• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 1,768 Views, 37 Comments

Understanding Eternity - Angel

The year's 7510, and Celestia and Luna are still here.

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Understanding Eternity

Understanding Eternity

Understanding Eternity

The year is 7510, thousands of years after the mane six died.. Princesses Luna and Celestia are still here, still ruling, still immortal. They've seen many, many things. Many more things that nopony could hope to see in his or her lifetime. Much like Twilight Sparkle, the princesses have adopted many apprentices over the long years, each one growing up to be famous, or successful, or both. Mostly both. They've seen their rises to fame, their retirements or falls from grace, and their deaths. Each time was a tragedy in itself. They had forgotten the last apprentice in time for each death, until recent days.

The past few days, they’ve started remembering. Both of them. They withdrew themselves from the public, hiding in their rooms, barely talking to each other, let alone the rest of the world. Memories were slowly leeching back into their minds at first, but more and more to this day.

This day, Celestia was standing out on her balcony, admiring the twilight hour. The sun was slowly setting, giving way to the moon, the night. She looked down to Canterlot. Canterlot had grown exponentially in time, like every other city. Except for the castle. The castle didn't reflect the ultra-modern city that was Canterlot, instead being maintained but not upgraded for thousands of years, at the royal duo's personal request.

Celestia heard a quiet knock at her door. She knew the only person who dared knock on the door in her state, was the only other one sharing her feelings. Princess Luna.

"Come in", came the equally quiet response.

She slowly opened the door, walked over to the balcony, and joined her sister in thought. She also noticed something about Celestia. Their coats and manes had darkened a little. Celestia's once vibrant pink, blue and green mane had started turning black. Her coat was a light grey instead of a natural pure white. Luna noticed it on herself as well, though it was less noticeable since her coat and mane was dark blue.

"Celestia, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"About the past few days. About us."

They were silent for what seemed like a long time. Finally, Celestia broke the silence.

"Remember when we were just fillies, and we discovered we were immortal? That was the happiest day of my life..."

"I remember it well. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, being immortal. So many ideas in my head..."

Luna trailed off somewhat, leading to another period of silence. She also was the one to break the silence this time.

"Now, all I can think about is how much immortality seems like a curse. Don't you agree?"

"I do. Whoever would have guessed?"

"Nobody could have guessed. Not until it was too late."

They resumed staring out at the sunset, the sun barely above the Canterlot skyline. Luna decided to retreat once more to her royal bedroom, leaving Celestia to her mind.

"All the ponies..." She muttered to herself.

"Everypony I've known. Everypony I've raised. And only Luna is left."

She began remembering and listing the most famous and prosperous of her protégés.

"Silent Star... Inferno Blaze... Twilight Sparkle..."

She paused at the mention of Twilight. Twilight Sparkle was without a doubt her favourite of her apprentice ponies. She was arguably the most famous and prosperous, having saved the entirety of the world from Discord and even Luna from her other self, Nightmare Moon. Celestia and Luna had a big debt to pay for that great deed, but the time never came. Celestia quietly shed a tear at the memory of losing Twilight. She had always put the needs of her friends before her own. She and her friends did the world a great many favours in their time. And all through their lives, they stayed friends. Their friendship amazed both Luna and Celestia sometimes. Their friendship amazed them most of all, in this time, when Celestia felt like she needed them all the most. Especially Twilight.

Celestia loved her like a daughter, despite her having her own parents. Twilight caught on, but she didn't mind, and neither did her parents. Her parents were incredibly proud of their special little girl. In their eyes, she was the perfect child. More than a parent could have asked for. Even the princesses of the entire world were impressed with her. That made them beam with pure pride.

Now, they were long dead, forgotten by even her distant offspring. Time can't keep track of everypony, and all memories faded with time. Only Luna and Celestia remembered.

Celestia didn't even notice Luna's stealthy approach, too busy crying for what once was.

"I heard you mention Twilight Sparkle." She said evenly.

"My most faithful student..." Celestia managed to choke between tears, as she composed herself.

"She was impressive. I don't know where we would be without her."

"She certainly was. What would I have done without such a special pony like her."

"It's such a shame that the ponies of today don't know the names of her and her friends."

"I... I miss her. All these years, and I can say for sure is that she was special. I say that to all the ponies I teach, but I... I didn't know how much that meant when I told her..."

Celestia's voice was cracking, and she was close to tears. Luna was feeling what Celestia felt was well.

"Calm down, Celestia. That was thousands of years ago. We can't bring her back."

Celestia silently nodded in agreement. She knew that fact all too well.


