• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 2,289 Views, 151 Comments

Beneath the Mask - TheDrunkenJinjo

One man's journey towards realizing that not everything is as it seems. Not even himself.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Bling Bling

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ran until they broke through the tree line of the Everfree Forest. And then continued to run. They screamed and ran long after they were out of the relative danger of the forest, and out into the verdant field where a certain group of friends were enjoying a relaxing afternoon.

Applejack was the first to hear them. “What in tarnation is that?” She wondered aloud. “Sounds like... screamin’?” By now, everypony else had tuned in as well, all of them similarly pondering what the disturbance was.

They didn’t have to ponder long, though, because soon two of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders came galloping up the hill, shrieking their heads off the whole way.

“Hey, hey! What the heck’s gotten into you two?!” Rainbow Dash shouted over their screams. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo collapsed in front of the picnic blanket that housed the group, panting heavily.

“We were-- *pant* --tryin’ ta get-- *pant* --our cutie marks and-- *pant* --got attacked by a manticore!” Apple Bloom managed to get out.

Applejack’s brow furrowed in anger. “What?!?!” She bellowed, “A manticore?! You mean ta' tell me y’all went into the Everfree Forest AGAIN?! Consarn it, Apple Bloom, how many times have Ah told ya not ta' go in there by yerself?” Applejack was livid that her little sister had deliberately disobeyed her.

“But, we were just going to Zecora’s to see if she knew how to dispel Changeling magic!” Scootaloo came to her friend’s defense. “We didn’t think that--” She was cut off by certain pegasus.

“You’re right, you didn’t think!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “What’s the matter with you, squirt? You could’ve gotten seriously messed up!” She said, displaying an uncharacteristic amount of concern for the young pegasus.

Twilight Sparkle spoke up next. “Why did you have to go visit Zecora? I have plenty of books on Changeling magic back at the library you could’ve borrowed. And why do you need them, anyway?” She questioned.

“We did go to th’ library, but you and Spike weren’t there! We couldn’t find the book on our own, so we went down to Zecora’s. We needed ta' know ‘bout Changelings so we could get our Changeling hunter cutie marks!” Apple Bloom filled her in.

“Changeling hunters?! Why of all the reckless ideas...” Applejack trailed off, shaking her head. “Yer in fer a world o’ trouble, Apple Bloom. Just wait till Big McIntosh hears about this one!”

“But--!” Apple Bloom tried to argue.

“But nothin’!” Applejack cut her off. “Big Mac’ll decide what ta' do with ya when we get back to the farm, and that’s final!” She announced, stomping her hoof for emphasis.

“Yeah, and your parents are gonna hear about this too, squirt!” Rainbow Dash added.

The two fillies hung their heads in resignation, knowing that arguing would be a fruitless endeavor. Rarity trotted over them as well, ready to dispense discipline to her charge.

“And as for you, Sweetie Belle...” Rarity started, but trailed off when she noticed her sister wasn’t present. “Girls..., where is Sweetie Belle? Wasn’t she with you two?” She asked hesitantly, already dreading the answer.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What are you talking about, Rarity? She’s right...” Scootaloo paused when she realized Sweetie Belle was, in fact, absent. She turned to Apple Bloom to find her wearing a similarly confused expression.

“Hey, where is Sweetie Belle? She was right behind us!” The orange pegasus said with growing concern.

Apple Bloom gasped with realization. “Oh no!! She must have gotten lost while we were runnin’ away! That means she’s still in there!” She said, quickly descending into panic mode.

Rarity put a hoof to her mouth in horror, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “No, no, no! My darling sister, lost in the Everfree?! Who knows what she’s going through right now!” The alabaster mare turned to her friends. “We have to go in there and find her!” She announced to them.

Twilight nodded her head in agreement. “Of course we will, Rarity.” She said. Twilight turned to her young assistant. “Spike, you stay here and keep a look out in case Sweetie Belle manages to get out and find her way here.” Spike stood and gave her a firm salute, made slightly less serious by the cupcake frosting caked around his mouth.

“Let’s go, everypony, we’ve got a filly to save!” Twilight exclaimed to her friends, who all began galloping, and in Pinkie Pie’s case, bouncing, towards the Everfree Forest.

“We’re comin’, too!” Apple Bloom stated, with Scootaloo by her side.

Applejack glared sternly at her sister. “Oh no, yer not! You two have caused enough trouble fer one day!” She said, blocking the two fillies path.

Scootaloo stomped her hoof in indignation. “But, Sweetie Belle is our friend, and it’s our fault she’s in this mess! Ya gotta let us come with ya!” She said, on the verge of tears.

