• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 1,673 Views, 13 Comments

Would You Like a JellyBaby Princess? - PoeticJustice33

The Doctors greatest incarnation finds himself in Equestria when the Tardis does an emergency landing. I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens next.

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Chapter One: Unexpected Landing (edit)

The Doctor never planned on making any quick stops anywhere other than to his destination but circumstances were forcing him to make an emergency landing on a planet near by. The Tardis was shaking uncontrollably for what must have been minutes but to the Doctor it seemed more like hours. The lights on some of the controls flashed red as if informing him of his obvious situation. He knew that the Tardis as powerful as it was could be damaged severely if he didn't get control soon, but with the amount of shaking and spinning it was doing it was hard for the Doctor to stay on his feet let alone get to the controls. With crossed fingers the Doctor clung to the wall and with a leap managed to make it to the controls giving the Doctor a chance at making his landing a tad less uncomfortable than it would have. Now all he had to do was hang on for dear life and pray to whatever exists out there that when the Tardis landed it wouldn't end up in pieces.

As the Tardis spun towards it's target the he eyed the monitor screen showing the planet coming closer and wondering what he might find down their. With a loud boom the Tardis landed knocking the Doctor to the floor. With a small groan of pain he stood up and sighed in relief; The Tardis was still in one piece and nothing seemed to be damaged but it was better to be safe than sorry. The Doctor tried starting the Tardis up but for some reason it just wouldn't start. There was nothing visibly wrong with the thing ,and everything else seemed to be in working order so why wasn't the start up working.

When he opened the doors he was greeted by a dark forest. Everywhere he looked trees seemed to loom over him. Most creatures in the universe would feel slightly intimidated but not the Doctor. Considering all he had seen throughout the universe Trees were by far the most average thing he had seen so far. After taking a quick look around he decided that now was the best time to find some sort of civilization and see if they could help him get the Tardis out of the woods. It didn't take very long for him to find the way out. Ever since getting that finder device he got off the planet Mixmasis he could find his way out of any place easily and be right back at the Tardis again.

Once out of the forest he could finally see the sun ,and at a small distance a town. The Doctor judged by the sun's position in the sky that it was approaching mid day which gave him plenty of time to introduce himself to the locals.

"Spike! Can you get the book on magical spheres for me please?"

Twilight's day had been stressful ,and it only seemed to get worse whenever someone bothered her. She had been busy the whole day with reorganizing and making sure everything was in it's proper place. Her issue wasn't the cleaning or the organizing as it was that no one knew that the Library was closed due to a need to reorganize and alphabetize the books. She had even put up the closed sign on the door because of her reorganizing. Applejack had come over earlier asking if Twilight she was free for the day and Twilight had to take a few moments to collect herself before politely telling her she couldn't because she was busy. So busy was she that she didn't notice her assistant Spike right next to her with the book she had asked for.

"You know Twilight maybe you need a break from all this work?"

Before she had a chance to respond there was a knock at the door.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A voice from behind the door said.

Twilight didn't recognize it as any of her friends so she deduced it was just one of the citizens of Ponyville coming to check something out ,but failing to notice the closed sign. With a groan Twilight went to the door and opened it.

"Sorry but we're.."

She stopped in mid sentence when she noticed what she was talking to.

In front of her was a bipedal creature that oddly enough wore clothes including a hat. It's mane was incredibly curly and it seemed to not have much hair anywhere else. What fascinated Twilight the most though was how absolutely strange and exotic it looked to her. Twilight wasn't sure whether to say something ,or runaway screaming so she took the next best approach and stared open mouthed at it.

"Hello are you by any chance Miss Twilight Sparkle?" The thing said with a grin wide enough to rival Pinkie's.

Twilight wasn't sure what to say to this thing. On one hoof this creature could be dangerous but on the other hoof it could talk and it didn't look all that nasty considering it was polite. Finally she decided to just ask it's name.

"Who are you?"

The creature smiling down at her said with a notable Trottingham accent, "I'm the Doctor. Would you like a jelly baby by any chance? Usually helps in awkward situations."

The creature than put a hand into one of it's pockets and produced a small bag made of some weird parchment filled with what Twilight figured to be jelly babies.

"There not real babies are they?" Twilight asked with some disgust in her voice. The creature only laughed and explained that jelly babies were just a treat you ate.

With that knowledge Twilight felt a little more comfortable with the things offer ,and (with only a little hesitation) used her magic to reach into the bag and take a single colored little candy and eat it. Smiling Twilight motioned the thing to come inside.

"Spike! Can you get some tea started, please?"