The moon was fully out by now, and it wasn't helping Celestia's mood at all.

"Just sleep, my dear sister. I know you prefer sleeping during the night. Let me enjoy my creation, and you can enjoy yours when it's time.”

"...Thank you Luna. I-I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night sister" She said as she trotted out of the royal bedroom. Celestia crawled into bed slowly and descended into the clutches of a nightmare.

She was having nightmares more and more frequently, brought on by the sudden wave of memories. Nightmares that even Luna couldn't control. They both sub conscientiously knew they needed to stick together, even if they didn't show it. After the nightmare was over, Luna quickly joined Celestia to comfort her in her dreams.

"I saw you struggling with another nightmare. What was it about this time?"

"...Twilight. I saw her. Along with everyone else I've tutored."

Luna cocked an eyebrow, her interest rising with every word.

"They... they abandoned me. Twilight turned her back, and they all followed. She..."

Celestia frowned. She never thought 'her most faithful student' was capable of such a thing, even in nightmares. Luna couldn't help but notice.

"You know, there's always that one spell.”

Celestia was shocked at Luna even thinking of using that spell.

"We can't! Don't you remember what happened last time!?"

"I do, but that was a different pony. Granted, he was talented in magic, but he didn't have the power of two princesses, now did he?"

Celestia's conflicting emotions were overwhelming her thoughts. She couldn't believe that Luna would bring that up, couldn't believe she made a very good argument, and she couldn’t believe that she was seriously considering it.

"But, what if it goes wrong? Who knows what could happen?"

"I guarantee nothing will go wrong. I'll make sure of it."

Luna could tell Celestia was sceptical, but she kept going anyway.

"Remember how much raw magical power was needed? He was just one pony, and he couldn't make it work. But we're different. The Elements gave us all the power we could have asked for. We can do it!"

'Oh...Okay. But please. Make sure nothing goes wrong. Please!"

"Fear not, sister. I know everything that needs to be done."

"I-I'll see you in the morning... little sister."

"Likewise, big sister."

And with that, Celestia woke up. It was time for sunrise, almost the perfect hour for performing the spell. When the sun and moon were equally high in the sky, when Luna and Celestia's magical powers were equal. Celestia used her magic to set the sun in motion and begin the twilight hour again.

Celestia received a fright after Luna walked in without even knocking.

"Morning sis!" She said, unusually cheerily, given recent events.

"Are you ready to perform the spell?”

Celestia just sighed. She still couldn't believe what was happening. In the end, she just nodded shyly.

"I understand how hard this is, but this is the only way. You must realise...?"

Pause. Celestia knew it deep down. She understood what Luna was implying all too well.

"I do." She eventually whispered.

"Let's go. We don't have much time."


Celestia followed Luna to a clearing at the edge of Canterlot in secret, mindful of any pony asking questions about their sudden 'disappearance'.

"I went ahead and prepared everything." Luna said somewhat proudly, on the way to the clearing.

Celestia just nodded.

They reached the plain without another word spoken between them.

"Let's just get this over with" said Celestia, trying desperately to fight her emotions.

Celestia and Luna's horns lit up simultaneously, glowing brightly with magic. They focused all their effort into the one spell that would make everything better, though they couldn't truly know until it happened.

Their horns were glowing brighter and brighter, and just before their exhaustion made their legs give way, their horns flashed incredibly brightly, and a bolt of white lightning hit the ground meters in front of them, and the moon took over the sun, forming a solar eclipse. Celestia had to shield her eyes from the pure light for a few seconds. When she opened her eyes, what she saw hit her like a train. Standing on a large scorch mark, in the exact centre of where the lightning hit, was none other than Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia was known for her poker face, but even she couldn't hide the emotions coursing through her very being at the moment. She just couldn't believe the spell worked, seemingly without any problems whatsoever.

"P-Princess? Princess Celestia?" Twilight stuttered, equally confused.

"Twilight... Sparkle..."

Celestia was at a loss for words. She didn't know whether or not Twilight remembered her death. It would be harder to explain everything if Twilight didn't remember her death.

Twilight was also at a loss for words. She noticed Canterlot in the distance, but she couldn't believe it. Everything was different. Everything was so very, very different. She wasn't sure if it was Canterlot, but her instinct told her it was, considering Celestia rarely left Canterlot.

"B-But... I... I died... How...? A-And where's... Princess Luna?"

Celestia was about to say 'she's right here', when she turned her head and saw Luna on the ground a few meters back, having been sent flying by the spell. Both ponies rushed to her side, desperately trying to snap her out of whatever sent her flying backwards.

