• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
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Talon and Thorn


Fleeing from the Time Lords the Doctor accidentally damages the barrier between his own universe and that of Equestria an event that may lead to disaster for both universe. Now each of his incarnations must visit Equestria to repair the damage.

Each chapter will involve a different incarnation of the Doctor and may be posted out of order.
As the normal category/character rules don't work with an anthology, I'm going to list any extra ones for each chapter below.

Part of RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, my entry for the April Crossover writing contest.

Chapter 1 - The Grandfather
The first incarnation of the Doctor and his granddaughter Susan arrive on Equestria and meet Cheerilee and a group of foals on a trip to Whitetail woods. However, can the escape from the monster lurking there?
Categories - No extra
Characters - The Doctor, Susan, Cheerilee, Snails, Scootaloo, Dinky

Chapter 2 - The Cosmic Hobo
The second Doctor and Jamie find themselves helping to defend an arctic research station from an attack from strange ghostly shapes and Ice ponies.
Categories - No extra
Characters - The Doctor, Jamie, Shining Armour

Chapter 3 - The Gentleman
The third Doctor and Jo arrive at Canterlot in the winter and meet the stage magician Quartermoon the Magnificent and his granddaughter Trixie. There appears to have been a rash of mysterious deaths among the magic profession, with Quartermoon be next?
Categories - No extra
Characters - The Doctor, Jo Grant, Trixie, Quartermoon

Chapter 4 - The Bohemian
The fourth Doctor and Leela become part of the Ponyville weather team and take part in a Pegasus game called Sky Tag along side Raindrops and Dash. But another team are playing for keeps and figures from both Raindrops and Dash's past are taking part as well. Can our hero's win out?
Categories - Comedy, Slice of Life
Characters - The Doctor, Leela, K-9, Raindrops, Rainbow Dash, Hoops, Score, Dumb Bell

Chapter 5 - The Good Sport
The fifth Doctor along with Tegan and Nyssa arrive at Canterlot in time for the final of the first annual servants hoofball league. With the shard as the prize the Doctor is forced to enter but other groups as well as the opposing team are working against him.
Categories - Slice of Life
Characters - The Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Night Vision, Pinkie Pie, Blue Blood, Luna, Octavia, Paperweight.

Chapter 6 - The Multi-coloured Man
The sixth incarnation of the Doctor and his companion Evelyn interrupt a dinner party at Fluttershy's resulting in her fleeing into the Everfree Forest. Can Carrot Top and the time travellers find her before something terrible happens?
Categories - Comedy
Characters - The Doctor, Evelyn, Carrot Top, Rarity, Fluttershy, Angel.

Chapter 7 - The Chess Master
Twilight Sparkle thinking the Doctor is a threat to Equestria is traveling through time to stop him at every turn resulting in a much darker future. Can The Doctor and Ditzy Doo stop her and prevent disaster?
Categories - Sad
Characters - The Doctor, Ace, Ditzy Doo, Twilight Sparkle.

Chapter 8 - The Bon Vivant
The eighth Doctor and Izzy have little trouble finding the shard and decide the spend the day wandering Ponyville. But has something followed them from their universe and what sweet creature is waiting to be born beneath Bon Bon's store?
Categories - Dark
Characters - The Doctor, Izzy, Lyra, Bon Bon.

Chapter 8.5 - The Soldier
The time war comes to Equestria.
Categories - Dark, Gore, Sad, Tragedy.
Characters - The Doctor, Trixie, Pokey Pierce, Luna, Shining Armour.

Chapter 9 - The Survivor
Fresh from the Time War the new Doctor is a broken man looking for a reason to carry on after the horrors he witnessed and caused. He finds Equestria in the wake of a Discordian led uprising. Will a meeting with Princess Celestia strengthen him or destroy him totally?
Categories - Dark, Tragedy.
Characters - The Doctor, Celestia, Luna.

