• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


Do not let perfection be the enemy of good.

Comments ( 84 )

Rating is subject to change.

My boner is ready.

*reads Aether poneh*

*Prepares for hot human-pony action*

When will you be updating this awesomeness

this looks really promising, can't wait until the next chapter:twilightsmile:

I wish I had a time traveling machine. That way, I can go to the future and read the chapters that don't exist for me yet. But god damn reality won't break... EVER.

Rating is subject to change.

That is such a cheap, misleading tactic... if you're going to write pony porn, then just fucking do it.

Rating is subject to change, as this is a collab. I have yet to speak with Aether on the grounds of whether or not this will include clop.

Though we both write clop, I am unsure of whether or not we both want clop in this story. I am in no way trying to use 'tactics' or what have you; it is simply the nature of this project that means I do not know if there will be clop or not.

Glad you're enjoying it!

Glad you're enjoying it as well! I'm converting the next chapter to prose right now.

Finally!! I've been waiting months since I first saw this pop up :raritystarry:

You always do good work, Nether. Can't wait to see how you and Aether work together with this one.

Please don't disappoint.

I thank you for your kind words!
I don't know how me and Aether will work together either, so we'll see what happens, I suppose.

>Please don't disappoint.
No Promises.


Fair enough. Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

Anonymous arrived in Equestria

2 days. We made it 2 days until this hie fic was created with the main character being called Anonymous.

And thus begins a fantastic new AnonxPony ship. And this one is by far one of the best I've seen. Can't wait to see where this goes, man! :rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::raritystarry:

Buttttt....,, The aether takes so long to update.....

Wow, this is really good. Looking forward to another chapter!

Hmm...this is really good. Can't wait for the next chapter! :pinkiehappy:

I got down to the part about Vinyl's father in prelude, at which point I came to the conclusion...

awwwwwwww FUCK DIS SHIT :fluttershbad:

I'm sure you're a great writer and that this will make a good story but still, I read that section and ran for the hills. :raritydespair:


great chapter! can't wait til' the next one:pinkiehappy:

God damn it all, I wish there was a way to BAN 'human in Eq' stories from showing up on the featured section. :ajbemused:

I'm loving this story a lot bro great job but why is the characters name anon? :rainbowhuh:

I'm getting the distinct impression that RD is not a favorite of yours...

Hmmm... I always found stories that label the characters as 'anon' to be... well, just lazy. I mean, why cant you take five minutes out of the day to give a character a name?

Other than that, I don't really mind the story, so I'll keep on reading.

2457378 I would send them to oblivion if I could.


It's a tradition that hails from the same place bronydom was born: that wretched hive of scum and villainy, 4chan. They write stories in green text (called, unsurprisingly "greentext") and the protagonist is usually Anonymous. I'm not sure about the percentage written in second person though. Seeing as my brain always sits me square in the shoes of the protagonist (or at least the one telling the tale), be it Meowth or Dr. Watson or Twilight Sparkle, I don't mind 2nd person, but man does it drive some people off the wall.

Anon as a carpenter!?! WOHOO!! I'm a carpenter too :pinkiehappy: This anon character really speaks to me ^^
Just finised Dynamic Entry, cant wait to start this one! :twilightsmile:

2458132 I don't mind 2nd person either, I just hate it when people call someone anonymous...

I read this and my sword was shaking as I held it(a real sword, gutter-brain), I wanted to evicerate Vinyl's father and burn his enrtails before his eyes. I hope that if we see him he will meet a worse fate than that.

Hehe, it's cool. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

I can see why you'd want to do that; but banning specific fics from being featured seems a bit extreme. Maybe you should suggest to knighty that more tag specific filters be enabled, like the 'view mature content' filter works?
I am still very confused as to how this got featured, but it makes no difference to me either way. I write because I enjoy it, not because I want views.

I write mainly for a series of threads called Anonymous in Equestria on 4chan. Simple as that.

That made me laugh harder than I should've.
I just recently finished up Dynamic Entry, an Anon x Vinyl x Rainbow Dash fic. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 140K words or so. I won't necessarily claim a favorite pony, they just play different roles for different stories is all.
If that makes sense.

Well, I'm glad the name doesn't detract so much from the story to make you instantly hate it or anything like that.
As I stated before, I write for the AiE threads on 4chan.
I don't really see a big deal with naming a character Anonymous. I treat it like any other name, really, not a substitute. I find myself using the nickname Nonny more often than not.
I guess it says something about whatever if me and Aether can weave a story about a character named Anonymous and make it somewhat interesting. Or something like that.
I don't know, I'm sleepy.

Hi Bolding.

Theres an argument about where the fandom originated somewhere in there, and I want nothing to do with it. You are correct about where I hail from though. I do write in greentext second person, as is the general format of AiE fics; but I have been slowly trying out and using prose and 3rd person instead.
I've never considered Anonymous a substitute or anything like that; just a character I write about is all.
I don't know why I really wrote this out, but I guess I'll post it anyways.
Again, super sleepy.

Hey, glad you're reading!
Hope this will be interesting for you. Not sure what role Anon's profession will play as of yet, but we'll see I guess.

