hopped or something, it’s only a matter of time before the Great Destroyer comes to eat this planet, too.”

“The Great Destroyer?” Twilight asked with sudden intrigue. “I haven’t had time to check them all, but a couple of the few texts I’ve managed to check out of the Crystal Empire’s library make mention of a Great Destroyer. Curious…”

“Small universe, huh,” he said, finding the possible connection rather uninteresting. “Now, like I said, I don’t want to talk about Cybertron. In fact, I think I’ve had enough of talking for, I don’t know, the next couple months or so. I don’t have anything more to ask of you, and I’m certain that Twilight will make time to ask me more things in the future.”

“That’s fair,” Rarity said for Twilight. “You’ve said a lot already, and it’s only proper to give an extreme introvert such as yourself time alone.”

“Thanks.” He pointed to the top of the hill behind him and said to Twilight, “I’ll be up on the hill if you need me. Take as long as you like; I don’t care.” Without waiting for a word from any of them, he trotted off towards the hill he had indicated, reaching the top of in within a minute. Surprisingly, none of them tried to stop him or anything. They must have had enough of him, which was fine, since he had had enough of them.

He laid down near the top of the hill, back enough so that he couldn’t be seen from anyone on the other side, but still a respectable, maybe a bit excessive, distance from the ponies, where he decided to go over his current impressions of his captors.

His stance on Dash was fairly obvious: he hated her. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t have to get her approval to be let loose, but seeing as he did, his opinion of her only worsened. Then there was Applejack, who seemed unsure of him, just like Dash was. He really couldn’t blame her, seeing as she only had Dash’s soiled word and his performance back there to base her judgment. It was at least a remote possibility that Applejack would give him the okay, which was good for him and for his opinion on her.

The others, though, he was surprised to find he didn’t hate. Pinkie seemed to be only interested in befriending him and Fluttershy so far had only made herself out to be sympathetic towards him, each of which might be immensely helpful in gaining Dash’s and Applejack’s favors. Twilight seemed to be completely intrigued by him from a scientific standpoint, and Spike really appeared indifferent.

Finally there was Rarity, who despite his bad first impression and his show just then, still seemed to be friendly and understanding. In those ways, she very much reminded Starscream of Alexis.

How’s Alexis now? he wondered. If Unicron hasn’t been stopped, perhaps she’s dead too and somehow came here like me. It was a nice thought if one ignored the fact that he may have inadvertently hoped that his best friend was dead, but an unlikely occurence, he deemed. Now wasn’t the time to get sentimental, though; not with a mission as desperate as the one he was on now.

Eventually, he managed to clear his mind of any thoughts regarding Earth or Cybertron, and pretty much any other thought aside from how annoyed he was that Twilight was taking so long to leave. All he wanted to do now was just go back to the library and wait for Twilight to say he could go to Celestia. But that, too, was unlikely, and he tried to push those thoughts out as well.

Much time passed before Starscream was finally called for, though it was Rarity that called for him instead of Twilight, whom he had expected. “Oh Starscream, deary, time to get up,” she called to him, walking in his direction.

He began to stand. “There’s no need to speak to me as if I were some sort of sparkling,” he mumbled.

“Well, you hadn’t moved in some time, and I couldn’t tell if you had fallen asleep or not. Good to see that you hadn’t.”

And it had indeed been some time. The sun was beginning to set, indicating either late afternoon or early evening, depending on how one chose to see it. That consequently meant that about the entire outing had been about five hours long. A long time to hang out with friends, in Starscream’s opinion.

At the more immediate picnic site, the others were gathering any things they had left out before or had gotten out in the meantime and packed them up in their baskets, as well as folding up the blanket into a neat little square. Rarity’s own basket was still with the others.

“It’s well about time we all start heading for home,” she said, returning down the hill and beckoning him to follow, which he did. “I think you’ll be pleased to know that you have accommodations for tonight.”

“The library floor’s not good enough?”

“Dear Celestia, no,” she exclaimed in disgust. “Even the cleanest of floors are still dirty and just unfit for anything more than standing on. Plus Twilight hasn’t really gotten a good night’s rest since you fell out of the sky.”

“I was more knocked out of the sky, but close enough. These accommodations are…?”

They had reached the picnic site, which was now completely packed up with everyone ready to leave.

“Well, good bye, y’all,” said Applejack. “Best get back home as soon as possible; don’t know how well Big Mac’s been able to handle Bloom’s crusadin’ all day, and he must be tired by now.”

Her friends bid her farewell, and then she was off.

Rainbow was next to excuse herself. “Yeah, I should go hit the hay, too.” Glaring daggers at Starscream, she said, “Nearly being decapitated takes quite a bit out of ya.”

He resisted the urge to say something in retaliation as she flew off, getting a farewell similar to Applejack’s.

“I’ma go too,” Pinkie declared. “Bye Twilight. Bye Spike. Bye Fluttershy. Bye Rares. Bye Screamer,” she said as she bounced towards Ponyville.

“Bye,” her friends chorused while Starscream was taken aback by his apparent nickname. Screamer? Surely she could do better.

That left just him, Rarity, Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy, who was next to leave. “The picnic was wonderful, girls. I’m so happy that you came. And it was good to meet you, Starscream; I’d love to get to know you more later.”

“Oh, uh, yeah, good to meet you too,” he said.

And then she left.

“Well, Twilight, it was good to see you finally not obsessing over Starscream, in a professional sense, of course,” Rarity began. “I wish you and Spike a wonderful evening and the greatest of rest. We will certainly see you tomorrow.” She turned and made off in the direction of Ponyville, leaving behind a very confused Starscream.


“Yes, dear, we. Did I not tell you? You’re spending the night at my place.”