Twilight put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. “Girls,” she began, “I know that you’re worried about Sweetie Belle. We all are, but the fact is it’s just too dangerous and--”


The group of ponies all jumped at what sounded like two successive explosions.

“What the hay was that?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ah don’t know, but it sure was loud!” Applejack stated the obvious.

Pinkie Pie bounced up next to her. “I know right! It was all like ‘KABLAM!’ and we were all like ‘WHOA’! It was just like my party cannon!” She exclaimed with her usual enthusiam. Pinkie suddenly stopped bouncing and donned a thoughtful look, putting a hoof to her chin. “Actually, it sounded a lot like my party cannon. But it couldn’t have been that! I have it right here!” She pulled out a large blue cannon from behind her back to make the point.

“That noise sounded like it came from the Everfree! Oh dear, hold on, Sweetie Belle! I’m coming!” Rarity shouted, already running off.

“Rarity, wait!” Applejack called out, but there was no stopping her. Sighing, she turned back to the fillies. “Girls, there’s no time ta' argue. Stay here with Spike ‘til we get back!” She said.

“But sis, we--” Apple Bloom started.

“STAY! HERE!” Applejack spoke with authority. Apple Bloom shrank down a bit and nodded, understanding when her sister meant business.

Applejack turned to her friends. “C’mon, everypony, we gotta catch up with Rarity! Let’s get a move on!” She shouted, galloping off, with the rest of them following close behind.


As they neared Zecora’s hut, Sweetie Belle began to get more and more at ease with her savior. So much so that she began to vocalize some of the burning questions in her mind.

“Hey, uh... Braxton? I’ve got a question.” She tried to get his attention. Braxton looked down at the filly in his arms.

“Shoot, kiddo.” He said with a grin.

“Well, I was just wondering, what exactly are you, anyway?” Sweetie asked.

Something about the way she asked the question got Braxton to chuckle a bit. ‘Damn, she is just too adorable...’ He thought.

Sweetie gazed at him in confusion. “What’s so funny?” She questioned.

“Oh, nothin’.” Braxton assured her, repressing the giggles. “To answer your question, I’m a human, or ‘Homo Sapiens’ if you wanna get technical.” He said.

“Home-o Say-pens? I’ve never heard of that before.” She said with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, somehow I’m not surprised.” Braxton muttered.

After having her first question answered so easily, Sweetie Belle felt comfortable enough to begin rattlling off another. “So, um, where are you from?” She questioned him with more confidence.

Braxton thought for a moment before answering. For a second, Sweetie could’ve sworn she had seen a glint of sadness in his eyes, but it vanished almost as soon as it appeared.

“I’m, uh, from a lot of places; I like to travel. You can think of me as something of a nomad.” He stated vaguely. To be honest, he was seriously doubting if he was even on Earth anymore, especially taking into consideration recent events. And if he wasn’t on Earth, then the only explanation is that, somehow, someway, he had been transported to a different world altogether. But that’s just crazy talk.

Sweetie Belle frowned at his answer. “So, you don’t have a home?” She inquired with a touch of concern in her voice. Once again, Braxton was silent for a few seconds.

“No. I guess I don’t.” He answered finally. There was no emotion in his voice, as if someone had sucked all of the life out of him and replaced it with cold indifference. After a bit of awkward silence between the two, Braxton decided to change the subject.

“So, what were you doing in the woods all by your lonesome, Sweetie Belle? This doesn’t seem like any place a filly should be wandering around in.” He was genuinely curious as to what she had been trying to accomplish.

Sweetie Belle donned a slightly sorrowful expression before answering. “Actually, I wasn’t here by myself. I was here with my friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, when we were all attacked by that nasty manticore. I got separated from them though, and then you found me.” As she spoke, she began to tear up a little at the thought of her companions. “I really hope they got out okay...” She said with salty tears blurring her vision.

Braxton felt sympathy for the little unicorn. ‘Wow, even in a situation like this, she doesn’t stop thinking about her friends. She must really care about ‘em.’ He wiped a tear away from her eye with his thumb, prompting her to look back up him.

“I’m sure your friends are fine, Sweetie Belle. In fact, they’re probably just as worried for you as you are for them. As soon as we get outta here, I bet they’ll be right there waitin’ for ya.” Braxton said with a reassuring smile.

“You-- *sniff* --really think so?” She asked him, sniffling a little.

“Girl, I know so.” He said with utter confidence.

