• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 4,242 Views, 141 Comments

My Name Is Twilight Sparkle - Jaestring

Everyone knows Twilight Sparkle as the Element of Magic, but what really goes on in that studious mind of hers?

  • ...

Chapter Five ~ Rewritten

As the liquid reached my hooves I gasped, all the warmth was leached from my body. I shivered violently as the vile goop raised to my knees. The cold released a sudden rush of adrenaline, restoring the faculties of my body. However, with my magic still coursing through me I was at the mercy of whatever force was holding me aloft. I gulped in a massive breath and choked off my magic. The glimmer around my horn disappeared as I descended into the depths of the unknown with a thick Splort!

I tried to swim, but the liquid was thicker than I had anticipated. Each movement was slowed, the initial burst of energy was fading fast. Those that remained of the pink creatures had turned to face the source of the splash. Somehow, they were able to make ample progress compared to my tortuously slow strokes.

I turned to swim another way, any way, to get away from the disgusting things, but they were all around me. Like a pack of wolves they circled me, closer and closer until I was within their trap. There was no where for me to run.

One began to swim directly at me, but this one was different from the others. Larger, longer, leaner. This one had a horn on its head and wings at it’s side. It seemed almost familiar, but with an alien quality to it, like someone you think you know.

As I realized who it resembled I gasped, accidentally swallowing a bit of the liquid, whatever it was. I looked into where its eyes should have been, but instead of the cataract-filled, unseeing eyes she… it… had empty pits that cried blood. It seemed to look into me and see every bit of fear and uncertainty. In the span of a few moments I relieved every hopeless moment in my mind.

It all suddenly felt so useless. I had been trying for so long to save myself. I had been scouring all of pony knowledge for years - YEARS - and I was so exhausted. In that moment I stopped. I no longer bothered to churn my legs, I let myself be dragged under.

The coldness surrounded me, welcomed me. I took one last breath before the oily substance enclosed my muzzle I heard that foul, thrice-damned voice.

"You won't get rid of me that easily... Twilight Sparkle."


I slammed my foot against the stone in frustration. But why keep me in the dark all those years! I could have been learning, I could have been looking for a solution.

Celestia’s gaze didn’t falter, it never did. Her unflappable calm was almost painful as she returned my gaze. Twilight… you were so young. Too young to have such a burden on your shoulders. I wanted you to have as much of a childhood as you possibly could.

Childhood? I turned away from her, pacing. The movement helped me think. You wanted me to have a childhood, yet you gave me excruciating amounts of homework and a baby dragon for me to raise before I even knew how to fully take care of myself?

I winced inwardly bringing Spike into it, I loved him like a brother. Even the homework was kind of fun. Yet I knew that I had to push. She was hiding something from me… I just knew it.

And if I had left your mind to wander freely it would have come back to the demon, just as it does now. I… she looked down at her hooves, worry creasing her forehead. I thought that having a full schedule would distract you from it.

It made some sense. I thought about how I would sleep through the night once I forgot the demon existed. The demon even let me forget about his existence, which struck me as odd. I looked around the walls of my old bedroom, wondering at what had slipped by them, unnoticed. How many times had the demon watched me while I slept, unaware of his presence?

I sighed, shaking my head as I once again turned to face my mentor. I needed to change tact. Why didn’t you tell me you had prior experience with the demon?

Celestia balked, her hooves nearly going out from under her. How… how could you possibly know that?

Well, with Luna… wait... Celestia’s eyes were wide, ears pressed back. There was more to it than what she was telling me. You dealt with the demon?

Celestia shut her eyes tight as she turned away. Yes.

My heart lept into my throat. But you don’t have any of the demon’s taint on you! Celestia, that’s great! Just tell me what…


But Princes, I—

Celestia turned, slamming her hooves into the floor. NO. Twilight, I have told you everything I can.

I retreated a step, eyes wide in shock. Celestia had never once raised her voice to me. Her breaths steadied as she stood tall. Her face settled into an expression I had only seen her use in court, and I felt my heart sink. I’m sorry, Twilight, but I must leave. I suggest you get back to Ponyville as soon as possible.

She teleported from the room in a bright flash of yellow light that nearly blinded me. As I blinked the spots from my vision my mind raced.

What could possibly disturb Princess Celestia like that?


I couldn’t wrap my mind around my conversation with the princess, though I tried the entire train ride back to Ponyville. Poor Spike tried to distract me with conversation, but I couldn’t seem to concentrate on his constant droning about comic book characters. Such happy fantasy seemed so far away.

