• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 3,293 Views, 32 Comments

Therapist Visit: Queen Chrysalis - ABagOVicodin

Chrysalis imprisons our therapist for a one-on-one chat. She wants answers, and is willing to kill his family to get them.

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Wake up little sleepyhead. Did you have a nice rest? I certainly did... I didn’t know that you loved your wife that much.

Mmm... that got your attention. Hello there my little pony. How are you doing this fine morning? I see that you have already gotten used to the little home that I made for you. Don’t worry, I made sure to cut some holes in your cocoon so you can breathe. After all, I need you. I can’t have you dying so soon after I first captured you.

It’s no use, you aren’t going to break out of here. No matter how much you struggle.

Mmm... I don’t think you are in the right position to be asking me questions. You would be if this was back in Canterlot, but I have long since learned my lesson. I will not underestimate the power of alicorns and love again, which is why I made sure that you couldn’t use it. Let’s play a little game, shall we? The rules are simple. I ask you a question, and you answer it. While that happens, the biomatter at the bottom of your hooves will slowly travel upward as we talk. If you don’t figure out the answer to all of my questions in time, you will be completely trapped in the cocoon that I made for you. Then, we can continue your little interrogation as I sap all of the love from your body and make you a lifeless husk, a subject of my own.

I’m glad to see that you agree with the game. Hmm... perhaps it would be better if I answered one of your questions in exchange for an answer for one of mine. That way, you would have an incentive to tell me the truth.

Hmm... well then, I guess it would be good to start with a simple question so that you understand why I have decided to put your life on the line tonight. Do you know what a changeling is?

I guess you were not present when I tried to take over Canterlot. I see a book on changelings in the shelf near the wall, so I assume you know what I look like?

You know what I am capable of. I guess your answer was good enough. What’s your question?

Yes, your wife and child are fine. I disguised myself as you and bought them a weekend trip to Canterlot’s amusement park. She didn’t notice that I wasn’t playing you as well as I should have, which is interesting, don’t you think?

Mmm... yes I know you love her. Thank you for saying so. Next question, do you know who Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are?

Yes, the Princess of Love. The Crystal Princess, who is married to Twilight Sparkle’s brother. I see, you know of them, but you have not seen them before. I guess I am going to have to go over my takeover attempt with you. Perhaps I should start at the beginning, since the biomatter seems to be moving slow enough.

My name is Queen Chrysalis. I am the leader of one of the changeling hives in Equestria.

Yes, one of. There are millions of changeling hives on Earth, but only one in Equestria since ponies are becoming more adept at fighting us back than other nations. Not to mention the fact that every Crystal Princess since the beginning of the Crystal Empire has known how to drive us back. The hope and love that radiates off of the Crystal Heart is capable of banishing us beyond the Crystal Mountains if the aura is powerful enough. While we may be creatures that feed off of love and happiness, if there is too much being projected at once, it’s like when you ponies drink too much water in one sitting. You die from an overdose.

I’m sure you can see the problem here. The love of other species was the only love that mattered to our stomachs, since we were unable to feed off of each other. I kept a hive beyond Fround Valley and fed off of the small animals in the valley, while some rogue changelings left my hive in search of a more fulfilling food source. It was much like a search for treasure, and now that I know what a pony’s love feels like when you consume it, I regret that I didn’t invade Equestria sooner. During the time of the Crystal Empire’s disappearance, there were changelings scattered over Equestria, but I didn’t know of it. I only came to learn of this when one of my esteemed guards came back after a reconnaissance mission. I asked him to find other animals that we could feed off of, and he told me about Equestria, Canterlot to be exact. He captured a pony and brought her to the hive so that I could sample what I was missing. Once the pony was passed around the hundreds of spawn that I created, the decision was pretty unanimous to attack Canterlot.

We all transformed into ponies and moved together, making sure to be careful with the ponies that we used as food. If we were too gluttonous with our consumption, then our trail would have been caught. Once we reached Foal Mountain, my spawn and I stopped to make a secret hive for the time being. Nopony saw us, and if they did, we just pretended to be a school of fillies and colts that lived up on the mountain. Since I demanded every one of my subjects to stay as a pony until I tell them otherwise, we weren’t suspicious. We made sure to close up the hive’s entrance with rocks and debris to avoid using our biomatter in order to make it more natural.

I’m getting to that. Don’t tell me what to do, I’m sure the goo around your ankles is telling you the same thing. My plan to attack Canterlot was poorly put together, only because one of my idiotic subjects decided to roam around Foal Mountain without his disguise on. One of Canterlot’s Royal Guards was in the area, probably patrolling the mountain for creatures like us. My subjects ambushed him and brought his unconscious body to me. We restrained and interrogated him, to no avail at first. He said that he loved Equestria, and would do anything for his country, including die for it. That love for his country was delicious indeed...