Sweetie gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Braxton. I feel a little better now.” She stated truthfully, before continuing her story. “Anyway, we were actually on our way to Zecora’s, too. We figured she could help us get our cutie marks!” At the mention of cutie marks, Sweetie’s eyes lit up a bit.

Braxton raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Not to sound ignorant but, uh, what’s a... cutie mark?” He asked. Sweetie Belle gasped in shock at his lack of knowledge.

“You don’t know what a cutie mark is?!”

“‘Fraid not.” He stated simply.

Sweetie Belle contemplated for a moment how to properly word her explanation. “A cutie mark is an image that appears on a pony’s flank when they find out what their special talent is. Me and my friends still don’t have ours yet, so we made a club dedicated to finding our talent and getting our cutie marks any way we can! We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” She beamed with pride during the entire speech, with her voice cracking a bit in excitement towards the end.

Braxton couldn’t help but chuckle once again at the filly’s enthusiasm. ‘These cutie marks sound like some sort of coming of age thing. If that’s the case, then there’s more of these “ponies”, most likely a whole society of ‘em.’ He deduced. ‘But, they just... appear on their flanks? I still don’t really get that part.’ Braxton decided to write it off as yet another strange point to figure out later.

“We’re here!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

Braxton roused from his thoughts and looked up to see a decent-sized hut situated on the side of the path. The hut seemed to be made from a hollowed out tree, and from it’s branches hung many different types of containers and bottles. A couple of tiki masks decorated the outside as well, with one hanging directly over a traditional wooden door in a dreamcatcher like fashion.

‘A treehouse that’s literally a tree? That’s a hell of a thing.’ Braxton thought dryly. He ascended the short steps to the door and raised his fist to it. As he was about to knock, however, something made him hesitate. There was an unmistakable feeling of tension in him, a feeling that if he knocked on this door, he would somehow be crossing a point of no return.

“Braxton? What’s wrong?” Sweetie asked, concerned.

“Er, n-nothing.” Braxton lied. Shaking the nervousness off, he raised his fist once again and knocked on the door, anxious to see what lay on the other side.


Rarity had been making a mad dash through the Everfree Forest, fraught with worry over what may have become of her little sister. Her friends had not been far behind, trying in vain to halt her pursuit.

“Rarity, will you slow down?!” Twilight Sparkle called after her unicorn friend.

Rarity finally stopped and turned to address her companions. “Slow down?! How can I slow down when my darling little sister is lost and alone in this dreadful place?! Oh, she’s probably scared out of her mind right now!” She shouted. She was absolutely frantic, with strands of her usually immaculate mane sticking up in random spots.

“Now listen Rare, Ah know that yer worried ‘bout Sweetie Belle. We all are, but we ain’t gonna accomplish nothin’ by charging through the forest like a buncha madponies.” Applejack stated in an attempt to calm down her friend.

Rarity’s face contorted into a look of contempt. “Easy for you to say!” She yelled angrily. “Your sister is safe! She’s not the one enduring the horrors of this forest alone!” Rarity had gotten nearly nose to nose with Applejack, her brows knitted together in anger.

“Rarity!! You know that’s not fair! Like Applejack said, we’re all worried, but we have to calm down and think this through first!” Twilight reprimanded. Rarity’s angry glare faded and was replaced by a remorseful frown.

“You’re absolutely right, Twilight.” She said, backing off. “I’m so sorry, Applejack. I’m sorry, everypony. It’s just... I’m just so worried about her. If anything were to happen, I...” Rarity trailed off, unable to finish. She was looking at the ground now, lip quivering and on the verge of tears.

Applejack laid a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “No harm done, Rarity. Ah forgive ya.” She said, earning a small smile from the alabaster unicorn. “But what we need ta' do now is put our heads together an’ figure out where Sweetie Belle might of run off to.” Applejack addressed the entire group.

“Um, well... what about Zecora’s?” Fluttershy muttered gently.

“Zecora’s? Whatever to you mean, darling?” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy shrank back slightly at being the center of attention, but continued with her train of thought. “Well, um... Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said that they were heading to Zecora’s... so I-I just thought that maybe, uh... she might know where Sweetie Belle is...?” Fluttershy explained in a voice barely above a whisper.

Rarity’s eyes lit up with hope. “Of course!!! If the girls were on their way to see Zecora, then perhaps Sweetie Belle found her way there! At the very least, Zecora may know of her whereabouts!” Rarity exclaimed. She grabbed Fluttershy and wrapped her in a large hug. “Fluttershy, darling, you are simply brilliant!” She praised her shy friend, causing her to blush heavily.