Celestia knew something, and I wouldn’t be able to get it from her. That much was obvious.

I tried to act surprised when my friends greeted me at the station, complete with party by Pinkie. I smiled and talked to them quaintly about my trip, the weather, what was new in Canterlot. No matter how I tried to pull myself to the present, my mind would get pulled under a new wave of worry.

Twilight, are you listening? Rarity said, waving a hoof in front of my face.

Oh! I jumped, blushing. Sorry, Rarity. I’ve just got a lot on my mind.

Rarity nodded. Is there anything I can do for you, dear?

I looked at her, at the rest of my friends who had stopped to listen as well. Ever ready to help me when I was in need. I could have told them about my fears and worries, I could have told them about the demon. They would have jumped straight into action, ready to do anything they could to free me.

Rarity would put her business by the wayside.

Applejack would leave her beloved apple farm to be run by the rest of her family.

Rainbow Dash would need to find a replacement for the weather team, not to mention set aside training to join the wonderbolts.

Pinkie Pie would take time off from the bakery, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Cake to run the shop and one less pony to help them take care of the twins.

Fluttershy would even leave her animals in somepony else’s care, a pony who could never give them the love and attention that she could.

What made it worse was that none of them could do much of anything to help. I had been searching all my life for a way to escape my demon, I doubt they would have ideas on where to start looking. No, it was better not to clue them in until I had some sort of game plan. Or at least an idea.

Thank you, Rare, but no. I gave her my best smile, trying not to let any of my worry leak through. It’s a new assignment I need to do for Celestia, and it’s a doozy.

Rarity returned my smile, her posture relaxing. Well, if there is anything you need dear, you absolutely must let me know.

Everypony else returned to their conversations, and I felt my smile lift into a more genuine grin. These ponies really did care about me, but they wouldn’t butt in when the words ‘homework’ or ‘study’ were involved.

I realized Rarity was speaking again, and quickly turned my attention towards her. ...that friend of yours certainly knows how to deliver.

Friend? I blinked, hoping I hadn’t missed too much of the conversation.

Yes, that gentlecolt in the fashion business. Apparently, you mentioned my name to him at some point, and my latest collections have caught his attentions, ah! She let out a happy little squeak, practically dancing on her hooves. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the help, Twilight! I’m suddenly getting referrals to some very important ponies all across Equestria!

My smile began to stretch again as I tried to recall who I had mentioned Rarity to, especially in the fashion industry. I hadn’t associated much with other ponies before moving to Ponyville, and fashion had never really been much of a forte of mine. I wracked my brain, nodding to encourage Rarity to keep talking about her new partnership.

He is absolutely a doll. I must say, I found him somewhat intimidating at first. I mean, you don’t see ponies that tall and…

Ah-hah! I nodded as the memory clicked into place. He wasn’t really one of my friends, after all. My mother had a friend in the fashion industry, an extremely tall stallion who always seemed to be glaring. I had only really met him as a filly, and had been scared of him. I swore up and down to my mother that his shadow was always staring at me.

I told my mom all about her friends. Perhaps she had mentioned Rarity to one of her friends, and her friend took an interest.

I’m really glad it’s working out so well for you Rarity.

Rarity simply beamed, I really owe you so much, Twilight! I had worried that I might not get enough orders to cover my expenses this year, when in fact… I’m looking forward to a windfall! Really Twilight, if there is anything you need… just ask.

Rarity then turned away, her short trot clipping along the wooden boards of the platform. Some movement caught my attention, her shadow…

I shook my head, thinking that I must be more tired than I thought. For a moment I could have sworn that her shadow was smiling at me.

I cleared my throat to get everypony’s attention. Thank you for meeting me here, guys. I really hate to cut this short, but it’s a long day and I really want to get home.

Everypony smiled, rushing forward to give me a hug. Once I escaped, having to drag Spike away from catering to Rarity’s every whim, I made it to the library. We lit a few candles and organized the library before I let Spike go to do whatever he wanted before bed. Probably something to do with one of his comic books, if I knew him at all.

I still couldn’t pull my mind away from the conversation with Celestia. I kept turning her words over in my head. She knew of the demon because of Nightmare Moon. Could she have tried to deal with it, and he rejected her? Had she successfully made the deal, and somehow managed to escape his taint?

I shook my head. No. She… she wouldn’t. Would she?

I paced, eyes looking over the various titles of Ponyville library. I had already read through each book, a few of them multiple times. None of them had led me closer to the demon, but there was another option. An option I was loathe to consider.

Alright… you can come out now.