"Sister...! Are you OK?!"

"Princess Luna!"

No reply. Twilight pressed an ear to Luna's chest.

"She... She isn't breathing..."

Celestia was dumbfounded. She was assured the spell would work perfectly, but her arrogance cost her, her life. The solar eclipse was a sign than Luna was dead, not from the spell working. A single tear emerged from Celestia's eye, and gently rolled down her face, before dropping to the ground. Her coat was a mild grey now, and there was barely any colour in her mane.

She remembered all the good times they had, all the fond memories of them together. Especially the moment when Luna was freed from Nightmare Moon by Twilight and her friends.

"Um... Princess... How did this happen?"

Celestia sighed. She knew Twilight would ask questions eventually. She was a very smart pony, after all. But despite knowing this, she dreaded the moment.

"Follow me back to the castle, Twilight. I'll explain on the way."

Celestia levitated Luna's body into the air, and both ponies walked the path Celestia and her sister walked from the castle, careful to avoid any of her subjects. She was explaining everything to Twilight as they walked, her faithful student listening intently. Twilight was finding it harder and harder to comprehend, the more she was told. At the castle gates, Celestia approached a guard, still holding Luna's body via magic.

"Please make sure my sister... receives a proper burial. I have... business to attend to."

The guard's face went blank after he heard Luna was dead.

"O-of course, my p-princess."

Celestia summoned more guards to help with the heavy lifting, then turned her attention back to Twilight. She hadn't revealed the most important details yet. They continued walking to the castle, and when they reached the door, Celestia had just finished explaining everything. Twilight snapped.

"And that, is all I know."

"Wait! You mean to tell me, that all of my friends are dead!? They died thousands of years ago!?"

Celestia was taken aback by Twilight's sudden outburst. She didn't remember Twilight being like this, and it hurt. She also guessed, judging by the same outburst, that Twilight didn't remember her friends dying. Truth is that Twilight didn't, since they lived longer then she did. That only made it worse for both her and Celestia.

"Yes... It's all true..."

'Well... WHY!? Why would you do this to me!?"

Celestia searched her brain desperately for answers, but nothing came up. Twilight was almost crying from rage.

"Please..." Celestia began, but it was no use.

Twilight broke down crying, unable to take it all. She stormed out of the castle and into the clearing, tears streaming down her cheeks as she ran. Celestia only felt remorse for her, and anger at herself for not thinking about the consequences sooner. She only wanted to apologize to her faithful student, but she realised she needed time to think to herself. It was still morning, so she would wait an hour or two before beginning her search.

Past the clearing, and into a forest. Celestia hadn't chased after, so Twilight thought it was safe to take a break here in the forest and gather her thoughts.

The same question was running rampant in her mind. The same question she had asked back at the castle. Why. That was all she wanted to know. Then, suddenly it hit her. She was nobody in this strange time and place, having not existed for thousands of years. She knew nobody, didn't know where she was, she didn't have a single cent to her name.

With this sudden revelation, Twilight knew there was only one option left. She slowly closed her eyes; shed just one more tear, and her horn lit up with magic.


Celestia was impatiently pacing up and down her room. She knew it was a lot for one young pony to handle, but she wasn't faring much better. Her impatience finally got the better of her, and she dashed out of the castle, past the clearing, and into the forest.

It took some time for Celestia to find Twilight, but when she did, her jaw dropped. Twilight was lying on her belly near a tree, motionless. Her horn was faintly glowing with magic, indicating one thing.

Twilight Sparkle, her most faithful student, was dead. Again. She used her magic to take her own life, unable to cope with it all. Celestia bowed her head as she approached the lifeless body.

"My most faithful student... Twilight Sparkle... I am so, so sorry... I... I..."

Celestia burst out crying by the tree and Twilight's body. Celestia lied down next to her favourite student, and poured her heart out at both past and present events, most notably Luna's and Twilight's deaths.

Celestia cried and cried. She cried for upwards of half an hour. Celestia was grateful some time later, because no one noticed her. After she felt like she could cry no more, she stood up, and willed her horn to cast one simple spell. She summoned a shovel, and began to dig.

She dug a grave deep enough to hold Twilight's body, and filled it up, consigning Twilight to an eternal rest in a foreign time, in an equally strange place. Celestia plucked a single purple rose from nearby, and laid it gently on the unmarked grave.

"Goodbye, my most faithful student. I'm sorry it had to turn out like this..."

And with that, Celestia turned around and slowly began her walk back to the castle. An unexpected storm was brewing because of Luna's death, and throughout the trip home, it began to rain. Harder and harder, the more Celestia walked. Lightning shot down from the heavens as the weather ponies desperately tried to control the storm.


