• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 2,439 Views, 47 Comments

For-never Alone - Troypony

Is Discord the only Draconequus? Or are there others?

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New Pranks, New Fun

It had been a couple days after his imprisonment, but Discord had found a way to keep himself entertained, and to keep his mind off things that had been popping up. Mainly the eviction of his race from Equestria. To make it worse, it was his entire fault, but he didn't want to try to think about that now. Now, he wanted to test out his new mind trick. All he had to do was wait until the ponies began to come out, and the fun could begin!

He didn't have to wait for too long, as some early birds began arriving early in the morning.

Time to try out my new addition to my bag of tricks, he thought. His first victim was none other than Soarin the Wonderbolt, most likely out for some early training. He was all alone, which was only going to make it all the more perfect. Discord waited until he was close enough (only for a better view), and started thinking. That's all he really needed to do, as long as he was making sure that he was thinking "towards" the nearby stallion. It was quite hard to describe it, but it almost seemed like a juvenile trick, something foals tried to do when they were "mind-reading". Except, he was sending thoughts, not reading them. Sounds simple, but most other creatures would be incapable of performing it, only stuck on the receiving end. Soarin was one of these creatures. The only ponies capable of such being alicorns and some stronger unicorns. Twilight, for example.

As for the nature of the thoughts...well, let's just say they were some more "suggestive" thoughts of a certain captain of the Wonderbolts team. One Soarin just HAPPENED to have a crush on.

Soarin's reaction was immediate. He became flustered as red as a beet, embarrassed that he could think of such things. After almost turning himself from blue to red, and so fast that a chameleon would've been proud, he rushed off and took to the air, hoping that no one had seen him.

Too bad for him, as Discord saw the whole thing. If he could've, he would have laughed so loudly that the ponies in Ponyville would have heard him! His lungs and vocal chords were frozen, however, and he could only laugh mentally. He hadn't had so much fun since Ponyville had been his plaything! He wanted more, oh so much more! Lucky for him, the day had only just begun...


It was almost sundown, and Discord was replaying the day's events in his head for the sixth time already. He just couldn't get enough of all of the thoughts he had shoved into other ponies' minds. He never knew something like this could ever be so much fun! If ONLY he had known about this power sooner...

It had been very fun for him indeed. There had been multiple mind tricks in that day; even ones that Discord had forgotten already and probably wouldn't get a kick out of until he remembered them tomorrow. The REAL fun began when he learned of another trick he had. Any place he had seen before could be brought up again from any angle, any height, almost like viewing the world as a deity. This allowed him to view the entirety of Canterlot, turning everypony into his puppet. Using his new "puppets", today's events consisted mainly of other ponies causing chaos, each performing its own role. Some causing fear, some humor, and some pure randomness. All of it ending and coming together in a riot about chocolate milk, and how the glass should be drank and not the milk itself. And Discord got a front seat, relatively speaking. The whole event was marvelous in his eyes. The whole thing being performed by the uptight Canterlot ponies made it all the better!

Sure, some of them went a little overboard, like when he forced a pony to hide in his house after being convinced that "the end was neigh", scaring him so badly he didn't take a step outside, or when he broke up a couple by convincing the mare that her coltfriend was cheating on her, effectively separating them. That one had been an accident, he wasn't even aiming at them. Or even trying to break up two ponies, for that matter. He WAS trying to separate a stallion from one of possessions, so he could try to use it as some sort of symbol for the chocolate milk riot, but had completely gone off track when he noticed a couple sitting on a bench not too far away, to distracted by each other's presence to care about the chaos in the horizon. Then the thought sent, straight into the young mare's brain, and she grew an immediate hatred for her ex-coltfriend. After smacking him so hard that it made him bleed, she galloped away from the poor, broken soul.