After we were done with the guard, we were given another conundrum. We had to figure out a way to replace him. After all, Canterlot was close to the Foal Mountains. If they sent a search party here, then we would no doubt be found out and my plans would have been ruined. I decided to be the guard’s replacement and I placed my favorite changeling in charge of the hive while I was gone. While under the guise of the Royal Guard, I learned of Shining Armor’s magical prowess and the Crystal Princess. My plan was made right there.

I unfortunately couldn’t feed on any ponies in Canterlot, since I knew that any missing guards would immediately put the Guard on the defense. They did roll call every day and I had to soon learn that my name was “Bright Rush” and I had some dumb friend that loved to punch me in the shoulder to surprise me. He had some crush on me and I could take little nibbles of that to survive, but my stomach begged me to push that guard into a corner or closet and suck his love dry.

When Princess Cadence reared her ugly head and announced her wedding, I immediately returned to my hive and told them my plan. I was going to imprison Cadence deep within the caves of Canterlot. Afterwards, I would replace myself as Shining Armor’s fiance and slowly feed off of the love that he felt for her. It only took a few days... and one delicious night... before I had my control over him. Granted he’s not that smart, so it was easy to take him over, but his magical power is immense, so I had to be careful with my actions. The day after Cadence’s wedding announcement, the plan was put into action. The mare barely struggled as I stunned her by hitting her on the back of the head and magically pulled her into the depths of the Canterlot Caves. Replacing her was easy, it was keeping up with her memories that was the hard part.

I slowly chipped away at the Canterlot Royal Guard by asking guards one by one to come to my room, so that I could give them the orders for the marriage. None knew what hit them as I stunned each one and made another hive in the Canterlot Cave for the guards. Soon there were just as many of my changelings on the inside as they were on the outside, so when I was finally able to go forward with my plans, there were barely any guards to protect the Canterlot citizens. I then made one of my new guards warn Shining Armor of a possible attack on the city, and he immediately sealed off the city with a protective shield. I’m sure he wouldn’t have done so if his marriage wasn’t on the line, he would have just tightened up security, which would have made it easier for me. Either way, I found it interesting that all it took was a little connection between himself and Cadence to make him go overboard with his defense. Despite his measures, myself and most of my changelings were already inside the shield. My plan was almost perfect. The only problem was my hubris.

When Twilight Sparkle arrived in Canterlot, she was immediately aware of my disguise. Shining Armor was already in the center of my hoof, so I wasn’t worried about that pest’s interference. Just my luck, that unicorn’s interference is what ruined my plan. I imprisoned her in the same cave as Cadence’s and she broke out to confront me. I revealed myself, took down their own Queen (she was called a princess, she certainly didn’t seem like one) and moved forward with my plans after the changelings captured Twilight and her gang of interlopers. All it took was a few moments for my plan to completely backfire.

Twilight Sparkle released Cadence from her prison and allowed the Princess to awaken her fiance from my mind control spell. Afterwards, they performed a spell that I never heard of and drove my subjects and myself around Equestria. Some of my subjects perished in the air, since the love magic was too strong for them. Some perished when they hit the ground, while others perished after months of hunger. Now... with the rage of an entire murdered race on my shoulders... I came back to Canterlot in order to find some way to exact my revenge. I fed off of the royal guard that was kept in Foal Mountain (he perished shortly thereafter) and moved back into Canterlot, disguised as another royal guard. Good thing that the Guard’s security was more lax when I arrived, since Shining Armor left the Royal Guard to become the Prince of the Crystal Empire. That’s when I met you.

Princess Luna, the one that I never met, was having therapy visits with you. I listened to every visit that I could. I wanted to take your place so that I could learn about her relevance to Celestia’s rule. However, I couldn’t risk doing anything to you. I knew nothing about you, only that you had a wife and child that are now having the time of their lives while they risk losing something in theirs. I merely waited for a time to strike, but my exhaustion over the lack of food that I ate had soon bedridden me for a week. I bet you are wondering why I didn’t feed on the royal guards since there wasn’t a Captain during the time of your visits. There are numerous reasons, but they are all none of your business.

I guess that’s enough for my question. Go ahead and ask yours.

No, we did not do anything last night. As much as I wanted to sap more love from you, your words were enough to keep me satiated. Spending the night with someone is one of the easiest ways to steal love from them, since two ponies in love will obviously want to make the other feel as loved as possible with their ministrations. However, I refrained from taking your power since I need you to be in your best state of mind for my questions.

I am aware that the biomatter is sticking to your forehooves, I guess we better speed up the questions, shall we?

My last question is simple, do you know that you are not going to leave here with your life? At least, the one that you currently have. My apologies, but I cannot afford you to run to Princess Celestia immediately after our discussion, so I am unfortunately going to have to either turn you into a changeling or kill you. At least your final day on this earth is composed of helping another with their problems, right?