Meanwhile, Celestia had problems of her own. Despite being a princess, she had nothing. Nopony she could relate to. No more friends and family left. The storm reflected her mood, as her thoughts slowly turned from depression, to resentment. She resented herself for allowing herself to be persuaded by Luna to attempt the spell, and letting herself get killed. She resented herself for successfully performing the spell, and bring Twilight to the present, instead of where and when she belonged. She belonged in her time, thousands of years ago, back in Ponyville, her original resting place of choice, with her friends and family.

She also resented herself for telling Twilight everything, even though there wasn't any other option. She realised it was all her fault. Everything happened because of her, and she hated it.

Once Celestia reached the castle, she was bombarded by questions and comments from ponies who heard about Luna's death. Many ponies tried to offer their condolences at Luna's deaths, but Celestia ignored them as she marched towards her room. Several guards noticed she was worse off than normal, her coat now a dark grey, her mane and tail almost black. They alerted the Vice Chancellor, who was currently in charge because Celestia wasn't ready.

Celestia was in her room when the Vice Chancellor reached the door. Inside, Celestia simply heard knocking on the door.

"Go away..." She said softly.

"Princess! We need to talk," came the reply.

"Please... I don't want to talk..."

"But there's something wrong! All the guards have been noticing, and I've heard more than a few comments from your subjects. Please Princess, let me help you."

Celestia carefully measured her words.

"You can't understand what I've gone through."

"I know that, but you can't stay shut up in your room forever!"

That last comment, can't stay in your room forever, rattled her to her core. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

The Vice Chancellor banged and hammered the door, trying to get it open, only to realise it was locked from the inside. He had virtually no hope of getting in, because he remembered Celestia had requested the strongest locks ever made for her and her sister's rooms after the Nightmare Moon incident.

Celestia finally managed a simple "Go away". The Vice Chancellor was taken aback by Celestia's recent change in mood and attitude, but she was right. He couldn't possibly understand what she went through, what she was feeling. He remembered that Celestia was over 7000 years old, and she had known Luna all her long life. He thought it best not to disturb her anymore so he said "Good day", and walked away, to tend to the country's many grieving ponies.

Celestia turned her attention away from the pony outside door, and turned to the balcony to stare at the sky. It was twilight hour again, but the moon hadn't shown itself yet. Everypony knew this was because Luna was dead, and Celestia had to take over the role, because if she didn't who would? Celestia realised, and set the moon on its course, and immediately remembered back to this morning's twilight hour. When everything was starting to turn around, only to take Luna with it, as well as Twilight.

She also remembered back to last night's twilight, when Luna had her spectacularly crazy idea. She couldn't have guessed just how crazy it was, until it was too late.

It was then, she realised what it meant to be un-ageing, to be immortal, to live forever. She was beginning to understand the concept of eternal life. There truly wasn't anything good, coming out of being immortal. Everyone she knew was dead. There was no way of them coming back.

She understood how significant time was, and how insignificant it was when you were immortal. She was over 7000 years, after all.

"Immortality is a curse" She said aloud to nopony in particular.

"Time holds no sway, nor meaning, when you're immortal."

"Everyone I ever loved is dead. There is no way to bring them back..."

Celestia's mood was dampening even more as she spoke her thoughts.

"I tried to change what was, but it came with a heavy price."

"My foolishness cost my sister her life."

"I can't go back. Because immortality is a curse."

"Every day, I wish I wasn't immortal."

She was close to tears, but she didn't care.

"Most young ponies dream of being immortal. I dream of living a normal life."

"No matter how hard I try, I can't have a family. I can't have friends. Because they'll all die. Except me."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she felt the need to continue, though she knew no one was listening, the princess continued, hoping somepony might listen and learn the lessons she learnt the hard way.

"What was I thinking, when I accepted the roll of princess?"

"My loyal subjects will never know how much my sister and I sacrificed."

"My life was never the same... That one fateful day..."

She silenced herself. There was no way to go back from being immortal. Celestia was doomed to live this life sentence, forever, and she knew it. She also knew there was one fail safe spell. One that would make it all go away, but it would plunge the kingdom of Equestria into chaos. But could she really...?

"No. I can't do it anymore. I..."

She frowned. So many conflicting thoughts. So many emotions. It was unbearable. She never knew such powerful emotions in her long life. And she never did want to again.

Still crying, she lifted her head and gazed at the moon for a second. And she let her horn light up with magic.

And it was all over.

