• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
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A Young Homosexual Alone in The Corner, Crying – Suttree, Cormac McCarthy.

Comments ( 28 )

Only gonna try this out because Rainbow Bob said people should.

I will give you a thumbs up and a fave for the work you put in but I will be back to see if you have made any more changes or a new chapter. So keep it up. And just saying this because I know someone will now or then will say this is shit. I say get fucked you did you best and that's all matters. Now I wish you good luck and sorry for swearing.

I have soiled my pants from this awesomeness. The death of my pants will be remembered only for a short time. But my reaction to this will last a life time. :pinkiecrazy:

Dead puppies are best puppies.

"I killed Paul Allen with an ax to the face, and his body is now dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen!"

Fascinating. Love the beginning where the main character goes from being sadistic to being a serial killer. Very interested to see where this story will lead.


It's about time someone made one of these.

"Let's take a popular franchize and replace everything with ponies".
There is no taste. This is not Equestria. These are not ponies. It's a re-skin mod. "Let's rename things in pony style." Thumb down for this essentially not being MLP fic but a human fic reskinned.

I guess someone had to say it, and to be honest I'm not a douchebag enough to not appreciate a good bit of, well, to be blunt 'having my work shitted on.' to not appreciate what you're saying.

Truth be told, it's a double edged sword, right? On the one hand, if anything, this is a 'homage' to what I consider one of the finer books to come out in the last twenty years. I took some liberties, changed plot elements and characters, added new ones and omitted ones that I felt sucked, but overall this really is just that: Patrick Bateman in pony form. Clearly this is something you're not interested in reading, but, I feel a sense of double standards happening here. It's all fine and dandy for writers to post Fallout/Halo/Gears of War or other 'In Equestria' stories, but, a guy with a love for a book doing a tasteful homage in it's honor (And even admitting it in the description) is too far and tasteless?

I dunno. I tried to make this as much 'my own' as it is 'tastelessly' stolen; the general plot is that Blue Skies is a psychopath, he's emotionally detached from his surroundings and the people in his life and he's obsessed with his status and wealth, but, this is only chapter one and there's more I'd like to do with this than make it just a rehash of an already created work.

I guess you're as right as I am wrong. If you give it time, I'm sure I can prove how much this is the same as it is different, but, if you don't want too, that's nobodies fault really. All I'm saying is there's a million stories on this site and this is just one of them. At the end of the day all I really did was take my love for a great piece of fiction, recreate the themes and try to put a fun spin on it.

Just some food for thought.

Duuude, that is some serious fucking nightmare fuel
....I fucking loved it :pinkiehappy:

I feel like you hit the nail on the head, obviously it's going to get downvoted for what it is and what it's not, but, I appreciate you not doing that. All I really tried to do with this story is take my appreciation for a great story, retell it in the world of MLP and put my own little stamp on it. People are (And already have :rainbowwild:) going to poop on that, but, at least I've got a fan like you on my side. Cheers, mate :heart:

2437829 2436307
"Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?"

Thanks dude. I keep getting your tunes recommended by Bob and I've gotta say, I'm a huuuuge fan. Is it...like....too douchey to ask if you'd care to do a song in my (and this story's) favor? I can repay you with pictures of my cats and/or 'favors' :raritywink:

Yeah, but...only in the context of works of fiction. (In real life very much alive and adorable puppies are the best)

Hopefully more people will take your approach look past how I (shamefully) stole the plot basis and still enjoy it for the things I get to retool and change.

All in all, thanks for reading/liking/commenting (Sorry if I missed any of you guys.) I'm taking a break from this for a while. It was just a fun little free-write I did while I worked on ideas for my other stories, but, I'm glad to see people liked it. There's more to come in the future.

2440130 Sure just message me on skype what you want and i'll see what I can do. :rainbowdetermined2:

You confuse crossover with reskin.
I despise all reskins equally. Now for a crossover...

Let's take this Fallout...

Fallout had supermutants, a result of careless experiment with mutagenic substance, bound to destroy humans at all cost.
FoE had the Unity - a mare with issues and too big ego turned the core of a hivemind of alicorns, a desperate war effort that was to topple the scales in favor of Equestria, except it came too late. She's not stupid - she has huge ego, but she lives in precarious alliance with another huge empire of the Wastelands.

Fallout had nuclear bombs.
FoE had megaspells. Developed by Ministry of Peace, led by Fluttershy, megaspells were first a mass-healing spells that would make battles pointless because why fight if you can't kill each other? To stop the war Fluttershy leaked them to the zebras, who in order corrupted the spell into horrible necromantic fire. Fluttershy was forced to witness the horrible consequences of her mistake, her good will and faith taken advantage of.

Fallout had the Enclave, a mysterious military operation led by a computer, created as a "backup government" for recovering Earth.
FoE had Enclave too. The FoE Enclave was the former air force of Equestria, Pegasi who decided to betray Equestria and abandon the war. They shrouded the sky with clouds and maintaned the cloud cover ever since, using its top side for planting plants that can grow on clouds, becoming entirely independent from the "below". They keep the pegasus society in tight control, their propaganda telling there is no sentient life below, that the contamination is lethal to all except monsters that adapted to it, and making sure that nobody ever crosses the cloud cover in either direction. They keep the oppressive police state and watch for opportunity to exterminate all life below, to gather resources they are short on. When their secrets are at risk of leaking, they send their skyships - several kilometer long clouds filled with terrible weaponry and able to withstand heaviest attacks, to destroy all settlements below. The Enclave considered its former leader Rainbow Dash the ultimate traitor, as she stayed below, fighting for Equestria when the bombs hit. Ever since any pegasus who opposes the Enclave (or learns too much) is branded with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark pattern branding iron, and then banished below.