Chapter 10 - The Darkness Within
The Tenth Doctor and Martha help a member of the Night Guard prevent an assassination attempt on Princess Luna but is the fate of their ally pre-ordained?
Categories - Sad
Characters - The Doctor, Martha, Luna, Nocturne

Chapter 11 - The Eternal Child
The Eleventh Doctor has settled down in Ponyville for some time to carry out some experiments but when part of his equipment gets away from him it sets in motion a chain of events which results in Greengrass becoming the ruler of Equestria. Can he and Pokey work together to put things back the way they should be?
Categories - No extra
Characters - The Doctor, Pokey, Greengrass, Notary

This story can be read in various orders, the above is in the order that it occurs to the Doctor but not the order it was written or the order events occur on Equestria.

I set myself the goal of never writing two adjacent doctors after each other, which meant that some idea's weren't written until long after they were thought up, particularly the 4th Doctor story was one of the first conceived but one of the last written. The order the story was written in was: -

1st Doctor
6th Doctor
3rd Doctor
8th Doctor
5th Doctor
10th Doctor
2nd Doctor
7th Doctor
4th Doctor
11th Doctor
8.5th Doctor

The order of events on Equestria is a bit more complicated due to time travel. The 7th Doctor story happens at the same time as many of the other chapters as well as other times: -

7th Doctor - c. 20000 BFC (Before the fall of Corona)
9th Doctor - 120 BFC
3rd Doctor - 990 AFC (After the fall of Corona)
2nd Doctor - 995 AFC
1st Doctor - 1000 AFC (Spring)
6th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Spring)
4th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Summer)
8.5th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Summer) (Alternative Universe)
7th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Summer) (Alternative Universe)
8th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Summer)
11th Doctor - 1000 AFC (Summer)
5th Doctor - 3 CR (Celestia's return)
7th Doctor - 18 CR

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 110 )

Did you make the Doctor and Susan greyscale because it was without colouration in the early regenerations?


Yep I'm planning to have the first two doctors in black and white then switch to colour with the third doctor maybe occasionally switching back to black and white, to match the series.

Lunaverse meets doctor whooves...what sort of mind powers do you posses to know what I was thinking!


Well if you are interested in writing a chapter I originally planned it as a collaborative thing with different Doctors written by different people.

There's a critical lack of proper punctuation, specifically within the spoken sentences. You should end sentences with a period or exclamation mark as appropriate, or a comma if the sentence continues outside of the quotation marks:

"I am The Doctor," the stallion said, "and this is my granddaughter, Susan."

I also discovered a few places where an apostrophe snuck into Snails' name.

Other than that, excellent read. You pegged the First Doctor's character very well. (The old guy needs more love, seriously.) Strictly speaking it may be a bit off since he was a lot nastier before Ian and Barbara got him to warm up, and this is clearly set before they joined, but... that can be excused because this is much better. Also a very good explanation for why he'll have to leave and come back later with new energy.

I look forward to future chapters. Will be interesting to see if you can do Six justice... I always thought that one had a lot of untapped potential.

Thanks for the punctuation lesson, it's a weakness for me.

Six is up next, I'm about a third of the way through so far and aiming for releasing around the end of the month, hopefully.

I'm taking sixie from the Big Finish Audio range, you find that a lot of the things people hate about him were the production at the time, in the audio's Colin Baker is Awesome. The Marian Conspiracy is one of my favourite stories and the One Doctor is some of the most hilarious Who ever.

That said, the Six chapter does hinge on the Doctor being somewhat of a jerk but hopefully redeems himself by the end.

My favourite bit so far, Rarity's reaction to the coat :raritycry::raritydespair:

Rarity - Putting the 'hysterical' into 'hysterical blindness' :raritydespair: Especially without the 'fashion show' ordeal her M!verse counterpart went through to innoculate her against such travesties.

Very funny chapter, and the bonding moment between Fluttershy and the Doctor was pure D'awww.

A fascinating read. I don't know much about the Lunaverse outside of its premise, but it did well. I'm curious as if the Doctor will meet any of the royal family. That would be an event to remember.

I’m so glad, I’d hate my last words to be about carrot juice, that would be so banal.

:rainbowlaugh: Of course, given that this is set after the last episode of Trial of a Time Lord, the dramatic irony doesn't quite work. Still, :rainbowlaugh:

That was a fun read! Rarity's blindness was just hilarious, and the scene with the Doctor and Fluttershy was sweet! Loved it! :raritystarry:


Currently I've got plans for the 3rd Doctor to meet Luna in passing, the 5th's story to have her as a major character and 9 to have a discussion about genocide with Celestia / Corona.