A cool breeze flowed through the room, sending a chill down my spine. As much as I tried to hold my composure I couldn’t stop the little twitch that arced through my neck, my head jerking to the side. I turned, quickly spotting the area of shadow darker than the rest, the candles glimmering off of his hooves.

That is such a cheap gimmick. I said, attempting to keep my voice steady.

No response.

So, are you going to tell me?

His grin spread wide across his face, that smile with no lips. It was very unnerving. Only ever having seen his muzzle, I couldn’t help but wonder if he even had eyes.

I have no idea what you mean he said. His slithery voice was starting to sound soothing rather than grating, as it usually was. I bit the inside of my cheek, berating myself inwardly for becoming accustomed to him in any fashion. I shook my head as I moved to sit on the couch. Don’t act as if you haven’t been eavesdropping on my conversations.

He shrugged. Or at least seemed to. While you are my favorite project, Twilight Sparkle, you are not my only one. I have others that I attend to, from time to time. So enlighten me, what do you wish to know?

My mouth drew into a tight line as I tried to burn a hole through his chest with my glare. To my chagrin, he only continued to smile. I sighed, placing a hoof on my forehead. What do you know about Celestia? Has she ever dealt with you? Or… the other one?

Other one? The thing threw it’s head back, cacophonous laughter echoing throughout the bottom floor of the library. So you know! You’ve heard of my brother. My dear Twilight, I am impressed.

He took a few steps towards me, though keeping towards the shadows. As I turned on the couch to face him I couldn’t help but ask, Well?

He settled into a corner, leaning against a bookcase. Do you really want to know? She really doesn’t seem to want you to find out…

Just tell me!

He chuckled Oh, if you insist, but I don’t think you will like it.

He knelt down to lay upon the floor, and more of his legs were revealed by the candlelight than I had ever seen. Red fur covered his crossed forelegs. He shifted a few times, as if attempting to get comfortable. I wanted to tell him to hurry up, but I bit my tongue. Rushing a demon capable of turning an Alicorn into her own nightmare did not seem prudent.

After a few exaggerated grunts and groans, he finally spoke. Ah, Celestia… She was a beautiful creature in her prime. He lifted a cloven hoof to rub it against his chin. Tell me, what do you know about Equestrian history during the time of Nightmare Moon?

What does that have to do with anything? I spat.

Humor me.

I sighed, thinking back. History was easy. When Luna became Nightmare Moon, she took command of more than half the armies. Mostly those who were loyal to her, but there were some who were coerced in one way or another. Threats to their family, blackmail, that sort of thing. Those that joined her willingly were… transfigured. She turned them into what have become known as the bat ponies.

Yes, go on.

Luna refused to lower the moon, which caused havoc all across Equestria. The tides, the crops, the weather… you name it, there was chaos. Celestia would try to lower the moon herself, or raise the sun, but magic doesn’t work like that. So… they went to war. Some say… My voice wavered as I thought the words. Some say they fought like ponies possesed.

The demon nodded. Yes, and they both were. However, there was a difference.

A glow appeared around his horns, and what appeared to be little figures of Luna and Celestia appeared on the floor next to him. Except that they were moving. I crawled down to the floor, fascinated by what I was seeing. The two of them looked around as if bored, not caring as I inched closer to them. My chin nearly drug on the floor as I tried to get a closer look. After a few moments I realized they were somewhat translucent.

You see, my brother and I are playing this… game, I suppose you would call it. And within this game there are rules. My brother broke those rules.

A shadowy figure appeared next to the Luna figurine. It jumped at her, covering her, until nothing more of her could be seen. Little Celestia didn’t seem to notice as the blackness drew back, revealing a tiny Nightmare Moon instead.

Celestia attempted to fight Nightmare Moon on her own, without my help. That first battle… her forces were crushed.

The little Celestia ran at Nightmare Moon, but with a little spark of light she flew back. She tumbled against the floor, the wind knocked out of her. She attempted to stand, but the little Nightmare Moon approached her, and stomp her hoof down on Celestia’s head. Again, and again. The little Nightmare Moon slammed her forelegs against Princess Celestia repeatedly. It didn’t end until Nightmare Moon levitated her long enough to throw her against the wall.

I sat, mortified, as I watched blood pour from the wounds. It looked like paint, coming from a vision the size of a toy. Yet that thought didn’t stop my heart from jumping into my throat. The smaller Nightmare Moon walked away, her attention caught by something else on the other side of the room.

Celestia nearly died that day, did you know that? Alicorns can die, if given enough punishment. They’re just very… very hard to kill.

Another shadow appeared, standing next to the fallen Celestia. The figure rolled to look up at the creature next to her.