Fallout had The Pitt, a city where raider faction was controlling the slave faction producing guns, and the leader was working on a vaccine against a disease that affected the area.
In FoE, New Fillydelphia had a cyborgized stallion revered nearly as a god, having desperate slaves rebuild the city, taking exquisitely good care of all foals, to grant them better life, and working on a way to create a male alicorn, officially a half of his bargain with the Unity, but in fact a way to defend against Enclave, and a new deity to unite and rule Equestria. His army, based in major part on gryphon mercenaries took part in all major conflicts, and his empire was the closest to a true country in the Wastes.

Fallout had the Valuts, not intended to save anybody, a social experiment by people who liked to perform social experiments, and did this because that way they could experiment on people in isolation.
FoE had the Stables, intended not only to save the world, but to change it. "If the world recovers and we create a society like the one before the war, it will make the same mistakes." The Stables were all "social experiments" too, but with specific intent to create a diversity rich enough that the rebuilt society would be better adapted and wouldn't start the war again.

In Fallout Washington D.C. is nuked.
In FoE the princesses hold a shield around Canterlot against barrage of balefire spells while ponies hide in Stables. Then some traitor detonates a special bomb that fills the shield with necromantic cloud, that fuses flesh with whatever it touches to. The princesses realize there is a town located below Canterlot so if they release the shield, it will be flooded in the pink cloud. They wait long enough that its citizens could evacuate, as the pink cloud takes toll on their strength. Luna dies in Celestia's hooves, poisoned. Celestia, struck by grief... oh well, that's besides the point.

That is what I mean by crossover, versus plain reskin.

I feel like you just kinda proved my point.

Listen, I don't have anything against you. You're a fairly popular writer who writes what he likes to write about. I'm a fairly popular writer who writes about what I like to write about. You've got an impressive body of work that your fans love. I've got an impressive body of work that my fans love.

What's the point in beaking me over writing a story I wanted to write? So you didn't like it, who cares. At the end of the day we're both (I assume) grown men who write fan fictions about talking cartoon horses. I mean, I watch this show with my 5 year old niece :rainbowwild: It's not like I'm making any cash or infringing on anyone's rights with this, it's just for fun.

Come on, mate! Life's about more than hating some guy on the internet for writing something you don't like. Personally, I strongly hate self inserts and Alicorn Mary Sue stuff, but, I don't let it rustle my jimmies or anything. Go out, grab a couple of your buddies, grab a 24 of some cheap beer, play a little Smash, maybe some Halo, crack a few beers, tell some dirty jokes, wake up in the morning feeling fresh then if you still hate my story....well, shit, what can I do, eh?

Anyway. No hard feelings, dude. I think you're a writer just like myself and something like more than 20K other people on this site are writers. I write what I like, you write what you like. Grass grows. Wind blows. Trees grow and all that sappy shit.

Yeppers, no hard feelings. I'm not angry at all. I can't deride you for writing that - I personally dislike the genre but that's a very personal taste and not a reason to bash a properly written story - it's still too early to see if it's going to be good or bad, currently it's written properly.

My only peeve is that I come to Fimfiction for FiM stories, and your story is not a FiM story. It wouldn't lose a thing if you dropped the whole "everyone's ponies" theme. My greatest lure of MLP is that ponies are not humans, that they are similar in many ways, but so different in others - not just by looks or abilities, but by a different mindset. Your story doesn't carry any of that lure for me.

No problem. Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in. In many cases I have done and won but lost the same amount of how many times I won but at the end of the day you did your best. So I give you that and you should wear it with proud. If you ever need any help give me a yell and I will give yar a hand because everyone needs a hand now and than. Sorry again for the swearing in the comment before


2440130 I was going to do a story inspired by the book and movie, but using Rainbow Dash in a sort of alternate universe. But I lack the skill to really get inside a sociopath's mindset enough to make the story work, so I scrapped the idea. I'm glad to see someone else has finally given it a shot.







I would like to read a few more chapter before I make up my mind on this story. As it stands, Blue is one malicious sadistic pony if I ever seen one.

On the one hand, a lot of the changes you made (introducing violence/uncertainty so early; the butler, which would cut into Bateman's solipsistic isolation and derealization; this character seems to be bordering on intelligent and productive, while Bateman was a semi-literate goon; greater use of active voice) veer away from what made Psycho a brilliant satire.

On the other hand, this is a different story. Also,

I recall reading an article in The Curious Inquirer last year that debunked the theory that a bit, or any other metallic object, thrown off a high roof would gain enough speed and momentum to seriously damage anypony on the ground, and this slightly bothers me.

Throwing things off the roof and staring at the ants crawling around below is an interesting theme.

This better fucking have shallow regurgitated critiques of equestrian pop music or I'm going to be hella disappointed my dude XD

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