It does loose a bit in that way, however, although it's already happened from the Doctors point of view it hasn't happened to Mel yet (Timy Wimy).


Thanks, the Rarity bit was what started the story for me, the Fluttershy bit came to me later but I think its the heart of the story, I rewrote it a load of times and I still don't think its as good as it could be. Rarity and Fluttershy are my favourite ponies so I had to fit them in somehow even in the L-verse.

Anyone have suggestions for which Dr I should do next?

2517339 How about the 5th? See that Pegasus Doctor who almost exploded. Would be cool if it happened after this adventure.

Also one of the Doctor should meet with Trixie's grandfather. Maybe one of the early one could learn better hoof control from seeing him do his magic tricks.


The 5th Doctor story is set a few years after the 'present' probably about season 4-5, its the Luna based one.

The 3rd Doctor is due to go to meet Trixie's Grandfather, and filly Trixie as well, at one his shows (probably about 10 years before the present), I didn't think about hoof eye coordination though, Hummm.

2520373 Also for a dramatic story you could have one of the Doctor meet with Scootaloo's mom Nocturne and help her thwart some threat to Equestria that resulted in her death. Maybe the 10th since he's the 'I'm so sorry' one.


Maybe, currently 7, 10 and 11 are non-plotted although your idea is a bit similar to the story I have for 3. I'll have to go away and plan for a bit.

An interesting idea would be to have it in chronological order from the ponies perspective, and have the doctors appear in whatever order you're ready for them. Time wibbly wobbly string tangle meandering special math and all that.


If I'd though of that in the first place I might have done it but unfortunately the other chapter idea's I have range from ~1200 years before current time to about 3-4 years after.

Outstanding story. Loved it a lot. Filly Trixie is also very very cute. I wish this could be Luaverse Cannon. It would feel nice knowing that the Doctor was present in this universe, saving the day when possible. Do feel sad concerning the injury and future death of Quartermoon.

I particually liked the inclusion of the Third Doctor's desire to "reverse the polarity" and use of martial arts. Also the change between black and white to color during his story was a brilliant touch. Just like linking the poster with "A Tale of Two Assistants".



It might not be the best way to characterise the Doctor but I have a short list of things that have to happen to fit each doctors era for the third it was

Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow
Car chase
Venusian Aikido
Black and white to colour

Good work!!! Love the story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter.

I have a soft spot for the Clangers - after all, it was me that got them that show.

:rainbowlaugh: I wonder if the Master is aware of that.

Holy smeg that was dark! Wasn't expecting such straight-up horror here, but well done.


If things go to plan next up is the 5th Doctor chapter set in the near future involving Luna and the Canterlot crew, it will be a sequel/prequel (Isn't time travel fun) to the (currently unwritten) 9th Doctor story.


He might but he doesn't know that the 6th Doctor brought the Telly Tubies to Earth or that the 3rd Doctor defeated the Muppets, I mean The Scorchies.


I'm trying to write each chapter in a different style although its sort of tending towards different shades of adventure. The 7th, 8th and 9th Doctors will be dark stories 7th will be the lightest a sort of road not travelled thing due to time travel, this the 8th is a horror story the 9th will be a discussion about genocide and if its ever justified (we know that 9 can't take the high ground on that topic.)

Its one of the things I really lover about Dr Who the general setting is so vague that you can fit any story into it and it'll match Horror, Comedy, Romance it all works.

I like these stories immensely, especially the non linear format which fits the Doctor's nature so well. Both of your ideas for the next part are awesome, but I like the idea of a Siege story with Shining Armour so I say, go with that first.

Always happy to see updates here, and the snapshot of a potential near-future for the Lunaverse is both entertaining and fitting with what's been presented so far. And even if it may be the most off-the-wall part of the story, I got a certain level of glee out of the idea that BluePie could be an official couple. I think they're actually kind of cute together.

Funnily enough, even though there's more basis for it and I usually can't say no to a fun mare-mare ship, I just can't find myself getting behind Octavia/Paperweight. I like them a lot as an odd-couple friendship, but when they're paired up romantically, I dunno. (And don't worry, I fully realize the irony of saying that in THIS fandom, considering I can get behind just about any Mane6 pairing.) :raritywink:

Also, I really liked this chapter for being the first one to seriously show us the risk posed by the Doctor and his companions sticking around in Equestria too long. I got shivers when the Doctor actually started to catch fire.