She wanted so badly to save her sister. So badly, in fact, that she was willing to give up all of Equestria for it.

My mouth fell open as the tiny Celestia reached a hoof up to the shadow. Her forelock dangled limply, and her leg shook.

Can you believe that? This princess that the ponies revere as a goddess was willing to give me all their souls if I gave her the power to stop Nightmare Moon and redeem her sister.

The shadow reached out and took the princess’ hoof. When they touched, it was as if a shock of electricity flowed through the little Celestia. Her body shook and trembled, eyes rolling into the back of her head before going limp.

I watched it for a moment, reaching out to poke it with a hoof before she became encapsulated in light. She was raised into the air, pink mane suddenly catching fire. Her eyes open to reveal bright red irises.

After that, the two were more evenly matched. It wasn’t long before Equestria was covered in flames.

The floor between Nightmare Moon and Celestia burst with fire, and I could almost hear the screams. Nightmare Moon turned, eyes narrowed, to glare at Celestia. She unfurled her wings, and threw herself into the air. Celestia followed suit, and when they met their fighting was so fast that my eyes could barely keep up.

It wasn’t until one particular battle that things changed…

Little Celestia was thrown, dust and splinters exploded everywhere. I coughed, waving a hoof to try to clear the area around my face. When I opened my eyes, Celestia was sitting amongst rubble. Wooden beams and thatches of hay near her began to catch fire.

She shook herself, standing and spreading her wings to take off after Nightmare Moon. Before she began her ascent she took a moment to look down. In front of her was foal, lying limply before her. She reached out with her hoof, nudging his foreleg. He didn’t move.

Celestia backed up, looking around. Her face was green and her eyes glistened. Two ponies ran past her, falling around the foal. I couldn’t hear them, but one wrapped her legs around the lifeless body. Rocking back and forth, she threw her head back, mouth open in anguish. The second pony rested a hoof on the others shoulder, but it’s comfort was lost on the grieving mother.

The second pony looked to Celestia, mouth moving in words I could only guess at. Whatever they said, Celestia took off running, tears streaming down her face. She tripped over a piece of stone, and instead of rising to continue her run she simply curled in upon herself. Shaking as her tail and mane set the rubble around her alight with fire.

Many minutes passed and she stayed prostate. Minutes that felt like hours. Movement caught my eye as the shadow again appeared next to Celestia.

I went back to her. To find out why she had retreated. I couldn’t have my deals falling through, you see. She turned on me.

The little Celestia jumped up, grabbing the shadow and pressing her face against it. She shook with the words she spewed.

When she saw the little foal, the one that had died because of her… she came to a sort of realization. A paradigm shift, as it were. While she cared for her sister and wanted her back, she became aware of the responsibility she owed to her citizens. How powerless they were beneath the hooves of behemoths like her and Luna. She no longer wanted the powers, she wanted to take back her deal and save those souls she had promised me.

The little Celestia shook the shadow repeatedly, falling to her knees. She rocked herself back and forth, still gripping the shadow.

So… I granted her this.

My ears flicked forward, and my eyes tore away from the scene playing out before me. What? You just… let her out of her contract? Just like that?

No, of course not. He chuckled. I’m a business pony, not a Charity. She had used the powers I had given her, and that came with a price, as did reneging on our deal.

My eyes were drawn back to the figures. The little Celestia had let go, and was now nodding slowly, a hoof raised to her mouth like she was going to be sick. The shadow faded into nothingness, and the flames dissipated from Celestia’s mane. In their place was the waving, technicolor mane she was known for.

She promised me something very precious to her. Something that I could take at a whim and she would be powerless to stop it. He chuckled. She has tried very hard to work around that, to no avail.

The scene cleared, and once again Nightmare Moon and Celestia faced each other. Celestia opened a pack on her back, out of which floated the Elements of Harmony. They began to circle around her, faster and faster, until a rainbow beam shot from them. The beam hit Nightmare Moon, throwing her far and away… to the moon. Celestia sank to her hindquarters as the Elements floated slowly back into her saddle pack. Her shoulders began to shake as she raised a hoof to her face. She slowly faded, until she winked out of existence completely.

I looked up at the demon, licking my dry lips. What… what did she promise you?

He returned my gaze. Why, a filly. I would show up at any time to pick a pony at my choosing. That filly would say my words and take my oath. She would become my protege, so to speak.

My breath caught in my chest, I suddenly felt dizzy.

My dear, Twilight Sparkle… Princess Celestia promised me you.

Author's Note:

And... Completely reworked! Enjoy