• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 2,938 Views, 170 Comments

Broken wings and broken dreams - Torroza

What does Rainbow do when she loses one of the things that means most to her, her ability to fly?

  • ...

Chapter 9

Rainbow nuzzled the sleeping Scootaloo and puts the blanket up to her neck. "Goodnight little sis. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day for all of us."
She walked to the door as quitly she could and turned of the light. She then walked out of the room and left the door slightly creeked open.

She walked to her and her marefriend's room. When she opened the door she saw Twilight laying in the bed reading a book. The lavender unicorn looked up when she heard the door opens. "So she's asleep now?" Rainbow nodded. Twilight smiled and beckoned for Rainbow to come and lay down beside her. The cyan pegasus did just that.

Twilight looked at the cyan pegasus. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean there is a big responsibility" She was cut of by Rainbow putting a hoof on her mouth. "I know Twi, and i do want this. The question is, do you? It's you who has been asking me that question for days now." Twilight looked at Rainbow and blinked. "It's just that i really hope we can afford it. It will be tough, But i think we can manage." Rainbow smiled and then nodded. "Time to get some sleep my love. Big day ahead." The lavender mare smiles and levitated her book to the nightstand and turned off the light. "Indeed, sleep well Rainbow." The only response that came were a light snore. She chuckled and then cuddled closer to her marefriend. She let out a happy sigh and then she to fell asleep.

Scootaloo let out a low groan when the sun hitted her eyes. She slowly opened them and looked around in her room. Nothing out of the ordinary except a pile of presents on the usually empty table. Her eyes widened when she saw the sheer amount of presents. She threw thew the blanket aside and darted to the desk, jumping up on the chair to reach up to the presents. Just as she was about to open the first one Rainbow entered the room. "Not until the evening Scoots." The filly looked at her bigger sister with large pleading eyes. Rainbow tried her best to resist, but couldn't stand the amount of cuteness her little sister displayed. "Alright, you can open one now. But the rest has to wait for the evening." She gave her a stern look. The little filly nodded and looked carefully at all presents.

She rubbed her chin while she thought of which one to open first. Rainbow went up the desk and picked up one. "Here, take this one." Scootaloo watched at the present and read the text written on the wrapping paper. "To the most awesome filly i know". Her eyes teared up and she hug Rainbow. "Thank you sis". Rainbow hugged her back and chuckled. "Come on now sis, open the present". Scootaloo started to unwrap it. Inside was a poster. It was a specialmade poster that Rainbow had gotten when she was at the Wonderbolt Academy. She managed to convince Spitfire to take a picture of her and the rest of the Wonderbolts flying in formation with Rainbow by her side. It was signed by all of the Wonderbolts too. In the right down corner it stood. "To Scootaloo, hope we meet someday. You got a awesome sister btw." The filly's eyes teared up once again and she threw herself around her sisters neck. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!". Rainbow just laughed and hugged her. "Your welcome little sis. I got that one almost half a year ago. Just waited until your birthday to arrive to give it to you. So, happy birthday."

Twilight's voice were heard from downstairs. "Come on you two if you want any breakfast. Unless you want Spike to eat your portions up!". The quickly made there way downstairs and into the kitchen were Twilight were making pancakes. Spike sat at the table and were munching on some pancakes with jewels in them. Twilight smiled at Scootaloo. "Morning Scootaloo. Happy birthday". Spike looked up and saw them. "Yeah, happy birthday Scootaloo". Rainbow and Scootaloo sat down at the table while Twilight levitated two plates with pancakes to them. While they started to eat Twilight went to the kitchen door. "I will go upstairs and pack the last things." Scootaloo looked up in surpise. "Are you going somewhere?". Twilight smiled. "Not me, us. We are going up to Canterlot this weekend to my visit my parents. And we also has a little surprise for you up there." Scootaloo tilted her head. Rainbow chuckled and shook her head. "No idea to ask squirt. You will not get Twilight to tell you anything if she wants to keep it a secret." She gave her marefriend a smile. Scootaloo just frowned and continued to eat. Twilight smiled back and then went up to pack the last things down for their trip.

Twilight levitated the bags out through the door. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us Spike?". She looked back at the dragon standing in the door. He nodded. "Yeah, i'm sure. Someone gotta make sure the library is open. You know we get less money if we have a couple of days closed, and we need every bit we can get." Twilight hugged him. "Oh, when did you grow up?". Spike chuckled. "When you wasn't looking sis. Now get going so you don't miss the train. Say hello to our parents from me and say i'm sorry i couldn't make it this time." Twilight nodded. "I will, take care now Spike". He nodded and closed the door. Twilight, Rainbow and Scootaloo made their way to the trainstation were they just managed to catch their train. With a whizzle from the engines the train started to move just at they sat down at their seats.
Scootaloo looked out through the window on the countryside that passed by while Rainbow and Twilight were chatting. "It will go fine Rainbow." The cyan pegasi twisted a little were she sat. "But i've never met your parents before Twi. What if they don't like me?". Twiligh hugged her. "It will go just fine, you will see that they like you." Rainbow only nodded.
Soon both Rainbow and Twilight fell asleep while Scootaloo just continued to watch in awe as the countryside flew by outside the window.

Twilight woke from being shaken by Scootaloo. "Twilight, Twilight, wake up! We're here!" Twilight looked out and saw the great city of Canterlot approach in the distance. She smiled. "Yes sweetie. We are here." She gently shook Rainbow's shoulder to wake her up. Rainbow opened her eyes and looked around. "Huh, are we there already?" Twilight gave her a quick kiss. "In a couple of minutes".