Well after a bit of research, the Doctor, assuming he acts like antimatter, would cause an explosion of about 3-3.5 thousand megatons (More for six less for two or seven) which would be about the same as a third of all the worlds nuclear weapons going off at once.

So I think we can assume Canterlot would not be there any more if he did explode (Luna might survive although it depends on whether Celestia surviving in the sun for a thousand years marks her physical toughness (Crisis seems to suggest she was disembodied) and if Luna has the same level of toughness vs energy) and Ponyville (About 100 miles away) is probably going to get trashed as well.

Of course given that the bang is based on two non compatible set of physical laws meeting it could even generate more energy than a matter / anti matter explosion or less but in any case it probably wont be much fun to be near.

I've been waiting for this one. After all, he'd have to talk to Luna eventually. His ego and influence wouldn't let him otherwise. The god who wants to be man...

the 9th will be a discussion about genocide and if its ever justified (we know that 9 can't take the high ground on that topic.)

"The Daleks have failed! Now why don't you finish the job, and make the Daleks extinct?! Rid the universe of your filth! Why don't you just die?!"


Always gave me chills.


Well his 5th incarnation is one of his less deity like personalities, he just seemed to want a quiet life.


Replace Dalek with Discordian and your have Celestia / Corona's side of the argument.

Yikes, I forgot to favorite this - I didn't notice it was updating! Okay, now I have to play catch-up...

Aaand caught up. Yikes, but this one was dark, wasn't it?:pinkiehappy: Doctor Who can get like that sometimes.

For the record, though, I never saw Bon Bon trying to strangle Trixie in Hands as anything more than just some slapstick comedy. Like the Three Stooges or some such.



Although Hands is generally a fairly comic story I always read the strangling as quite a dark (although still funny) scene, it did seem to mark Bon Bon as being rather obsessive about Lyra (presumably linked to Lyra going away to school in Canterlot for several years) and not wanting to / fearing she would loose her again.

However, as is obvious in my story Bon Bon is not in her right mind so anything she says can be taken with a whole load of salt but I do imagine she feels some guilt about her actions and the side of her they display.

Maybe she should go to anger management courses with Rain Drops (Who will be appearing with Dash, Leela and the 4th Doctor in a few months, she'll probably need the courses then).

Base under siege, cause what else can you do with the second Doctor?


He is known for them isn't he.

However, it currently looks like I'm going for number 10 first although I'm finding it rather hard going, I'm not so good at the more jokey dialogue of the more modern doctors. Also I'm trying to make it a bit more epic than the rest of my stories so far.

So glad to see this up finally.


Oh thank God. No offense to Rose, but I hate Rose.

The guards looked back and forth between themselves. Then their leader yelled, “Another one, get him!”

I love the psychic paper. I love how it lets us just bypass inconvenient moments when necessary, and I love it when it doesn't quite work as intended. Although most of all I love it when it breaks.

"I'll have you know that I [takes out paper] am well regarded across the universe as a responsible adult. [Paper sparks, gives out] ...huh, finally a lie too big."

“Don’t talk like that, I’m sure you’ll see your family again soon.”

And there's the salt...

“while others like myself remained hidden in plain sight, slowly rebuilding our power until the time was right to strike, and that time is now!”

In my head, there are some vague swastikas in the background, by the way. I'm getting flashes to The Sum of All Fears. And Iron Skies.

“Mom,” she gasped dropping to the ground, her eye’s starting to wet.

...and wound. :fluttershbad:

The Doctor's life really kind of sucks, doesn't it?


“Tell them I’m so very, very sorry. Tell them she died a hero. Tell them I know it doesn’t help.”

That's the line that really got me.

So how many of you remembered who Nocturne was? I hope it was a surprise to at least some of you.

I did. As soon as I saw her name, I knew it was going to be a rough ending.


“She had a husband, Heavy Roller, and a daughter, Scootaloo. They live in Ponyville,” intoned Luna. The officer looked at her. “I know all of your families,” she replied to his unspoken question.

For me, it was this one. It always hits me, seeing it when these immortal, god-like beings make the effort to truly care about those who devote their lives to their service.