Interesting. I didn't intend for such an emotional response, I was aiming for just some backstory, but whatever works, I suppose.

>>the rest of you I didn't link back to
I'm very much glad you're reading!
I read every comment I get unless someone deletes it before I see it for whatever reason and normally respond to each in kind; but I'm very tired as of this writing so I hope you'll accept this somewhat generalized thank you for reading!
Hope the rest of this story lives up to your expectations.

2458747 Why did you blackout half of your response? Also, Sure a name doesn't mean too much to a story usually, but I still think naming a character anon is just lazy... Anyway, pump out more chapters, and I'll read them next time I get a leave pass... Yay basic training and the inconsistent schedule!

2457897 Well I appreciate you speaking out for me since you are obviously the best person for that job. However I can say you are wrong on a myriad of things (such as all of them). For example you claim that I passed on reading the very first line of the synopsis, however if you even had the slightest sense of detective prowess you would realize I quoted that exact line!

Oops :pinkiehappy:

And I also adore HiE fics, even the horrid ones. They just have such charm to them that I'm drawn into them. My only complaint was that the character is called "Anonymous". A trivial complaint at best and this fic is currently in my reading list so I can pass judgement on it later. So as much as I appreciate you speaking on my behalf I must kindly ask you to cease and desist.


Yeah, it really grated on me at first too- but then I realized if it really bothered me I could do a find and replace(this really helps a lot, but requires you to put in effort, and it's sometimes hard to care enough to do so). Or just ignore it, like I've finally started to do. It also helped when I recognized it as a tradition and not the author being so super lazy I wanted to strangle them.

>Find story
>Love it
>Good setup
>Look out window; see flash
>Duck as bullet whizzes by
>Parents burst in
>WWIII with NK
>Years later, internet is still up
>Reading it to stay sane
>Sneaking into Kim Jong Un's house for assassination
>Open the door
>Get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur

I like so far, I hope you will elaborate a bit more on Vinyls past. MUST KILL HER FATHER SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY :flutterrage:

2458747 Allright, a few things.

Having just come off of your Dynamic Entry story (which is spectacular, by the way), I can see you're taking a different approach to Vinyl. Same pony, different issues (or at least different priorities on her issues). It'll be interesting to see how you manage that.

Second, I noticed how you immediately jumped into the nickname "Nonny" this time around. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just pointing it out. Pinkie could come up with that nickname, I suppose.

Anyway, great read so far, looking forward to more.

Loving the fic, I thought it was going to be seriously grim after the little intro and had half a mind to stop reading, but I'm glad I didn't now! :pinkiehappy:

Can't wait for more and just tell the random trolls to go buck themselves, s'what they deserve.

Have a moustache. :moustache:

2460279 Yes I'm a troll, a troll who gives fair criticism and doesn't sugar coat bullshit and all reason I give aren't worthy because you put your fingers in your ears shout "LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

If you want more of my thoughts that offer no details and only biased bashing check out this story called "Cabin Fever" and look for my comment. By no means is it a good story (even the author claims this) and it has it's flaws, but I still found myself enjoying it. Now since this conversation is over on your half I'm not expecting a reply to this, so till we meet again

Two different points of view to look to? I see potential in this story yet.

The Kaiser is pleased so far. KEEP TYPING:flutterrage:

That's a really good start for a new story, i'm looking forward for more chapters and stuff :pinkiehappy::raritywink:

"Well I’m thankful you helped me out but I’m not gonna kiss your plot there Ms. Scratch."

"Plot" is meta-humor from 4chan; no actual definition of "plot" means "the rear end of any creature", as "plot" was used as a euphemism for "the rear end of a pony" in the sense of "I watch it for the... er, 'plot'."

So unless Anon is a brony from /MLP/, he wouldn't use the term "plot" to refer to a pony's buttocks. And even if he is, Vinyl wouldn't understand the relevance of the term anyways since she wouldn't be able to access 4chan nor have any knowledge of it in the first place.

Instead, use a term like "rump", "rear", or "butt".

2463266 Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?

Cause I like over-using the spoiler thing.

I'm going to try and make each character in my stories somewhat unique to that story, save for sequels and things of the like.

Yeah, the intro was a bit darker than I intended.
I might pull from Vinyl's past again in future chapters, but I'm hoping I can manage to make it not so dark.

Hehe; that was one of the things that me and Aether discussed off the bat.
We were trying to figure out a way to make a collab work without winding up killing each other, and he suggested we use different POV's since that's one of the things I do in my stories from time to time. Apparently pony POV's aren't too common in AiE stories; at least, not in the threads I write for on 4chan.

Dang. Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it on my conversion edit.
I'll make sure Aether knows to stop using 'plot' for pony butts in the future.

Thanks to all of you for reading and leaving some feedback!
I may not respond to each comment individually, but I read each and every one of them!
I've got some time to write coming up soon as in over the next couple days, so I'll see if I can't make some headway on the next chapter.

I like where this is going! Vinyl is an interesting character, and the way you are playing this out has me intrigued. Favorited for now, but a like you will have to earn from me. And I would have no problems if you changed the rating to mature to add a more 'intimate' scene as I feel a properly done romance should always include a romantic love making scene.

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