Twilight stepped in front of the group to address them. “Alright, everypony.” She began, “If we get to Zecora’s hut as fast as possible, we’ll be one step closer to finding Sweetie Belle. Let’s get moving, girls!” With that said, the six mares on a mission galloped off in a beeline for Zecora’s hut.


After a few moments of waiting, the wooden door to the hut opened to reveal yet another equine. This one, however, was much different from the one in Braxton’s arms. For one thing, it was taller, with it’s eye level coming up to about his belly button. It was also covered head to hoof in black stripes that ran along it’s grayish coat, including on it’s mane, which was styled into a mohawk. Finally, it wore large golden hoop earrings, as well as gold rings around it’s neck and front leg to complete the look.

‘This must be Zecora. Admittedly, I don’t know what I was expecting, but a blinged-out zebra didn’t exactly top the list.’ Braxton thought. The zebra in question tilted her neck up to meet his gaze. Her large turquoise eyes widened slightly in shock, but was soon replaced by a look of fascination.

“An unfamiliar creature stands at my door, but is this a friendly visit, or something more?” The zebra rhymed, much to Braxton’s amusement.

“Hi, Zecora!” Sweetie Belle greeted, confirming Braxton’s suspicions.

Zecora’s gaze shifted to the filly in Braxton’s arms. “Why, if it isn’t little Sweetie Belle! I trust that you are doing well?” She asked with a smile.

Braxton chose to speak up. “Actually, um, Zecora, we have a bit of a problem. See, Sweetie Belle here sprained her leg in the forest and--” Zecora raised her hoof to silence him.

“My friend, you need not say anymore, I have plenty of healing remedies in store. Please, come inside of my hut, and you will see I can fix any sprain, bruise, or cut.” She stated, before trotting back inside.

“Does she always do the rhyming thing?” Braxton whispered to Sweetie Belle after Zecora was out of earshot.

Sweetie nodded and said, “Yeah, but you get used to it.” Braxton simply shrugged and proceeded inside. The interior of the hut matched the style set by the exterior. There were more various jars and flasks hanging from the vine-covered ceiling, as well as on different shelves, and a few more African-style tiki masks hung from the walls in seemingly random spots. In the center of the room was a simple fire pit, with a large cauldron sat on top. Zecora was standing over said cauldron with a spoon between her teeth, mixing a bubbling green liquid.

“Wow, your decorations sure are... unique.” Braxton muttered.

Zecora spat out the spoon and turned to face the human. “While my hut may not be opulent, I nonetheless thank you for the compliment. Now, sit Sweetie Belle over there if you please, and I will cure her injury with ease.” She stated, pointing to a nearby table.

Braxton did as instructed and gently laid Sweetie Belle down. Zecora cantered over with a bottle of thick brown ointment, which she began to apply liberally to the afflicted area. Sweetie’s leg tensed at first due to the coldness of the salve, but relaxed shortly thereafter.

Braxton raised a brow in confusion. “What exactly is this stuff supposed to do?” He asked the zebra. Zecora finished massaging the ointment into Sweetie’s skin before answering.

“It is a special herbal brew, designed to relax muscle tissue. If you apply to any sort of sprain, it will quickly relive the pain.” She stated as she returned to the cauldron. Braxton turned his attention back to the filly.

“How ya holdin’ up, Sweets?” He asked.

“Good.” She replied, “Actually, I feel better already!” She exclaimed with a smile.

Braxton smiled in return. “Glad to hear it. Once you’re back on your fee--, er, hooves, we can finally get outta this crazy forest. Then, we can start looking for your friends and-- Ow!” Braxton interrupted himself with a grunt of pain.

“Braxton! What’s wrong?!” Sweetie worriedly asked.

“I think I might of cracked my ribs when that monster slammed me into that tree.” Braxton wheezed through gritted teeth.

“Well, why didn’t you say something?!”

“I was trying to ignore it, hoping it was just a bruise or something. But it’s starting to really get to me now.”

“If fractured bones are what ails you, then I suggest you try this brew.” Zecora said as she poured some of the green liquid she was mixing into a nearby flask. She waved Braxton over and hoofed him the drink.

Braxton lifted the bottle to his nose and reeled, nearly dropping it. “Ugh, what the hell is in this stuff?” He asked with the bottle at arm’s length.

Zecora chuckled lightly at his reaction. “Stratys leaves and noctus roots to do the favor, with wild-berries for added flavor.” She explained. Braxton still looked unsure.

“Please, do not be dissuaded by the smell, for the mixture will leave you feeling fit and well.” Zecora assured him.