Well, at least she did her best for Princess and Country.

(So....no Ditzy in any of these things so far. Weird.)


I'm not a great Rose fan either, generally I think Martha needs more love even though she doesn't do much in this story. I could have gone with Donna but I think she would have taken over.

The psychic paper was purely introduced due to the 45 minute episode length, previously you have much longer to have the Doctor gain someones trust. Although my favourite version of this has to be the 7th Doctor story Curse of Fenric when the Doctor gets into a secret British army facility during WWII using papers (including a letter from Churchill) that the commanding officer see's him write right in front of him (using two pens at once).

I'd imagine the swastikas would be a little sun shaped in this case.

Yes, the Doctor has many, many bad days, but the few good days out weigh them.


I'm glad the line worked out right, I was worried it might come out almost threatening in a 'I know where you sleep way'


She's currently due to appear with the 7th Doctor in the sequel / prequel to this story in 3-4 months.

Love the Lyra, Trixie, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer cameos. All through this I was wishing this was not the story that Nocturne died in and was heartbroken when it happened. But this was so well done that it is okay. Great job!

¡Happiness will prevail!

Trapped in a virtual machine:

Rather than pay a programmer to create new software, modern 64-bit IBM-MainFrames use emulators running the old 32-bit OS running emulators running the old 360-OS running application-software created in the 1960s and not upgraded since them. Still, transitioning from the late 1990s to the early 2000s over half of the 360-Applications were retired and replaced because they were not Y2K-compliant. It seems like this old code running in old OSes, running in old emulators, running in old OSes, running in emulators will keep plugging away forever. If it would not be for programmer-laziness, we would run even more old code:

When programmers say that they had to truncate dates for saving memory, it is a lie:

Over >99% of these old applications is instructions. less than <1% was references to time. In the 1960s, it was over 60 years since the last century and over 30 years to the next. people wrote years as 2-digit numbers as a shorthand. It is not like someone might arrive 100 years late to the 66-WorldFair. They thoughtlessly used that 2-digit timeformat in their code. A little forethought would have made apparent that the programs will break in 2000.

In the early 1990s, it became blindingly obvious that if nothing is done, the Y2K-noncompliant code will cause a trillion dollars in economic damage; so, people sat on their hands until the late 1990s. In the late 1990s, we spent 100 billion dollars for fixing or replacing Y2K-noncompliant code in a crash program. We did not catch everything, so we experienced about 100 billion dollars in economic damages.

In a since, 200 billion dollars (100 billion dollars for trying to fix the problem and 100 billion dollars for economic damages in code we missed) was a bargain. It was 1/5th as much as the estimated damages from doing nothing. In another sense, every penny spent was a waste of money because the problem would not have existed if it would not have been for lazy programmers in the 1960s.


Interestingly the Sunset cameo was entirely unconscious, I just picked some random colours for a pony to be throwing fireballs and it just happened to match her.

Hmm. This is probably NOT a story he's going to share with his younger sister. Not because she wouldn't believe him what with her living in Monster-Of-The-Week Town as mandated by her community service sentence but because he probably has a hard time believing it himself.

The following is the Post of Rassilon.

(Those who know, know).

“I’m na chatting with a red coat,”

Hmm. Hang on, not familair with the 2nd Doctor all that much...

'Kay, yeah. Jamie was born in 1724, some years after the Act of Union. He may be Scottish, but by this point he's also British. The Scottish and English armies would have been integrated by this point - that is, both wore red coats as part of their army uniforms.

I think.


Ugh, need to learn more British history.

Oh my giddy aunt!

I know it's just a saying, but I'm honestly curious as to what the Doctor's parents and relations must have been like to produce, well...him. The Oncoming Storm.

I don’t think they actually want to hurt anypony.

Of course not! Dead ponies don't feel hate. They can't be fed upon.

Damn it's a good thing Windigos don't exist on Earth. The Cold War would have been a nightmare...

“Well, yes, but I have a few ideas about that.

He's totally going to bring back an Equestrian artifact and claim that it's the "____ of Rassilon," and use it to bribe his way back into their (temporary) good graces, isn't he? The Time Lords won't know, Rassilon named everything after himself, there could very well have been a Horseshoe of Rassilon.