Comments ( 37 )

"She knew that fact all to well." - too
"The guard's face wen't blank after he heard Luna was dead." - went
"And she lit let horn light up with magic." - Something is wrong with this sentence... :trixieshiftright:

I can count the number of stories that have brought tears to my eyes on one hand :pinkiesad2: This is one of them
a.deviantart.net/avatars/f/r/freeinternetplz.jpg a.deviantart.net/avatars/e/p/epicbadge1plz.gif a.deviantart.net/avatars/e/p/epicbadge2plz.gif


Thank you so much for your support. It's nice to know someone cares enough to correct my mistakes. Also, I can't find the "She knew that fact all to well". Little help, please?

"Calm down, Celestia. That was thousands of years ago. We can't bring her back."

Celestia silently nodded in agreement. She knew that fact all to well.


The moon was fully out by now, and it wasn't helping Celestia's mood at all.

Thanks! It's all fixed.

That was just... amazing... This needs more views! It was perfectly written and had a great emotional impact. I loved it, so why on't other people... I SHALL ENDORSE!

Thank you. I'm trying to get it submitted to EqD.

faving this so I won't forget about it...but I jsut got off of a spree of tearjerkers and I'm not ready for another

dear lord...that went waaaaaay too fast to bring me to tears, but it came damn near close

hehehe..hahahahaha...AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S PERFECT THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!! I can't thank you enough Angel AHAHAHAHAHA!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Are you laughing or crying?

732783 Sad and tragedy fics makes me happy, I love to see ponies suffer. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

If you love to see ponies suffer, then bronyism might not be right for you.

734172 Don't misunderstand me, I love the show it's just that I like it when the worst case scenario happens. :twilightsmile:

You are truly strange, but judging by your initial reaction, you liked the story a whole lot?

738524 This is how much I liked it. Even if you don't do sad stuff anymore it's a great job.

Thanks for the compliment!

738571 Dark Colt Sabata
I know that guy, he's my friend.
So, can I ask you a question:
Do you have skype or MSN?

No, why do you ask?

It's stories like this that make reading worthwhile.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

I'm incredibly glad to hear this! Thanks for taking time to leave a comment!

(After returning to FiMFiction, I'm feeling inspired! Be sure to watch for and read my other stories!)

1699566 This story deserves much, much more attention than it has received!

:ajsleepy:Ehh... seemed rushed and there was no real emotion behind it. i could see this as having great potiential but.... there was no heart to it. Sorry.

I tried.. thanks for the feedback anyway,

Suicide is always the answer I would say.

Good story, fave'd it.

733236 you should read Luna's lunacy just saying Nightmare moon screws every pony to death. then theirs another one that is basically another where immortality is seen to screw you in the face called Our Last Goodbye, then finally if your ok with rape then you can read about twilight an her friends getting owned by dragons in Dragon's Tragedy.:rainbowwild: think you can keep up with the evil and still laugh?

suicide is only the answer to those who cant find their own way out of a problem. immortality is easily fixed when you figure out how to cherish being a loner. or you can remove memories of the past and record them in outside devices for later use that way you don't suffer from the painful memories:twilightsmile:. their are many outs to the pain she just chose the more permanent solution.

1707786 alrighty then tell me what you think once you've read them. cheers:twilightsmile:

I just now noticed that this story has both the 'Sad' & 'Tragedy' tags, which are mutually exclusive and they ask authors not to label stories with both...though it doesn't seem like they enforce it...?
Sad is just a good tear-jerker. You know little Timmy's dog gets hit by a car, or X pony comes down with an incurable disease.
Ex. The Unread Letter

Tragedy is when your (main) character's life is torn apart around them, usually because of their own failings or shortcomings - a true, classic Tragedy will always end with them worse off than when they began.
Ex. TAC: The Fall (Yes, this is a shameless plug...)

From what I have read here, this is a good, classic Tragedy. Celestia looses everything and in a fit of despair, ends it all.

Wow.. thanks for letting me know!

1715689 No problem... :raritywink:
I really liked that ending, by the way. A little dark, but completely believable! :eeyup:

Trust me, unbelievable was what I was going for!

Oh my god , that was ................. HORRIBLE !!!!!! OH PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!!! I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND U !!! I once had a nightmare where I had gone into a 500 year coma, It was horrid, I woke up in the middle of the night and cried myself back to sleep ......... All my friends and family were gone…… D)

Okay, this is old and you're not around any more, but... this just doesn't convince as being the Celestia I know. She seems to be prepared to throw the whole of Equestria into chaos to get away from the pain she's herself caused through her idiotic idea.

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