Mmm... I don’t think you are in the right position to tell me what you are and aren’t going to do. I control the fate of your wife and child, and I could just as easily transform into you and take over your life. Wouldn’t it be nice... to feed off of the love between your wife and your foal? I can only imagine the endless sustenance that you three will produce...

Ooh, someone has quite the colorful vocabulary. I don’t even know half of those words that you yelled out. It’s interesting that you decide to threaten the one that holds your life in the balance. Calm down, you hothead. I would have imprisoned your wife and child in the same fashion if I intended to ruin your life. That’s the brilliance of love, it can always be rekindled among different ponies. I’m sure your wife would find another stallion that would love her just as much as you do. I’m sure I can be that stallion.

Very well... what is your question?

Aww, what’s the matter? Don’t you like your wife? I took her form because I thought that it would be easier to get answers out of you if your wife was asking you them. That’s how love works, right? I give a little, you give a lot. I enjoy your wife’s form and since it’s still daytime, anyone can see my silhouette if I’m in my true form. I’m staying this way until night time. Well, since nothing came from that question, I guess you can have one more.




Go to sleep, I’ll tell you when I damn well please.




Author's Note:

Got this idea in the shower. Sweet. Another character to explore!

For those of you that are new to the Therapist Visit series, perhaps you would like to try out the one that I wrote for Luna? Also, welcome to my stories! I hope that you enjoy them!

Thank you all of my readers for humoring me. I have a feeling that this story is going to be WAY shorter when compared to the first, since I have another story in the works based on Chrysalis.

Comments ( 32 )

I love you so much right now.

Well, Chrysalis certainly does love to drop exposition dumps.

I'll admit, I'm not sure what to think of this at the moment. Mostly because I'm not sure what Chryssy stands to gain from kidnapping and interrogating Rationale.


What does she have to gain? :twilightsmile:

what are the odds? I check equestria daily story updates for the first time in months (seriously who uses that now that fimfiction exists), and stumble upon the unexpected sequel to Therapist Visit by accident. You can't fight fate. Also, the last line really makes this first chapter. Im excited to see what emotional responses Rationale can get out of Chrysalis and how he uses them.

And here I was, thinking the next one would be about Twilight Sparkle, since I've seen a comission fanart called therapist visit about her. You got me on that :twilightsheepish:

Wow! Dude, I didn`t see that coming!!
Awesome chapter!! Waiting for more!!

Two paragraphs in and I hate her. :ajbemused:
I never thought I could hate Chrysalis...


Poor guy... You'd better let him live through this.

So, if your "wife" is a changeling, and she cocoons you to the ceiling and threatens your life... is it still domestic abuse?

(Disclaimer: Abuse of any kind isn't a joke. Please do not ever even consider physically hurting your friends or family.)

2428561 depends... did it happen in your domicile?

Since I'm basing the scenario on Rationale's dilemma, yes.

2430963 And I was making a joke. *looks at chapter again* Huh, I guess I wasn't paying close attention, I didn't notice that it does actually take place in Rationale's home... Go figure. :facehoof:

Oh. My. Gosh!ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!:pinkiehappy:

Therapist Visit was awesome. And now it has my favorite villain!
Aaaaand.... commence reading.:rainbowkiss:

Didn't care much for the info dump on the beginning, but I guess the premise is interesting enough. Let's see where this will go.

Comment posted by StarchildSam deleted Jun 1st, 2013

Now THIS is a sequel to the Luna journey.

Still what a super villain that diabolical Changling Queen is.

I wonder how our slient shrink will get out of this one ?

Wow dang why i didn't know about Sequel?

Heh therapist visit of 2 my favorite chars dayum. Waiting for more

I was a big fan of the original Therapist Visit and I really wish you would continue this. I had good feelings about this one and it's sad to see it hasn't had any work since the last time I checked. I was really hankering for this story, today.


As a writer, I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't finish this as intended. I will definitely pick it up at a later date, but I just have so much on my plate at the moment.

3110953 Don't worry. A lot of writers on this site are going through similar problems, and even I'm not terribly prolific. Take things at your own pace and don't rush.

Well this is interesting. I wonder exactly how you'll portray Chrysalis, apart from her basic nature I'm pretty sure that there's a lot of hidden stuff underneath. At the moment she's defensive and doesn't want to reveal much, but her reactions are telling me something that her words alone are not. Anyway, can't wait to see where this goes. Hope you update this soon!


Interesting note, whenever I see the word 'Therapist' I'm reading it as 'The rapist.' :pinkiehappy:

Im still waiting when you gonna ressurect this.

and srsly what the hell why i didn't had that favored when i clearly had

Still waiting

We're all eagerly waiting ^~^ this was very interesting afterall.

Waiting forever... :ajsleepy:

Countessrose's review on youtube brought me here. But now I regret coming here since the guy DIDN'T FINISH THE DAMN STORY and has been on hiatus for 5 damn years!

Got this idea in the shower. Sweet. Another character to explore!

Obviously, writer never had another shower since then

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