• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 529 Views, 2 Comments

The Lunaverse.MOV - Listie The Scribe Maid

Luna shows off the mini-series you were never meant to see!

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Written by the Luna 6 (with help from Hellfilly Deluxe and That Gamer!)
No.4: Interlude.TXT

"Derpy? What are you doing here?" Nyx asked, raising an eyebrow (I think).

"Oh! Uh, Luna wanted to interview me about The Lunaverse.MOV," Derpy started to explain, "but she never showed up for some reason."

"I think it's Season 4," Nyx said. "Speaking of which, why aren't you down there recording your cameos and what not?"

"It's all digital by this point," Derpy admitted. "I don't even have to show up anymore. The last time I did was that bit with Rainbow Dash in that one episode... But even then, I got dubbed over. Really, I only exist to be in pony's fanfiction."

"Like The Lunaverse?" Nyx asked.

"Like The Lunaverse..." Derpy sighed.

"Anyways," Nyx said, trying to be cheerful, "why don't you tell me about the next installment in The Lunaverse.MOV? It's got to be more interesting then what this author has been uploading previously!"

"This author's been interesting?" Derpy wondered aloud. "Uh... A-anyways, the episode that was supposed to be next, which has Colgate and Jappleack, is kind of..."

"Is kind of what?" Nyx asked.

"It's kind of lost," Derpy muttered. She looked so bucking embarrassed. "I think Trixie still has it, or maybe Cherilee. Didn't Luna got a lot of the footage from Cherilee?"

"She got most of the footage from Raindrops, actually," Nyx told Derpy. "But then she found out it was tampered with and, well, things didn't go so well after that."

Derpy nodded and the duo were silent for a while.

"Can you technically call this exposition?" Nyx asked.

"I dunno," Derpy shrugged. "But I have some good news! Trixie did give me some footage, I think hoping I'd forget about it."

"And I'm betting you did," Nyx said.

"I did," Derpy sighed. "But now I have it and I can play it!"

"Then play it!"

Depry nodded again and inserted the VHS tape into the drive.


"RIDLEY! AHHH!!!" Ridley screeched, stomping around a minature model of PonyVille made out of cardboard.

"...This is seriously the best could bucking get?!" Lyra demanded the blue mare, facehoofing so hard it left a visible mark.

"Again, as you know, Trixie accidentally wasted the budget on one special effect," Trixie responded cooly, "and this fellow here said he would do it for free! And Cherilee's class gave Trixie a lot of boxes so that she could make this model. See? Trixie has got everything under control."

"But nopony is going to watch this!" Lyra growled. "I only came back here because you threatened my entire family!"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures, Trixie has always said," Trixie said. "If you don't like it, then too bad. We have a show to run and Trixie is not going to let one little complaint get in the way."

"Cherilee filmed all of Colgate's parts on a potato!" Lyra shouted. "Literally! A real potato with a camera lens stuck onto it!"

"But that's only one set back," Trixie pointed out.

"One set back in, like 838!" Lyra argued. "...What are you doing, Derpy? Why are you filming us?!"

"Well, uhm, you two seemed more interesting," Derpy admitted.

"I'm a giant mechanical dragon stomping on cardboard boxes and that isn't interesting enough for you?" Ridley asked from off-screen. "Boy, you ponies make a tough crowd. AHHH!!!"

"L-look, Derpy, just point at the camera back at that thing over there and leave us to our arguing," Lyra sighed.

"We weren't arguing!" Trixie argued.

It then got really blurry as Derpy turned to point the camera back at Ridley, but then it cut off abruptly.


"That was short," Nyx commented.

"I think that's why Trixie didn't want to remember it," Derpy said.

"Actually, I think it's because the entire thing was her and Lyra arguing," Nyx said. "Which begs the question of why, since they were arguing in previous parts and Trixie didn't stop those for being shown. Does she even know these are being shown? Did Luna tell her? She told everypony else involved, but not Trixie? Why? What did Luna know that Trixie didn't? What would Trixie have done? W-"

"I think it was because it was too short," Derpy stated. "But if you want to know all that stuff so bad, I can go ask her!" After saying that, Derpy bolted from the room, knocking over a couple of things on her way out.

"She isn't here, Derpy!" Nyx called out to her. But, by that point, Derpy was long gone. "Why do I have to be involved with this production? Is it because I'm related to Luna?"

"If you want, I can take over for you."

"Shut up, Nyx!" Nyx shouted. One second later: "Wait, what!?"

Author's Note:

Eh. I liked this better then my other attempts. And I needed to update something that wasn't Past HELP!. Maybe next I can get around to finishing Vinyl Crosses Abbey Load and Into The Blender Of Two Minds... But probably not.

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