He eyed the concoction for a few moments longer. “Well, you only live once...” Braxton said to himself, throwing caution to the wind. He lifted the bottle to his lips, singeing his nose hairs in the process, and threw his head back. The taste of the liquid almost gagged him, but he held fast and downed the drink in two big gulps.

‘God, I’ll be tasting that all week.’ He thought with a cringe.

“I must warn that you will feel some strain, as you are about to experience intense pain.” Zecora said offhandedly.

“Wait, what?” Braxton said in confusion. But it was too late. No sooner had the words left his mouth that he began to feel a tingling sensation in his torso, one that quickly grew into burning agony. Braxton clutched at his side and sank to his knees, barely suppressing screams of pain with tightly clenched teeth.

“Braxton!!!” Sweetie Belle cried out to him, but he could barely hear her over the incredible anguish he was experiencing, let alone respond. He could literally feel his fractured ribs shifting, repairing the damages that had been done to them. Braxton was on the verge of passing out from the unrelenting agony when, almost as quickly as it came, the pain suddenly left him.

Braxton sat on his hands and knees on the floor of Zecora’s hut, sweating and breathing heavily. When he had finally calmed down, he began to rise to his feet slowly for fear of triggering another episode.

“Braxton, are you alright?!” Sweetie said, concern evident in her voice.

Braxton prodded his ribs and, to his amazement, felt no pain whatsoever. “Yeah, I-I’m fine. Better than fine, actually. I feel great, like I was never hurt at all! I don’t know what that stuff was, but it sure as hell did the trick. I feel like I could fight a thousand lion-bat-scorpions!” He exclaimed, punching the air a few times for emphasis.

“That special potion works beyond belief, and strives to bring you great relief.” Zecora said, sounding almost like a slogan for some fancy painkiller.

Braxton leaned against the far wall of the hut and put his hands in his duster pockets. “Well, it does it’s job and then some. I feel better than ever. Thanks a lot, Zecora.” He said with a sincere smile, earning one in return. “Y’know, I’ve gotta say, you’re pretty accommodating to a creature you’ve never seen before. Not that I’m complaining or anything, but shouldn’t you be a little more wary of me?” Braxton said, genuinely curious.

Zecora gave a hearty chuckle at his question. “While I must admit you are an oddity, living in the Everfree makes them my commodity. In this forest of monsters, great and mean, you are not the strangest thing I’ve seen.” She said with a grin.

Braxton was about to continue the conversation, but a rather urgent sounding knock on the door interrupted him. Zecora cantered over and opened it, revealing six ponies, with one looking considerably more distraught than the others. Due to Braxton’s position against the wall, he could see them, but they had yet to notice him.

The frazzled looking one, another unicorn with a white coat and purple mane, spoke up first. “Oh, Zecora! Thank goodness you’re home! I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you had seen--”

“Rarity!!!” Sweetie Belle shouted happily.

The white unicorn whipped her head towards the call. She immediately blew past Zecora and rushed to Sweetie Belle, wrapping her up in the tightest embrace Braxton had ever seen.

“Sweetie Belle!!! Oh, my darling sister, I was so worried about you! Oh dear, just look at how dirty you are! As soon as we get back to Ponyville, we’ll get you nice and clean again, okay?” The unicorn endlessly fawned over Sweetie Belle, inspecting every inch of her body as she spoke.

The other five mares made their way over to the reunion as well, all of them spouting their concern for the young filly. They still had yet to notice Braxton leaning against the wall.

“Rarity... can’t... breathe...!” Sweetie managed to choke out. The white unicorn realized her mistake and released her choke-hold, allowing Sweetie to catch her breath.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle. I’m just so glad you’re safe. Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you?” Rarity asked, worry still evident in her voice.

“Well, I did sprain my leg out in the forest, but somepony found me and brought me here so that Zecora could patch me up.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Somepony found you?” Rarity repeated.

“Yeah, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I were being chased by a manticore. I tripped and got caught on a root, and the manticore cornered me and nearly got me! But then, Braxton showed up and sent it running scared!” Sweetie Belle announced, throwing her hooves in the air.

The six mares stood dumbfounded at the story, wondering how anypony could be brave or stupid enough to fight off a manticore all on their own. Rarity was the first to regain her composure.

“My, that is quite a tale! But, where is this ‘Braxton’ now? I must find this magnificent pony and thank them at once!”

Braxton cleared his throat to make his presence known, causing all six mares to turn around in unison. All of the ponies jaws went a little slack as they beheld the unknown creature before them.

“That’d be me." Braxton stated with a half-smile. "And as you might have noticed, I ain’t no pony.”

Author's Note:

Zecora is a fucking BITCH to write for.

That is all.