The train came to a stop and they went of the train. On the platform they were greated by two ponies that Twilight ran up to and hugged. "Mom, dad!". They hugged her back. The stallion looked up Rainbow and Scootaloo who were hiding behind her. "So, this is Rainbow?" Twilight nodded and went up her marefriend. "Rainbow, i want you to meet my parents. My mother, Twilight Velvet." A white unicorn mare with a bright purple mane with white stripes. "A pleasure to meet you my dear, i heard a lot about you from Twilight through her letters". She reached out a hoof. Rainbow reached out her own hoof and shook it. "The pleasure is mine, nothing to bad i hope?". Both of the chuckled.

Twilight cleared her throat to get Rainbow's attetion. The pegasi looked at her. "And here we have my father, Nightlight." The pale blue unicorn stallion with the dark blue mane stepped forward and reached out his hoof. "I pleasure to finally meet you in person young lady". Rainbow blushed a little at being called a lady. She shook his hoof. "Please sir, just call me Rainbow".

He nodded and then looked behind her. "Who do we have here?". Scootaloo squelad and hid herself in Rainbow's tail. Rainbow chuckled. "It's alright Scoots, they will not hurt you." Scootaloo slowly walked up her side and tried to make herself as small as possible. "This is my little sister, Scootaloo". Twilight Velvet walked up and kneelt down in front of her. "Hello there Scootaloo, i'm Twilight Velvet. Do you want some candy?" Scootaloo nodded. She levitated a candy bar out from her saddlebag and gave it to the little filly. "Thank you mam". Twilight Velvet chuckled. "A well mannered foal is rare these days."

Rainbow smiled. "Well, how has your birthday been this far Scoots?". The filly looked up at her sister with a smile while she munched on her candybar. "It's been awesome!".
Nightlift gave a gasp. "It's your birthday? Oh, and i don't a present for you. Twily, you could have told us it was her birthday. Now i need to run and buy a present". Before anyone could respond he had teleported away. Both Twilight and her mother chuckled. "Same old dad as usual. Always gonna buy a present when somepony has their birthday." Her mother just shook her head. "He hasn't changed a bit on that point since i met him. But enough chit chat for the moment. Let's get your bags home. You mentioned you had something important to do at the palace in your last letter?". Twilight looked at Rainbow and blinked. Rainbow smiled. "Yeah, it's a little surprise we arranged for Scoots here". Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow then at Twilight. Twilight Velvet chuckled. "Then let's get going, it's quite the walk home, don't you think Twilight?". The lavender mare nodded and levitated the bags after them.

After they had arrived to Twilights parents home and dropped of their bags, they said good bye to Twilight Velvet for the moment who started to prepare for dinner. They went through the town towards the palace. All the time Scootaloo asked what surprise they had planned. Rainbow chuckled. "You will have to wait squirt". Scootaloo frowned and went quite.

Soon they arrived at the front gate of the palace. Scootaloo looked in awe at the great royal palace of Canterlot that towered before them. Above the gate the insignia of the sun and moon was embedded in the stone. The sunpart made of glistering gold while the moon side were made of dulled silver.

They approached the guards that blocked the gate. As they approchead them they crossed their spears to block their way. One of the guards looked at them. "What's your buisness in the palace my ladies?". A voice was heard from behind them. "At ease soldiers. They are green." The soldiers straighted out their spears and stood in salute. "Ay captain!".

Twilight looked up and saw the new captain of The Solar Guard. "Hi there Sunflare, been a while since last time". The white unicorn stallion with a golden mane went up to them. He was a couple of inches taller then Twilight. "Indeed it has. What brings you to the capital Twilight?". Twilight looked back at Rainbow and Scootaloo then back at him. "Some buisness i need to speak with the Princess about. He nodded. "Then i will escort you there." Twilight blushed. "You don't have to, you must have other duties to attend to". He smiled. "Actually no, i just finished of some paperworks and got a hour free until next training session." Twilight sighed. "If you insist, lead the way". He nodded and started to walk.

Rainbow went up to Twilight and whispered in her ear. "I don't like that guy". Twiligt chuckled and whispered back. "I have known that he loves me a couple of years now Rainbow, but no worries. He don't have a chance on me. You already got me." She gave her marefriend a quick kiss. Rainbow smiled.

After walking for what seemed like an hour to Scootaloo through the labyrinth of corrdiors the palacs was they arrived a the door to the throne room. Sunflare opened the door and walked in. "Twilight Sparkle with companions". He declared in a high voice and then gestured for them to come in. When Twilight walked past him she whispered. "Thank you".

They walked up to the throne where Princess Celestia sat. The princess smiled as she saw her student. "Ah, my faithful student, how wonderful to see you again". Twilight bowed and smiled. "It's nice o see you again princess. But i'm afraid that we are not here for just paying a visit. We got a pressing matter that we need you help with". The solar princess tilted her head a little. "And what might that be if i may ask?". Twilight turned towards Scootaloo and smiled. "We want you to arrange for me and Rainbow to adopt this little filly here."

Author's Note:

Finally managed to get some time to write!
Here you go guys. Sorry if the grammar is a bit messed up. I couldn't get in touch with my pre reader. If you spot anything please point it out in a comment.

And i also have a little problem. I don't really know how to continue the story from here on. You guys got any ideas?