“I’m na chatting with a red coat,”

Hmm. Hang on, not familair with the 2nd Doctor all that much...

'Kay, yeah. Jamie was born in 1724, some years after the Act of Union. He may be Scottish, but by this point he's also British. The Scottish and English armies would have been integrated by this point - that is, both wore red coats as part of their army uniforms.

I think.


Ugh, need to learn more British history.

Even now almost 300 years after the act of union not everybody in Scotland considers themselves British. There's a vote about that next year.

Jamie was joined the Doctor shortly after this, one of our lesser civil wars with the House of Stuart trying to oust the house of Hanover. Jamie's side consisted of Highlanders, French, Irish and a few English forces, they were a fairly hodge podge group without a fixed uniform. The opposition was English, Lowland Scots, Irish and Germans and were rather more organised so they tended to be in uniform, hence Jamie's dislike of the uniform (not sure how historical this is but he mentions it several times in the stories). The battle itself was a one sided slaughter with the Stuarts loosing about 2000 men to the Hanover's 200-300 after the battle many of the survivors were executed or transported to the colonies so Jamie had good reason to want to leave with the Doctor.

I don’t think they actually want to hurt anypony.

Of course not! Dead ponies don't feel hate. They can't be fed upon.

Damn it's a good thing Windigos don't exist on Earth. The Cold War would have been a nightmare...

That sort of my thought. The Windigo feed on strife but their don't cause it directly, they 'excrete' cold as a side effect. It was the way the ponies were treating each other which attracted the Windigo and caused the problems the ponies sort of mix up cause and effect.

Bah, everything being 'of Rassilon' is so last year now their all of 'the other' also refer to for the Doctors family.


The following is the Post of Rassilon.

(Those who know, know).

"The Five Doctors" was a wonderful episode. A trainwreck of bad writing, desperate acting, production staff infighting, emergency measures, and so very, very many memorable scenes. And there's a ponified fanfiction adaptation of it!

“I’m na chatting with a red coat,”

Hmm. Hang on, not familair with the 2nd Doctor all that much...

'Kay, yeah. Jamie was born in 1724, some years after the Act of Union. He may be Scottish, but by this point he's also British. The Scottish and English armies would have been integrated by this point - that is, both wore red coats as part of their army uniforms.

I think.


Ugh, need to learn more British history.

Given that the Doctor pretty much took him away right off the battlefield (I think... at least I know he left the Doctor returning right into battle), he was fighting them anyway. Maybe no one had told him he was on their side.

Oh my giddy aunt!

I know it's just a saying, but I'm honestly curious as to what the Doctor's parents and relations must have been like to produce, well...him. The Oncoming Storm.

He's an oddity even by Timelord standards, but one has to wonder how much is nature and how much is nurture. Then again, given that they forced their five year old children to stare into a sanity-threatening time vortex as a standard procedure, one also has to wonder how they maintained enough sanity to keep going for so long.

I don’t think they actually want to hurt anypony.

Of course not! Dead ponies don't feel hate. They can't be fed upon.

Are Windigos related to changelings now? I thought they just froze ponies for the heck of it.

Damn it's a good thing Windigos don't exist on Earth. The Cold War would have been a nightmare...

And terribly literal, too.

Although having the American and Soviet leaders get frozen in ice until the UN unites everyone in loving friendship may have been beneficial in the long run.

“Well, yes, but I have a few ideas about that.

He's totally going to bring back an Equestrian artifact and claim that it's the "____ of Rassilon," and use it to bribe his way back into their (temporary) good graces, isn't he? The Time Lords won't know, Rassilon named everything after himself, there could very well have been a Horseshoe of Rassilon.

Or just tell them about the ponies.

Doctor: They're colorful and can do magic.
Borusa: Very well, Doctor. You will have your freedom.
Castellan: Lord High President, that's really not...
Borusa: Ponies, damn you! Their adorableness must be ours!
Doctor: I may even find... the Pony of Rassilon?
Borusa: YES! I mean, yes, see that you do.

Tension, action and excitement. Perfect for a lazy Saturday.

¡Mudpony! ¡Such tribalism! ¡This place was probably a tropical paradise before Sergeant Ironside showed up and attracted the Windigos!

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