Discord didn't feel so happy anymore. Why did he keep hurting everyone he met!? He's just trying to have a little fun in a boring world! What's so bad about spicing up the life of some ponies? Maybe just the way he thought of it wasn't correct? Maybe his idea of fun is every other pony’s idea of suffering? Did he deserve this stone prison? The Elements sure did think so. They did put him here, right? It still wasn't working, though. He had hurt his own race when "alive", and now he's hurting another race in "death".

Discord couldn't think anymore. His mind was reeling with this internal war happening inside him, and he just couldn't think of anything else. Was he really, beneath everything, a monster? He sure looked like one, and he just proved to himself that he acted like one, what else was needed? He had all the evidence he, or anypony, needed to prove that. He deserved this, and he shouldn't make it worse for himself with the torturing of other innocent ponies. What else was he supposed to do, though?

Discord threw that thought away. "I don't care what it is", he thought. "Whatever it is, it's much better than what I had done today!"

"Well, Discord. I hope you're happy!"

That was not Discord's voice, not like he could speak anyway. Instead, Celestia had appeared before him undetected, most likely when he had been contemplating his actions.

"I'm very disappointed with you, Discord. Even in your new prison, you can't even give up chaos. You even managed to destroy most of Canterlot with that riot! I mean, chocolate milk? How could I not guess it was you behind it? Along with the town, you also destroyed some of the ponies internally, too! When will your reign of terror end? Have you no heart, you MONSTER!?"

Discord flinched at the use of that word. She had just given more evidence for a closed case, along with evidence he already knew. Like giving more evidence to a closed case. Discord was brought back to Celestia, who had significantly calmed down and composed herself.

"I still think I can change you, however. As we speak, I have a couple of new statues coming here, mainly castle decorations. Although, I'm sure you would like to have one of these put in the garden with you, so you can have at least SOMETHING to do besides terrorize my subjects! But you must excuse me, as I'm sure I have some royal duties to attend to. It's been nice having this one-sided conversation, Discord."

And with that, she was off again. No need for any threatening thoughts, even though they were in order. Discord was just unable to think of doing something like that. Maybe because it was the fact that Celestia was going to start putting statues up in her castle, like some sort of trophy! That was almost too sickening for him. He still had no idea why she was doing all of this. It wasn't like her, as far as he knew. There just wasn't something right here.

Why would Twilight even agree to do something like this? Did they all just hate him so badly that they thought this to be an appropriate punishment? He didn't think so. They didn't seem to hate his race, only him. Then, why even agree to do something like this at all? He couldn't make sense of it all!

Then he thought back to something Celestia said. Would there really be someone else here with him? A Draconequus? Hopefully it wouldn't be someone who knew him well; he didn't wish to feel the pain of hatred from one of his good friends...

Ah, who WAS he kidding. He wasn't always very favored among his race, thanks to his love of pranks. And he knew other race than the Draconequus, so who better to prank? Unfortunate for him, his "clan", as they called it, didn't look upon that fondly, and "discharged" him from the clan. Least to say, he woke up one morning to find the rest of the camp, food, supplies, and the Draconequus gone. Being forced into the wild alone only fueled his anger, which had been used during his first tangle with the princesses.

Life had been good then, with his original clan. Carefree, fun, and an excellent time to practice his chaos creating. He seemed to be the only Draconequus who cared about such things, but he could care less. All he cared for at the time was revenge and hatred, which he could care less about now. If only he could go back to his old life...

But now he could never go back, not while he could technically be considered a traitor. No, his life as he knew it was over. He would live in a world that despised him, a world filled with nothing but hatred. No one would care about him, or even remember who he was! Worst of all, there wouldn't be his favorite thing for him.


Discord did something he hadn't done since he was little. He cried. Or, at least felt so bad that he would've. He had fallen into a depression where he knew he was truly, truly alone. No one cared, and no one ever would. He was a monster, in every definition of the word. He could not be redeemed, no monster could. He was to remain this way until the rock that held him eroded away, thus causing his death and ending this nightmare.

Poor Discord, as a stone imbued with life, such as his, could not fade as he wished it to. Thus, forcing him to never die, and to never truly live.