• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 44 minutes ago


Just your average everyday pony fan~ And also, I'm the author of the Ruby Destiny series~ :3


The Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to sell lemonade in their very own lemonade stand.
What could possibly go wrong?

/Author's Note/
I have no idea how or why this idea came inside my head. =/
Updates will be made when I'm bored. =/

Cover art is made by AliasForRent.
Cover art is used with his permission. :3

Chapters (30)
Comments ( 51 )

Wish the chapters were longer. I eat chapters longer than that for breakfast.

Waiting for Flim and Flam to set up a rival lemonade stand to knock them out of business... or friendly competition. :raritywink:

Needs longer chapters or just put them all into one, I'd lengthen the idea more, and since right now there's one with the same idea in the feature box I would just give up on this for right now.

2410515 Amen. 28k words in a single chapter? Pah, child's play. 57k? Ooh, intriguing... 90k? ... I'm in heaven~:yay:

well, this is only a side fic of mine :pinkiesmile:

/steals idea
/walks away while whistling

funny thing is that after I clicked the "submit" button on this fic, that fic appeared in the new fics section :rainbowderp:

I've always wanted to say this: FIRST!! Also, this story has some good potential, but a few minor errors regarding past and present tense.:twilightsmile:

I like! It's fun even if it is short.

2412790 DARN IT!! you beat me...:pinkiesad2:

i kid.
oh and great story so far!:pinkiehappy:

short but sweet. no pun intended.


2410632 like that's going to happen.
the friendly competition part, i mean.

i thought cheerilee DIDN'T like the whole 'love potion with big mac' thing?

this is cute:heart:
it really should get more recognition, though.:applejackunsure:

Cheerilee and Big Mac huh:trixieshiftleft:nice

2421503 nyan-dash. well played, destiny gold, well played.:trollestia:

:unsuresweetie: uh random...... BUT MUST HAVE MORE:flutterrage:

Chapters are a bit short and could be bunched together, but other than that I like this story.

It's cute. :twilightsmile:

I think there may just be a ship out at sea here :3

My ship sense is never wrong.

Comment posted by PonifiedVictini deleted Apr 17th, 2013

Cool story, but you really should watch your tenses... Time travel can be dangerous, you know.

sorry about that.
English is the third language that I learned though, so I'm not quite good with it.
but I'm always trying. ^^

2438770 then what's the first and second?

:rainbowhuh: ... :rainbowlaugh:

I see what she did there! :scootangel:

Brain bleach! I need brain bleach! :raritydespair:

In this story, the chapter length progresses asymptotically towards zero words.

Actually, that's not surprising.

just combine chapters.

My only complaint is that I can picture Scoots having a portal gun, but I can't picture Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon getting their hooves dirty tunnelling :P

Love this story. Keep it up, I actually think the short nature of the chapters keep it very gag-a-day feel

I can't believe what I heard from Cheerilee.

The skinny and pretty.

SPITAKE!!!!!!! Classic!!!

Scootaloo saw the unseeable. The unseeable!

The guilt is going to eat her alive if she doesn't tell them.

You ever heard of boyfriend discount? Ask Sweetie Belle.
Also If SB likes Featherweight then Scootaloo must be crushing on Rumble and Apple Bloom crushing on Spike.

The shark! You jumped it!

That Sweetie Belle was the seldom but random beach ball burn.

Wonder if the Princesses like lemonade?

I swear if they mention the idea of "boyfriend discount" I'm gonna plotz!

2417780pfft at least u get silver;i got bronze!

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